Monday, March 10, 2025

PF Government has no plan, no agenda and hiding behind the fight against corruption-Sakala


Patriotic Front President Michael Sata

The People’s Party has accused the ruling Patriotic Front government of hiding its empty agenda behind the fight against corruption. Party president Edwin Sakala has said that the PF government has no vision and no proper programme for the country other than attacking fellow politicians.

Mr. Sakala told QFM that government so far has not shown that it has any economic agenda for the country but has wasted its time in power fighting other politicians.

He said that what president Michael Sata was fighting should be left entirely in the hands of investigative wings for him not to move away from issues that affect people.

Mr. Sakala said that President Sata needed to start delivering on promises he made to the people of Zambia during election campaigns instead of turning his back on them now that he is in power.



  1. Your party Sakala has no vision, agenda or whatever, otherwise the Zambian people could have voted for you, so let PF carry out it’s task.

  2. Mr Sakala Don’t Kudadwa,what do you expect from an educated,immoral,selfish,vengeful,witch hunter,womaniser,useless,corrupt, sick and incompetent tribalist man like Satana?Maybe lets have a COI to establish why kaponyas trusted this retired thug like this,it is shocking.

  3. Lol, this is a problem with giving lightweight opposition parties a say in the media. Mr. Sakala, I can guarantee that you will never even come fourth in any election!

    • both kaponyas and educated people voted for PF. Even Obama thought he would fix the American economy easily. So, let us wait. The year has just started. Let us also argue politely. That shows our maturity.

  4. I agree with Sakala. Sata since assuming office has only managed to agitate investors and markets as well as playing to the gallery of his cadres.Analytical Zambians are already bored and getting armed with their voting power.

  5. To be honest if someone told me before the election that PF has no plan whatsoever but their one and only plan was to fight corruption in Zambia. For the whole 5year term even 10 years and they do manage to bring it down from 98% corrupt to 40% corruption. I would vote PF a million times over. Before voting for anyone who promised the world.

    • Me six, lets fix the rot. they can leave all developmental projects for the next two years and just fight corruption alone.

    • NOT ME.Someone who promises you the world is mindful of the fact that the world has systems that GOVERNS it as such he is the best choice for me.You need food(agriculture) on the table, schools for you children( education),health facilities close to your people(health),good roads in your compounds,districts(infrastructure) jobs ( economic growth).NOT FIGHTS THAT CAUSE HATRED AND DIVISION IN THE NATION OR IS IT HUMILIATING FORMER LEADERS. ONE WHO WINS MUST HAVE RESPECT FOR THE LOSER.

  6. The problem in Zambia is no one seem to offer a tangible solution to corruption. A blogger by the name of Nalumino on Tumfweko can closer to that. He started by saying that we need to give security of tenure to Ministers, MPs, Permanent Secretaries, Ambassadors, Security and Constitutional Office bearers, District Commssioners and Directors of Government Deparatment. If as a Nation we work on their retirement package then the propensity to steal or being corrupt whilst working will be reduced by almost 50%. Curently only the President enjoys some level of security upon retirement from active politics. Nalumino had wonderfully articulated what the government can do to ensure that these public officers do not end being corrupt.Please read it.

  7. @3 this Sakala is a nobody , he has had his 5 minutes of fame, he is worse than HH, because even if HH gets only tonga votes,he gets a tribe to vote for him, but this Sakala only his immidiate family will ever vote for him and how many are they in his family?? Sakala (thief in bemba) you area waste of space,

  8. This is Democracy at work. Checks and balances. It’s good to see we have opposition parties in Zambia that have no fear of questioning the government. This will keep PF on its toes and is good for the country.

  9. Yes, Mr sakala has a point, this government has never told the Zambian people which direction and programmes to implement apart from arresting the Zambian people whom they supposed to serve.
    Let PF tell us their intended goals for this country, right now parents, pupils and students do not know where to find money for fees.

  10. totally agree with Mr Sakala this fight against corruption should be left to investigative wings and the president and his party should focus on developing the country.Amazing how much wisdom can come from a nobody like Mr Sakala!

  11. mr sakala is right honestly i have not seen any agenda on economy apart from chasing other politician,” He said that what president Michael Sata was fighting should be left entirely in the hands of investigative wings for him not to move away from issues that affect people”. what the president has been doing is run away from issues that is affecting the people. takinng Dora to prison will not put food on my table or pay my school fee 

  12. LT you should have a good number of the presido picture where he looks better than this one which scares kid.look at it like I’m watching Nigerian move and that is the devil. How do I explain those chucks of meat on his face to my work mates here and jaribu marks all over.!!??!!l

  13. The important plan PF has is to fight corruption the scourge which works against strenghthening an economy.If you don’t see corruption as a negative recipe to development then some people have a problem.In any case to have a plan one needs to sit down and plan and that requires time and patience.

  14. Mr sakala is spot on. He is not in power and has complete right to criticise a govt without any development agenda. PF govt is offering MMD 6th Development Plan to heads of foreign missions in Zambia. They non of their own and that underpins their concentration on justifying their being in govt although make statements as if in opposition. PF govt have a duty to run the affairs of the nation and must be seen to be so. Zambians are growing tired of this govt for they offer nothing except press statements. Even fighting corruption can be done without much hulla balloo news. Lies have short legs, you cant run fast as truth catches up with you.

  15. No words but I have to wait till the end of 5 years to judge the PF. But I give them a plus on the fight of corruption…please PF do not relent, chase and follow them ..plunderers of poor people’s money.

