Friday, March 7, 2025

By-elections,ballots to be printed outside – ECZ


ECZ Director Priscilla Isaac
ECZ Director Priscilla Isaac

The Electoral Commission of Zambia has said that ballot papers for the forthcoming Msanzala parliamentary by-election will still be printed outside the country.

ECZ Director Priscilla Isaac in a statement released to media explained that the Commission will outsource the printing of ballot papers because the Government Printers is still not able to meet the full requirements and specifications for the printing of ballot papers.

Ms Isaac said that the tender process for the identification of a printer has started and that all stakeholders will be advised once the Commission has identified a suitable printer to print the ballot papers for the Msanzala parliamentary by-election and four local government by-elections.

The ECZ Director was earlier in the day quoted by ZNBC News as saying ballot papers for the forthcoming by-elections will be printed locally, and that the selected local printer would be announced in due course.

Meanwhile Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) president Alex Ng’oma has backed calls to have ballot papers for the forthcoming Msanzala parliamentary by-elections printed locally.

[pullquote]President Michael Sata recently said the Chongwe, Nakonde and Magoye by elections were the last to use materials printed abroad.[/pullquote]

In an interview with Qfm, Dr. Ng’oma has expressed happiness that Zambians have now realized that printing election materials outside the country is a costly exercise.

Dr. Ng’oma said that it was time for the PF government to implement its pronouncements of investing in the Government Printers.

He explained that government should heed the calls by stakeholders in ensuring that the country’s electoral system is desirable in upholding democratic tenets.

President Michael Sata recently said the Chongwe, Nakonde and Magoye by elections were the last to use materials printed abroad.



  1. Oh so there are people who believed Mr Sata when he said that next elections will be printed locally? Whoever believed that must have been out of his mind. This was just another pack of lies or 90 days voodoo from Mr Sata. I wonder if he even has the capacity to muse on any policy statement before he goes public.

    Good luck people. PF followers 0 2 Sata

    Brace yourselves for disappointments the rhetorical man of action

    • Hater! Lean back and enjoy life with PF at the helm. The days of slavery under MMD, thank God those are over!

  2. @1, yes we did believe HE that the next election papers would be printed locally because we all including our govt believed next elections would be in 2016 not so soon. How do you honestly expect them to sort this out within three months

  3. let me venture to propose that zambia is still going to have a working system until about july this year and thats when chaos will start to set in. okay granted, the mmd indulged in a lot of excesses but like it or not we are still benefitting from the systems momentum infused by rb and company and something had to change. probably we had no real choice for an alternative….. still we could have gone with hh if we were THAT stranded

  4. I have never seen a person to day when he means tomorrow,money in the pockets when he means no one should be found with money in the pockets ,90 days when he means 90 years. There you go Ba kolwe start your ” he didn’t say”. Seat down stup1d ***** !.

  5. I have never seen a person to day when he means tomorrow,money in the pockets when he means no one should be found with money in the pockets ,90 days when he means 90 years. There you go Ba kolwe start your ” he didn’t say”. You have a big job with this man of …in state house.I guess he has not yet heard this.

  6. The level of manipulation and deceit in this government is unprecedented. If the Presidents word is not good and believable as a symbol of our national pride, how do you expect anyone else to believe us. It is too early for the PF government to lose so much public confidence. The President’s team should help him to be Presidential. The level of naivity is embarassing honestly.

    • He didn’t say GENERAL ELECTIONS. He referred to Chongwe and other bye-elections as the last. Meaning ANY further bye-elections. Why is it so difficult to understand?

  7. @#1. BOOt Fimofimo. He meant the next elections in 2016 which your party have already!

    Either you put up with it or you lump it! Atleast he has even given us hope! You mugs were busy planting money!

  8. @#1. Boot Fimofimo. He meant the next elections in 2016 which your party have already lost!

    Either you put up with it or you lump it! Atleast he has even given us hope! You mugs were busy planting money!

    My last post on LT. Take care guys!

  9. Ubufi ubwafita fititi – next elections after Chongwe and Magoye. Stop lying PF cadres. You liars. You always want to misinterprete what the President says – Why?

  10. Good evening & Happy New Year everyone! (Sorry, that I am 3 days late) ;o))

    Some bloggers are bidding farewell already… hey guys, the year has just begun. No need to hide ourselves in a shell, let’s keep speaking out and making ourselves heard as long as we have the opportunity to do so. The leaders will only know how people feel when they read their sentiments – good or bad. Best wishes for 2012 Zambia!

  11. Whether he meant 2016 or whatever nonsense it does not matter to me the truth is that he is a lier who should not be trusted. Its even unbelievable that we can go all the way upto 2016 with this kind of foolish governance. Now the whole world is laughing at us for making a lunatic choice. So Boot shanishani you are just right. These kolwes seem not to know what they are supporting in PF kaponya government of deceit and trickery. PF kaponyas or do we call them kolwestans have lost direction. They just keep on supporting blindly by saying, “he meant this- he meant that -he meant this -he meant that…..!!!!!!”. Matuvi yenu mwapya! Mungotisebelesa anyani inu! I end here!

