Friday, March 7, 2025

Dora Siliya to avail herself before the investigations team on Monday


Dora Siliya
Dora Siliya

Former Education Minster Dora Siliya will avail herself before the investigations team at the former taskforce offices for questioning on Monday 9th January, 2012 at 08:30 hours.

Ms Siliya’s Lawyer Sakwiba Sikota has told QFM that this against the medical doctors’ advice for his client to take several weeks of complete bed rest following her admission to hospital yesterday as a result of a condition she developed in April 2011 and for which she is on medical advisory to have surgically corrected.

Mr Sikota explains that Ms Siliya’s condition worsened while she was in South Africa, and that it was during this time that a call out was left at her home, prompting her to travel back to Zambia in order to attend to the call out against medical advice.

He says this aggravated her condition leading to her being admitted to hospital yesterday.

Mr Sikota says his client has decided has decided to override medical advice and avail herself to the team of investigators on Monday because of the speculation in the media regarding her being unfit to attend police interrogations.

And Mr Sikota says it is disappointing that the police seem to have already made up their minds to arrest and charge his client without even hearing from her.

He says this is evident from the story carried in the Post Newspaper of Thursday 5th January 2012.

He states that the arrest and charging of his client has therefore been decided already and that Ms Siliya is resigned to this new way of conducting police investigations through the press.

Mr Sikota has likened the prevailing situation in Zambia to the McCarthyism era in the 1950?s in America where a general witch hunt was started.

He says it is hoped that his client will either be charged for the motorized bicycles belonging to My Home Town that were taken from her home or the police will release the same.

He adds that police have had over a month to deal with what he says is a very simple and straightforward issue.




  1. Corruption is a disease that needs prevention or cure. They cant be few billionaires from rugs to richies whilst the majority of the population are living in absolute poverty. As a lawyer, Sikota needs to reprepare himself rather casting mud on those willing to fight this disease with heart and soul. Those houses in South Africa must be confiscated and return the money to the people who need medication, food, clean water and just a decent life. Unlike these crookes who went into polities to steal rather to serve. The fight for corruption is everyone’s fight because it deprives many and few become richer and selfish.

  2. Sakwiba Sikota shut your shithole, you are getting money from all these thieves and pretending like u have no idea what has been happening during Banda’s thieving rule. You have no shame to even try to protect all these thieves. You are a lawyer with no regards for justice for the poor or humanity. You defend the thieves and try to justify the wrongs they have done to look like the right while you share the looted resources. I WISH you burn in hell.

    • @5 Nensoni hide your ignorance mate, even suicide bombers get lawyers.You can not call Sikota names for doing his job.Who should he represent? Wrong doers are the ones lawyers represent. Let him make money before its dry again in 2016 he will make more money. Have a life and stop being a hater you will die young.

    • Lawyers, dam crooked chaps! Don’t these plunderers realise that they are enriching only one chap and that that guy has to service a loan to Mahtan now that Mahtan has gotten back his bank? Anyway, thats the way life goes

  3. What do you expect from a third world country in Zambia, it is indeed farcical

    The country is run like a social club and quiet frankly it is a joke for some of us who have rightfully chosen to stay away from all the nonsense happening in that country

    I am glad now I am far away, and I am living in a first world country eating breakfast , lunch, tea at 4pm and dinner unlike most Zambians who only have one meal in a day and lave on $1 a day

    I now know why my father wanted me educated and with my MBA , CIMA ACCA and soon starting my PHD I can only thank and him, I have never been happier

    Just defrosting sausage now for Nick and broccoli as well as macaroni with Red wine later on 


  4. Chiluba’s tricks of ‘illness and South Arica’ when the long arm of the law knocks on the door. Is she not aware that the Egyptian dictator Mubarak is currently making court appearances on a hospital stretcher on charges of corruption and plunder? The police must not allow themselves to have their time wasted by a pompous suspect. Lock and her up!

