Tuesday, March 11, 2025

President Sata assures MMD parliamentarians currently serving in the PF government


Zambia’s President Michael Sata has assured opposition MMD Members of Parliament that he has appointed as deputy ministers of full government support. The President has said that it is unpatriotic for any institution or leader to harass and intimidate the MMD parliamentarians that were currently serving in the Patriotic Front (PF) government.

This is contained in a press statement made available to the media by Special Assistant to the President, Press and Public relationships, George Chellah.

“I would like to assure my brothers and sisters from the MMD whom we have appointed in government not to lose sleep over threats from the former ruling party because they have the full backing of both the party and the government. Therefore, nobody should claim or behave as though he or she owns them,” President Sata said.

“These are patriots who have weighed the options available and concluded that national duty comes first. Let me emphasise that my party and government is willing to back our colleagues should any legal action against them arise as a result of these government appointments bestowed on them.

“And let those who have made it their preoccupation to criticise every progressive and positive move this government makes know that as a party and government we shall give all MMD parliamentarians working with us 100 per cent support.”

The Constitution of Zambia provides for the appointment of ministers from amongst all members of Parliament.

Yesterday MMD warned of disciplinary action against Members of Parliament (MPs) who have been appointed deputy ministers by the ruling Patriotic Front (PF).

MMD national secretary, Richard Kachingwe said that the ‘treacherous’ MPs had been given enough time to reflect on their actions and that the party was now going to take disciplinary action against them.

Major Kachingwe however, said MPs should decide whether to join the PF or remain members of the MMD.

“Time is running out and they (MPs) must make up their minds. Do they belong to MMD or PF. They have a tendency of camping at State House. These are treacherous and vacillating MPS.

“The party’s patience has now run out and very soon they will be shown the exit door,” he said.

He said the people of Zambia and posterity would harshly judge the MMD MPs who had been given jobs in the Government. Maj Kachingwe said the people had elected the MMD MPs so that they
could offer checks and balances to the PF Government but that they had abandoned their role.

“At the level of MP, you are honourable and this requires that one should stick to principles. You can’t betray your own constituency which put you in office,” he said.

He appealed to the electorate not to give such members a second chance as they had abused their trust.

When reminded that the MMD government under the leadership of President Levy Mwanawasa also appointed MPs from the opposition to serve as cabinet and deputy ministers, Maj Kachingwe said the
conditions were different because the PF’s decision was aimed at weakening the opposition.

He said the appointments were being done with impunity saying the ideal way was for the ruling party to consult the party before appointing their MPs.

Maj Kachingwe said the party would soon be writing to the affected MPs informing them of the next course of action.


  1. I supported Sata before and after the elections, and am not one of those blind followers that praise wrongs for the sake of. The president here is being a hypocrite, didnt he expel people who participated in MMD championed policies and events when he was in the opposition and also those that were appointed as ministers by Mwanawasa? Didnt he see the patriotism in those men and women that were shown the exit door from the PF?
    Kashingwe aswell is being a hypocrite, why didnt he complain about the opposition MPs that Mwanawasa brought into his government? Mwanawasa even went as far as wiping out an entire political party headed by Nevers Mumba, wasnt that aimed at weakening the opposition? You politicians who do you think you are trying to foo.l? We are not kids, we want development period!

    • Who were these? Those who joined the MMD’s constitutional process are different because their party opposed that process (not the govt) and called for a boycott which they defied.

  2. Indeed national interests should come before individual and party interests.I see nothing wrong with the appointments.

  3. Pliz MMD Leaders,be yourself in thinking,being an opposition doesn’t mean u’ll always stand against the ruling party,NO.All mps,they are there for developing the nation.Some of u guys u are not politicians but business men,farmers,fisher men & teachers.U always talk rubbish things.If u shes them from MMD,they will join the ruling party PF & u’ll keep on saluting them.MMD u are now dead & U’ll never rise.U fools & thieves.

  4. “I would like to assure my brothers and sisters from the MMD whom we have appointed in government not to lose sleep over threats from the former ruling party because they have the full backing of both the party and the government. Therefore, nobody should claim or behave as though he or she owns them,” President Sata said.

    Chiwamina galu, isnt this where the rebel MP term came from? Watching football and playing it are 2 different things.

  5. ‘The Party and (its) Governement’ or PIG for short, was mentioned atleast 3 times in Chellas presss release.
    Does anyone smell anything?

  6. Just expel the fools ….why abandon PF mps….we need more bye eRections – to gauge if Sata will adopt them and if he is still popular in WP and NWP especially

  7. Politics reveals you baSata, what happened during Mwanawasa gvt? Again Kachingwe, we are all Zambian and we are all here to serve mother Zambia. Be reminded that serving Zambia from any political party doesn’t make you an enermy bwana

  8. Whether you like it or not, this is just what POWER can do. Sata is doing what Mwanawasa did and Kachingwe is also reacting the same ways Sata did, nothing strange – the only new thing is that the tables have turned.

