Former republican vice president George Kunda has questioned the legality of Guy Scott as republican vice president if he cannot act as President in the absence of President Michael Sata .
Mr. Kunda says President Michael Sata should explain to the Zambian people whether Dr. Scott qualifies to be vice president of the republic.
He says it is surprising that President Sata left the instruments of power with finance minister Alexander Chikwanda when he went to South Africa last Friday when the vice president was in the country at the time.
Mr Kunda says it might be that the president has realized that Dr. Scott does not qualify to be vice president and subsequently act as president in his absence.
Mr. Kunda has since revealed that the MMD legal committee will soon be meeting in order study the matter and pursue the matter further in courts of law to establish whether Dr Scott qualifies to hold the office of republican vice president.
And Mr. Kunda has conceded that the Movement for Multi party Democracy was misled while in power.
The former vice president says it is now that they have realized that things are not the way they used to see them while in government.
Mr. Kunda has further appealed to the public media to cover him and the Movement for Multi party Democracy.
He has confessed that the MMD government did not offer a right to reply to the opposition on a number of issues in the public media.
Meanwhile, the former vice president has questioned why former ruling party members are being treated as second class citizens.
Mr. Kunda complained that the MMD as a party is being victimized with the knowledge of the police.
He has cried out to Inspector General of Police Dr Martin Malama as to why police have continued to target former MMD government officials for investigations.
He wonders why Police cannot also extend their investigations to the PF to establish were they got the money they used in the campaigns.
Mr Kunda is bitter that he left office. MCS has the right choose who to act in his absence.
Check out your worship
There is protocol you when managing the affairs of a nation it’s not like a bus drive choosing who should be the conduct of the bus at will. Sata is so dull now even the educated like Lubinda and scort look confused they can’t put up an opinion.The vice president can’t be occasionally be supervised by a minister. This type of drama from KMB is worry.
“Vice-President Guy Scott is in the country, he went to North Western Province yesterday but I am not sure if he is back, but yes Honourable Chikwanda is the acting president,” Â said Amos Chanda, Chella’s deputy when asked by the POST. Very interesting and strange. Especially that Chikwanda has been the chief mourner/spokesperson at all Sata’s family funerals.
It is really sad to have leaders like Mr. Kunda. @ 1 you are right, president has the right to choose anyone as acting president. Does not mean to acting qualify a person to be eligible for the position? Listening to his talk on QFM online, I am very disappointed with Kunda’s caliber of thinking. Condemning PF for investigating MMD Misters that stole? How would we build the Nation if we are tolerating theft and corruption??
Get serious Mr. Kunda
a good politician does not beg the media to cover him
I listened to bits of the phone-in program and I must say that the times I tuned in, Mr Kunda sounded incoherent and disgrantled….I am glad he now sees that being in power is a service and that there are some things that he personally blocked then that he now wishes he had not! Selfish bas…tard, suck on it!!
George should jst shut up for now and stop wasting his time begging the media to cover him? If he something important to say the media will cover him.
…..very strange and dodgy indeed!
this man can be dull at times.
True RACISM in broad day light @6 Zambianese. Kunda thinks he should be appointed again he is jealousy. He wants to bring Zimbabwe behavior in Zambia. Leave our VP alone and don’t embarrass us. We already made a big name as true reference point for African politics. Keep those red Lips quite if you have nothing to offer Zambians. Enough with MMD talk.
And he is still called State Council….this guy and Saki fikopo sana.
He has never been called that I think. I only remember Lusaka city council,mongu municipal etc unless if you say counsel .
Don’t worry mate I know what you are talking about just have no much comment on this issue. Lol
Racist thug and thief.
#11, It’s State Counsel not council.
39. [Discharge of functions of President during absence, illness, etc.]
(1) Whenever the President is absent from Zambia or considers it desirable so to do by reason of
illness or for any other cause, he may by direction in writing, authorise the Vice-President, or
where the Vice-President is absent from Zambia or incapable of discharging the functions of the
office of President, any other person, to discharge such functions of the office of President as he
may specify, and the Vice-President or such other person may discharge those functions until his
authority is revoked by the President.
Yaba imwe red lipped snake save us your yupping
Imwe did this guy pass his bar exams who even approved him to be state counsel
Anyway it is a pertinent question. In order to qualify as Vice President you have to have the same qualifications as the President. One of the elements is that you have to be born to Zambian parents. It does not matter where you were born. So the question is: are his parents Zambia? Because if they were not then this raises a legitimate Constitutional issue. The President has already mistakenly appointed 10 members of parliament instead of the Constitutional 8 so it is not the first time he has flouted the Supreme Law of the land.
Kunda talking too much of rubbish will not save u. Reserve your breath for the courts of law. I totally agree with #11 LIATO.
