Monday, March 10, 2025

LAP Green concerned about unsubstantiated reports that the Zambian Government is moving to seize Zamtel


LAP Green, the Libyan owned telecommunications network, says that it is deeply concerned about unsubstantiated news reports that the Zambian Government is moving to seize the 75% stake in Zamtel held by LAP Green.

LAP Green bought its stake in Zamtel in June 2010 for about 1.37 trillion Kwacha following a bid process that was overseen by the Zambian Development Agency.

Newly appointed Chairman of LAP Green, Wafik Alshater says he only hopes the reports are not true stating that the situation will not only damage the telecoms industry in Zambia but will also send a wrong signal to those looking forward to investing in the country.

In a statement availed to QFM, Mr. Alshater says that Lap Green will pursue all options and do everything possible to retain their stake in Zamtel, which he says is a highly prestigious part of their Pan-African network.

Mr. Alshater says Zamtel is now a Zambian success story stating that since LAP Green’s acquisition, the telecommunications company has attracted over 400,000 new customers and grown its market share from 3% to 11%.

He said that Lap Green has committed itself to investing US$129 million (ZK670 billion) in Zamtel over two years so as to create a truly competitive and world class telecommunications company.

Mr. Alshater says LAP Green looks forward to continuing to develop Zamtel into a leading telecoms company, working with its partner in this investment, the Zambian Government.



  1. You are just new in your position and probably do not understand what the previous Gov’t and your people during Gaddafi went into and subjected the Zambian people to. You better keep quiet until you are grounded in your new position. Sooner than later you shall be returning to your own Country. thanks for having come to visit as a tourist.

  2. if those figures were your envisaged investment, why pay peanuts for the purchase of such a huge congloment? if i may ask. i and most zambians know that yours was done with due influence of the late gadafi. go back to your country and help rebuild it while we also sort out thieves you corupted.

  3. #sonya mu chitoyi
    ati what the zambian people were subjected to, just look at your flag…can u even claim suffering?
    it is now that we are being cheated and taken for ride with no proper direction

  4. This is what i was talking about earlier; there is not YET any concrete statement from GRZ …why are the MAJORITY shareholders LAPGREEN still in the dark on this matter? The government needs to clarify this issue explicitly all we are seeing is media sources…no wonder government ministers don’t have official email contacts and use Hotmail,yahoo, msn accounts… you need to get organised chaps!!

  5. Wafik Al Shater (seems to be the correct arabic way) sounds lost, but he is pretending. he pretty knows how the shares were obtained and his fake surprise is hypocritical. all he wants to say is that the value of his shares have gone up and if he has to get anything back, it should be something more than what he put in. he is forgetting that it was done illegally and must now be  liable for that. this maybe his first time at Lap green. Was he with AL Baraka

  6. Good evening

    I’m not surprised by this report. I would say the same thing if I was chairman of a wealthy telecom company that is yielding giant profits from a sleek investment deal in a third world country.

    It is not that anybody wants to ruin any “success story” or scare away investors here, we just need to make sure that there is nothing unusual in the way these foreign companies are awarded the deals and that telecommunications and other projects (especially in the mines) have a win-win situation for Zambians and foreign investors.

  7. The Zambian government has already reversed the sale of the fiber-optic network belonging to the Zambia Electricity Supply Corp. (Zesco), a government-run power utility company. The fiber-optic network was sold together with Zamtel but LAP Green Network has since taken the matter to court, claiming the sale agreement has been breached by the Zambian government.

  8. Why is everyone trying to use the “foreign investors scare” pill to deter Zambia charting its own course in cleaning house? Moreover foreign investments tend to stifle development through unfair tax break deals. This is an opportunity for home grown investment to take up the challenge.

  9. Most people in Zambia are unware as to how lucrative the communication sector actually is…its so lucrative that every billionaire on the continent out there has invested in this sector one way or the another.When you calculate what you pay these guys in tarriffs as compared to your western counterparts you will surprised at how much they rip us off yet the use cheaply tariffed overseas satellites and wireless servers to connect you. If at all LAPGREEN leaves us and you manage to get a peek at their accounts you will remember my words and that Zamtel was sold for utter peanuts to profit a few greedy corrupt officials.
    The world is looking to Africa for tangible growth & return on investment as the rest of the markets are sterile so if LAPGREEN goes they won’t shortage of takers. 