  12. Thanks Italian Bunga bunga, please dont ever come back to LT.

    As for Mr Sata’s flip-flop culture, Zambians should not take his behaviour as a joke….if the situation is left to deteriorate Zambians will have themselves to blame. timely warning

  13. A born baby do not grow with teeth the same day. PF should be given time to deliver. Planning is cardinal. So Pf is strategizing on how best they can save tax payers money so that it benefits all of us and to please some of you bloggers.

  14. #10 rudemonk
    I think you have missed the point. The world can not laugh at us because we are the best people in the world. So if your choice is not supported then better be the person to be supported and I would have voted for you. But because you are selfish, you choose to be on the other side of the majority. People like you should be the last to comment on the issues of the country.

  15. # 1- MMD Chief Boot Licker.

    Care less about #2, 7&8 Italian Mealie meal(Original) disciples of president Sata. To these Kaponyas words from Mr Sata come with a fatwa not to be challenged or questioned. President Sata does the thinking on their behalf and when he informed the nation about the next by election ballot papers to be printed locally, its a done deal. Ballot papers have been printed some where in Chatulinga village, Mpika. Electrol Commission with the help of GBM will transport them from Northern province to Msazala. Lets agree ballot papers for next by elections have been printed locally. Happy! go to sleep.


  17. All Zambian men are liars and that is why I will never date any
    Well perhaps because of my bad taste of men when I was young and vulnerable in Zambia it makes it hard for me to abhor the deeds of an average Zambian.

    I would agree Its not just Sata its your average Zambian man.
    Some men have a fetid smell and unless I am crowded by my sad memories of my life in Zambia, the putrid smell, has stuck by me and I am glad I am now here In Scotland and living my dream.
    Happy New Year people


    • Well, why don’t you stay out of Zambian affairs if you so happy and living your dream in Scotland. I couldn’t care less about your wanna-be fancy vocabulary trying to impress with words like fetid and putrid that normal people rarely use. And your bad experience with a few Zambian men should not label all Zambian men. There are many Zambian men of integrity and high moral standing with respect for their women and all. We aint all liars and you sure won’t ever date any coz none will have you, you are too unpatriotic. Enjoy scotland

  18. Sata was correct besides why should you give employment to other countries. Our system of printing a papers outside country is not good enough with the technology of bar codes. You don’t need expensive papers.

  19. Seventh-Day Adventist, Sata said the Chongwe, Nakonde and Magoye parliamentary by-elections last November were the last ones where ballot papers would be printed outside the country. Don’t talk if your facts are incorrect.

  20. The Ballots will be printed in Zambia by a Local Printing Company but not the Government Printers. Outsourcing does not necessarily mean Abroad.

  21. What is the big deal about printing from heaven or from hell. For as long as our attitudes remain those of fraudsters and looters we will still tamper with whatever is done wherever. I always get amused to imagine how we think printing of ballot papers will in itself solve the rigging problem. Lets pay attention to vigilance mwabantu, not origin of printed ballots!!!!!

  22. Unnecessary by election has forced us to print ballot papers out side the country. Come 2016 Zambia will print its ballot papers within the country. MMD you are idiiots.

  23. i don’t like issacs at all, i hate this woman with a passion and i don’t what she’s still doing at ECZ after disgracing the institution!

  24. PF had strongly argued that GP had capacity to print ballots. Now why have they gone abroad for a single bye-election? These chaps are jokers & those in doubt will realise this after 9 more years of mis-management

  25. The next elections are in 2016 and ballot papers will be printed locally. We are no longer dealing with the corrupt UPG at least, that is good progress

  26. So Mushota is now coming out in the open.. The dear lady went to bed with some dirty brothers!! Our dear Mushota, were in Zambia did you source the dirty brothers? And would the same dirty and smelly brothers you jived with say the same about you having been equally dirty and smelly (at the time, you may have cleaned up your self by now)! Birds of the same feather flock (or is it flocked!) together as you say in Scotland, right???

  27. Sata said the Nakonde, Magoye and Chongwe bye-elections were the last ones to be printed by the CORRUPT UPG, not the last ones to be printed abroad

  28. Politicians like nappies need to be changed oftenly for obvious reasons.Why is it that these days in Zambia what the President says needs interpretation? Are all you mugs who live there that daft?

  29. Woooooo! The PF Govt. is still printing Ballot paper from outside, is there no way PG Govt. could ask M’membe to print these Ballot papers?

  30. It is really a great and useful piece of info. I’m glad that you simply shared this helpful information with us. Please stay us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.

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