If Kunda who claims to be a qualified lawyer and former veep for that matter himself does not know what the constitution says regarding scotts legality to be veep, i then wonder how the common zambian can know that. Kunda must not expose his dullness on legal matters on air because lawyers are supposed to be spot on regarding such issues. Please mr redlips go into extinction or hibernation like shikapwasha because you talk sense when you are quite.Â
now compare between HH and Kunda.Â
George Kunda, that’s cheap politics. Don’t you divert Zambians’ attention, you have cases to respond to, foolish one.
What and why ?
There is protocol pls when managing the affairs of a nation it’s not like a bus drive choosing who should be the conduct of the bus at will. Sata is so ……..now even the educated like Lubinda and scott look confused they can’t put up an opinion.The vice president can’t be occasionally supervised by a minister. This type of drama from KMB is worrying .The ones to blame are the citizen of this country who voted for Sata. No one should even ask him for money in the pockets even if nothing comes in 90 .
Lelo ni lelo..Kunda remember how we always asked you to listne to the people. You were occupying the second highest office in government and you dint know that people have the power, you are such an *****.
In 90 months.
if tribalism is now at its highest peakt in zambia what more racisim?
Actually I made a misleading statement earlier. Article 45 of the Constitution says:
(1) There shall be an office of Vice-President of the Republic. (2) The Vice-President
shall be appointed by the President from among the members of the National
Assembly. (3) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution the Vice-President shall
cease to hold office upon the assumption by any person of the office of President.
(4) The Vice-President shall perform such functions as shall be assigned to him by the
President. (5) The salary and allowances of the Vice-President shall be such as may be
prescribed by an Act of Parliament, and shall be a charge on the general revenues of
the Republic.
kunda is right you *****s. Dont just bark!!! read the CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION CONCERNING APPOINTING THE ACTING PRESIDENT. Are/Were Guy Scot’s parents Zambians by birth? Just wants to know. Guy Scot says Zambians should not be taken for granted, that is why they opted for Muzungu VP. Is he not actually saying Zambians are confused fools that is why they opted for Muzungu VP?
#13 Kunda qualifies to be state council
Okey red lips next time you will act as President. Don’t worry you were used to acting in Rbish’s govt. Now if act do not, I repeat, do not attempt to steal anything otherwise you will be castrated. Idiiot.
kunda is too dull to understand anything let him go to hell.begging for the media to cover him is a lesson he should learn for not doing the same wen he was in power.rotten egg
Ba George olobapwile.He has turned into a cry baby all of a sudden.Please leave our Scotte alone.
oweh ba George Kunda. How tables turn ka. & does he not know that PF used donchi kubeba song for their campaigns.should they disclose that.lol
I think Kunda is a disgrace to our nation. The question is were was kunda when by then PF as opposition party was NOT covered by public media he kunda was controlling? why is he always crying about not been covered by media? sad indeed. As for veep not acting as president in absence of president kunda should come to his senses. can some one pull a trigger on this red virus lips?
kunda shoud go to sleep.
George Chimbwi. Please shut up
Gives Kunda chance to exercise his right to know & contribute to National development plus constititutionalism. Why should the President swear to uphold that when he cant? Did nt PF through kabimba question RB s legitimacy as Presidential candidancy? If PF in opposition could question ; so let MMD in opposition equally question. Why should you insult GK if PF is on the right track. Sharp reacion implies something is wrong & why should we accept that? Lets be objective on national issues; what is good for you should be good for other. Short of that national development shall always remain evasive
Jealous and Envy!!  Kunda and his clique were blinded by power and money, they were living in a Utopian Zambia. Experience the Real Zambia and cry like the rest of us, you are a pompous ass!Â
George is the son of ………….. & mother??????????????, shut it up.
Lekeni PF iteke mumutende chamikalipa shani?shut up kunda.
Who voted for this Chikwanda? How can he preside over a country where no one voted for him?
The hierarchy is the president, vice, minister of defence then perhaps minister of home affairs. Why should the minister of finance act as president while Scott, gbm and sakeni are in the country? Are they incompetent to hold that office or rather, their offices indeed? Secondly, protocol has to be followed! This is a nation you are dealing with Mr president, these decisions will have long term effects. Chiluba pulled these useless stunts on mwansawasa which lead to his resignation in 1992. This heavily undermined the office of the vice because sata was usually left with the instruments of power. please give us a competent cabinet instead of making decisions that will leave a negative impact on our generation. We all know you have a right to choose but please, follow protocol.
I agree. We should stop acting like tulebuta. This is a country not a kindergarten
Make objective statements. Have you read the constitution? Do you understand that clauses in the constitution that pertain to the appointment of acting President? Remember when Mwanawasa died who had that power? Their is no minister that is more important than another. UNIP structures don’t exist now. There is President VP and Cabinet Ministers. The President can choose to appoint anyone in cabinet in his absence.
