We are the last generation that learned to play in the street, the first to play video games and the last to record songs off the radio. We are the last generation to have watched TV in black and white, the first to have owned plasma screens and the first to be watching TV in 3D. We are the generation born in the late 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. We are the generation whose parents grew up hearing the promise of an “Egg for breakfast for every Zambian”.
Today, we are the generation waiting to see “more money” in our pockets; For we are the generation that grew up long after the fruits of independence had been shared and the rest given out to the interests of International private capital.
We, who were the last generation to have received free education, now crowd Cairo road with degrees and doctorates: watching those we once only saw in ‘Bruce Lee’ movies running the mines and exporting both our copper and our jobs to unknown lands.
We the generation that grew up with the constant encouragement that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, have lived long enough to realise that what often seems to be a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, is nothing more than the beginning of another tunnel.
We are the generation that saw the long tunnel of one party participatory democracy give way to the light of ‘multi party democracy and economic liberalisation.’ Twenty years later, we are the generation that has lived long enough to realise that the light our parents saw at the end of the long tunnel of one party rule, was nothing but the beginning of ‘A twenty year long tunnel of corruption and moral decay’ that has left our generation the most AIDS infected and affected generation in the not so long history of our country.
We have become generation X. X for extinction, X for sexual perversion, X for economically excluded. Our 20 year long tunnel did not just liberalise the economy, it also liberalised morality and drove integrity to the brink of xtinction.
We the post independence era youths of Zambia have seen the fading dreams of independence and the utopian promises of the third republic. We have lived long enough to see that there is no light at the End of the tunnel, but rather another long tunnel at the end of every political promise.
We who have never enjoyed the fruits of independence are no longer asking for government handouts but demanding to give ourselves the future we deserve. We are demanding the right to give to ourselves decent work and opportunities to benefit from our God given mineral resources.
‘The Egg’ our parents were promised has never been delivered. We their offspring demand not one but all the ‘Eggs’…bequeathed to us by virtue of our being Zambian. We are demanding the fruits of our independence. We are the generation that will not be lied to.
The third force internet generation, the generation that you have taught to eat your bribes without responding to your demands, to attend your rallies but vote for your worst enemy, to praise you and tell you all is well even when you are breathing your last, politically.
We are the generation that has learned to say “donchi kubeba.” we bear no malice nor resentment for the plight
we endure, only a desire to see the realisation of our long postponed dream of Economic independence.
We the post independence generation have seen hope, have received promise but today make our appeal; To our Church leaders, politicians in government and the opposition alike “allow us to give ourselves the Zambia we deserve.”
1.Give us ‘a sit at the table’ the right to participate in the daily governance of our country. The right to speak and be heard at the policy making table.
2.Give us a new constitution that will stand the test of time
3.Begin to fight resource colonialism and defend the legacy of independence. Allow us too to benefit from the fruits of self government.
4.Create decent working conditions for all Zambians-especially those employed in the mines
5.Stop the cancer of tribalism and ethnic nationalism for we know no other Zambia, other than the one in which every race tribe and tongue lives in unity under the enduring banner of “one Zambia one nation”. Develop an outward, forward looking, futuristic, pan Africanist agenda, rather than the narrow federalist perspective currently informing the strategies of our major political players.
6.Begin to walk the talk and restore morality honesty, decency and civility in public office.
7.Improve the lot of our mothers and sisters who daily suffer sexual abuse in their quest for employment, education and business opportunities.
8.Level the playing field in business, land acquisition and Tax incentives for Zambians. Give us the opportunity to do for ourselves what you the political Elites have failed to do for us over the past 40 plus years.
9.To our church leaders we say stop cashing in on Gods people, live what you preach and help our society restore
Godliness and morality to public life. Be men and women of God, not men and women of Gold.To our political leaders we say “keep the promise” and earn enduring respect and perhaps you will rule longer than your predecessors have done. To the Church leaders we say do this, then maybe we will once again begin to fill your churches and pay a little more attention to your sermons. Or else for the politicians “donchi kudabwa” if we turn on you like we turned on others a few months ago.