  10. Well done PF Telecoms is for the people of Zambia. BT here in UK is under the Goverment and there is no way British Goverenmet can allow outsiders to take over for security reasons. The problem we have in zambia is because you bring back people from retiremens(farms) and you expect them to make right decisions for the country. For instance Ministry of Justice is still under dead wood. One would expect vibrant lawyers like Mr Wnter Kabimba to be in-charge.Under late Mwanawasa there was alot of headlines about corruption and yet only one was imprisoned. Even under PF alot of headlines so far no one has been put in jail. Time is money

  11. Some so called investors just come to steal , the investment in KL theinvestment in DANLOP and lots and lots more have not helped zambia

  12. “Mr. Alshater says Zamtel is now a Zambian success story stating that since LAP Green’s acquisition, the telecommunications company has attracted over 400,000 new customers and grown its market share from 3% to 11%.” 
    This is truly laughable, it is an overstatement of facts. You can’t boost of those numbers by first giving preconditions that stiff competition. For instance, I am given to understand that part of the condition for sale of Zamtel was that the Zambian government would limit licenses for telecommunication. Therefore, Kavindele’s Vodacom or whatever it is (I am no advocate but simply stating facts) was canceled.  How would you fail to increase your clientele when you are cutting other competitors off and you have no level playing field? 

  13. But the biggest challenge for Alshater and his LAP Green team is not even that, it is that they would have to explain why they only paid a fraction compared to what the Zambian government owning only 25% stake did. What kind of accounting was used here … like my fellow former Texan George W Bush used to say, this is voodoo tactical economics using fuzzy math, I say let’s get Zamtel back ASAP

  14. Also, how do you allow ZESCO to relinguish it fiber optics, which in itself is a strategic national security tool for communicating as part of the sale. By giving away our own fiber optics, we leave ourselves vulnerable because state secrets can no longer be fully guarded. Our own OP operations would be hampered because we don’t control our own chatter, somebody else would easily listen in, let’s get the fiber optics back to preserve our own government secrets, and just like Mwembeshi which was another strategic national security apparatus, these guys sold the fiber optics apparatus for a song. They either have no understanding or are really bent of gaining wealth through commissions at the expense of our national security, how unpatriotic … thanks a trillion

  15. If there was a shady deal in the sale of ZAMTEL why has no one at ZDA been arrested and charged. Why has no one at Ministry of Finance been charged. Why has no one at Ministry of Communications been charged. They negotiated the sale. But most important of all why has the government not taken Lapgreen to court to prove corruption and repossess Zamtel for free. The answer is the Government has no case and they know it. They are hostages to POST newspaper propaganda. Just like most of you.

  16. Nothing like the reverse will threaten investors. Many investors will be happy as LAP Green was not only a wrong company but government’s Scoundrel action. Zambia’s National Security sold in Broad daylight. MMD was swimming in money and forgot about human values. LAP Green is not Zambia give them their money and they should live Zambia ASAP. I hope MMD did not give them Citizenship. Mr Rupiah Banda and MMD went Rogue and never cared about Zambia but themselves.

  17. The PF Govt ran a campaign to start Zambianizing some companies. They were going to attract Zambians abroad to come back home as well as those that are there to assist the country move forward. I dont see any reason why this would fail in situations like the Zamtel, if measures are taken to hire the right people to run these companies. The Govt might be in a hurry to take over, but do they have the right people to manage the companies and make them profitable. Even if its a portion of shareholding you still need some key zambians that have a heart for their country to protect zambia’s interests.



  19. This goes with Dora. In all fairness and justice, if she is arrested so should Lap Green Chief Executive. Otherwise leave Dora alone.

  20. The thought The Post understood International law,I was wrong!! You don’t just reverse the sale of a parastatal as reported by the paper.The Investment Act is very clear and Zambia is not in isolation but part of the international community and thus has to abide by the laws.In Ghana,when Kuffour privatised the state telecom company to Vodafon,Atta Mills campaigned on the same platform as PF did of reversing the sale.After assuming office,Atta Mills saw reality and the rest is history.

  21. Lap Green should definately be concerned because they aquired Zamtel through corruption means by conniving the corrupted MMD government through Dora.Now that they know that zamtel deals gona backfire on them since PF governement tookover power, they are worried that even their international image is gona be damaged, its Not that Lap Green is concerned about Zambia,its because they are concerned that their corrupt business internationally is now been exposed period.

  22. What wrong message are we sending to foreign investers? my foot! We are actually sending the right message that all investers coming to Zambia should do the right thing by following the right proceedure and the best contender will be given.

  23. Reading this article has made me sick….the guy proudly says Zamtel belongs to the people of Libya. I wished we had leaders who would proudly say Zamtel belong to the people of Zambia. Can you see the contrast in in terms of management of national affairs.By the way what is happening with ZANACO, ….

  24. Didn`t we tell you that PF is an ignorant government? They dont undertsand anything about governance. They have no clue on what to do with Zamtel. What is worse is that they are not even bold to make a decision. Atleast even a wrong one!
    And guess what foreign investors like dealing with an ignorant government because they will just be intimidating them.

  25. Why shud lapgreen talk abt zamtel in zambia when the have their own telecom company in libya. we ready to take them on as the ex-leader used under hand tricks to get it for a song.

