Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Mumbi could face arrest for circulating stories that Sata has only 7 months to live


William Banda with Edward Mumbi at the Lusaka magistrate court recently

RETIRED politician Edward Mumbi faces possible arrest if security reports linking him to a group of people circulating stories that President Michael Sata’s health has greatly deteriorated are corroborated, the Daily Mail has learnt.

Security reports show that the group which could be led by Mr. Mumbi, a former MMD supporter, has given President Sata only about seven months to live due to “unspecified” ill health.

Mr. Mumbi, who once served as a secretary general of the PF, distanced himself from the reports, saying whoever was circulating the report was doing so in bad faith as he has not wished Mr. Sata “ill” ever since he quit politics and Mr. Sata won the September 20 election.

President Sata is not “happy” with the reports and has reacted by saying that they in fact border on “illegality” via a phone interview, through his special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah yesterday.

Mr. Chellah, who “hoped” the reports were “untrue” for the sake of Mr. Mumbi, advised the retired politician to “lay low” rather than incriminate himself on a potentially “illegal” exercise that could land him in serious trouble.

“If what you are saying is true, Mr. Mumbi’s action clearly borders on an illegality,” Mr. Chellah said. “As far as we are concerned the President is enjoying good health. What is sad, however, is that this is not the first time this rumour is being maliciously circulated.”

Mr. Chellah cautioned Mr. Mumbi saying, “Mr. Michael Sata, the President, is not the same Michael Sata he knew as an opposition leader…he has become President of Zambia and despite the fact that we don’t engage in meaningless verbal exchanges, we would like to caution Mr. Mumbi not to be a part of the group of people peddling these “UnAfrican” rumours because Mr. Sata is President and that makes such statements illegal, sensitive and alarming.”

Mr. Chellah added: “The President has a country to run, poverty levels to reduce and such reckless reports are an unnecessary distraction which must be avoided by all means. We have tolerated him in the past but we won’t tolerate him any more if he continues on this reckless path.”

Mr. Mumbi, who opted to drive over to the Daily Mail when contacted, practically pleaded with the newspaper saying, “I have nothing against Mr. Sata as a President and an elder brother because he has the people’s blessings to rule the country after being democratically elected. I think the people linking me to the “unChristian” reports are MMD elements who are disappointed by my quitting after I discovered that they were in the habit of burying money underground.”

Mr. Mumbi—despite having announced that he had quit politics—has been linked to reports of an MMD faction that is counting on “ill health exit” by Mr. Sata in order to take over government.

The politician, who addressed himself as “former PF secretary general” long after he had left the party, citing irreconcilable differences, told the Daily Mail that he is now just happy to rear chickens for a living.

During the election campaign period ahead of September 20, Mr. Mumbi was used extensively like a blunt object by the MMD propaganda wing, to punch as many holes as possible in Mr. Sata’s character and the PF as a party but all his efforts were futile.

He was counted in the same once ‘mighty’ league as Chanda Chimba III, Edwin Lifwekelo and Humphrey Siulapwa of the New Generation Party and cast President Sata in bad light, whenever the State-run media gave them an audience.

Yesterday, however, he said, “Even if you are a rocket scientist, you have to be mad to criticise Mr. Sata’s policies in three months. However, I still maintain that I differed with him on principle.”

ADD president Charles Milupi condemned the people circulating rumours about the President’s health saying it is spiritually and morally wrong for anyone to say the President may die soon.

“Let’s put our politics on the right path and stop peddling lies. It’s wrong,” he said. Mr. Milupi said only God knows when anyone will die. He said those wishing the President to die will not benefit from his death in any way.

“Even if President Sata died today, they won’t take over the PF and the MMD won’t come into office,” Mr. Milupi said.
The people spreading such alarming and false rumours must stop immediately.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. What has Mumbi’s rearing of chickens got to do with the story or is the old fool trying to tell us that his past activities were a way of making a living and now he has found way of making a living without being used like a condom?

  2. Letthe President go for a thorough medical check up to clear the air. He is the President and his health is a concern for all Zambians and we ought to know if he his dying or not.

  3. no. 5 *****, remember life of any person is godz hand . i can assure you that what god did is miracle in our country especially putting micheal as as president and shall rule to shame the devil .

  4. Mhhh ba Mumbi, now you so humble??? Un believable sure.
    We know that those inspid lies are coming from frustrated election lossers whom never listened to the wise man from the East Chirwa. They are still mourning and becoming irrelevant to the Zambian politics. May God bless our president Sata.

