Rupiah Banda’s former Senior private secretary Rapson Chilufya has defected from the opposition MMD to join the ruling patriotic Front party.
Mr Chilufya said that he has left the MMD because of its undemocratic tendencies a situation he said has also caused division within the party.
Mr Chilufya was speaking at a press briefing this morning where he called on the lifting of his former boss’s immunity, saying that there would be nothing strange if the immunity of the former leader is lifted.
He said that lifting of Mr. Banda’s immunity whom he described as a fairly good leader would allow the former head of state to clear his name from any allegations of corruption leveled against him.
The former private secretary further called on all the law enforcement agencies to ensure that they prosecute all the former leaders that will be found to have engaged themselves in corruption at the expense of the Zambian people.
Mr. chanda who also served in the Levy Mwanawasa government in similar capacity noted that the late president was determined to fight corruption but that fight against corruption lost political will when Rupiah Banda became president.
Interesting development. I wonder how much he knows about his former boss.
What a sight…the rats and cockroaches are abandoning ship and swimming to  the nearest boat in sea to seek refuge!!
This guy seems to the key witness to his former boss. Am sure he was not paid well to keep his mouth shut. He will be a very good state witness. GOD SAVE ZAMBIA
i agree with you.He will be useful
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! things turning sour for nyama soya……
As expected Mr Chilufya has everthing to gain by defecting to PF to his kins men. It behoves on those that leave to convince where they are going that they have principles that guide them in life. Chilufya.s disclosure that he also worked with late president Mwanawasa then RB now he has to move to Mr Michael Chilufya Sata. In there lies his principle- to go where he makes his living. Chilufya is not the only one, many are such that when their true colours are identified they loose credibility beyond reprieve and end up un noticed – shame. Watch out for these unprincipled Zambians.
Yamunyokola chabe njala, afuna nchito kuli bakateka. The government should use him for the infor that he has regarding the looting of the Zambian treasury then they should throw him out.
Undemocratic tendencies, What the hell is he talking about, all those years he served in MMD did he not see that until Lelo.
Politics ya NJALA
Muselela kwakaba!
Good evening
Interesting development indeed. It looks like even his shadow is now distancing itself from him. Transparency and accountability can only be achieved once immunity is lifted. I end here for now.
wat makes Mr. Chilufwa to fink is clean?they are jst one and the same(Banda)
Good move sir.Now we want some data bout your former boss.
RB with his geriatric balls that specialise in bonking young women who in essence are his grand children never saw a day like this would happen in his entire Life. What surprises me about leaders that run for political office in Zambia is that it’s ok to steal, plunder & abuse authority & when they are quizzed, they want to play the persecution & victim card. RB’s sons were so careless in their dealings that this was inevitable. If they are clean like they claim they are, why are they not so keen to clear their names before the wheels of justice? I know of so many leaders’ sons that used their Dad’s political influence to grow & prosper in legitimate businesses. The difference between RB’s sons & the rest is that they were greedy & wanted to a cut at all costs. LOVELY DAY
Panji Kaunda was an established business man & farmer at his Sindamisale farm in EP during KK’s reign as president. Why didn’t Chiluba go after him when he came into power. The answer is simple. He used his dad’s influence correctly & never got into dirty dealings. I can name leaders in the US George Bush senior, helped his son George W. Bush to get started in the energy & petroleum sector. The same with Mark Thatcher son of former British Prime Minister Margret Thatcher used the mum’s influence to build his empire but never abused the influence. If what we are reading about Henry on Zamtel & RP Capital is infact proved to be true that we have a huge problem because he was not in government at all & his involvement in the matter is in itself corrupt.
my brother yours are very wise words and the examples you state are very true, l live in London for 22 years now and have seen leaders come and go, not even once have such abuse of power by leaders and their famly members as we saw under Chiluba and Banda. it is a well known fact that Mwanawasa,s wife,s side of the family did some abuse but Banda took the whole cake
Ba Pure Zambian, it’s really surprising that despite claiming that you’ve lived in London for 22 years, your English sounds so basic. Bushe finshi muchita? Tamwakwatako olo ka certificate in anything sure?
My advice to my fellow bloggers, especially those of us living in diaspora is that, please let’s learn to stick to the topic at hand instead of mentioning irrelevant issues such as where we live and so on because nobody is really interested.Also let’s bear in mind that because of globalisation the world has become so small that so many people are able to travel to any corner of the world at any time they feel like. Thank You
Kindly enlighten me, is the position of Private Secretary a Civil Service postion or party one?
Judas… I don’t think it is out of principle.
