Chief Government spokesperson Given Lubinda has questioned the capacity in which Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) leader Charles Milupi is quoted suggesting that western province should be separated from Zambia if the Barotseland agreement of 1964 is not restored.
Mr. Lubinda says Mr. Milupi should realize that such sensitive matters can not be negotiated in such a poor style as he is suggesting.
Responding to QFM, Mr. Lubinda says it is also surprising to note that people in western province calling for the restoration of the Barotseland agreement are not agitating for secession but that such calls are coming from ordinary individuals.
He has since advised Mr. Milupi to present his suggestions to the commission looking into the Barotseland agreement, but wonders whether anyone will give him support on his secession suggestions.
“He has since advised Mr. Milupi to present his suggestions to the commission looking into the Barotseland agreement”
I never heard of such a commission. Has anybody heard of such a commission?
I think this is a CONmission!
There’s indeed a commission encampassing this issue in case you did not know.
The Saint, are you a fool or just stupid????
The Commission is for riots and use of force – not BA. Good observation THE SAINT.
Wasup with bo Milupi ? What a disappointing statement coming from a man who intends to rule Zambia.
Bo Milupi should be consistent: he wants to be president of Zambia, yet wants to cessed from it. After lossing the elections, he now wants to try Barotse. The Barotseland Agreement CANNOT be introduced because it was based on British and Litunga error, who wrongly claimed that the whole western Zambia (i.e. now CB, NWP, CP and parts of Lusaka Province, Kaoma, Itezi-tezi and Livinstone) were part of Barotseland. And by the way, no, there is no oil or diamonds kwa haye – sorry guys!
including parts of zimbabwe, botswana, namibia and angola in case you did not know.
Kwena fye Kwena Milupi???? Does he want to be a President of Western Province? if so what can Western Province Offer anyway? Cool down gentlemen this is “One Zambia One Nation”(Dr. Keneth Kaunda) and it will NEVER be split.
Bo Milupi stop your lozi campaign. You really think  Barotseland will separate and you become president of Barotseland. Well that is really selfish of you Mr Milupi.
lubinda has Messed himself in trying to cover his boss’s mess. How can someone submit to a commission that doesnt exist? There is no commission on BA but on mongu riots. He said that himself. I respect this man but these lies 2 cover his party’s mess are messing him up. Ma rubbish.
bo milupi, barotse president.
Milupi’s tribalism does not amuse me because he was a trabalist even at CEC where he worked.He was always promoting people from Barotse…it is shameful for such an intelligent person to behave like that…
don’t spread lies my man, god is watching you, name some of the people from Barotse that Milupi was promoting at CEC? Don’t drag a good man’s name through the mud like that. may god be with you.
Milupi is useful as an Mp not presido! achepa mufana.
Thats the end of your presidency aspirations Mr Milupe. sorry sana.
Lubinda be carefull ,dont play with BEEEG BOSES.just deal with your SATA.we all know you are half muntu-half mwenye.so this topic of Baroste is non of your business
Mature response Bo Lubinda,kimunyena mina Milupi guide him mubana ba mba.
Why do people rush into issues of tribelism when a non-Bemba is in a position of authority? Yes, Milupi worked at CEC, a private company where he had some shares, but the list of employees suggests otherwise about Lozi presence. My assessment is that Tongas and Lozis are actually unnecessarily harsh on their own people when making recruitments. Check a bank called Investrust Bank, where 90 percent employees are presumably from the East. If it was a Tonga or Lozi owning the bank and having such an employee profile, it would be headlines every day!!!
Is there a COI on BA64? I thought there is only a COI on the Mongu riots,what is Given telling us?
the thing is, sata promised them during his campaigns.
There is no secession cited in the BA64 so if Sata promised the restoration it had nothing to do with separation. WHY ARE YOU IGNORING TO READ THE FLIPPING DOCUMENT!?????/????????????????????????????????/
divide and rule…old tactic but it works!
Mulipi and his folishness,that barotse thing should not worry him it has been they if am not mistaken for more than 40 years and we have been living us brothers and sisters of this greet nation Zambia.We need peace and not peaces in Zambia.Cant vote 4 you milupi u are a disgress to this country.amen
Have you ever considered others Lozis who are NOT FOR THE POOR IDEA OF BAROTSELAND. It is a shame to hear such words from someone who seeks to be a leader of Zambia and habers such sentiments. Bo Milupi do you still want to be a president for Zambia or Barotseland? Muniswabisize. SURPRISINGLY MILUPI HAVE INVESTMENTS IN ZAMBIA NOT BAROTSELAND. SO THIS TALK ACTUALLY IS NOT FEASIBLE IT IS JUST A WEAPON.