  5. Mumbi is a grounded rocket, right now he is wishing he never differed MS. this chicken thing will not have been in his vocabulary today. “Think before you talk”, this kind of advice has been there for ages but people still dont take heed

  6. Lets all accept the fact Sata is president of the republic and he means well. We can’t wish him away. He is governing exactly as we wished he would. Plunderers are fast facing the law. Pretty soon they will be in prison serving long sentences for lining their pockets with poor people’s money. The culture of impunity is fast coming to an end and hopefully to be replaced with prudent management of our God given resources.

  7. Those rumopurs may not only spearheaded by Mumbi and the group, the Bantustans also have those simmering views, as you know its a Party that survives on late people’s estates, Andy and the other Party which they entered into some Pact with!!!

  8. Mumbi don’t lie. You said Sata was on a dialisys machine twice weekly at CFB. You also said he is HIV and can’t get a kidney transplant. This is all compounded by his heart problem. You also said Statehouse is procuring a dialisys machine to be installed there. So don’t lie because I have over 10 witnesses who saw and heard you

  9. The President has a huge tasks to see to it that our country develops. May God give him knowledge and wisdom as he leads the beautiful nation of mother Zambia.

  10. Lies or no lies time will tell. Why cry, the man wants attetion, forget about him, life is a gift from God no one has the right to kill even by word of mouth. He is playing god – dangerous game.

  11. Bloggers the way you respond to a mistake or wrong doer can be even a bigger mistake which will lead you to sin. Pray for this rumour monger to know the truth, insulting him is not a solution, but puts you in a worse condition than him. Dont repay evil for evil, because God who gives life even to the president also says dont insult.

  12. Sata’s health is of public concern. So far its in public domain (rumour) that he frequents a named hospital. When he was in opposition he challenged RB to go for a medical test. Why cant the same be done to him?

  13. Recently the president of Argentina was diagnosed with throat cancer she immediately went public and the whole country is behind her .What is so special about Satana doing the same Mumbi or not.Come on man of action ,act now.

  14. God forbid and long live President MICHEAL CHILUFYA SATA. The grace the the LORD puts on leaders is upon you and GOD alone will see you through. HE ‘S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS. GOD BLESS THE PRESIDENT AND GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  15. Evreyone over 47 years old in Zambia is theoretically dead according to Kamoto Mbewe. So whats the cry all about. Why fear dying as if we shall live forever. We need news please. I end here!


  17. # 16, get off your ill thinking. Mumbi is former PF now MMD. He is not UPND at all. I guess your hatred for UPND is eating your brain. Do no go insane man. Keep normal and analyse things objectively.
    I am sure death is an equaliser. All will die one day But hey no one knows when who is going to die. Hence no one should attack the other on health issues. OKEY

  18. thats why afrika will never progress the storys of health matters are every where lets cretically look at real affecting issues like povert, un empolyment etc zambians like the mumbis simple advise his now the republcan zambian presdent respect him for you own goodness,

  19. The truth is that Sata is very sick and will die soon. The earlier you accept that the better. You OP chaps can post as many pro Sata comments as you want here but that guy is sick. You can tell from his face. Last time he collapsed at Livingstone airport and decided to use a bigger car for enough air

  20. It is true Sata will die very, very soon. Everything about him shows the level of sickness. We can’t wait for the bugger to kaput

  21. It is appointed for man to be born…afta that death…. we are all going to die! I remember in the 90s some pipo predicting that Sikatana is about to die. the guy is still arnd. Iwe mumbi just continue rearing chickens so that u can have more money in yo poketi!

  22. MINISTER of Foreign Affairs Chishimba Kambwili says he does not know how the three Czech nationals arrested in Zambia in October last year on a charge of espionage found their way back to their home country.
    Mr Kambwili was commenting on reports in the international media, suggesting that the Czech nationals are back in their country.
    “I am not privy to the information concerning the Czech nationals. The Minister of Home Affairs Kennedy Sakeni has not briefed me yet because he is out of town on duty,” Mr Kambwili said.
    He said he will get more details when Mr Sakeni gives him an update.
    And when contacted, Mr Sakeni said he was equally not in a position to comment on the matter as he was in Mansa.

    – Zambian WatchDog

  23. #29 Inuti and # 30 Caleb Bwalya – you are one and the same person. My warning to you and others like you is “When you wish ill on someone, there is always a danger that this negative energy might return to you”.

  24. Please,let our President run the country in Peace,why do you hurt him so much?He has worked so hard to earn they Position as President of Zambia

  25. Do you all remember who always called Mwanawasa “CARBBAGE” from day one of his presidency. It was Michael Chilufya Sata. It would help George Chella to do a bit of history on his boss before he defends the indifensible. He will discover that no one was arrested for what Sata was saying about our late president. He only stpped after his energency heart treatment trip to South Africa which Mwanawasa sanctioned. On arrival back Sata went to State House for the first time and never called Mwanawasa carbbage again. What goes round surely comes arround.