In 2011 We celebrated a new dawn under PF. We look forward to a strong, borderless peaceful Africa, from cape to cairo, that the hopes of Nkhuruma, the hopes of Kaunda, Lumumba, Mwalimu and Mandela will soon become the reality we live in, under the leadership of His Excellence MCS. Long live Zambia, Enduring in the long held hope of Africa’s ‘economic uhuru’.For and on behalf of the youth of Zambia-‘The Pan African Nationalist
[A political Essay by E.M. Katyoka]
well said ,but it should be us youths to elect our generation in political spectrum and not continue supporting the old generation,thats the only way we can usher in a new breed of the post independence era,which has to face the economic challenges of the global village,youths like lusaka mayor daniel chisanga,etc
Good point and taken lets usher in our presido of GX who understand our plight and campaign begins now lets pick names that run on 2016 we kick out generation old and finished.
I do not see any tangible item in this academic essay. We need to discuss issues and not academic literature essays. One egg per person, beginning of another tunnel, donchi kubeba and what rote does not interest anyone worth a pinch of his salt! Lets be serious guys. I end here!
This is the best article I have seen on this forsaken site in a long time!
Good evening
A good essay which tells of the collective frustrations of a generation as it expectations from it’s leaders. It should be read in government establishments and academic institutions.
However, I feel that there is too much emphasis on politicians and church leaders to deliver “The Zambia We Deserve”. I feel there’s a lot each one of us can in their own way to make Zambia a better place as our leaders continue to grapple with the concept of good governance, fragile democracy, sustainable development and prosperity for all Zambians.
well said. I totally agree with you
This essay is one sided. Is there a part 2 coming to create balance? How come there is not a single line in this essay that says what YOU can also do for your Country? Its all give me this, give me that, do this for me, do that for me, I demand this and that…etc….etc..
“Now the trumpet summons us again to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation” – a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself…
I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from that fire can truly light the world…
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
Excerpts from Inaugural Speech by J. F. Kennedy, Jan. 20th 1961.
Ok did you buy this from an iPhone app? Do we have the same political help like the Americans had ? No in big lathers NO. Google another one this is not applicable.
Zambian youths are future-less in a a country with plentiful economic resources more expensive useless Commissions of inquiries set up in duplicity of existing State Security and Justice systems. Paradoxically, the country languishes in abject poverty visible everywhere in high prevalence of highest unemployment rates, famine, disease and ignorance yet these useless and extremely expensive Commissions of inquiries are booming uncontrollably. Time is not waiting for the youths to discover themselves in their socio-economic space.
We laughed at your MMD.
We knew you would never admit they were useless and wasting the country for so long.
We are glad they are gone now so wait 5 years for your comments to make any effect.
Regardless of the party one belongs to, we deserve a better Zambia. The problem with PF cadres is that they are always defensive even on matters that don’t need to be defended. While we should offer something for our country before we ask anything from it, notice should be made that we need to start somewhere. The opportunities of USA have never been the opportunities we experience in Zambia. Our resources, minerals, should propel us forward and we will stand on our two feet having been groomed from industry, not Soweto or Chisokone markets with our degrees!
Well writen articla,i wish all zambians can hv an opportunity to read it
The crowd i see above is already recipe for corruption.Please can we have some form of JOB
CENTRES to bring sanity to the job market whether for Government departments or
private firms where specialised people in recruitment will screen the candidates on behalf of GRZ
or a private firm.Government Departments or Parastatals should post their requirements of suitable candidates they are looking for in terms of academic qualifications or some kind of
experience.This role could be taken by an already existing Government or NGO.By the way
youth unemployement has sky-rocketted here in the UK.so the problem is not only unique to
Zambia,the only difference being this one is WELFARE SOCIETY.which mother Zambia cant
Instead of living in the future, Zambian youths are now living hopelessly in the past. Like all human beings the future they have been craving and needing for centuries has all but been shattered. The future they expected they had been dreaming of and fantasised about with change that promised more jobs, big money in the pocket of each one of them’s pocket, more citizen empowerment funds for their entrepreneurship, room for youth leadership and right of way has all been trashed. The future which was promised for as realizable in the first 90 days as established a social contract, is now shredded, dishonored and challenged with Presidential decrees for national army mobilization to be engaged against the citizens of Zambia LoL!!!.
Instead of living in the future, Zambian youths are now living hopelessly in the past. Like all human beings the future they have been craving and needing for centuries has all but been shattered. The future they expected they had been dreaming of and fantasised about with change that promised more jobs, big money in the pocket of each one of them’s pocket, more citizen empowerment funds for their entrepreneurship, room for youth leadership and right of way has all been trashed. The future which was promised for as realizable in the first 90 days as established a social contract, is now shredded, dishonored and challenged with Presidential decrees for national army mobilization to be engaged against the citizens of Zambia LoL!!!.
