Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Probe all former leaders-Musokotwane


Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane
Former Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane

FORMER Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane says he supports the idea of probing all former leaders.

Dr Musokotwane said at a press briefing in Lusaka yesterday that he supports President Sata’s fight against corruption, which he feels will provide an opportunity to establish if any of the MMD former leaders misconducted themselves.

“I welcome the setting up of commissions of inquiry. I am confident they will explain the process of valuing a company and some of us will be cleared,” Dr Musokotwane said.

He said the MMD is proud of its record in privatising some parastatal companies which he said was efficient.

He said Zamtel would have sunk if Government had not taken the decision to sell the telecommunications company.
“Those who are saying the company was sold for less do not know what they are saying,” he said.

Dr Musokotwane said he expects the commission on Zamtel to explain what is involved in valuing a company. Zamtel presently has about 700 workers down from about 3,000 before privatisation.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. “Those who are saying the company was sold for less do not know what they are saying,” Dr. Musokotwane said.
    Spot on Doc,the question is,why did Zamtel via its CellZ fail to conpete against Celtel and Telecel (MTN) if indeed it was valued as they allege? Was the Zamtel equipment cutting-edge and update to compete with other service providers?This is just a stunt to distract people from the promised they made.These people are hypocrites,they never even bought a Cell Z simcard for simple reason that Zamtel was not offering quality service.

  2. Muso is a crook, nobody can trust him !

    just an example : Mopani

    According to NGOs in its pilot audit by Grant Thornton, the govt lost an estimated income of USD 175 million in tax revenue between 2003 and 2008 and zccm-ih lost $300 million !!!
    At least, $ 500 million !!!

    “The auditors found that MCM resisted the pilot audit at every stage. The company’s book-keeping was incomplete, several legally required documents were lacking and the general ledger analysis showed several loopholes and couldn’t be matched with the trial balance,” the organisations stated. “The auditors also found an inexplicable doubling in the costs of the company between 2005 to 2007, which shows that the company has been artificially inflating its costs

    • @Mike Te – you suck! What has Mopani got to do with the Finance Minister?  Did Muso refuse the money when Mopani was found to owe govt? Copper trading is an intricate business; definitely not something your kantemba mentality can fathom.  Glencore has more financial and intellectual power than Zambia will ever muster. Look what happened when the PFooters rushed in to stop copper exports and hastily withdrew the instructions.  That story may never resurface again.

    • Ba guy, who did the said audit? Isnt it ZRA? Check yo records. MOPANI is a private company that cant allow an NGO to audit it.

  3. continued

    costs to minimise the profits shown in their books so that they could pay less taxes. Despite the fact that the audit was finished in the fall of 2009, it was kept secret.”
    The former Zambian government has declined to investigate Mopani’s tax affairs despite calls from development charities. “We are disappointed with the government’s lukewarm reaction,” said Savior Mwambwa, executive director of the Centre for Trade Policy and Development, Zambia. “They need to take action and change the whole taxation system.”

    So you Muso the crook …. shut your trap !!!

  4. you are now toning down after realising that this govt really mean business on the fight against corruption. hope you are as clean as you say.

  5. These guys will get away on technicalities. The process or route taken is too long…. commissions of inquiry…afta that what net? FORGET…if u arrest the cases will take seven yrs…Lets work bane too much talking pa Z

  6. All the sudden these chaps have started to change their hard-line stance, I sense the MMD and PF are doing some back room deals behind the scenes, PF wants Parliament and MMD crooks want authorities to ease off on their investigations, do the maths!! 

  7. i like it@”i am confident they will explain the process of valuing a company and some of us will be cleared”.Thats the way to go DOC.Show them you sat beyind a desk for long ..long… long….time. unlike some people whose school they attended is not even known.even KK much older ,give us his school history.

  8. “FORMER Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane says he supports the idea of probing all former leaders”. So the former Minister doesn’t want to go down the drain alone. Don’t waste our time just name you fellow plunderers and where you have planted our billions. Stupiid.

  9. The corruption in government does not just involve the political leaders: Permanent Secretaries and senior civil servants have seriously corrupted government business using their personal tuntemba’s.

