Tuesday, March 11, 2025

HH castigates PF Government for failing to liberalize airwaves


United Party for National Development, UPND president Hakainde Hichilema
United Party for National Development, UPND president Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National Development, UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has castigated the PF government for what he termed as failure to liberalize the airwaves to facilitate for expanded coverage areas of radio stations and private television stations.

Appearing last night on Mobi TV’s open forum, Mr. Hichilema charged that the PF government’s delay in liberalizing the airwaves is betrayal to the voters because they promised in their campaign messages to do so as soon as they get into office.

He said the media should not be fooled by statements from government that it is committed to liberalizing the airwaves and also to enacting the freedom of information bill saying the PF government could have done so within its first 90 days if indeed they were committed.

He said the PF government went ahead to rename airports and other structures as well as form districts without discussing with anyone adding that this should have been the case with liberalizing the airwaves.

He said the PF government should show some support for the media by immediately liberalizing the airwaves so that all private media houses can go nationwide.

Mr. Hichilema said UPND is of the view that all media houses should have nationwide coverage and that the only factor that should hinder this should be the media houses’ capital and not government’s grip on rights to the airwaves.

Lately Mr Hakainde has stepped up his attack on the PF Government. On Saturday, The UPND leader said that Zambia needed leaders who should inspire confidence. Mr. Hichilema said that the current developments being undertaken in the Patriotic Front left much to be desired.

Mr Hichilema observed that President Sata failed to inspire a lot of people because of his leadership style. Mr. Hichilema accused the president of not living up to the promises that were made during the campaigns. He also said that the president lied to the Zambians on many things when he assumed the office of the presidency.

Mr. Hichilema said that the windfall tax and the constitutional making process were some of the issues that the president made when he was still in opposition, but has failed to deliver in the time frame he promised



  1. When is this baffoon going to stop refering to 90 days everyday as though that is the only bone of contention in the PF govt. As a leader of the third opposition party, I would like him to talk about education,agricultural , maufacturing policies, etc for the next 5 years. HH is really getting cheaper and cheaper by the day. We need strong opposition to foster checks and balances but all we hear is everything promised should have taken place in 90 days. No wonder Milupi and Chipimo are getiting more attention.

    • ” When is this baffoon going to stop refering to 90 days everyday as though that is the only bone of contention in the PF govt. ”

      I agree. Right now, the only thing the PF knows to do is ‘oppose’.

      They had a chance to be part of the government, but they simply used it to antagonize the PF. Then they wanted to do a deal with the MMD, whose neoliberal ‘ideology’ they share.

      So how is the UPND going to guard the Zambian ownership of Zambian property? They are not, they are just going to give everything to the lowest bidder for a bribe.

      They have no integrity, and I think HH should just leave politics, until he finds his direction. The old neoliberal ideology (free trade for transnational corporations, deregulation and privatisation) is dead.

  2. Sata is a man who can not be trusted, he has made alot of u- turns since the time he assumed office. He is fighting corruption with the left hand while embracing it with the right hand. Sata is even worse than RB. As soon as Zambians become objective in electing a leader HH will be the best man for presidency. HH fight on we the patriotic Zambians are behind. Shame to pf blind followers. Viva HH

    • Kayombo: Ngachili? We need data, not mere bla bla bla bla! PF this, PF that: HH yeah, HH ya! We know you support HH, but give us data on what he is worth as a leader.

  3. This man is totally useless. sta was not god to be able to reverse MMD ills in 90 days. That is why we have campaigns. Laeders declare intentions and if it is possible it happens but it does not mean you are a liar. Equally, when a man is getting married, he promises his wife to be that he will love her and till death do they part. Those are his best intentions. So it is not necessarily that he is lying but he expresses hope. It is neither’s fault in the future if they grow apart and divorce. The campaign period is the courting and honeymoon phase.

    • I beg to differ with your analysis. If you say you will do something, you have to go ahead and do it. Dont promise what you cannot fulfil. Even the Bible says that is a sin. That is why the Bible is not for divorce. Because you promise to be with that person till death does you part. PF shouldn’t have promised 90 days if they were not sure its possible. Now that they didn’t deliver, the denied the electorate what was promised and that is why they are being castigated. I hope you are not married. You need to reflect more on this issue. Your ideas on marriage are scary to say the least. 

  4. Why did this farmer, leave the pact if he wanted to be advising PF? Wait until your party forms government to impliment your policies. Farming and politics are different. If you had foresight and wisdom this time, you should have been veep. PF has it’s own manifesto to follow and time for compaigning ended on 20 th Sept.,2011. Let PF do it’s work, without your baseless aquements.