We Aluyanas know that the barotse issue is an impossible attempt been propagated by disgrantled failures in life. They have failed to compete with fellow zambians coz of their tribal mentalities. To them there is a tribal answer to every action by other people. Please you are making some of us appear selfish, greedy an understanding and wayward. WE ARE ALL ZAMBIANS!
IQ at work here. congrats.
Bo Milupi – like HH – will NEVER rule this country. he is just a bored wealthy man looking for a sport – otherwise, no political style, no political quality – just a noise maker
PF leaders,don’t talk to useless SIDO or Tuntemba political parties leaders like mr.Milupi Dog.Such leaders without a base for their parties.Let that bucking Dog mr milupi go on opening his beak until his anus bust,but nothing is going to achieved with him.Milupi shallow minded.
This Agreement,can’t be honored,they have been enjoying royalties from the Land which is not theirs, Ki masholi fela.
Well, the more Sata delays to honour his election promise of restoring the BA, the more he is swelling the rank and file of the secession of Western province from Zambia. My fellow countrymen, do not be lied to that only a few Lozis, disgruntled ones, want to secede, there is a ground swell fueled by Sata’s lies out there and if you bury your heads in the sad like a god damn ostrich does, you will be unpleasantly surprised sooner than later. By the way, Sata is marked for death inside 7 months, he will leave you behing with a war on your hands.
Since you are such a dreamer, please do dream on mate, it will never ever happen ———————–PF ahape ahape
As HE MCS the democratically elected president of zambia, put it the other day this BRE 64 is a con that the then Litunga tried to use to con Zambia and the british, it is not even worth that piece of paper its written on, l am from from one of the many tribes in western province my tribe and all tribes aside Lozi drunkards are not intrested in this nonsense. The govt better sort these terrorist once and for all , it is now , it has been and will always be one zambia one nation
Watchout for milupi.He wants to be president of mighty Zambia and release WP to lozis and after his term go back to WP and be the next president there.sic
Well, Zambia has no army in case Zambians do not know. What we have nearest to an army had its entire battalion captured by Foday Sankohs’s rag tags in Sierra Leon while only a few months ago, so called Zambian commandos hid like Osama Bi Hiding when Sudanese Janjaweeds came knocking on their camp in Abyei region. If war breaks out, Zambia could collapse overnight!
i am only thinking loudly, what will happen to the territories that are, according to the barotse land map, in our neighbouring countries? infact, in namibia, silozi is widely spoken in the northern part. how are they going to reconcile this? maybe the litunga might have signed accords with these other countries but are not willing to pursue the same cos of the consequences involved. these are treasonable acts and should not be entertained. i will be back!!!
Sata, and Membe and all pf supporters were all in support of the BA last year so what has changed? Must be sad for Lozis to realise that their deep seated anguish was hijacked and used to propel somebody who could not care less about their plight as the cancelling of the Mongu to Kalabo road attests into state house. Just before the elections, the Litunga travelled to Lusaka to meet RB at state house. Photographs of the two were taken which was a signal to the people of W province as to whom the Litunga wanted to win the election but no, you voted for the Cobra who now turns around and questions the validity of the agreement and insults the King and his uniform! Now the same people who were supposedly on your side turn around and insult you with impunity!! Shame!
where is Roger chongwe and his Commission…..chewing our money?
infact this thing of blackmailing the persido that you promised…… need verification. i think the agreement was, “if you vote for me, and my mps, we will look into the agreement.” thats what you are riding on now that he is presido. the quetion is, DID YOU VOTE FOR HIM AND HIS MPs? why then are you crying foul here. let the commission do their job and then wait and see if he wont act since he is the one who appointed them. for those who are in the dark about this commossion, its led by one, rodger chongwe, a senior lawyer and SC.
# 28 Chongwe wanted $1m from govt coz a bullet missed him in kabwe…du know who ordered the shooting?
@29 datsun 120Y ido not know. but the good thing that i know is, he is alive and chairing the barotse land comission. has that helped ma bro?
