Monday, March 10, 2025

Kunda defends MMD’s stance on corruption fight


Former Vice President in the past MMD government George Kunda has said that while in power the party had put in place a number of legal provisions that guaranteed consistency in the fight against corruption.

Mr. Kunda added that the MMD government did not relent in the fight against corruption under President Rupiah Banda as it can seen by a number of legal provisions that were formulated during its tenure of office.

The former vice president noted that the MMD had also started implementing the national Anti- corruption Policy as well as put up a whistle blowers Act.

Mr. Kunda said in response to a query from QFM on what the MMD did to ensure that there was consistency in the fight against corruption especially were country would have change of leadership. Mr Kunda said that even the abolishment of the taskforce on corruption was done in good faith.

He emphasized that fighting corruption through Ad-hoc arrangements also affected the operation of the already existing institutions mandated to investigate corrupt activities.

Mr. Kunda also insisted that the removal of the abuse of authority clause from the ACC Act was meant to harmonize the laws that govern issue of corruption and not to protect possible wrong doers in public office.



  1. The”red ripped snake”changes the go post to defend his mental illness of corruption. Anyway you are mad bwana MP, GK. SHAME ON U SYCOPHANT.

  2. Kunda the removal of abuse of authority clause from the ACC Act was to protect your corrupt
    deeds and nothing else,so PF Governement shall brig it back or put another tough one in its
    place,because this is how without declaring you business interest your company went on to
    benefit from the shoddy transaction of ZAMTEL sale to LAP GREEN.

  3. I do not see how removing of abuse of office act and abolishing task force on corruptions is fight against corruption. When these were removed, I listened to GK and tried to believe his defence. Now looking at how much these guys abused their offices and how corrupt they are, I understand why they weakened the law

  4. Iwe Chi Kunda red lip,don’t take people for granted.Kunda is a useless fool.Can MCS please probe this Kunda?

  5. GK I thought he was more intelligent than this – he speaks as if he has never attended classes on law being proud only with an honorary degree in law – even laymen/blind/deaf can testify that under Rupia mmd never fought corruption but encouraged it – it was free for all – yali ni sangwapo

  6. For me I continue to question the validity of these assertions that corruption was rife under RB. I think this was perceived corruption driven by the Post in it’s attempt to de-campaign RB in favour of MCS. Like many Zambians I believed this but with recent developments, I have began to doubt more and more because there appears no substance in the claims with the exception of Liato. Bicycles, scanners, flats, hotels in Malawi and Tanzania etc all seem to be empty rhetoric aimed at exciting the nation. 

    Those that wish to correct me should list cases that provide reasonable evidence of the actual corruption they rely so heavily to condemn fellow humans. 

    • I dont think I can answer your question with the facts that you seek, but for me one of the things that make me doubt the innocence of the accused is that if there is no truth to these allegations they would stand to win a lot of compensation from a lot of institutions and individuals, and on top of that cleartheir names. As such, I am more inclined to believing that they don’t want to go to court to clear their names because something they are trying to hide might be found.

  7. there is something terribly wrong with this man. i feel sorry for him. his destination is chainama hospital am sure. this is a sure way of applying for a bed at the hospital.

  8. #11 just because u say except for Liato does not mean u make the MMD clean. PF can even start arresting these guys today if you know the amount of evidence they have. When did you ever hear of Dora Siliya getting sick?

  9. @13, I have not said that MMD are clean but rather that i am sceptical about the whole thing and the extent of corruption in the previous admin. Yes, i did read about Siliya but that is not evidence of corruption. It might be that she is genuinely unwell or even that she is afraid of facing the authorities due to possible corruption. but until I hear the evidence against her I cannot join you in condemning fellow humans. The bicycle charges against Mwale and Musokotwane are a disgrace if you ask me. You claim for this overwhelming Evidence that the authorities have appears to be hearsay, can you list a few cases and available evidence that you know they have. I may just then begin to join your calls of caging them.

    • 2.1 Billion underground by a former labour minister!
      100 Bicycles for what? duty cleared by Chinese company!
      Single sourcing of contractors and suppliers.
      Ever travelling president
      Zamtel scandal,
      Boarde Scanners,
      Mpundu Trust Account,
      Hammer vehicle donations,
      Anticorruption bill removal,
      Road Construction scandals
      Gold theft
      Kunda’s company benefiting from Zamtel
      Ooh, The list is endless and there are much more cases to come,
      What more proof do you want? 

    • Floyd Chitalu, I do not think that anything you have listed bears any substance with the exception of the Liato case as I earlier stated. The rest of the list is unsubstantiated in terms of evidence of corruption. I can’t comment on the single sourcing merely because I do not know which companies or contracts your single sourcing suggestions relate to. The majority of your suggestions have been nothing but empty noises by MCS aimed at exciting simple and gullible minds that believe his word as gospel. And until tangible evidence is made available the whole thing remains questionable.

  10. ITS A WORRY don’t use abstract sentences “I THINK”.Try to be positive with the terms to use such as “in my view” or “according to me”. Otherwise yo perception towards the conduct of the media is yo own built intuition generated thoughts. The functions of the media is to educate, entertain and inform.Now on the issue of empirical evidence, let the law enforcement officers finish their investigative duty and process the cases to court then u will b able to know the truth. things eminet from hearsay and later u will know the truth. Be patient. One of the cases is that involving DORA SILIYA with proper tangible evidence no wonder she is hesitating to appear before the law enforcement officers.Follow this case with kin interest.