Youths have been cheated and condemned to poverty. Just Who’s Cheating Whom?
Zambians, your eyes are made ??to see: see embezzlement operated by First Quantum Minerals, Vedenta, Glencore, .. your ears to hear the scream of pain from your compatriots poorest who should benefit as all Zambian of dividends from ZCCM -IH (we’re talking about hundreds millions of dollars, not just five or six here and there). And your mouth is made to shout injustice that all Western governments have recognized. Screaming for your blood and your work can also benefit from copper. You are in the legality. If Tunisia, Egypt … have changed so quickly, so my Zambian friends get up like one man, and you will see the flowers of the development…be sure you are a rich country.Walk down the street to say Dividends for ZCCM-IH, Dividends for Zambians , Dividends for a Better Life
“Problems we have cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”. Albert Einstein … “Zambian youths can’t expect the country to solve these enduring problems by using the same antiquated brains and kind of thinking used when they created them … “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. …
Youths need start their own quest of discovering their destine and realize that cheating practically writes itself in their faces then question if its tolerable. It must begin, of course, with understanding a shocking statistic or two to demonstrate the pervasiveness of the problem. This would be followed by a review of different variants of unethical behavior and a look at who is cheating and taking the people for granted. Finally, a list of ideas must be provided for how victims can deter or catch cheaters, along with a stern call for greater vigilance.Just about everyone agrees that cheating is bad and that we need to take steps to prevent it then punitively pay it.
In his speech in Ghana, Barack Obama said unless African countries stop voting for incompetent and corrupt leaders, it will be difficult for them to see the light meaningful development. Zambia is a top candidate in this statement.
Not an original thought. Chap you lifted this from someone off the internet and that is plagiarism. Be original. While it is ok borrow ideas and paraphrase, develop your own or at least give credit to the source. Otherwise all that you suggest above is “B$^# S%&*”. Excuse the french but this echos what Zambians have become copycats (except from the genre of music developed).
Ask not what your country can do for you,
In other words, this article is a serious waste of time and instills the wrong idea for building a nation.
This is not an essay but rather a poem. It has not thesis statement, no topic sentences and conclusion. Ok, whatever it is, i hear your frustration. Now, the youth in Zambia are to blame for their continued misery. When the young and educated Zambians challenge the status quo, the youth go in to hiding by voting for old and incompetent politicians. We have the likes of Elias Chipimo Jr, and perhaps HH; who can bring sanity to presidency but their candidature can not be bought by the same youths who are complaining at hands of mediocre leadership. The youth should realize that no one else can develop Zambia but themselves and the GRZ plays an important role in national development therefore; the youth shouldn`t gamble on selecting competent leaders. Avoid voting for incompetent politicians!
Mind-set or mental attitude are determining factors of success. While some of our generation have made no progress,many of our peers who had nothing like us, who’s parents had nothing, are now doing very well and have amassed a lot of wealth the honest way. While some of us wait for a job others create jobs for themselves. Some started kantemba and graduated to hardware then to taxi then to mini-bus owner. Others did university, failed to get a job, got innovative and used their skills as free-lancers. While some of our generation played video games others from our same generation have no clue what that is, so if one had access to a video game it most probably implies that one had a better head-start than many, but maybe was too proud to do the “dirty jobs” that others live by.
Well put “The Equalizer!”
In a generation where hit songs go like “some are selling mishanga, some are driving benz, nothing wrong, that’s the way we get by..” complacency is bound to be a problem. We generally have a tendency to want to live off others, let others solve our problems, be it uncles or cousins or other distant relatives who have themselves worked hard to rise from the dust. When a friend or relative of ours does well for themselves we think that we can now finally relax and live off that person. The generation that did not go to national service became a very docile and idle generation in general. Politicians have of course messed up big time, but there has been an enabling environment for many who had they just come up with the right idea. Many who did succeeded.
A few times I have slapped my nephews around because they spend so much time playing video games and drinking shake shake, and do not want to do their school work despite the fact that they are luckier than many to have relatives who can pay for their school, electricity, good quality food, and a decent sleeping place, and video games. I see them failing miserably in school and probably in life if their attitude does not change, but I am sure they will have someone to blame for their failure in life despite the fact that they have an opportunity to pass their exams and even get sponsored to universities abroad by the family if they do well. Mental attitude. Mind-set. Thinking the development of your life is someone else’s job is a sure departure point to misery.