    A serious forensic audit of business conducted by government ministries and departments will reveal the “insider deals” of a large number of senior government officials.

  10. The abuse of authority clause nailed the finght against corruption in Zambia.PiPO who have got big properties in Zambia did not work as ministers but managed to tax payers money and built big companies and other buildings.Check around Lusaka and find out how Accounts Clerks have managed to build lodges and houses.How heads of Government depertments have managed to acquire property beyond their means.The same pipo who are ministers to day got a lot of deals during the Chiluba administration because they were all MMD at that time.Find out how they got the money.Dont just probe former ministers under RB get to the bottom of every thing.But i can asure that this i sgoing to be long and completed battle and a lot of tax payers will be spent.

  11. #5 Mike Te. Hold your fire. Try verify facts b4 you go on a public debate. The truth(verifiable with ZRA/MOFNP): Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane sanctioned at audit of the mines by ZRA staff. When the audit report was made, it leaked to that NGO you are refering to b4 any action could be made by the Dr(the intended owner of the report). That NGO would not even be allowed to access records in the mines lest have any capacity to institute an audit. It’s not any jim and jack who can walk into a company and do an audit. Like it or not, that is how we professionals work.

  12. Start with that former PS we hear has built a house worth K8billion in solwezi. He was involved in a lot of corrupt activities that kept the price of fuel very high at the expense of the poepel of zambia.like musokotwane has done to fully support the investgations, Kasonso must do the same.

  13. @13 there are pipo who have worked hard from their meagre GRZ salaries and have become innivative business pipo. dont just drink invest! little by little by little uzaona icho chintu na bantu bakudabwa!

  14. We agree with Dr Musokotwane’s views. Let PF govt set the period involved to probe all former leaders. We are alive to the fact that MMD ascended to power more than 20 years ago and the appropriate period in probing all former leaders is between 1990 to 2001. That will really send a serious signal that PF govt has resolved to fight corruption uncompromisingly in the nation.

  15. @Mike Te – you muvvafecker you suck! What has Mopani got to do with the Finance Minister?  Did Muso refuse the tax money when Mopani was found to owe govt? Copper trading is an intricate business; definitely not something your kantemba mentality can fathom.  Glencore has more financial and intellectual power than Zambia will ever muster. Look what happened when the PFooters rushed in to stop copper exports and hastily withdrew the instructions.  That story may never resurface again.

  16. #4, SHARP SHOOTER: If as you say the inability to compete with the other service providers was as a result of poor equipment, why not upgrade and be more competitive? Does that mean that every time a public institution does poorly we sell it? We don’t fail to make profits because our institutions are not profitable. We fail because of the way we run them. Selling them will not teach us to improve our work ethic. It will only make us lose sources of revenue and services aimed at delivering to the most vulnerable people rather than for profits alone. Nobody gets more than their salary from a public institution, but by selling it they can benefit from commissions and sometimes shares in someone else’s name. INVESTIGATE. CAGE THE GUILTY. CLEAR THE INNOCENT. ZAMTEL BACK TO THE PEOPLE.

    • Inherent faultline with parastatal companies is political risk. They dont run professionally because of political interference. This leads to lack of capital, politically appointed management, over employment etc. E.g. Zamtel had 3000 employees, now they have 700. So all that excess baggage was a waste of money and waste of human resource.

  17. #16 Bwaima

    I agree with you.Last summer when I was home,I saw two types of Zambians(working class).Those who depsite earnig good salaries, for them everyday is a weekend with multiple girlfriends the call ATM(Assistant To Madam) and NEVER think of investing a ngwee and ofcourse those that seize every opportunity and put every ngwee in it as investment.The latter are frowned upon(apparently cos of envy) and are accused of all sorts of things by the former.Things they cant prove.Unfortunately the former are in majority.