Zambia should just adopt a federal state model, President does not belong to a party and is impartial, Every province elects its own leader. Provincial (sub presidents) elect a national president. Each province to have its own legislature.National cake is shared accordinly to what each province contributes to the Zambian cake. This model workks for most davanced countries/economies.
Do not insult the tribe linjatuni malanga amina,not all the lozis are for the idea,all the smaller tribes jst stay calm,if you try to be clever and make noise you will regret.
Milupi has run out of his senses
Good evening
Is’nt there any way this Barotseland problem can be solved without calling for the seperation of Western Province from the rest of the country or undermining the sovereignty of the republic? I’m thinking in terms of a Kingdom within a republic as in the case of Swaziland, which geographically lies within the RSA but is politically completely detached from it’s political and governmental affairs. Just a simple thought on a topic that has become too weary.
THE only way is to restore the barotse GREEMENT allow barotse government back in action
Milupi is using the Lozi people to meet selfish goals. He will be firt President of Barotse Country. We wish him good ried. Then he will come begging to be part of Zambia. We are tired of these antics. Just go and leave us in peace.
Zambians vote on trible/regional lines. If MAZOKA failed to make it, worse with bo Milupi.
The Commission of inquiry on the riots in Western Province, whether you like it or not, will always invariably be linked to issues around the Barotseland agreement. You cannot completly separate them. Whereas I do not personally see any benefit in succession, I would also still implore all right thinking members of the Zambian nation to assess the underlying factors causing discontent in Western Province. You cannot redress the problem by dismissing it as emanating from the actions of a ‘few disgruntled elements’. History is replete with people who initially had no intentions of being extremist, but became so due to the cynicism, arrogance and dissmissive attitudes of the very authorities of whose attention they were trying to draw to their issues.
How many insane people disguised as politicians do we have in Zambians. Milupi just got added to the did he really say that list. hahahahaha.
Lozis have jeopardized the possibility of producing a Lozi President, every candidate will be looked upon with suspicion.
Lozis have jeopardized the possibility of producing a Lozi President, every candidate will be looked upon with suspicion (as being a secessionist). Na HH betterko!
Stupid Zambians…..!!!!!
Politicians in general are desparate souls and they will do anything, anything that seem to fosters their chances of acheiving their goal. Examples from the rest of the world are all there for all to see.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what Charles Milupi has said. It is time political leaders from Western Province showed mettle and BALLS to stand with their poor local people. The voice on Barotse Agreement has been consistently coming just from ordinary lozis in the street, no wonder Rupiah felt it easy to just go and shoot them dead. Bemba leaders are respected and honored by their own people in Northern and Luapula because they show mettle and BALLS and fight for their own. Sata is on record to have said when he formed the Patriotic Front that he was forming the party to fight for the rights of Bembas who were being over-looked by the govt of the time. I have always argued that Lozi politicians are cowards…but at last MILUPI has shown balls. But no secession, please!
#44 NEO PARTRIOT – Lozis are not interested in producing a president. They already have presidents, they just need a fair deal, that’s all. The whole childish manner in which some of you bloggers reduce everything to presidenthip is amazing – you always assume that every other tribe thinks like you!! The Barotse Agreement does not say anything about sharing or producing a president, the Agreement is about fairness in resource allocation and redistribution. Lozis are not as childish as you think they are. People have read the Barotse Agreement but are too dull to understand it. In as much as I don’t support the secession idea, I think it is extremely childish to reduce every argument to producing a president. Other tribes produce presidents, but they have been of poor quality!
CHARLES MILUPI = MICHAEL SATA …….. All of you commenting here are either blind tribalists or were not yet born when PF was born. Sata said it explicitly and it was widely reported. He said: “I formed PF to fight for Bembas. Look how they are being victimised by Mwanawasa in conjuction with other tribes. The Bembas, even if they were stealing, were not the only ones who stole…”. So, equally, Charles Milupi has every right to fight for his own tribe. In his eyes, Lozis are being victimised everywhere, they are being made to feel quilty for an unknown crime. It is time Lozis started fighting back, and CHARLES MILUPI is the leader to do that. The rest of other Lozi leaders are cowards — exactly the words Sata used to describe Bembas working with Mwanawasa’s govt at the time.