  9. Why is it that only MMD MPs have succumbed to temptation of being appointed Ministers while the UPND MPs have refused? Maybe they are more principled than other politicians. I have always argued that if a ruling party wants the support of the opposition parties the best way to go about it is to form a proper coalition government. Two or more parties sit down and negotiate to form a coalition government. Mr Kachingwe should insist on a coaltion government if PF want to poach MMD MPs. If MMD expel these MPs there will be by-elections which cost huge amounts of money. Only political leaders who do not understand economics would accept spending more money on by-elections 3 months after a General Election. Present crop of Zambian politicians both opposition and ruling party have no principles.

  10. Indeed it is a Cobra that has forgoten the hill he came from. Machungwa’s group are no different. Anyway, for the sake of progress, we need to forge ahead. Just reminding the snake that he has to remember that hole on the hill. Do unto others as they would unto you.

  11. It has come to light that President Sata has resorted to appointing MMD MPs into his Govt because the majority of his PF MPs are not that credible. This is the problem of collecting persons with garbage mentality (Yes men/women) – with no capacity to think – from the streets for the sake of filling up the National Assembly. What do the PF MPs think of their President?

  12. To those lucky MMD mps appointed to work in govt posts, please take advantage and work hard and improve their lives of your constituents you are doing the job for them through the govt not for mmd or PF, please listen to the President because looking at the Zambian or african trend PF is in power for another 3 terms, thats till 2031. MMD is heading to the scrap yard. Working for a govt is a privelage not a right. ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION

  13. PF is full of mediocre people this is the implication , anyway we have always known that this party is full of kaponyas .Its an insult to the people in the PF who voted for the serpent

  14. the cobra strikes! after failing to hound out his own rebels!
    this one is tricky, these MMD MP’s are spending lots of time at state house whilst they’re colleagues are being harrased and having property grabbed!
    it is tricky indeed, hopefully there is real development coming out of the appointments not just talk and backstabbing they’re colleagues in parliament!!!!!
    and by the way, how does it help ones constitutency if you are a deputy minister???? isnt that being bias

  15. On this one I fully support President Sata. There is nothing unfair or sinister about the move, which why levy also did it. If the constitution allows then nobody should argue or intimidate anyone. Everyone has the freedom of choice to the right to affiliate and work for whom they want. Nobody owns anybody. Very mature stand Mr. President.

  16. are you a real major from the zambia army? or fake and coward politician kachingwe,this is one zambia one nation,you old one out man of the past,let the guys be known and be proud of their own country,its not only for you MMD thieves and thugs old men,give us chance and we want to show the chaps how to gorvern this country,these are our future presidents,joulaus down wuuuuuuuuuuuh poor minded man.


  18. its fun how people change ,i can vividly recall 21 pf mps being called rebels for deciding to be patriotic en puting national duty first. Chiwamila galu kind of affair

  19. Zambia really does remind one of the ancient Roman empire, complete with Sata as emperor Commodus with the nation being the vile mob congregated in the colloseum feasting happily on the vulgarities disguised as games of a lumpen thug emperor. You also have to bow in shame at the shortness of the Zambian memory, was it not Sata who only recently expelled PF MPs for accepting MMD appointments? If Sata and most Zambians are not insane then I beg for a new definition of the word.

  20. Sata and PF had their issues with rebel PMs..now MMD have issues with ‘rebels’. I think it is a progressive move by GRZ to appoint any capable MP to serve the pipo. This is also part of political and democracy matured. It haapens ‘every’ day in RSA.

  21. The President has forgotten about the PF ‘rebel MPs’ who decided to work with government through the NCC! Now what if they had even joined government? He would have gone ballistic!

  22. You cannot appoint people from other parties unless it is a coalition government. We condemned it with Levy and with RB. It is wrong and against the basic tenets of democracy. Why? Simply because every party appeals to the electorate on the basis of its manifesto. It is that manifesto that must be delivered by the ruling party. Either you agree with that manifesto and resign your seat from the opposition party to stand on the ruling party ticket, or you refuse to serve in a government with a manifesto you do not agree with. Mr Sata is blackmailing these people with something.

  23. Zambia is a multiparty state. The president can appoint any MP to minister. Major Kachingwe get over one party rule politics.

  24. They are MMD employed by PF. I doubt the loyalty of these guys and whether they have they
    muscle to avoid any “conflict of interest”. It may seem to be OK to others but I question the caliber of our leaders and their ability to put the peoples interests first

  25. Form a coalition government with the MMD if that’s the case. This to me seems like an effort to create confusion in the opposition and call for by-elections.