  5. HH that is the way to go! speak for the voiceless, speak for the poor, speak for the vulnarable. Zambia is not for sale. We the Zambian people we are not accept to be fooled by an ever lying president. Sata is one of the most corrupt men in Zambia. He has been tried before & found wanting. Sata has no development agenda for Zambia whatsoever but just witch hunting & promoting division in the country. Let Sata admit that he has failled & resign.

  6. Sata has simply Failled to run the country, probably if Sata was a farm before joining politics he would have managed to do something for Zambia but all the man knows to do is politicking, no vission at all. We praise HH for deciding to leave the pact, HH could have been the VP yes, but he has provide to the Zambian people that he is not in politics for the sake of power but to serve to the Zambian people. HH we salute you for your integrity.HH you are the material of a leader we need, a leader who cant be bought or sold but true to the misson. 2016 iam voting for HH. HH stand up for Zambia.

  7. Ba HH bushe nimwe bacitile promise pakuti mufulwe? Sata z not under 5. Nibashikulu aba,bakucaya “John Cena”. Hehehehe,Don’t Kubeba. Start thinking man,bashikulu can’t honor yo wishes. He neva said that he gona give u freedom of decapaigning him. We know that that’s what interests u so much in PF’s mandate of improving & Libaralizing the public media. What u hav 2 know z dat,what we wanted was bashikulu mu state house not u.

  8. @ Kapoma, Pf has no manifesto for Zambia @ all. The only thing they have done within their 90 days messianic promise is to set up alot of equerries of commissions & renaming airports. We need econimic development, our currency is going down every day, unemploymeny is raising, health care pathetic, quality of life no hope. Sata & his pf start working otherwise hsa already provide that he cant do better than RB he is persecuting.

  9. An under grade 5 is worse off than an under 5. I think Sata has lived his useful life us such he is a liability to the Zambian government very short sigted. We need a vissionary leader not a liar. Viva HH Zambia banks on you.

  10. HH that is the way to go, we need checks & balances, let Sata be remainded of his lies. All we need is to see pf stop majoring in manors & start delivering to the Zambian people or admitt they have failled.

    • I doubt because me ,my wife and my six children will never ever vote for PF again as we are the most disapointed family. Firthermore many are the other families that feels like us . Elo ngatwabikapo na aba mwatamfya amacito, likely pf will never enjoy the same support it had .

      Especially that now we fully know that pf=mmd then we will be more wise.

  11. HH now u are making me to wonder if u turn off your brain b4 saying something…honest how long has PF being in govt 4 u to blame pf govt for failing to liberalize airwaves , is that something tht can be done in 90 days

  12. I begin to think that HH could do better than Sata. my only worrie is his stance on tribalism which i feel might follow him As for sata tribal indication just happenend by coincidence but with HH it has been his campaigning stance. that aside, HH, Miyanda and those other young stars so called dreamers and talkatives could have done better than sata. Sata is a Historic site in the eyes of politics Bwezani might be better had it not been for his greed.

  13. no one in this world will take HH seriously in this time around bcoz we know him in and out but only his tribe mates.keep it up boy and see if yo tribal way of speaking and doing things will help you.after all what poor pipo are u talking about? say he is talking for some tongas who likes listening to him even if he is talking rubish.

    • The only tribalist here is you, how did you come up with that in the first place?? Think before you speak even when HH speaks sense everyone condemns him

  14. Tongas always rates themseves very high. …HH is no different ..Instead of opting to be VP to Sata, He wanted to be the main man…So he is king of Mazabuka..

    • stupid boy dont talk about tribes iwe kacibemba ka mu town learn to appreciate respect other tribes u re the fools who are frastrating national unity how old are u? foolish town bemba dont let me hate my bemba friends cikala iwe wabipa ukulanda………uliciyanga cipati munyika sunu

  15. Kapoma yes HH is a farmer and a highly educated person.
    He is the one who is feeding you right now because you bembas the only thing you no is stealing .you do not know farming.
    The meat you are enjoying in zambia comes from hhs area .please do not insult the person who is feeding your belly.
    .all you bembas one day you will go and langiush in northern province where you do chitemene .lazy people you are.

  16. HH you have promised your tonga tribal party, you would win the elections for them, get into state house and appoint tongas to key posts————But alas 3 elections you have been REJECTED. And to think you can still open your mouth, Please stop lying to these tongas that you shall win in 2016, PF is in govt till 2031, by which time you will be an old man O A P HH 3 rejections should tell you that zambian people will never ever vote for you. what excuse are you gonna use after you fourth REJECTION?? that it my wife,s and all them tonga women for loving bemba Dons

    • iwe kabwa stop comenting like a boy sory how old are you? you sound unwise and foolish bemba don stupid thief preach unity for zambians u tribalist stupid charp

  17. Sata cannot and will not Develop Zambia. He is too dull to do that. PF has not enough competent people to begin the kinds of transformation that is needed to move this nation forward. HH would have been a far superior leader than what we currently have. We need men and women who have been exposed to success in the Developed world. Not these Kambili’s and Kabova’s. It is a hopeless case. Forget about Zambia!!!