#40 NYAMBE – so what if Mazoka failed to make it. And you are wrong by saying ZAMBIANS VOTE ON TRIBAL LINES. Don’t insult the consistent genuine efforts of the majority of Zambians who vote for other tribes EVERYTIME and are still seen as *****s. It is only ONE TRIBE THAT CANNEVER VOTE FOR any other tribe apart from itself. You know, what will serve Zambia from plunging into civil warfare is the massive unbelievable inter-tribal marriages that have been going on. I have been to one primary school where almost 40% of pupils have mixed names from all provinces. Unless you are a selfish adult, you have to support whoever just to do the right thing for our children. Otherwise imwe benangu nsembe timenyana chabe lyonse…mulinanzelu zaukawalala maningi, ndimwe acimbwi!! Especially Awemba!
The way Sata and members of his Bemba speaking ethnicities have behaved; I wonder if we will see another Bemba President after Sata before 2031. Sata is a tribalist to the core. Very primitive and unshamedly so. You have to listen to non-bemba ethnicities to understand how they are feeling. Sata’s govt will go done in history as the worst. There is nothing national about it. It is simply a regional, tribal and nepotistic govt. Those who are of Sata’s ethnicity should stop pretending that their views about HH, Mazoka, and Milupi have ever been objective. They are looked at thru tribal lenses. The noise of not voting 4 such and such a candidate from a certain tribe has always been made by northerners. We now see other ethnicities also saying that they will never vote for a Bemba again!
Mr Milupi please lay cool,Let PF do there job and you just watch..Don’t bring non-profitable suggestions.
#48 Gokigo Milazhe, you may have a point but learn to respect other peoples views. My contribution was made in the manner it was because the article I’m responding to involves a presidential hopeful from Barotseland. If Lozis are not interested in producing a president then what have people like Aka, Sakwiba, Inonge and Milupi been trying to do. It doesn’t help to call others childish especially when you don’t fully understand the context in which they are contributing, let alone that you don’t know whether I’m Lozi or not. Much as I agree with you that not every tribe will produce a president, it’s unlikely that a viable candidate from Barotseland will emerge amidst the many that are qualified.Â
Barotseland will be free in a couple of years. Sata or anyone else cannot stop the Lozi self determination. It is the people’s rights. We joined Zambia by choice and we are leaving Zambia by choice. You cannot imprison us.Â
we thank bo Milupi for his words. gradually we will start getting together for a massive push on these foolish monkeys. we need our autonomy, if not then secede as the CHONGWE has discovered everywhere he went with chief NALUBAMBA that KALABO, MONGU, SENANGA, SESHEKE, KAZUNGULA and everyone in Barotseland including villagers.
Those who say some lozis dont support BA64, learn to draw a line btn responsible citizens and the irrisponsible ones. every country has these two, including Barotseland..tho LUBINDA falls no where close to any, I wonder if he has even been to Barotseland.
Viva Barotseland….
#55 NEO PARTRIOT – I respect everbody’s views and tribe does not even enter my mind. I just react unfavourably to people who disrespect other people’s causes. It doesn’t matter what your tribe is but you should know that when other people wake up every morning to complain to govt about poverty and how unfair they have been treated it becomes childish to reduce their complaints and divert it to issues of presidentship. Infact my personal principles ask me to react whether I’m lozi or not. The people who fought and conquered slavery were not even black people, by the way. So, does it mean if I’m ngoni and I find a tonga dying by the road then I should just pass by? Then, what kind of country are we trying to build? No wonder the lozis want to leave.
our Lozi brothers&sisters let us just concentrate on developing our Zambia.ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION.forget about the barotse nosense,no one will solve this rubbish until the PRINCE OF PEACE,JESUS CHRIST,comes back to rule this world full of selfish pipo.LONG LIVE oNE ZAMBiA,LONG LIVE OnE PIPO.
What is in Western Province apart from rice and that infected fish? If allowed to separate on what can they thrive ? Milupi was a top flight student in Electrical whatever,but very poor in social sciences…..You got to realise that dealing with with humans you are dealing with feelings. You will never be President, Milupi.,…Of Zambia. Not even an imaginary one for Barotse at that.
These remarks by Milupi have only succeeded in showing how tribal this man is. And am sure a lot of people have lost interest in him. He is fake.