@Abwenzi Mark Thatcher was implicated in a lot of dodgy and scandalous dealings in both the middle east and in the botched coup attempt in Guinea Bissau . I would like to think his mother was well aware of these dealings. Bush too has a lot of ugly baggage attached to him . My point is corruption and nepotism knows no color code. The only difference is the wording ” Cronyism” is I believe the preferred word !Â
@Selamalimba you’re actually right. the point am putting across is that they may have done dodgy deals but not in the Govts where their parents served. I know Mark entered into a plea bargain in SA for his role in the Guinea failed coup plot. The point is he did those things out of his own not screw the British Govt when the mum was PM. RB’s son’s were secrewing the very system their father took oath to defend that’s the difference. I have no problem in them asking RB for introduction with prominent business people but when they get given GRZ deals even when they know they lack expertise, know how or don’t even have a business in that sector then that borders on greed period & cannot be ok or tolerated in any society. I want people to prosper in business legitimately not dodgy.
the last paragraph is refering to a mr chanda.is he different from mr chilufya.
Not out of principle, they must have differed over something like stolen cash proceeds or pension or something like a deal that went sour. So it becomes “I will fix him syndrome”.
there is somthin strange abt this move, lets wait n see, the guy will definitely tell us sumthin abt his former boss
PF is more democratic than MMD?
I would never trust a guy like this. He would likely do the same thing when we next change government….
He’s looking for a job. Sata is running very dangerous politics. This country needs to move forward and not backwards. What is this government doing? Now Kawimba is claiming the PF has done more in the last 100 days than the MMD did in 20 years. Bull crap! If I may remind Kawimba, Sata was very much part of the MMD until a 2001. He was part of the corrupt MMD that killed people to get away with embezzlement of public funds. Your government has done nothing to crow about. Kawimba was actually Lusaka mayor under the MMD.Â
Well, ofcourse he can not be trusted, but he is right about one thing, Banda’s immunity should be uplifted for sure. The allegations against him are too heavy to be taken lightly.
What a forked mind, in one breath he calls Bwezani a ‘faily good leader’ while in the next one he calls for lifting of his immunity alleging corruption and dictatorial tendencies as rife in MMD under Banda whence his departure to join his name sake in PF. It is intellectual flotila scum of the world like this that give Zambian politics a vile stench!
P-F should use this man sy spill the beans on R.B,but he does not deserve a position
in P.F government because of his un principled bahaviour.Yes he can remain as a member
of P.F and peharps continue running his own business if he has any at all like the now
common ‘CHICKEN BUSINESS’ former MMD Ministers seem to be enganged in:at least
for him to feed his family.
Mr Rapson Chilufya  why resign now. Why did you not reisgn at the time the MMD were in power and join the PF. Will you defect again if another party comes into power. Who are you really representing cause from where i stand for sure its not the Zambian people at large. Politans who defect everytime goverment changes hands do not represent the zambian on the street. The zambian they claim to be fighting for. These politian are just power hungry. So should the PF lose the next election and the MMD comes back to power are you going to stay with the PF in oppostion? or will you’ll defect back to the MMD and start calling for the lifting of Mr Sata’s immunity? Why do we need to recycle the same old politians when its clear they are only oin it for political gains.
Now see mr rb respect to other humans is good,i only hope your lovely Thandiwe will not desert you and marry a good looking young man in pf.
Is it Chilufya or Chanda?
This thief was just cut out of the dealings and is out to fix RB – about time considering PF are taking ages
It’s really never on principles. this scumbag is looking for a job. No wonder politics in Africa eptomises poverty. This kind of bullshit never happens to enlightened nations like the USA. Politicians there are principled. What was he still doing in MMD if he knew that MMD stunk? I can bet all those who have resigned from the MMD to join PF would not have done so if MMD had won the elections. They would still have been singing MMD praises. Typical of African politics. When will this end?
Chilufya, you a total fool, remember how you used to praise rb, and today he is a bad person. Make your eyes see straight and then you will notice the truth my dear. I pity your reasoning levels. Sorry maningi to you rapson.
Bamuselela kwakaba. This guy just sold his soul.
