Tuesday, March 11, 2025



  Hugh Jackman does some intense workouts to get in shape for movies like “Wolverine” and “Reel Steel”. Here is a sample of his workout  it is divided into two phases ; bulking up and cutting.

Phase one: bulking up

I do no more than an hour – but the training is pretty intense,” says Jackman. Perform this circuit twice a week, with at least two days’ rest to allow your muscles to recover and function at full tilt every time you attempt it. For each exercise in your workout, use the rep structure below. Make sure you are lifting the maximum possible weight – so that you are close to failure with the last rep of every set.

Set 1 8 reps (120 secs rest) 
Set 2 6 reps (120 secs rest) 
Set 3 4 reps (120 secs rest) 
Bonus set 1 rep max with a spotter

The Workout


  • Lie on a bench holding a barbell above your chest with both hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower the bar to your chest, then push explosively back to the start.
  • When you push the heavier sets, use a spotter, to avoid crushing your ribs.


Incline dumb-bell fly

  • Lie on a incline bench, holding two dumb-bells above your chest, palms facing in.
  • Open your arms sideways until your upper arms are parallel with the floor, twisting the dumb-bells to face your feet as your arms move down.
  • Engage your chest to return your arms to the start position, reversing the twist

Close-grip barbell press

  • Lie on a bench below a barbell rack. Hold the bar with your hands about 20cm apart.
  • Keep your elbows tucked in to your sides and lower the bar slowly to your chest.
  • Then push back upwards in a controlled motion.
  • You should feel this working the centre of your chest and in your triceps.

Tricep dip

  • At a dip station get into the starting position with arms straight.
  • Keep your wrists locked and abs tight. Bend your arms at the elbows until they reach 90 degrees.
  • Then push back up. To add weight, hold a dumb-bell, weight-plate between your knees.


  • Get into a press-up position.
  • Keeping your elbows tucked in and core locked tight, lower until your nose is an inch from the ground.
  • Push back to the start position.
  • To build more muscle, Jackman gets a spotter to place a weight plate on his shoulder-blades.

Phase two: cutting

In the second 6-week phase of Jackman’s regime, use lighter weights, higher reps and vicious cardio sessions to strip body fat without losing muscle. “Training wise, speed it up,” Jackman says. Perform the same circuit as Phase 1 but with lower weights and higher reps. Then perform a cardio session .

Interval cardio

 Warm up, then Sprint hard for 15-20 secs. Rest for 30 secs. Repeat for 10 sprints. After some time you will be able to sprint for longer times.



  1. Do you think ab wrtuokos is a bad thing to do when you have a hernia?I am a 16 year old male and I have seen my docter about my hernia and he said I did not have to drop out of gym but he wants another check up in the summer. It does not hurt or casue any discomfort, is this a bad time to try get abs lol????

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