  18. @Truth Hates, His argument is that the probes should not be selective. The MMD was in power for 20 years, a lot of the corruption that took place was within 1991-2001, if the PF wants to really be serious about probing people and fighting corruption they should start investigating ALL FORMER LEADERS, this would include those who are currently in the PF who used to be in the MMD. Its not like corruption disappeared during Mwanawasa and resurfaced under Banda. Have we forgotten about Kapoko? Unless probes are launched against all former leaders (even Sata himself) without being selective then they are a smoke screen. PF can not have it both ways, especially considering it’s pedigree is 1990’s MMD through and through. Fairness demands that all leaders be probed.

  19. What the MMD is simply saying is that the law should take its course, with its attendant cap that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. In other words, he who accuses or alleges must prove.

  20. Musokotwane and ka G.Kunda,these guys are jst wasting our time they shld go tomukobeko.alaa emukwaiee.tamwaba sana

  21. Mature here you are speaking against CORRUPTION. You accused me of being ANTI CHRIST in another Blog when I wrote against CORRUPTION. Here with you words and i quote you “you are now toning down after realising that this govt really mean business on the fight against corruption. hope you are as clean as you say”. Going back to the topic, the MMD privatized more than 150 COMPANIES. How many of those still operate?? I can count them on my fingers!!

  22. @33 zambiano, i beg for forgiveness if you are offended. but may i ask you why you are marrying two different subjects?

  23. The best way to deal with all these wild accusation from PF govt is to conduct investigations. A lot of them will be found to be unfounded allegations. Its better to first investigate, get the facts and the truth, then go make your public pronouncements. Otherwise you risk being accused of exibiting Kaponya behaviour.

  24. @34mature and 35zambiano. I love your civilised approach. Wish other bloggers could learn something from this as opposed to trading insults. Hats off to the two of you!!!

  25. This why we rational and practical patriots are laughing at this PF circus of anti Grafti or allerge to corruption. What corruption fighting are they ranting about when this regime’s Injustice Minister is Sebastian Scam-er Zulu, Defense Minister is GBM, President is Michael Merzf Sata, Home Affairs is Sekeni undelivered Mansa OP building Contract deals, Commerce is Bob NCR Computers Sichinga, HC nominee to Nigeria is George Fuel Crisis Deals Mpombo, Ambassador nominee to China is Mike RDA Contracts deals Mulongoti? Is this anti Grafti drive for myopic heads of PF cadre?

  26. These pronouncements from by PF are just hot air.Only PF supporters get excited by them.Have ever wondered why they are not even covered in international media as was the case with Chiluba? The international community know who our President is and the Embassies are sent cable describing him the way he is.No International Journalist can take these guys seriously cos these guys know ethics and they dont write hearsay.

  27. If Sata is allergic to corruption as he postulates to his ignoramus coterie of aides and PF cadre  base, how come he is the darling of Bakili Muluzi the worst Malawian embezzler of ages ever?

  28. In the PF circus, the making of rules and social and symbolic order is a human industry matched only by the sub-level manipulation, circumvention, remaking, replacing, and unmaking of rules in which only PF cadres seem almost equally engaged when its just their natural ignorance abused.

  29. #16 @ Objective

    The report was carried out in 2009 by a Norwegian subsidiary of Grant Thornton, one of the world’s largest accountancy firms, at the request of the PREVIOUS Zambian government (ie Levy’s govt!!)
    Muso the crook did not want to pursue those plunderers, he closed his eyes…

    Use google : Mopani is dodging taxes + the post

    And you will understand !
    “Mopani Copper Mines, a Swiss-owned mining company, funded with EU development monies, is siphoning its profits out of Zambia without paying taxes. Instead, it is putting the money into a tax haven, Switzerland. Mopani Copper Mines is dodging taxes in Zambia,” the organisations stated.The organizations also questioned Dr Musokotwane’s inertia to act despite being given the report

  30. continued
    report last year in which auditors expressed frustrations in carrying out the exercise which was within provisions of Zambia laws.

    “”This is a wake-up call to the government of Zambia to undertake an industry-wide financial audit of all mining companies for the purposes of the Zambian Revenue Authority updating its tax assessment for mining companies,” said Mwambwa. “Mopani should be penalised by heavy fines plus tax payments with interest, failure to which its operating licence should be suspended.”