The Bemba adage says “UWENDA NANGOSHE NOKUMUBEYA EUMUBEYA” And also english says your best friend is your best enemy. So please don`t even tell your friend because your friend will tell a friend and a friend will tell a friend………………………
2016 is just around the corner. We will arrest all the kolwes who have bunched in PF and we will have no worries with our maize field called zambia
mr chilufya just needs a job. but may he not get it. he resinedfrom his possition to go andcontest as Mp on mmd ticket. but failled. of course he may know a lo but he is a very bad guy. sata should not give this guy a job. this man i know him personally. he blocked so many people to get to see the president, even when the president was expecting them . he a liar. but sata is clavor he wont consider him. even the OP know him well. he is as bad as his face appears. the guys has money. he has saved so long in desk tastate house his direct line was 011 260 257588 guyscall this number. you will find that itsa desk line, hope you knowwhat i mean. mr chilufya is the wast thing to work with. bali na tu chawa bad. mr president dont consider that guy for any appoinment NO, NO
#27 I am lost too. Chilufya or Chanda? He was a PF cadre spying for his elder brother Chilufya  Sata. If he knew there was corruption under RB, why didn’t he do the Mpombo thing? He needs to be investigated too.
Our God is observing all of us and He is a powerful God, never forget that Mr Former Private Secretary.
Typical African politics: POVERTY!
Chilufya was a traitor all along. He was one of the chaps leaking info to his cousin in the opposition. He was always a secret supporter of the PF. He retired before I left office and chose not to sign a new contract because he thought we would adopt him for Mpongwe.
Chilfya is a small boy who can review the secrets of his wife in public becos of small heart.Let him come out open so that the law can also visit him.DONT FORGET RICHARD SAKALA
Shit, I mean a sheet of metal.
Immunity is lifted in order to prosecute a President who carried out illegal acts AS President that were not in national interest. You do not need to lift immunity to gather evidence and make inquiries. Chiluba’s alleged crimes were tabled before parliament first and then immunity was lifted. So far, no one has pointed out A SINGLE thing that RB did that warrants prosecution. Every one keeps saying that the fight vs corruption lacked political will, but the President is not the policeman nor ACC officer. The law is there, it has not changed.
Probe him! He needs to be technically quarantined before he settles in PF, otherwise he’ll infest the party with corruption!
I echo the comments of the SAINT at 42. Everyone else calling for the lifting of RB’s immunity based on substantiated rhetoric is simply “blood thirsty”. Build a case and avail the evidence to Parliament to debate and decide. These defectors are such as the above are unprincipled individuals that are after favours. Clearly he has to give a reason for his defection and calling for the lifting of RB’s immunity is simply to excite Sata for “easy acceptance”. If he was that appalled by the corruption or slow pace, why did he have to wait until a change of administration to change camps. In as far as evidence, I doubt he will avail anything worth smiling about. Â
Chilifya was among Mwanawasa’s State House appointees who was retained by RB because he did not want to be seen to be sidelining those appointed by his predecessor. He did so even in the Cabinet. Most of those at State House and many in the Cabinet were those appointed by Mwanawasa. This was a good thing to maintain continuity. It is unfortunate that those he retained like Chilufya should now start attacking RB. The world is indeed cruel….
Is it chanda or chilufya
This has become a norm among Bemba Job-seekers. With the knowledge that Sata is staffing the whole civil service with his tribesmen, most Bembas have lined up their applications by deceptively acusing RB of all sorts of wrongs to attract the attention of SATA. Within 90 days Sata has replaced many prominent civil servants with Bembas and all those vuvuzellas that criticised RB. Katele Kalumba is refining his tunes that suggests cryptic loyalty to PF ever since he quit being MMD’s Secretary-General, and being a Bemba chances are bright for him. The likes of Mpombo, Sebastian Zulu, Musa Mwenye, Mulongoti etc are being rewarded for their criticism of RB. It is an interesting trend which will last as long as Sata’s heart-beat functions sustainably. This regrouping is a strange phenomenon.
Also maritime director chatola should be investigated the bandas used him to buy trucks
he is just a bitch and pf is foolish if they accept such prostitutes…
Senior private secretary, is this a political post or civil service? Sata, careful, he do the same to you!
Pf be careful with such unprincipled prostitutes. If he can do that to his former boss barely 3 month after losing elections, can you trust the character, the chap will equally ditch you in bad times. I am very disappointed to have such characters at state house! These are some of the lazy people who cannot survive left alone, always want to eat droppings from the main table.
And yet Chilufya managed work hand in hand with RB for good three years..Why did Chilufya had to wait until RB is no longer the president? had RB won was he going to defect?? these are politics of poverty, people should learn to invest other than making themselves fools. He thinks PF will trust him..
am pf and bemba but take such cowdung from this moron doesnt make sense at all!
meant to say cant take such cowdung from this moron
This Chilufya chap has no integrity whatsoever. Sebana wikuta… Nangu nibu selela kwakaba nifi? So shameful!!