  26. What’s your agenda Mr Sata? This looks like a country running itself. Your presidency is increasingly becoming irrelevant. You’re wasting the country resources. Resign if you have nothing to do, sir. What’s your philosophy by the way? Where are you taking the country? I am not sure you even understand what I am asking. Here is the silver lining, you’re too old and I don’t think you will be able healthy enough to be in politics in the next five years. We may actually be dealing with dementia right now. Sad. You benefited from Zambia’s aberration during the last election. I hope this country will wake and find a reasonable leader. There are a lot of smart Zambians who can reasonably run that country.

  27. Kachingwe must grow up. Actually, I think the MMD will not survive the 2016 elections. The parliamentary elections will be tough because MMD do not have funds to rig. PF will win a majority.

  28. We had ‘REBEL’ PF MP’s@ Now we have ‘REBEL’ MMD MP’s what is the problem. It’s a case of one testing their own medicine and it seems so bitter.POLITICS don’t make much sense that is why I want to be a part of them.

  29. People must understand what they stand for in politics. Each party has policies which must be followed. If the party chooses to discipline a member for violating a policy, why should ousiders complain? The MMD MP’s that are being appointed know better on what is right or wrong. These are politically educated people. The right thing for them to do is come out in the open and state clearly the party they are going to support. One Zambia One Nation.

  30. Now I see that there are a lot of heads with gray hair which has not brains or there thinking goes away when they lose elections. The point that this man called Kachingwe is talking about doesn`t make any sense. is it not the otherway that all members of Paliaments are voted for rulling? If he says that they were voted for checks and balance to the rulling party, did they go into elections with a feeling of becoming the opposition or with the comfidence of being in power? And the same person would cry foul if he sees that oppositision members are not given positions, Has he ever read what the constitution says concerning MPS?
    This man has run out of idears for sure. And I feel for him.

  31. You people condemming the President must understand that each party has its constitution as a party. But know that the constitution of Zambia which allows every MP to save the nation has nothing to do with the part. That is why they are MPS, they are in goverment that is why they are in paliament. Don`t think that if they stole money today they will be dealt by there party constitution NO NO NO but the Zambian constitution will deal with them. So there is nothing like party party it is bullshit. They are goverment leaders. They were voted as MPS not as opposition members. They only know that they are in opposition after the announcements of the elections. Grow up people.

  32. The shot on Sight Mission (Event which marked 2011)

    After compiling a mosaic of events, the CIA inform President Obama that there have spoted an H.V.T…High Value Target in Parkistan.Three options are considerd;

    1.A joint raid with Parkistan Forces
    2.A strike with B2 Bombers
    3. A Helicopter resort

    The first and second options are scrapped off considering that SECRECY IS CONSIDERD THE KEY TO SUCCESS. ….

  33. …After the President greenlights THE Operation Neptune Spear Mision,On 1st April 2011 in Parkistan it is just before 12am when a team of 79 NAVY SEALS leaves Jalalabad Afghanistan and heard for Abbotabad Parkistan in two Blackhawk helicopters and two Shook Knock helicopters.The former cost 60 million dollars each and are modified for;

    1.Radar Evasion
    2.Noise Reduction
    3.Heat Suppression …

  34. The above explains why Delta Force Soldiers and and NAVY SEALS enter and leave Abbotabad Parkistan without being noticed. …
    In less than 38 minutes,they kill Osama Bin Laden and a SEAL member announces on Radio to the Director of CIA ´´FOR GOLDEN COUNTRY,GIRANIMO,GIRANIMO,GIRANIMO.´´
    The Director of CIA tells the White House from CIA Headquartes in Virginia´´GIRANIMO E.K.I.A, ENEMY, KILLED IN ACTION´´
    I’m a proud Zambian citizen serving in the US military,after taking part in the above mission, I was payed $5 million dollars and I sent $2 million dollars to my family in Ndola.I would rather die making money!

  35. It’s a shame that regardless the topic at hand, all some people talk about is the Baroteland issue. Most people do not even know how benefits from that issue flow to them.
    Grow up, get a job or do business and enrich yourself.

  36. but this snack dd the same same when MMD appointed PF MPs for mnistrial postion. he suspended them all. simply because he s a snackehe can bit.

  37. He never failed to deal with his MPs, it was the law that was interfered with. Have you forgotten how the same MMD failed to deal with the Shakafuswa team because of their bad governance. Where are the Rebel MPs anyway?

  38. Sata is doing all these Nice things based on the 10 commandments. Forgiveness. Zambia is served again by a Christian President. Viva PF

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