    • SDA sometimes its wiser to keep one’s mouth shut; Sata is the ELECTED PRESIDENT FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS – HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS WITH HIS PRESIDENCY, unless you can find cause to impeach him via constitutional means – BUT IF NOT, let him PRESIDE!!!!

  18. Everyone can see through neoliberalism, and understands that is just a transfer of the people’s wealth to the same old corporations that stole our wealth under colonialism.

    There is nothing the UPND has to offer to anyone. More of the same, diet-MMD, with a tribalist twist.

    The UPND a typically aimless ‘opposition party’ which only knows how to do one thing – oppose. Plus, HH has a tendency to mis-step and back the losing horse.

    • they can not understand him because he is a crook,he enriched himself using the money from the sale of parastatals in chiluba era.instead of him saying nonsense let him just disclose his real parents

  19. HH is right talking about the freeing airwaves. I commend him for the first time. Castigating sounds like a bad choice of a word whether attributable to HH or the reporter. One understands that some reporters may have limited vocabulary that prevents them from writing interesting articles. Zambian reporters should try to read stories published in other international media to appreciate the richness of vibes. Anyhow, digressing back to HH, he is filled with so much hate and tribalism to the extent that the two characteristics tend to choke his logic even when he does not mean to. While desiring to be critical of the PF government’s apparent deviation from campaign manifesto, he needs to be as objective as possible and advance more sensible ideas than mere raning for the sake of it. 

  20. #20, Seventh Day Adventist, how would you entrust a thief who made his money by diverting proceeds from the privatization of Luanshya Mine Assets? HH has no backbone to stand on. Moving forward, Zambians must start vetting candidates to ensure they were never involved in the plunder of the country’s wealth or even womanizing like Mutati. It is such a shame that the majority of Zambians have short memory. I believe out OP can effectively contribute to ensuring only credible individuals become leaders. So #20, shut your mouff if you have no brains and know nothing about HH’s past. HH has never defended allegations that he stole money when he was in charge of privatization. If he legitimately became wealthy, let him come out in the open and let us know how he did it.

  21. HH u r on the only 1 even in UNITED KINGDOM the opposition attack govt from day 1 on priminster’ questions, But PFmay be give a benefit of doubt its too early en we are Africans to that effect i havent lost hope myself.

  22. HH I forgive you, because the trueth is that you are still bitter about your shotsightednes and for losing the elections. You seem to walk even before you sit or craw. Think like a Man, Faka Bola pansi.

  23. Sata’s declaration of assets clearly shows the brain capability of this school drop out.
    Zambia’s education system will lower its standards to match the presidents I.Q.

  24. PF has been making media reforms, something RB’s MMD never did, yet this HH chose to go to bed with the MMD anyway, meaning whatever he is babbling about now is symptomatic of double-standards. We need media reforms, yes, but any rational person will see that PF has not been long enough in power, and they cant fix all the rot they inherited overnight. All this rot we are cryong about was inherited from the previous government. We all know that. Even this HH cannot fix these things in 90 days. Hate, anger, frustration. UPND under Mazoka was winning. Why is it failing under HH? Because HH does not have it, and thinking that the anti-establishment rebel image will win him sympathy is grossly mis-calculating the obtaining playing field. He is only getting support from other frustrated haters.

  25. #2, CRUEL MAN, for example, refers to PF as kaponyas, yet he is the one using vulgar language all over the place. What does that say about you Mr. CRUEL MAN? Hatred and anger and inconsiderate disrespect is all you seem to represent, and you expect to win like that? On the other thread you mentioned my pubic hairs. Is that not kaponya behaviour, when thinking fails? If you were hoping to annoy me you just got my pity instead. Happy New Year :)

  26. Tongas will never ever rule zambia and get it to your thick rotten heads that it will never happen.chalo chaba bemba.HH is fit to rule over the cows in monze lol

    • mwece ulicipuba saana and you are a careless citizen are you a zambian calo cababemba stupid congole iwe take care become responsible, recognise other tribes also with respect no prejudice,

  27. @ CHAPMAN: No need to worsen the tribal crisis. We won’t vote for HH, but lets not get tribal. Its about policy and capacity to deliver. We the people need to be together. We need each other as a nation, and we all deserve our share regardless of who’s in power.

