The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has cleared President Michael Sata’s son Mulenga of allegations that he bought two motor vehicles worth K1.8 billion within days of his father ascending to the presidency.
DEC Commissioner Alita Mbahwe in a statement released to QFM today says following the conclusion of investigations into the allegations by Gregory Chifire it has been established that the allegations were not true.
Ms Mbahwe says investigations have revealed that one of the vehicles, a Jeep, registration number ALB 9988 which was believed to have been acquired at K1billion, does not belong to Mulenga Sata, but belongs to Chishala Karabasis.
She explains that the other vehicle, a Toyota Land cruiser registration number ABT 5000, which was alleged to be worth K800 million, is in fact a second hand vehicle which Mulenga bought on hire purchase at a total amount of US$A 25,000.
Ms Mbahwe has also disclosed that when Chifire appeared before DEC officers, he gave a statement that was different to the story that he supposedly gave to the online publication.
She however says under the Laws of Zambia, there is no criminal offence that Chifire committed as his allegations were made to the public through online private publication, and not to any public officer.
The DEC boss has however warned that this does not mean that people should be making unsubstantiated allegations against other people publicly, as the aggrieved person may seek civil litigation.
Ms Mbahwe has since implored whistle blowers and members of public in general, to grow in confidence and report any suspected criminal offence, directly, to the Commission or any other law enforcement agency, and not through the media.
Chifire, “what’s your comment on the outcome.’ I would be interested to know.
Isn’t Sata’s son a dog catcher or something like that? I did not know dog catchers can afford to spend $25000 on a car. By the way do Dog Catchers have a union?
He is not a dog catcher but a breeder. Some of you have nothing of substance to say so you just let the first thing that comes out of your cheap brains speak. What you should be asking yourself is “What was the source of the money?”. It could be from breeding dogs, you know?
He is a US trained Civil engineer by profession
Oh well, there will be a commission of enquiry on why he was cleared, when his dad is no more (on the throne?). Remember Dora….
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Shame to the critics and thumbs up to President Sata for not shielding his son.
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others
It would be interesting to know why Chishala Karabasis has all of sudden decided to “lend” Mulenga Sata such an expensive car. Is this not a case of a planned influence buying scheme?
Ba Chifi changulube…leteni data naimbi….you are a failure….you have never won a case…..passed an exam…proposed a beautiful girl…iwe fyonse ku luusa…awee mweee…..shaaaaah
Okay Leave Mulenga alone… the guy bought a second hand for $25,000. bythe way he can afford a brand new car. But he has got other things to do. Chifwiti iwe stop attacking the 1st family u a imbarasing zambians………..
uli muntu wamusango shani?Zoona uli chifi cangulube
It is corruption through and through, how come the case has been settled in favour of both parties?
It’s a none starter, we shall know the truth later after 2016. This guy is grown up unlike Castro hope this is the last we hear from him. Do we really need to hear the president ‘ s son doing a b c all the time. What I don’t understand is why he stopped selling dogs jus because the dad is now presido. Anyway ni pa zed.
Going to the hospital shortly
May have some news for your readers later
Who cares ? You can aswell announce your own death we can`t care less.
Both parties have won the case kekekekekeke lobe we mwine.
Mushota mate don’t come and cheat you are pregnant,gays don’t get pregnant. And nick is 89 years old it’s not possible!!!
Nice one!!!
She chopped someone else naimwe. Tamwaishiba amahule?
Ba chifi changulube please release now the data you said you have. Hurry up man. But knowing you, you have nothing…
Mushota you’re classic. Armed with your MBA, CCMA & soon to be pregnant well done. Nick anafuza LIVE
So if my dad goes into State House and then I buy a mansion within days, ninshi bwafya mwa? Awe Zambia calo cesu… Is there a law that says such a thing should not happen? Epo mpelele.
Are you this dull or it’s how to support this issue which is the problem? You scare me hope you are a lady or else you don’t deserve to be the head of any family.you can hardly read between lines. Actually you are ignorantly shocking.
Mushota, i will check on you at Gartneval Hospital boyi.
mwana wa mfumu ni mfumu yamene…..
Where is Chilufya Sata? Castro Chiluba’s friend?
he died long tym the tym sata was in hospital in SA
This was expected. Mulenga is the son of the President. He cant be found guilty. Wait when a new govt comes in power, he will be found guilty. This is what happens pa Zed.
mr chifire you have failed to tell the police what you told the media.you are a fool.chisakala niwebo chichifi.
Good.I am happy for brother Mule.Chifire mwana learn how to curb that running mouth.
@ Micahaelme, are you sure Mulenga has grown up like Castro???? Data ya boza like Cifire… maybe if u talked about the late son (MCS’ son), you’d hve come close to the truth..