  26. It is wrong to wish anyone bad health. People should learn to respect and pray for their leaders. The president needs support of all citizens because when his plans succeed, the all nation benefits. Those spreading lies should know that no ones life is immortal and one day, they themselves will die. Follower believers, let us keep all our leaders in our prayers.

  27. This is really Rubbish, where is freedom of speech. Let the people say what they can, Zambia is a democracy.

  28. Sad to peddle a story about the remaining life span of our president, let alone any other person. What is worrying is the source of the story which from past state house sources has left lots of questions on its credibility. This has created the danger of not to believe some news coming from state house because they have either been pre maturely publicised, politically engineered, not appropriate to originate from state house or un professional. It is such presentation of news items that has created doubts in the minds of Zambians. Hope by now lessons have been learnt to report to the nation truthfully beyond any doubts.

  29. You PF guys if you think the best way to run a country is to be dictatorial, we will let you find another country to rule. We will kick you out. This is ZAMBIA, notg patriotic front. The name of your party alone sounds very terrorist. The last time I heard a political party calling itselt like that it was a terrorist organisation mascherading to be a freedom fighting movement. Within another year you will run out of things to do and your uncivilised illiteracy will be exposed. Look at the way the Kwacha has tumbled because of your stupid policies and crooked priorities. You are a complete waste of time and you will go down in history as the most clueless, unperforming and corrupt govt in Zambia since civilisation came to mankind in the 15th Century.

  30. Ever if it freedom of speech why wish someone to die,Sata never said Mwanawasa will die in 7 months,this is really not fear,just let the Man run they country in Peace,you can talk about other stuff not wishing our President death

  31. Weather you like it or not Mr Gokigo Milazhe they PF is running the country right now & they will not go away just like that,only the people of Zambia will make that choice for PF to leave office

  32. @44 Actually Sata was one of the critics of LPM telling the country “He’s fine” asking him to rpove to the nation. We can’t we apply the same principle here “let Sata prove that he’s fine and stop sneaking to Doctors incognito” 

  33. We are hear to work for they Zambian people & we will delivery,we have be in Power just for 3 months & exposed what was going on in MMD Government under RB,we want to get Zambia money back and put that money in school and rural development etc

  34. I believe HH is sponsoring this group following that he started this during campaign  and it was one of his manifestos. 

  35. That’s the problem with Zambian politicians they stress over useless stuffs.Ignore such things and focus on better things like Development and investment in Zambia.Other leaders are being made fun of each single day but they never pay attention to them because it’s not worth it.Eg Obama many people diss him and accuse him but you will never hear that he reacted to it or anything because he knows what is best.

  36. #50 your English is poor…hear and here are two dufferent words. we need more schools for people like you!

  37. 48 must focus on development issues and not talking about our President be sick,it look like 48 has nothing to talk about

  38. 43 freedom of expression indeed. Someone fears death like nobody’s business. We are all destined to die so whats wrong with PF Kaponyas kashi? Just do your work and all will be fine. Of course when one is over 70 chances of illnesses are quite high. This is not news to me. Anyone can die anytime and 7 months or whatever time frame people are talking about should not be an issue here because it can prove to be too much time for others to continue clinging to life. I end here!

  39. This Mumbi chap is the Guy who quarreled with SATA on election day, but mu zambia there is too much freedom to talk about shit, even talk about the president. IN OTHER COUNTRIES HE COULD HAVE BEEN FED TO THE CROCODILES.

  40. I am sure the sponsoror of this rumor is HH. We all know that HH survives on dead people. Evidence is there for all to see. Firstly, he helped himself with Lima bank’s desceased monies and properties i.e. the house he still leaves in and to to enrich himself.Secondly, he used late Andy to get UPND presidency. Thirdly, recent past, he used Ngondo’s party to gain some political mileage. He had calculated and projected the same during his pact with PF thinking Sata would die soon. He glabbed 2000 animals from his late uncles’spouces. The guy is a gold digger.

  41. #54You also need to go to school coz yo english is pathetic. It’s DIFFERENT en not DUFFERENT. You must first remove the log frm yo eye b4 you do so to yo friend. My advise is that we shud pray 4 our president if he is sick en nt wish him dead.