  26. LAP GREEN should not worry. This president is not a life president. He will soon go in a few years and Zambia will return to normal intelligent leadership that the country deserves. But the next 5 years will be immensely embarrassing and the economy will tumble big time. The first time in 8 years the Kwacha has gone back to over 5,000kwacha to the US dollar and over 8,000 to the British pound. The worst is still coming. Between 2005 and 2011 most of the friends I knew went back to Zambia because the economy had improved so much, BUT now I’m already hearing nearly all of them planning to come back. It is amazing how low the IQ-level is in Zambia. I hear people boasting ‘we are ruling the country’ and then I ask them ‘is this the best brains you can provide the country’ they shut up.

  27. lap green we never needed yor corrupt investment in zambia neither do we need any investors that are corrupt. get back to your country iam sure your own libyan’s will welcome your investment plz shut your mouth and get packing ,zambia needs you no more.

  28. #32 I thought by now the UPND bantustans have swallowed their bitter defeat and started thinking right. In as far as Zambia needs foreign investment, Zambia should not sink so low and start leaking every balll that is foreign. We do not need plumbers that call themselves expatriates. Since you claim to be out of the country you must know how foreigners are treated in SA, USA, Britain etc. I have travelled and I know. If Zamtel was sold fraudulently and cheap, it should not be very difficult to refund them because someone else will come and pay the right price.

  29. #34 KCI – You Zambians just like talking too much without backing it with intelligent action. The right price was paid for Zamtel. I saw the terms of the contract at the time of the sale and I know Zambia got away with the best deal. Let the govt pay back to LAP GREEN the hundreds of millions of dollars back to Zamtel that were paid for the shares, the money previously owed to workers and creditors (Zamtel debt) and then resale the company again and see where you will get the better deal. People in Zambia talk too much but with empty heads. THe fact is that you cannot run an economy using politics; politics is for winning elections and it stops there. After that, brains must start working, which the current govt doesn’t seem to have.

  30. #35 G0kigo Milazhe
    Just wait how the economy will collapse under visionless PF.Right now the MMD economic fundamentals are still strong and working.Instead of strengthening these fundamentals,PF seems to be excited by undoing them.Its easy to destroy than build.We are moving backwards at supersonic speed.

  31. @34 KCI

    Tell him to go to Libya and let him see if he will invest there, the best they will do is give you a broom to sweep their streets that’s how the treat black chaps there!! 
    No Telecom firm can be sold for under $100m never seen that especially in an emerging market like Zambia!!!  

  32. Its laughable to have the whole PF govt with Sata telling the nation that they have reversed the sale of Zamtel (at least recommendations to PF cabinet will confirm reversal). However, LAP GREEN is in the dark and know nothing about it. PF pandering to the public as usual to excite Zambians. What a government !.

  33. God is protecting us from their plan of influencing Islam on mother Zambia. Government use all means necessary to safe guard our future. Viva PF government on Zambia here. Viva Zambia.

  34. The best would have been to require our Zamtel when Ghadaffi was being pummeled. Legally it’s our company again.

  35. Zamtel is predominantly a fixed line company and these Libya business men have just concentrated on Mobile. Land phones have been neglected greatly and it is a very sad story. I learn that their current CEO is not even an Engineer! That is pathetic, how do you expect a Sales man to run a Telecoms company.Zamtel is for Zamabians and not for Libyans.

  36. I suggest that we leave this ZAMTEL issue to laws of reasoning. We really need to be very logical in the way we handle this case else some one or a group of people will be proven foolish. If Lap Green bought this company cheaply why don’t propose a renegotiated settlement? Let them pay what we think is the deficit. I doubt if Zambia will have capacity to financially and human resource wise manage ZAMTElL. Something is very terribly wrong the way we manage things as Zambians. Unless we cease to be African will never be objective in the way we do things. Why do we have to reverse decisions every now and then??

  37. U are not even ashamed to make a claim over a stolen property, Zamtel was stolen from the Zambian people, go to your country and sort out your mess and please, dont mistake our kindness and generosity for weakness

  38. ZAMTEL is a Zambian company not doubt about that,Let the guys from libya go an dget they money from RB and DORA SILIYA.forget about Zamtel

  39. hello
    my name sarah william am 23years old, i have lost my parent,
    si nce i was born ihave been surffring househelp to another pls i need
    help from anybody ,why because the death or my parent have made me so conffuse, one another am so inttelengent in my studies ineed a help inmy life why because my parents brothers have took away all my farther wealths
    one more am so buitifull, because God has gave me everything woman need for in hole life one again am seeking for a man to marry in any kind of sutiation a man who can undersding the meaning of life,
    thanks may God guid you aboundancely amen [email protected]

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