Read my blog above again I said unlike not like. Don’t call people names because of your own deficiency.
Chilufya Sata is an intellectual and there is no way he would have been a friend of Casro Chiluba. Chilufya is a nice guy. He is currently pursing his Phd in Civil Engineering. He has already completed his Masters with distinction 1st class pass i.e. A+. He is a humble guy and down to earth. He is a staunch and responsible BA christian.
Adults with families don’t lend each other cars for nothing. We are not kids and stupid , we know the arth is not flat. Seen this before , done that and got loads of T-shirts. It is just the wrong time to try this investigation. Waste of time and money.
Bwana, so if the car is registered to someone else do you still want the police to pin it on Mulenge just to make you haters happy? Do you have evidence to the contrary? What nonsense is this?—-grow up people!!!!!
Kalibe kantu
I like Chilufya for his excellent character. The young man is really good and down to earth.He is very intelligent.
Chifire was right to raise the alarm as evidenced by the findings that leave more questions than answers. It is iconceivable that Chishala Kalabasis lends Chilifya Sata such an expensive jeep at the same time Sata acquires a second hand Toyota valued at $25,000.00 through Hire purchase. Second hand car in Zambia on hire purchase?. Tell Zambians something of convincing to take home. The public is judging, and convict Chifire for peddling information that is not true.
even Dora was cleared in RBs time
cii diploma books wanted urgently call 0977930444.cash available.2011 edition utmost
These flags are fake I thought you are pa USA. What book do you want be specific we can help for free.
i can get the books for you as im in the uk Which subjects do you need ?:-?
what of lyato an co?
Time time bane one day the sun will set even for him.
Chifire has already been sued by Mulenga Sata for defamation. He may caugh a lot of cash or bailiffs may pounce on him
But why has chishala kalabasis give Sata mule ga a car just aft his father won the polls? DEC, ever heard of influence peddling as an offense? Chisahala wants something!
Go back to school iwe !
it was expected but it wont last forever
Well handled my dear Alita Mbahwe. I hope it is not another George Owen`s `Animal Farm` thing.
Daddy in power now so you can get away with this one man
Kaunda’s son Kambarage killed someone and he was acquited…no one touches the son of appointing authority!
Even the pigs started sleeping in bed sheets when they took over power. Even a kid now knows that in Zambia presidents sons do what they want.one day Jesus will demand that we all account for our actions. They will be no lawyers or favours. What’s the point of winning temporally now loose forever latter?
Let us talk something else we sound foolish supporting rubbish or questioning the expected.
# 32 what is cii…is masomo yenangu!
Kalabasis…. is he Muchingan…. what does he do ena?
which companies offer hire purchase services in Zambia to buy a vehicle at USD 25 000? I think there is something wrong and one wonders why suddenly after his father ascendance to presidency Chilufya bought that vehicle. Chifire was right. That Kalabasis is for sure a foreigner.
Wamona chifire,wapya. nesoninakalya.
Jeep in Billions?? SRT8 or what?? Something is wrong with our country, Jeep is such a cheap vehicle to cost that much.
Is ZRA still in existence?? Please DEC investigate those ZRA boarder vehicle evaluators, they still from Zambians.
why not crap the vehicles whilst investigating only to release after the chap has proven innocent kaili.Thats what is happening with MMD suspects.you first crap they properties awaiting investigations. double standards
Uko! That is the way jungle law operates. Survival of the fitest. Animal farm State machinery (DEC has become D= destroy E=evindence C=completely) Thats the power of state house, makes everyone ukuba ba ngwele.
Mulenga sue that son of a Gun! called Chifire
You think this was a real investigation? First of all investigators would lose their jobs if they found him wanting. They would actually rather not deal with such issues. The Zambian presidency allows corruption, because the president is not accountable to anyone. This story is intended to mislead. No used Toyota costs $25,000. Lies and deception have become synonymous with Mr. Sata’s government. Please, show us what your vision for the country is. I can blame you anyway, because you have never had any. How you become president, only Zambians know!
Am pretty sure that time will catch up with Mulenga one day. One day the truth will prevail.I always laugh at fools who celebrate when their money as tax payers are been stolen. I wander what they benefit… Remember Dora was cleared under RB, you see guys 1.8 billion is alot of money just to be pocketed by one individual. There is no smoke without fire. This is corruption at highest level. I hope this money will be paid back to the poor Zambians one day.
Deep Throat! how much is a brand new Toyota land cruiser today; how much is 25,000USD in kwacha and how was the mileage reading on the dashboard? If a friend offers me an item and I pay as I use that item; isn’t that hire purchase; then what’s so complicated about hire purchase?