  11. @15 whether I use “in my view”, “according to me” or “I think” is a matter for me to decide depending on the level and depth of my research and or understanding. And IN MY VIEW, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the media, and the post newspaper in particular, where behind a calculated drive to taint RB’s administration. Whether or not they have evidence remains to be seen. I would therefore suggest that my assertions about the media’s conduct are based on reliable articles published in the media and not my own built intuitions as you suggest. My advice to your colleague, KCI @13, and reason for my comments is very much that until the evidence is availed, I can not be driven by propaganda to condemn anyone.

  12. Mubarack of Egypt goes to coart on a hospital Bed.Who are these Doras of this world?Can’t they also go driving to coart?
    What is wrong with Zambia? Seems criminals just make tricks ya kulwala and the like.Let her go clear her name.Let her stop hiding under a Hospital Bed

  13. That’s why MMD failed to win the 2011 elections. Iyi mbuzi was misleading another mbuzi with legal advice. This is what KK used to call S.T.U.P.I.D I.D.I.O.T Ka Kunda stop waffling about corruption. Your stance is cheap & exposes your shortcomings as a docile bull dog like you were described in the WikiLeaks by the then US Ambassador to Zambia.

  14. @Its a worry, i would suggest you contribute to these debates when you have enough evidence that the media and in particular the post had peceived agendas to de-campaign RB. List your cases with evidence on this fora for debate. In your sane mind, you think RB would have let the Post go scot free if they were fabricating stories. Since you claim to be in the dark and waiting for your so called evidence, please give us space to debate and speculate.

  15. The Post had an incentive to de-campaign RB even with falsehoods cos any action from RB will attract condemnation from both local and international community in the name of Freedom of Expression.Even when RB was to take them to court and win,The Post will still accuse RB and the Judiciary of being against them.They have done this several times.Successive Zambian govts been held hostage by the The Post and anyone who doesn’t not bow to them faces the consequences especially in a country where perception is more important than facts or reality.

  16. @16 i can see logic in you …..don’t listen to @15….this 15 is lacking  good education in other ways he has no  education his only 12g..only pipo who are schooled can understand you…….

  17. The HIV-AIDS virus ravaging this red-lipped snake seems to have finally arrived in his head saturating it as incoherent masalamusi. Just how does removing laws that protect the country from plunderers help the country in its fight against corruption? It’s like saying we are going to castrate you but marry you to a lovely woman and still expect you to sire babies, impossible. This was Kunda and Bandas gymmick of coming back in the dark to sire illegitimate babies with the “jaffered” husband’s wife and still get away with it. We will not fall for such kind of stinking toilet reasoning that does not make sense at all, you will pay a heavy price for saturating our statute books with “ifyobe”. Before AIDS kills you, we will “Penza” you!

  18. Gallis @18, are you serious you want me to list articles in the post? Pointless because we all know there were mainly articles in the post and yes, RB did let them publish many articles including what would qualify as insults. 

  19. How did Banda acumulate such money to buy Mpundu trust in 3 months of his presidency when he declared K5-K6BN worth of property and cash??

  20. @11, 14, 16: ITS A WORRY, I understand your argument and I think it is valid. At this stage most of what we are dealing with is speculation. I have my reasons to be more inclined to believe otherwise, but without facts that does not make my belief any more right than yours until we have further evidence. That said, I dont think I can answer your question with the facts that you seek, but for me one of the things that make me doubt the innocence of the accused is that if there is no truth to these allegations they stand to win a lot of compensation from a lot of institutions and individuals, and on top of that cleartheir names. As such, I am more inclined to believing that they don’t want to sue because something they are trying to hide might be proven against them.

    • Thanks for your acknowledgement. I think you have given a fair and rational view unlike other fellow bloggers. I do certainly think your view is indeed credible and perhaps stronger than mine. Nonetheless the issue remains in the evidence in support of the rhetoric the authorities put together which was my point from the onset.

  21. Kunda, waba chilomo, you are one who scraped the the clause, what is new that you want to tell us , You are finished man and your party. Continue taking the medicine. Thats your life.

  22. Now this is getting very interesting, it takes tribalism to very dangerous levels. Why is Chikwanda, Sata’s cousin and an unelected MP be acting as president when the veep Guy Scott is in the country? We know Sata is in SA for heart review among other things and if he kicks the bucket, this arrangement will land the presidence in a pailr of unelected hands. This is going to be war as we know it, enough of this stinking primitive tribalism is enough.

  23. The so called educated Zambians read an article in the Post citing one person comment about another and it because absolute truth. They cannot tell an opinion of one person as long as it appears in the Post -MMD UNDER RB corruption was the highest because a political opponent called Sekeni has said. All so called educated people will pass comments based on this one opinion. Please wait for the courts to rule on the cases of Maxwell etc. I wished you had time to attend court sessions to follow how the cases are unfolding. Maybe some blogers here could help with more evidence. Liato’s case looks obvious case of theft or corruption but if you are really educated as you claim you would wait for the outcome of the trial. A critical mind is a virtue of education.

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