  5. Mushota is a short term thinker!! I see your mentality has not changed much despite your qualifications. If not gotten worse! Food is basic necessity

  6. Mushota ulichipuba ichalekeleshako. I hate people so shallow like you. Complex has griped you stupid mind. Let me tell you the truth fool. You will never be any like them british slave masters. I can bet you have never been treated like anyone like them. You will always be black in a white man’s country. If you were nearby i could give ten claps on your bats. Self imposed slave fool. I love my country and I will support any just couse which aims at cleaning up my lovely country.

  7. Zambians, your eyes are made to see: see embezzlement operated by First Quantum Minerals, Vedenta, Glencore .. your ears to hear the scream of pain from your compatriots poorest who should benefit as all Zambians of dividends from ZCCM -IH (we’re talking about hundreds  millions of dollars, not just five or six as as currently). And your mouth is made to cry injustice that all Western governments have recognized. Screaming for your blood and your work can also benefit from copper. You are in the legality. If Tunisia, Egypt … have changed so quickly, so my Zambian friends get up like one man, and you will see the flowers of the development…be sure you are a rich country.Walk down the street to say Dividends for ZCCM-IH, Dividends for Zambians , Dividends  for a Better Life


    • THE SAINT, who indeed needs courts when there is the Post and make my words all the people that shall be prosecuted are those that stepped on the toes of Membe his croonies and his companies. Membe the biggest player. He has managed to get his way maybe I should actually applaud him. I love the blindness that we exhibit…batulilafye amasuku pamutwe.

  9. We should learn something from Egypt, wheel the plunders on their hospitals beds into the courts. Chiluba used this trick for 7 years.

  10. am starting to suspect that this same sakwiba is the one informing the law enforcer who to target next so that he get more of these creatures who looted the country like if they were all foreigner who thought will leave the country after stealing. just cooperate and not faking some sickness that never been there when u were in power. i was in kitwe some days back couldn’t believe to see hw Dora’s mum lives in a dirty house in chimwemwe…………jail calling mama

  11. Mushota when you look in the mirror what do you see? (muzungu) shame we still have educated minds like yours i’m abroad but you have no idea how i miss home sweet home. invite us to your work place in england i hope your office isnt the toilet we know guy like you. i miss nshima with kapenta and vinkubala. shame.

  12. BaMushota mulibapuba. Don’t comment if u don’t ve anything Important to say. Whether u like it or not u will never be one of them. U will owez remain a slave ****** we.

  13. @13  Financial

    Spot on!! This is the tip of the iceberg when you review some of the mining deals cut in the past 20 years its just like opening a can of freaking stinking worms….and neither Sata nor GRZ can touch that sector as there are hideous sums of money involved hence they give it a wide berth….how can the Zambians have a mere 2.5% steak in these deals.


  14. Sakwiba milk them Malume,by the time they realise you are a conman it will be too late and most of them will be in jail and you will be rich and your party will resurface or you joined pf,hiting them hard,man you are so clever.

  15. Mushota is definitely not MMD nor any party. She is just a w hore. She is a trans sexual of a different nature her but hole is in her mouth and her p ussy is in her head. She was screwed by a white cock when she was 11 and she craves for it do much she can’t forget how good white cock is.

  16. Zambians, dont be upset by this thing called MUSHOTA, firstly its not educated as it claims, see the mistakes in the blogs. The best you can do is never to pay attention to the stupid comments. Im away from Zambia, working, earning money but i know where my heart is…Mother Zambia and we will come back. So lets save our country from these thieves for the sake of our children and children’s children. RB and gang should be sent to prison.

  17. Dora had an ingrowth in her butt. Another butt was forming in her butt. With 2 butts that size she was very worried her vast p ussy was going to be buried under the flaps of fat. If the p ussy was hidden then no enjoying teen cock. So she flew to remove the second butt because she thought one already gave her so many problems. Mavutu ya matako. And here is Mushota talking from her brain which is the size of a rat’s clit while Dora is pregnant backwards. Life can be so cruel.