  16. While i appreciate that Mr Sakala was exercising his democratic rights, it is appalling to just criticize for the sake of it. if indeed the PF has no agenda for this country where is his party’s agenda so that we Zambians can make informed decisions? At least at this point we can say the pf has made head-ways so far. for example the pf budget has been approved and every logical Zambian is looking forward to its implementation. However, no matter how good the budget may be it cannot benefit the intended if corruption is left unchecked. Anyway let us wait and see before we judge them. God bless Zambia  

  17. Correct observation, so when the president arrives at the airport he will be talking about arresting/investigating this or that politician with no mention of any new developmetal projects being initiated.

  18. Can you imagine the horror that the picture above can introduce on a kwacha note!

    Most exchange beaureus would stop dealing in kwacha, lol

  19. You have hammered the nail on the head , we are on auto pilot. Bloggers why are u insulting mr sakala, just say what u have seen in ur pf agenda.

  20. Iwe Smoking Gun, Granted you have freedom of speech insulting the head of state as you have done is taking your luck to far,these machines have got ids and soon or later we will grab you by yo little balls and ask you to tell the nation why you have to insult the head of state,and these misdirected and poverty stricken individuals who keep crying about the the PF not having done anything for us Zambian baffle me have you not read the PF manifesto?Has anyone of you tried to look at the Chilean mining tax regime which the PF in its less than 30 days in office implemented,the constitutional review being undertaken,the investigations and unearthing of Billions buried underground and findings of illegal sale of state assets like Zamtel,please debate with decorum,and watch what you say!

  21. Yes Mr. Sakala, I am sure you have a vision and know why People did not vote for you. Progress will come with free corrupt Government. Leave Cobra alone to Clean up Zambia.
    PEOPLE in the Diaspora Watch PEOPLE & POWER tonight between 20.00hrs & 20.30GMT on Al Jazeera, it is a repeat of the episode on Zambia and Chinese relationship. The Dragon VS King Cobra???? Enjoy

  22. Yeah this is true. We are just being told that -this one stole this- that one stole that and the rote. But we also have the Mpombos, the Xavias, and other wanted guys going scot free just because they are the guys who boot licked sata’s boots and yet they have skeletons all over their mansions. Ba PF tell us whats the programme like from here. Is this the beginning of another tunnel as some people would say. Yes we saw the light at the end of the tunnel but little did we know that it was the beginning of another tunnel of lies and deceit. I end here!

  23. Well said. You can’t hide for too long. Very soon even those who suffer from collective amnesia who swept this government into power will realize they suffered from an aberration during the election. Zambia can do better than this. This Sata isn’t a president, period.

  24. dont blame the tongas for not trusting any one associated with mmd now or later sata needed to convice them that he was no longer mmd but now pf and changed from supporting the third term that time, zambia can support anyone but remember not to hurt other tribes when you the stage, HH may be stronger tommorow because sata is revenging on some tribes remember this tribes have traditional cnnection by culture and intermarriages watchout.

  25. I have never thought in my life that Sata can ever be a President of our country!! Please, fellow Zambians, the man has not a stench of presidential qualities. He is just a noise maker. He can only work under someone, as a messenger! Our country is going nowhere with this kind undiplomatic leadership.

  26. Smoking Gun, I am glad there are people like you who can see through the smoke screen. What you write about Sata now is what I thought about him as far back as 1996. This is an alcoholic and a heavy smoker who may not pass a basic psychiatric test. As a journalist, I stopped covering him because I didn’t consider him credible. I just don’t know how this man became president. He has no clue what his mandate, if any, means. This government might be broke by the time this man leaves office.

  27. The picture is appropriate, this man is scaring off investors. I think the political risk of doing business in Zambia is higher than it was in September.

  28. #27Smoke Screen says:…………….This government might be broke by the time this man leaves office.

    And that’s when Zambians will realise why RB cried.By then it will be too late.Anyway,that’s what we are,used to moving in circles.

  29. In order to fight the perceived corrupt practices, there is need to carry out a comprehensive review of govt policies, rules and regulations that govern the business operations of our ministries.Measures or controls ought to be put in place that will deter any wrong doing.Prevention is better than cure.SO LETS DEAL WITH OUR SYSTEMS AND WAY OF DOING BUSINESS IN OUR COUNTRY.STRONG SYSTEMS WILL EASILY REVEAL CORRUPT PRACTICES.IMPROVE SERVICE DELIVERY SYSTEMS to the citizens to avoid a situation that would make someone buy his way through.Otherwise many of us are now BEGINNING to take this said fight as a tool to get at political opponents.WALACHIMONA KIND OF THING.THE SYSTEM SHOULD WORK WITHOUT ANYONE BECOMING A DOMINANT PLAYER AS THAT UNDERMINES THE EFFECTIVE OPERATIONS OF THE SYSTEM.

  30. Ladies and gents, the PF has an agenda and it is a pity many characters cannot see it. Here are the items on the PF’s agenda:
    1. Sort out the corrupt and the thieves 2. Give us the kind of constitution we have longed for 3. Make the mining firms pay more to our treasury 4. Reduce tax for the working class 5. Change the mindset of politicians so that they are into politics for service not for making a fortune 6.grow the economy 7.improve the rights of workers. If any of you cannot see these things, then, you are extremely blind.

  31. Talking the walk is the easiest thing that any body can do,but walking the talk is not easy.PF government promised a lot of things to the zambian people,but to date what is it that they can point a finger at to say this has been done apart from undoing goodthings the previous government did.

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