@41.2 Please don’t mislead people. The ministers are ranked and the top four are Defence, Home Affairs, Finance and Foreign Affairs. Not all ministers are the same. This is confirmed by the official cabinet organogram. Â
Even if the scotish man was not in Lusaka , he could have been quickly asked to come back from solwezi, it’s not like he was in Japan. Sometimes when you guys try so hard to correct these mistakes by our presido you actually go so down sounding so fo0lish which even makes it waste like we live with kids. Sometimes it’s wise not to speak one day you will tell us he was not in the office he went to the loo when Sata was leaving for France oooh sorry for Namibia.
Like your comment!!!
one of our experienced doctors at chainama hospital should take keen interest on this red lipped snake. he is surely one of their patients.
Guy Scottish should resign. I can’t elaborate more in case Lubinda has the physical address now for LT. I know he is not happy with this and he knows exactly what it means at least to the matured and educated zambians.shame and I mean shame.
I listened to Kunda all i can say is that he was amazing on the show as a state ‘council’!
On the appointment of Chikwanda who knows maybe Sata knows a thing or two about what the British/Scotts are planning.
Why ask the media to cover you mr Kunda when you are not newsworty? Childish !!!!
I thought the health of others is not to be discussed in public because that’s not Zambian according to bishop maambo chakuti? Is it just Sata ‘ s health , why are people calling kunda red lips?. Just call him kawalala because thats what MMD did stealing.Â
Maybe they know something you do not know.
Disappointing coming from a former Attorney General S.C.
Mr. Scott passes all requirements for being elected MP & subsequently, for appointment as Vice President. Article 64 of The Constitution:
(a) He is a Zambian citizen (you don’t have to have been born in Zambia or black to be a Citizen; see Article 6)
(b) He is 21 & over
(c) He is literate.
However, under Article 65 (a), the question of illegality can still arise if Mr. Scott is under a declaration of allegiance to some other country other than Zambia. The effect of that would be that he was not qualified to be elected MP & it would follow logically, that he could not be qualified for appointment as Vice President.
Thank sir!!! Maybe we could ask that you elaborate further so that it is clear to all. How the president can choose to pass the authority of president to someonelse, at his discretion. Maybe that is what this debate is about
Mr. Kunda, would you please shut for a change. Your regime failed all the Zambians, except those in MMD’s NEC. You have no right to comment on the operations of the Zambia public media. We stopped watching ZNBC news because of you chaps.
Time for you to grow up is now!Â
The only thing I like with Sata is that he does not only rely on OP but even the wind that blows brings big news. I guess and trust that he has news aboutthe dangers of leaving Ba guy in charge.whatever it is for how long mostly when he graduates and start flying long flights into Europe ,USA and the far lands?
I agree with u guys that Kunda is now just some stupid quark around,but this tym he is toking sense.No matter how casual our presido maybe,protocol should be observed.The powers are supposed to be left with the Veep in such cases.Why are u just yaping yaping like grade one kids b4 u even understand these isues.
Kunda is behaving as an irrelevant leader of the opposition.
Can he please say something useful for Zambia’s development?
shhhiiiii crying baby GK…….
This man is a fool with nothing constructive to say. He is nothing short of a first class *****!Â
As much as MMD is a dead party I agree with Kunda. How do you let a junior man supervise a senior man? Ba Sata nabo!
Can lawyers, the people with legal brains, debate this point that Kunda has raised. The kaponyas on this blog who support everything that Sata does, including wrong things, are not adding any value at all. Equally Kunda has not been helpful because as a lawyer and a former VP and AG he should have stated categorically whether or not Sata was wrong instead of just wondering. You cannot blame the people that are saying negative things about him (Kunda).
It saddens me when the government or indeed the president makes mistakes and people still continue supporting his actions. The VP serves as president when the president is not in the country, dies or resigns. Why should someone junior to the VP take over the role of president when the VP is in the country? Maybe I am missing something, but this is beyond me!
George Kunda is right in asking. It is high time we looked at the opposition as people who bring sanity to erroneous decisions made by the incumbent!
I miss the days Chainama staff used to go out and pick out patients and take them to Chainama for treatment by force too many insane people in our society.
Unfortunate you could be number one on the wanted list to chainama.