  18. She must have health issues carrying all that weight on her, impyakusu, BP, excessive sweating, breathlessness, etc.

  19. MUSHOTA sausage 99 p, broccoli 89 p Red wine £1.99 in Lidl, your credentials highly questionable. You doing a PhD (many of which I have supervised), I doubt. Zambia and Zambians you allege live on a $ a day, PRICELESS!
    Are you a failed investor or a disgruntled Zambian? MAYBE, and I rest my case!

  20. Dear Zambians ! What you need to know is that Sakwiba is not a business Lawyer at the moment. He is a Criminal Lawyer, so you should only expect him to defend criminals and make money out of them.
    There must be a law to fix criminal lawyers whenever there clients get convicted.

  21. # 5 NENSONI TAMWAKWATA. How do you single out lawyer Sikwiba only this year. Reflect in the past and see lawyers Malambo and Silwamba defending thief Chiluba, Old Mumba Kapumba began to defend Dr Kashiwa Bulaya and when he milked him dry abandoned him cold till jailed for thieving medicines meant for dying children. Lawyer Simeza rumoured to have been part of group for murder, others have stolen clients monies and yet others with serious cases are now recently appointed in PF govt are chief legal advisors in govt. Leave out Saki a noble guy simply ensuring a fair hearing is accorded to MMD thieves.

    • That is why they have a choice. If you note there the likes of Sunday Nkonde and Malambo. Yes they defended their clients professionally and that why they can still hold their heads high. As for bwana Simeza. His greed is coming to bite him. There is a saying what goes round comes around.

  22. DORA UTH, which you neglected when you were in power, will be on hand to help you if you collapse during the questioning so don’t worry. We should have been wary about this girl, Dora, when we were at campus with her. She felt so big when she went to Mass media to read the news and all of us watched her. She also felt that being laid by the late Joseph Kuluneta, among others, was a big thing. This girl should rot in hell for taking advantage of others! She has no respect for anyone. Look at the way she washed the dirty linen of her marriage to the former husband in public. NOW WE CAN ALL CONCLUDE WHO LED TO THE BREAKDOWN OF THEIR MARRIAGE.

  23. Politics is not for the faint-hearted. I intend to get in there soon but I don’t know how long I ll last. Even Sata has to rely on KK to survive, Banda relied in Chiluba.

  24. The biggest winner in this fight is Saki,look at how many cases he has,almost everyone accused of corruption has Saki as their lawyer.If you do the math,how much money is he making from these clients? mind you,there are more coming.

  25. what medical condition does DORA have? Is her engine functioning well? iam worried because i passed their without protection

  26. This is what happens, when you take people for granted. The real power is with the very poor people sister Dora, looked down up on. Ni Sole William. Chinua Achebe once said ” things fall apart” Turn to Jesus or else, you will perish with the mmd. By the way this is just genesis for all of plunderers of national resources. Face the law and explain your self. We know most of you will take the chiluba matrix method. Amalwele nonmba yaisa.

  27. Lol! Someone please tell me what the disease that results in sudden profuse sweating and raised BP is called? The heat is increasing and I find it ironic to say the decision by Ms Siliya to respond to the summons is against doctor’s advice as each patient still has right of choice when under treatment. So Mr Sikota should not try to invoke public sympathy but remain magnanimous. Hosni Mubarak attends court sessions on some kind of hospital stretcher accompanied by medical personnel so too the same can apply for Ms Siliya the only difference being that her trusted doctors seem to be in South Africa and not UTH.


    Ms. Dora Silya used to be very fine & sexy when she was a news reader at ZNBC, I used to watch news just to see her. Why do Zambian girls gain so much weight and let it all out when the age? Watch what you eat ladies just because you have got your man and are married or have a little change in the bank it don’t mean you should stop caring about your body. Give your body the same attention your give your fake hair and your fake nails!!  

    • Sir your statement should dig deeper. Beauty is only skin deep. Dora thought her looks could get her everything. All that material stuff could be lost because she put herself above God.