  28. I’m neither Bemba nor Tonga but it pains me to see someone say Bembas this or Tongas that. I love you both.

  29. @Nigerian Info, I totally concure with you. This PF gov’t has no agenda for this country, as much as we appreciate the fight against corruption PF should implement what it had promised i.e. Windfall Tax, Constitution, more Jobs by attracting Foreign Direct Investment and not scare away investors through careless and unresearched pronouncements. Right now the Kwacha continues to depreciate and zambia being an import orientated country this simply translates to increase in cost of production and goods. I shudder to even think what this country will be in the next 2 years.Zambians be warned and vote wisely in 2016. God help us.

  30. I am Bemba but I have to appreciate good opposition when I see it. This is what we lack, issue driven opposition.

  31. Iam PF but over media freedom I agree with the Under-5. What’s stopping PF from liberalising the airwaves? Selfishness. They want only PF interests to be propagated.

  32. that asshole enriched himself using the money from the sale of parastatals,he is a tonga thief .instead of making noise let him just disclose his real parents.what kind of a man is never proud of his parents?how can we trust him to safeguard the interests of the nation

  33. HH has become more critical of PF. He is portraying hatred towards PF so openly that you can even see wrath and scorn on his face.

  34. Chakulamikalipafye lyonse, continue crying or if you want start your own campaign, let the BIG MAN rule without you talking all this non sense, you said the government is not commited to media reforms just the other day, they were launching Ethics media council without government interference, but you have decided to give a blind eye, HH be realistic go out and sale your party to all the regions Zambia is not southern Province, not this chaep politics everyday we are tired of you.

  35. Liberalization is not a one-off deed. Is HH in this country? Even if I said today as president that all TV and Radio Stations are free to go countrywide, do they have supportive infrastructure to enable them do the braodcast? Is ZICTA ready to issue frequencies? SO bwana HH it takes more than just saying liberalised! Under the previous govt, ZICTA has never been ready to issue frequencies for nationwide broadcast, so pliz with all due respect HH, chill and watch this space. If u see no progress within 6-12 monthns, then I will be the first one to support you on this. Keep fighting

  36. President HH,

    You are pushing an open door, the PF has made it clear on its position on media freedom and liberalising media waves. I listened to the Minister of Information and Tourism, Hon. Given Lubinda a few days ago stating the same things that you are saying, so am not sure they need castigating.
    It is also opposition politics to start be commending your colleagues and then point out what you think they can do further, otherwise you sound out of tune with the public. Did you see George Kunda on ZNBC castigating Government on commission of enquiry set up to investigate him, could you dream of that under MMD???

  37. What is tribal about privatizing airwaves? In a true democracy, people welcome opposition so that there checks and balances. Zambia is not a Kingdom. Sata is too much of a dictator. Just wait and see you Kaponyas. You will cry one day.

  38. Go go hh don’t listen to bemba dominated pf kaponyas, you are our man and we shall stand up for you no matter how Kambwili and his boss rattles. Sata is more a tribalist than any other politician while HH was tagged tribal by Sata and the Bembas as usual only see tribalism in people of other tribes but not in themselves. HH is very right in all his observations.

    • you are right man PF shows clear characteristics of tribalism especially watch the appointments iam sure even the president now is seeing it i know he just receives names proposed by stupid charps so go his eyes hope they dont lead him to be hated by other tribes because of their stupid advise

  39. HH is too advanced for Zambia no wonder when he talks people rush to insulting him because they do not understand his intelligence.I now understand why he could not work with PF. He is too sharp on policy than them.Lets wait and see the reaction from Kambwili and gang on this on all insults nothing else.

  40. Very fine indeed for an educated guy like HH to not know that PF is to rule for 5 years and not for 3 months. Zambians voted for Sata and PF to rule for 5 years and be assessed within this period of 5 years. HH, please waite for 2016 may be Zambians may vote for you if you change your boyish campaign to a mature one. Good luck dear HH.

  41. Hammer them HH.They will insult you but are actually scared of you.These fellaz have already duped zambians who feel cheated just for them to win elections.They do not want to be criticised and yet,they did worse criticism to the best president ever (LEVY).Were they disgruntled,hateful or tribal then?HH these are hypocrites who have no interest of Zambia at heart.They have a typical chawamira galu syndrome dont listen to them but speak everyday for poor Zambians out there.You more Zambian than some of these directionless and desperate people. continue compaigning because PF does not give us hopes and now will look forward to UPND in 2016.