Oh my goodness! This is fantastic. This is a well picked and packaged staff. I come from the said generation of the late 60s and trully the man has his table well organised. Sir, It does not matter where you sourced it. Hats off to you sir as you’ve just reminded me to sit my kids down and take them through our times.
Great man you are. God bless you lots this year
It is ethics mune. If the man still contends that it is original let him provide an ISBN of his book because we can cite where he got it from. Sometimes this why Zambia is in mess. Rules of decor are overlooked and the law of the jungle prevails. Your Editor at Daily Mail was recently critic and maybe facing the law because standards are being overlooked. I googled his book and there is no where his is copyrighted so let him help me with an ISBN number of his book or journal.
Country men and men we have a circus to doom. Sata’s regime is what in the USA is infamously called, “The Bridge to Nowhere”. We have not only a National Embarrassment but a curse for curving cheaply to illiteracy, ignorance and delusions sold out in a social contract.
@28 Senior Citizens: You cannot just appreciate anything about your country, why can’t you tell us what you can do for Zambians? Your so called corrupt MMD was in power for 20years what have we ended up with? Wasting our time investigating your leaders who were in power to enrich themselves hence these issues our young brothers and sisters are facing.
Get serious and blog fairly. Don’t just yup, contribute to the development of our youth and your country.
# 30,
I appreciated the article writer for taking me back to those days when such things he has alluded to where heralded. I am not here to insult any one but appreciate the well meaning citizens. Thieves have stolen and made zambia poor but the law will have catch up with them. If my comment annoyed you, thats sad because I will always appreciate good writers and I will keep going forward without looking for someone to insult
Gee keey, normaly i would not respond to your accusations of plagiarism. nevertheless someone once said “if you want to hide anything in zambia the best place to hide it is in a book” because people dont read. But wish to help you understand that not all that is foreign to you, is foreign to Zambia. nothing in this article is plagiarised. if you can send me your address i will be glad to send you a complimentary copy of my book “the paradox of opportunity” or if you are to proud to get a free copy kindly visit arcades, planet books you will find it there. writing is my passion and i did not start writing today. i will continue to write and use literature as a means of giving a voice to the many youths who unlike my self do not have an opportunity to speak and be heard
@#31: Emmanuel Mumba Katyoka: Don’t worry about these types of people brother. They’ll just cause you to sink low like them. You’re doing a great job while they cowardly attack maliciously behind pseudonyms. Keep it up bro, and all the best in your endeavours.
Some of us have known emmanuel from his school days.everything he says is original
No one will give you the Zambia you want as X generation. Go grab it man by participating in all political issues. Note the vibrant and confident X generation have been wiped out by AIDS and we are only left with the passive of the X generation ask around and you shall be told.
Well written , but i have to say not everybody is suffering or is dead. A lot of my generation are out of zambia doing very well, a lot are in zambia doing well as well (houses, high paying jobs, nice cars).
So all this suffering is relative not absolute. and suffering should teach you something, not just make you wail and wail. Stop that and become strong and turn your life around.
But on the other hand a nice romantic piece with nistalgia for times gone by. I miss the pendelo gun, malegeni, catching inswa and fulufute, and ku kasha ma gelo, the intensity and brightness of those years!
Reality on the ground tells you that unemployment rates are over 60% and this is cause for alarm. You people who have drifted out of the country are comfortable because you don’t have relatives who look up to you because you are far. Your generalising and simplifying issues shows you are out of tune.
I will be 41 this year ive been thru all the nosense above and i dont think i was one of those the pf managed to woodwink because ive known mcs and i dont think he one i can rely my hopes on
surely what can chikwanda do that can turn the economy that situmbeko failed to do. What can gondwe do that fundanga failed to do, what can gbm do that kalombo failed to do and the comparisons are endless. Wakeup the youths lets take over govt from these bald heads.
We are the same generation who’ll remain poor, jobless, corrupt and hope that what we see at the end of the tunnel is light and not the beginning of another tunnel UNTIL we start doing something about our lives ourselves and REALISE that NOONE will if we dont.