    “The irregularities at Mopani hinge on its relationship with its parent company, Glecore AG, of Switzerland and cover practices such as alleged transfer pricing,inflated operation costs, outright under-pricing of copper for exports and irregular hedging practices.”

  31. continued

    The organisation which comprised Oxfam, Counter Balance, Eurodad, Tax Justice Network and Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) stated that additional fines should be imposed on mines not cooperating with government’s audit efforts.

    But the audit was made and revealed that Glencore AG, the purchaser, determines prices and that some copper from Mopani is sold under an “old” contract with copper in one instance being sold at 25 per cent of official prices at LME. ” In other words, they are not paying taxes over 75% of the copper ‘sold’ to Glencore under that contract.

    Use google : pilote mopani report thorton scribd

    And you will find that audit and you will understand how those plunderers loot Zed !!!

  32. Many bloggers are failing to comprehend the extent of Dr. Musokotwane philosophical approach to current issues on corruption. If our memory serves us well, there was a national scandal when Katele Kalumba and Ba Sata loaded trunks with cash originating from Finance Ministry for disbursement to an MMD Convention. This is a historical fact many young people, and many PF supporters,will never know. Dr. Musokotwane is right to advise that all former leaders must be probed for corruption.

  33. senior citizen, you really have issues with pf and its presido. humble advice, why cant you just go to state house and beat the hell out of the presido instead of feeding us with this crap all day. please spare us this rhetoric. pastering the same all morning, afternoon and now evening. awe mwe!

  34. # 20 @ Chief Turd

    read the audit (#46) if your pea-brain allows you to understand it…

    about dividends unpaid to zccm-ih, if your pea-brain allows you to understand the kansanshi mine account, subsidiary of FQM, go to first quantum mineral website

    read Reports Operational and Unaudited Financial Results for the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2011

    Non-controlling interests $475.1 millions

    Non-controlling interests is the benefit after amortization for the others shareholders of FQM (kansanshi mining )
    There is only one shareholder with first quantum minerals : ZCCM-IH

    Kansanshi ZCCM-IH Minority interests (20 percent shares of Kansanshi)
    First Quantum Minerals (80 percent of shares of Kansanshi)

  35. continued

    Nevertheless former minister Mwale pretended he was not aware that First Quantum Minerals (FQM) had kept in its accounts about US$300 million unpaid dividends to ZCCM-IH (now $475 m), of which it owns itself a 20 percent stake in (FQM) during the Cape Town conference in 2010 !

    so FQM owes zccm-ih $475 million

    but in the same time ZCCM-ih owes state $ 300million

    and State owes IMF $ 330 million and Muso the cro.ok was only able to pay back $ 1,9 million…

    and Muso the cro.ok needed to borrow money to make ends meet !

    at first PF is hunting thieves and crooks then mining plunderers…

    the clean sweep has begun since 90 days… :-)

  36. #48 @ the wolf
    you re right
    “the corruption of Frederick Chiluba’s 10-year-rule was a joke when compared with the theft of public resources in just three years of Banda’s government” as i read…

    so at first the worst of them have to be jailed !

  37. I agree with Muso. Investigate everyone from the previous govt. (You will see that my corruption is Mickey Mouse compared to my colleagues:-))
    However, it doesnt mean if everyone is investigated then you are safe. Just hand back that money for the blocks so we can build a hospital Mister.

  38. Please Senior Citizen take matures advice its getting boring you rant about PF morning,day and night, why have you got so much hatred for our democratically elected president ? Could it be you are a failed politician or were you posted abroad by RB and are bitter that HE MCS won the election. He is in charge for a full 5 year time, please do bear that in mind.You seem to be encouraging civil unrest in our country. Being a senior I am sure you know it is illegal to incubate terrorist plans, which you seem to be doing

  39. He knows what his boss got up so that rather be the one to divulge, he would rather the commission come up with the dirty than be seen as the “snitch” who gave away Bwezani. Tikuzibani amambala!

  40. #5 your propensity to lie and spread falsehood is unprecedented. contrary to your thinking many of us till trust Musokotwane. am sure few trust what the president is saying.the guy has invited the president to investigate him what more to you want  

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