  42. Some people are obsessed with the President. Sad. This is why when HH talks, say he will not be the President. What is the office of the President if when you leave office you are prosecuted for corruption like Rupiah and former president Chiluba. HH is doing what any opposition is supposed to do. Put the pressure on the ruling party to deliver. When that happens, all Zambians will be happy. Sata used to do the same when in opposition. People have short memories or just pretending. Sad.

  43. We needed a tough man like the cobra to repair our wrecked country,HH couldnt have managed what has been done so far,jst have patience Malume,Sata is not God.

  44. Zambian democracy is in its infancy for sure. Here is an opposition providing checks and balances, yet people insult him. Dont we want to have a strong opposition. The curse of Africa is having a ruling party with no opposition to check them. is that what people want. Let us thing Zambia first then political party first. All developed countries have strong opposition parties. Abuse is rife when the opposition is weak. power corrupts, remember.

  45. I tend to feel sorry for HH, if i had my way i would make him Presdo on several accounts, Stable , level headed , young . But unfortunatley the guy is Tonga , NOT popular and sadly all media houses ignore him. whether he is not news worthy i dont know , he just doesnt get along with any,

    • Bembas are drugging tongas into tribal comflicts guyz mind your commments, lets do this now bemba shall be our language in streets and let tonga be our language in offices really tonga now matter than ever before in the history of zambia, remember iwe kabwa buu nkwai why do you hate tongas are u a zambian kambo you fools from bush foolish just because u dont know tongas you become careless and hateful

  46. Tongaland will never win you the presidency as long as we are there you will never be president HH with your Tonga for life party

    • you are a child exposed too late, tonga is not a common or street language like bemba okay now be respectful and decide if anything change your tribe, politically

  47. #54 you are donkey of donkeys,.you are not God my friend.why dont you fear God if not the entire tribe.May GOD PUNISH YOU for this hatrage.You are danger to society.Wait until the defective constitution is fixed and see how you will eat your words.

  48. HH is just a disgruntled brat.No body would take this boy seriously.He has been rejected by the people of Zambia to be President.The best he can do is become a councilor in Magoye till 2026.He will bring down the UPND party and the best thing would be to allow Mrs Mazoka to lead the party because she has a better vision than this boy. A year ago, he accused RB of being corrupt and today he claims witch hunt.Sata will be President till the next election.The people of Zambia had spoken

  49. We may be of different opinions but HH is really crap. Milupi talks a lot of sense and he is development-oriented unlike this bitter brat called HH.I can not see him ever ruling the Republic of Zambia. No wonder people like VJ and Munkombwe have no time for his crap.HH should team up with George Kunda and Austin Liato and form a new party and get Dora Siliya as the Party Sec General and then work on developing Magoye. Late Mazoka should be turning in his grave when he looks at the clueless boy who has inherited the party.For the next 40 years UPND will only be popular in southern Province unless a visionary leader like the latee Mazoka comes up

  50. Why is HH worried about airwaves when he has the Zambia Watchdog where Tonga people can read about him? It is owned by his fellow Tonga so let them start selling it on the streets and see who is gonna buy it.At least the post is read in all corners of Zambia.The only people who blog on the watchdog are in the Diaspora and these people don’t vote.So their opinion is limited to the Diaspora. At least the LT is balanced as compared to that ZWD “Tonga Vuvuzela”.ZDM and Times of Zambia have really improved since the new GRZ came into power.The headline is never about the President as it was in the past

  51. Unfortunately, HH is less relevant the unknown MMD president, talk about being third best all your life!

  52. Come on people, its just been almost three months, though I think Government must concentrate more on building our nation. There is alot of unemployment in our country which results in poverty.
    Zambians lets not condemn, let us help government build our nation.

    • we can see dear nothing good for from ths government, just because u re mubanga foolish watch the list of appointments dear always from one region Nothern and bemba related

  53. I hope all you other tribes are watching the scene very careful, do you see what your partners in crime are saying after voting for their tribesman.

    Zambia needs very issued driven opposition, at last HH has stood up and is providing what Zambia lacked all along. MMD cannot provide that as they have never been in opposition. Sata is having a taste of his own medicine, the difference is Sata was talking about everything including looks on RB’s face, And HH is delivering the hope for the voiceless, poor, maginalised, hopeless, etc. Keep it HH, we all know you presidential material not that old sack we have. Viva HH Viva

  54. Sata will never be President and now you have changed Sata can not fufill his promises, fine will see where your Hungry Hyena will take you.

  55. civic education must attend to this problem tongas vs bembas both very influencial gasping for more influence each one, i suggest to the president to help unit these two giants any marriege wedding between the bemba and tonga should involve civic education and deserves fool goverment sponsorship for sake of peace

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