  42. We should focus on how we can help PF Government to development Zambia & Create Jobs for all not people talking about President Sata dying,we know very well some people are not happy with Sata be President of Zambia because of what is happening to some people who have taking Tax money for them Selves

  43. The old adage says **there is no smoke without fire.** It is an open secret that HE Ba Sata had a serious heart ailment; Ba Sata was reported to have colupsed when campaigning in Western Province; the President has been frequenting a private hospital for unspecified illness; Mr Sata’s facial indicators appear more superficial than features expressed by a normal human body. Each time he appears on TV many have expressed sympathy on the general fatigue seen on the over-worked President. Current rumours on the health of the President can only originate from one credible source – and this source could be a member of the Medical Team who have knowledge on the rate at which cells of the vital organs are decomposing irreversibly. Politicians lack such knowledge bu can only ammplify medical data

  44. Decay of morality in Zambia. Why wish the president dead? Please we can diifer in politics but let us give this government room to take care of Zambias problems. His Excellency Michael Sata is the president. He also is loved by God, in fact God put him in his position. He has a family that loves him. As Zambians this story is not good. He was elected in a democracy. Am upset by this and cant believe it is coming from people who share something in common with me!!!ZAMBIA.

  45. Sata contributed to deaths of Levy and Chiluba because of incessant attacks. i will be happy if he dies any time soon! But GOD is a final habiter in the matter!
    What goes around comes around! why arrest mumbi if someone says I will die today because I look sick…there nothing wrong but I have to prove that am not sick not dying today!! Being a president is being not shielded from the death!! You people sayng you should respect your leaders did pf respect others in leadership! remove your speck before others!!

  46. #44 Iwe Gokigho you have no brains. You cant call ZANU PF a terrorist organisation. Never mind what it has become now but then it was fighting for the liberation of blacks against white minorities. Great Africans like Kaunda Nyerere and Mzee supported this liberation struggle at great expense to their own countries cos it was a just struggle mambala iwe. Only Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan who did not have the capacity to see justice outside their race called them that. Europeans did not think Africans could rule themselves and you happily slot yourself into that category of self-centred ignominious *****s without thinking. I need to meet people like you face to face and really pump some sense into that hole between your ears.

  47. 67 has nothing good to say about Sata,how did President Sata contributed to death of two leaders?let put our minds and energy to good use,which is coming up with good ideas to help they PF Government to develop Zambia 

  48. sata himself and his inner circle knows that he is not well at all. thats why they threaten people of arrests whenever there’s a story bordering on the cobra’s health. fact the cobra is not healthy at all. thats why the react sharply to such stories


  50. This was the same kind of behaviour exhibited by Zambian politicians about Levy’s health. Even when the man was lying dying in his bed, Mulongoti was busy saying the man was making steady recovery and had even spoken to Leslie Mbula a few hours before. It’s the same again. Just one look at Sata’s face, one does not need to be a sangoma to realise that the man is a terminal heart patient and his days on this earth are numbered. If Sata survives this year, Jesus christ is coming back. For all I can foresee, Zambia is in for another state funeral. You bet embassies will start relocating from the Embassy Park graveyard, soon!

  51. I cannot wait for the day Zondwe kicks the bucket and the Northern Alliance Janjaweeds are sent scampering into Katanga and Bujumbura.

  52. It is a fact of life that health declines with age. When people are asked to rank their health status on a 5-point scale (where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor), the average response for men rises from 1.75 at age 20 to 2.5 at age 60. For women, there is a similar but somewhat smaller increase, from 2 to 2.5. When we look at the age of our presido i.e. 72+, one can easily conclude that he falls between 3 and 5 points which is fair to poor. As we grow our cells become increasingly inactive because of work and sex. We are all bound to die one day. So no fear or intimidations over remarks people make on our health afterall we know our heath status individually. Read the books of Anne Case and Angus Deaton.

  53. Insoni kuli mumbi pantu talechetekela ba Sata ukupita ama elections.Just continue rearing your chickens maybe you will be able to predict when they will die-today seven months!!!

  54. # 59. You also need to go back to primary school. what does (en ) mean in your posting.Remove the log in your eye before you try to from someone’s.

  55. Even the Certificates Mumbi is using are stolen from him own brother! Oh what a shame! The seven months you have measured on our President are your own months of living on earth, mark my words!

  56. Dying tulaitina!

    ………………………………….. has seven moths to live. Now put your preferred politician in the space provided, scary not so? S shut up!

  57. Ku manda kwatalala. we all know that he has been getting to the hospital all these past years. we will not know now coz he will have personnal doctors. lol other wise sure we all know he is sick but it doent mean he cant work bati balwele. lol

  58. People on ART are too dark just like him due to the drug. MMD took him to hospital in the South we all know that. lets just pay for him. other wise Balaya ku lepards hill so soon. people on ART have moods . look at Him his moods are just like he wanna get mad. if Mwanawasa and chiluba were arrive they would testify. all those guys who were in secret offices under past offices that new his illness have been returned. to shut them up. balelle. nibo dawala bamudala.

  59. lol, Sata is sick. Every zambian even a kid knows that. hes been frequenting to neighboring countries in the past years for medical check up and treatmet, wethank God even for his Second wife Kaseba. but please Aids is not a killer these days at all. he may live longer than some of you guys.

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