  29. Which is more disgusting about Dora Siliya, her physical looks or her deeds?
    Aborting at that age, kaya nga alepusuka.

  30. ‘ati women do not steal’…………….’ati when u educate a woman the whole ntwenu benefits’ what benefit do one derive from such arogant thief taged Dora. shame on wemen!

  31. Everyman is equal before the law. Dora seems to think she is above the law. She was initially summoned to appear before the said commission and dismissed as not having the backing of the law. Again she was summoned to appear and claimed she was outside the country or ill. Is she going to hold the nation and those who entrusted, pledged to serve at ransom? While it is important that we should be considerate. The arrogance in this person is despicable.
    You have what is coming to you. Remember how you were inconsiderate towards Nchito, Membe and Magande? And if they acted in the manner you did (circumventing the law) would be in your boots. Do unto others as you would like them do unto you. The standard is the law. Thank God you are facing the law you so arrogantly slighted.

  32. For Sikwiba be honest with yourself. While you are duty bound, your professional oath. You too have a conscience, those people you once represented in Livingstone wonder what kind of a person you are. The men that spared your life when you were robbed of you BMW X5, were giving you a chance to redeem yourself.

  33. To all bloggers commenting on mushota, this is the reality. She is not all she claims neither is she where she claims to be. this is 2012 she does have even any post code as we tried to check after seeing her insults on a sovereign country. we wanted to expose her in black and white we are yet to send a warning over her unproductive and racists remarks she  comments. As you may be away the first black MP in UK has been challenged on simple remarks on race. Its a crime which if LT continues to publish her comments can lead to the editor to appear in court on grounds of racism. so be assured that the troublesome mushota is being followed and any one with information on her where about call +447500219218 

  34. Kamushota each in all! Never wanted to say anything about this ka homo. No grammar, no style – completely detached from society.

  35. Quote : Mr Sikota has likened the prevailing situation in Zambia to the McCarthyism era in the 1950?s in America where a general witch hunt was started.


  36. No feigning sickness ‘Mma Nyo’ tuwe. If we have to bicycle or wheel barrow you to the courts, then we’re game. No more ‘Chilubaring’ here, you started this music so dance to it candidly. Bulengwami ni buhule bwali kusi atela si inanyo sa mitolo.

  37. Mushota, I can challenge your credentials. Firstly I doubt that you have either ACCA or CIMA. I can take you to task on several issues. Also, you could not be wasting time on such a blog if you were that educated. You are seeking an identity and fortunately, you can leave a fake plush life on a social network, the only problem comes when your blog tome is over and reality strikes. For one, I know that here in the UK, you cannot get as good a salary as one can get back home with the education you claim to have. Wake up, here in Zambia people are investing and are worth in the $100m +. 1964 is gone, wake up. You are unqualified and are probably working in some restaurant or toilet, nowonder you cannot return.

  38. @MUSHOTA & FINANCIAL = You are great chaps with brains. I like your contributions. Am a simple guy with a diploma working in BOTSWANA and earning equivalent 10 million kwacha per month while my colleagues in zambia with same diplomas earn 1.8 million kwacha. This is a shame. I have built houses in Livingstone. Zambia is cruel to teachers, health workers, miners etc. Give me apples and some red wine please…….

  39. Each dog has its day. Yours has come now please have your chance to clear your name in court not the Kangroo judgement you got when RB called you smart coz we know you were bonking his geriatric balls. LOVELY DAY

  40. She is pulling a FTJ move, claiming she is sick. Let her go to TB Joshua like Chiluba did, ba mudala ukubashinga stocko baleka nokunwa umuti elo bafwa. Mucalo muno!

  41. Bushe Mushota mwaume or she is got the features of Dora Matako? Mushota is a wanker and pushi(cat). Us we eat Fringilla sausage not those tasteless british paper like sausages.ask your friends I pick them with my C-Class from KK international and take them straight to Chisamba for F sausages. Grow up Mushota, I will fish out soon. By the way ….

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