Tekki Kata, I am sure you’re eager to take this story on face value. I know for sure that a used Toyota landcruiser would not cost that much in the United States. You can actually purchase a luxurious used SUV like a Benz or BMW with that kind of money in the U.S. Elsewhere, vehicles are even cheaper. You can get more value for your money if you bought such a vehicle in Europe, for instance. This story just doesn’t add up. You know there’s what they call critical thinking. That is a trait the Zambian voter needs to develop. You must look at the bigger picture. If you’re going to confiscated a former minister’s used Hummer, usually valued at less than $15,000 in the U.S., the acquisition of a $25,000 by your own son is even more questionable.
To me, this sounds like a gangster government that entirely misunderstands its mandate. They were elected to change the direction of the country, not to harass others. You can change this country by rising to the challenges of personal example, instead of harassing previous leaders. Remember, the previous government was democratically elected, and you must respect that. Mr Sata himself was pretty much party of the MMD government in which officials looted with impunity. He was, in fact, convicted of having stolen money from the Merzaf project in Chiluba. Mr Sata is now counting on Zambia’s collective amnesia which swept him to power. You will wake up one and find this country has totally nothing.
Deep throat if u want come and buy my land cruiser at $35000,come intercity u will find it.Land cruiser my friend is expensive.In Durban its $28000.
General, well they might be sold at that price in the U.S., but elsewhere they are cheaper. But even then, that is over the top. I can purchase your vehicle if it has less than 20,000 miles at the price you’re offering. You can check the true value of your vehicle at kbb.com or Edmunds.com. It may not be worth that much, not even a used Infiniti QX56 SUV would cost $35,000.
Let me check mukuka my friend
Ya, Mukuka is absolutely right!
It starts all of a sudden this mulenga has got so much money and is all over making head lines in the papers. That Karabasis guy i personally know him he is a con.But did the DEC explain which organisation or dealership in Zambia is selling vehicles on hire purchase? i would like to know so that i can go their too. The problem with Zambian leaders is that when they are in power the abuse is almost immidiartelly and they never learn from their predicessors.
zoona nyika yasweka some fools supporting buying a two vehicle in billiions, i may be poor yes but always ready to share with others little, the guys are simpliy thieves, selfish wait one day zambia will not be theirs a commoner shall rule stupid DEC
´Fire guts City Center restaurants´
This is a no brainer. It was expected. This goes to show that for as long as we rely on the rule of man instead of the rule of law, the children of the ruler will be untouchable, big-headed spoilt individuals. Seeking fair play for all in such an environment is like chasing a mirage. That’s why the fight against corruption will amount to nothing tangible, the job creation will not happen, and Zambia’s economic grow will be at best cosmetic.
I am surprised that some of you are behaving like you don’t know Sata. This is a man who was at the very center of the corrupt and ostentatious MMD throughout the 1990s. If you can purchase a vehicle for $25,000, it means you have more money than that. That is the kind of money people use to build a house in Zambia. The story from the so-called investigators just doesn’t add up.
The State machinery has crystallised fictitious new car owners and strange car prices being used to conceal the truth. Taking into account that the Chief Executives of ACC, the Police and DEC were hand picked by President Sata, the verdict reached by ACC has been unprofessional and tailored to please Mr. Sata. In this regard Sata’s children are immune to cases of wrong doings in Zambia. We hope they do not export such corrupt activities to South Africa or elsewhere where the rule of Law operates without fear of favour. WE SMELL A BIG ROTTEN RAT whose audor emanates from State House.
Chifire!!! Kovuwa mulombwana ndiza aba bantu kuli ncobasisa? Nkobali bambi bacende balindila buyo nkondo. We won’t sale our country at whatever cost. Remember we are past election fever and the real men will be known sooner or later because we have a country to protect and develop. Donchi kubeba.
which car dealers are selling such used cars at such exorbitant prices? if we say 25pin usd two used cars up to zed, yes but one or could it be that this 25 pin will be paid in a long span of time hence hire purchase?
Koolwe and Datsun 120Y, Chilufya Sata is late this guy in question is Mulenga not Chilufya.
Ni pa Zed!
Mwansa @67 thanks for clearing my mind. I was getting confused when some people were mentioning the name Chilufya Sata because it was reported two or so years ago that Chilufya had died. So what is the correct name of Mr Sata’s son who is pursuing a PhD in Engineering? Or is it fictitious exercise by Koolwe?
I cannot believe you people are complaining that Mulenga owns A CAR!!!! Don’t you know anyone who owns a car?
The DEC states that the hire purchase totals usd 250000, not the price of the vehicle itself, but the price of the vehicle with interest people (hire purchase).
usd 25000, not usd 250000 sorry. That would be the general price of a second hand toyota landcruiser in rsa. There is nothing fishy or funny there.