This an average undergraduate English composition paper. It is full of speculations rather than facts. It does not offer solutions. Well nice try
why live in zambia, get a tangible education migrate to Europe or USA, Zambia is hopeless, it is nothing bt a country infested with corrupt and uneducated leaders.I rest my comment!
why live in zambia???, get a tangible education migrate to Europe or USA, Zambia is hopeless, it is nothing bt a country infested with corrupt and uneducated leaders.I rest my comment!
This is not an academic essay so no need for citation but it is a well written poem on the frustrations of many Zambians…..sometimes a frustrated person has no solution but it relates to many of us and so if you have a solution please share….but I am happy that I can contribute positively because I am not hoodwinked by politicians but there are many who have been taken for a ride, so the poem is a timely wake-up call in 2012….Keep it up Katyoka!
Dull youths that what they are. Think out of the box and the situation will melt away. Stop mourning and complaining and instead look for solutions to act on. Stop relaying on older people that have let you down over and over again to solve your boring being. Stand up for what is rightfully yours and what you believe in. You are the only “HOPE” left to this whole mess.
we cannot go on like thislets start creating jobs for ourslves,,,,am going tito farming i will not wait for ayone to give me a job.
Us in Zed have farms and Houses continue staying in those countries as second class, by the way am refering to 39 comment. I love the article .
The truth has been spoken, great piece E.M Katyoka. The good Lord gave you wisdom to publish this master piece. Those that do not understand the above article have misled themselves. Read it again and wisdom shall initiate in your grey matter.
God made Katyoka to write this essay so as we awaken to the fact that like the Chinese we need to hold hands in prayers and work to make Zambia productive and viable. We that are over seas can change things back home for the greater good of all. Unless you are female with an inferiority complex in Scotland lol.
well said, thumbs up!
Katyoka’s article is just good. We don’t always need to write political articles; academic articles are also necessary. After all, almost everyone of us are products of academics!
Work hard, study the right courses, pray and eat well, maintain discipline and you will enjoy a financially enriched life.
Over the weekend i was in Livingstone struggling to pay duty of $2,300on a car worth $2,500 in addition to a lot of multiple hidden costs from the clearing agent. Now. GRZ has no clue where i borrowed this money from, and in trying to empower ny kith and kin, they charge me $2,300. So one thing for sure is that i have NO MONEY IN THE POCKET. But nga niba muchocholi et al bringing some machinery, at tax rebate for 5 years. How am i going to survive mwebantu, this is January? Reduce tax on all cars so we can empower our people, there are no formal jobs kabili…….
A standing legacy of failed expectations by PFgovernment to Zambians is a poignant title. Addressing heads of missions in Zambia Mr Sata quotes a 6th National Development Plan of PFgovt. 6th NDP for PF? My goat? PF have no development plan. Small wonder VP can not act in the absense of Mr Sata. That confirms the legacy of a failed vision which can not be respected at party level.
E.M.Katyoka, well written, congrats, I will be turning 42 this year, your piece has actually brought that nostalgic feeling in me, i almost drooped a tear, by the way most weekends i usually pull my two lovely kids(girl and boy) from their computer games and dstv and make them those plastic kites, clay cars, play a bit of ichidunu and they all marvel at how well am able to remember all this stuff, am glad to say i experienced all that you have put out in your essay/poem and i have come to resolve that if my kids are to have a lovely future it is upto me to give them a good launch pad and i am doing just that, relying on these politicians can just make one lead a frustrated life, i have resolved to work hard irregardless of what policies and party is in place.IF IS TO BE…IT IS UP TO ME
#30 is a lost shephard. If you have a dry bone to chew, not in my yard sir/madam or whatever they call you. Start using your brain and do something first for yourself and you will appreciate being on this land. The article writer means well for the hard working people not the lazy who want to get things done for them by others. We can deport you to Kandahar if you don’t mind.
Lets keep on living even as we work harder as the nets are cast even wider.
Some of us have known Emmanuel for years and he writes and says original things wow unto you who thinks he is a fraustrated z. That is a man of God
Y are u lazy to go buy a book written by him.y ISBN #. The man has even offered to send u a free one provide him with an address. Matter of fact u Pharisees of Zambia even when a voice of God is speaking, u r too stiffened neck. People like u are the ones that bring zed down. GO TO THE ARCARD AND THE BOOK BY EMMANUEL MUMBA KAYTOKA.