If ba Kunda was your father,
Ummmmmmmm what a shame
Kunda is an intelligent Lawyer far better that Kabimba and he knows what he is talking about.So dont just insult.Why should the President appoint the chief mourner when the veep is in the country?its not not about envy or racism as other simple minded bloggers put it.We are watching.The question we need to answer is that, does the current vice Pesident qualify to act as President IF the incambent is incapacitated? any way GOD FORBID
GK may have a point on this one I’m afraid, as the selfsame thing happened last month when the president went to Uganda and coincidental Scott was sent to China. They deliberately clash the two office’s timetables, so what happens when Sata is falls ill, Sata has to show confidence in his no.2 and not just used him for window dressing.Why appoint Chikwanda when he already has a lot on his hands at Finance. Zambian president’s are so insecure that they always have a habit of appointing very weak VP’s ie one R. Banda, Chiluba did the same with Mwanawasa who he perceived to be weak.Â
Let’s always prepare for the worst but hope for the best, didn’t we learn anything from President Mwanawasa’s untimely death whilst he was still in office.
Imwe bonse ba nyinenwe colgate mu finena,Mr kunda aks as to why alexander chikwanda should be appointed acting president when the veep guy scott is around mu chalo,imwe misula yenu ati fyono bafikaaaala.
ask yourselves does guy scott qualify to act as president nangu awe or chikwanda`s appointment ni as ussual bemba tribe is supreme.
banyinenwe amaso pafinena kwati ni afro yakwa samson
Kunda please ikalafye ziiiiiiiiii wapangwa shi alatakatale aubapo VP of zambia let scott do his job bwino bwino.kabolala pompwe munshibila nsala,ntalamisoka.
GK lifontini sana.ikalafye ziiii and let your Dora Siliya talk
Chiwamila galu kuluma mbuzi…Kunda wasting time.
Mr. Kunda should not waste his time nor the courts time on petty issues. He should do something progressive for the people, if he wants to be covered by the media.
Will removing the Vice president from office bennefit an ordinary Zambian? Politics much more than a blame game, its about development; he had time to effect change and development in the country, let otheres do it as well. Mr Kunda if you’re reading this, know that you will best serve the country now as an advicer rather than an enforcer, so instead of blame and complain, advice.
racist Gk
What is the issue? I have just come. Can some one update me pse.
Piss off back, can’t you read, foolish boyi!!
Uncle… You made me laugh people like this just waste our time,they don’t understand issues.what update is this bus conductor asking.anyway I will help him.
The Nakonde bus has arrived but chingola and mongu bus have a breakdown Kabwe and kafue national park respectively. Now join the blogging you call boy.
Everything that you are saying about GK is what we used to say about MCS. But he still managed to bring down the mighty MMD. Zambians, learn to see sense in what elders are saying instead of showering them with meaningless insults. Learn to listen to what a person is saying and analyse critically. That is why Zambians are known not to be only physically lazy but also intellectually lazy. Read the whole story first. Some of you just read the headline and skip the whole body of the article and rush to comment with insults. I agree with Lubinda. Its time we started knowing some of you who are hiding behind the monitor.
iris, what have u and your father achieved in life for you to post such a comment? buchiushi bulekupenya?
I feel pity for GK , the man even admitted on let the pipo talk that he is going down, eyo filaloka imono
It will be easier for you, both for your health and well being to take it low. A few nights in Chimbokaila will not do you good. You know very well what the qualifications of a Vice President are and you are just being malicious, its a Veep you are talking about, a more dignified oen that when you were ranting there like a cadre!!!
So given the fact that the ANC celebrations are over in SA, WHERE IS CHILUFYA? Is he using his visit to the country to get some medical attention for himself and his fat wife as they both have dodgy tickers? Â Very ironic for people to be referring to Kunda as ‘red lipped’ but suddenly become very sensitive when the dear mad leader’s health is questioned. Guess we will have to see who goes first between the GK and the directionless lying snake.
Instead of showering GK with insults you should be thanking for highlighting this issue, an issue that people have been whispering about in dark corners in bars…now its up to the President to respond. Do you want an empty suit to occupy the Office of the Vice President?? You have to be colour-blind and objective to tackle this issue head-on!!
As much as I dislike the guy on this one I applaud him, this is what Opposition is there for!!!
Dalu dalu, that’s why unafeluka grade 7… 17 times per hour.
I know Kunda may not be liked by many zambians becouse of the way he conducted himself when he was in power, but on this one he is right. There is no way that a junior person can supervise the seniors, its like a father leaving all the instructions to the third born son when he leaves home and yet the wife is around!!!!!
Scot is being humiliated by SATA just because of SATA’s tribalism. Muzungu wanga just resign like your kinsmen in UK would have done.Show us that your breed is not African. You have elements of being illigimate VP at certain stages of you office as Zambia’s VP.
On December 14th, 2011 I said the below and one ignoble PF cadre thought he could argue against my legal opinion. Deliberately I have left him to see his understanding of constitutionality of the subject matter. Now see the arrangement of Scott take off. I declare this happening as long as Scott is VP until he is replaced. Sata and Scott will be going out together because Scott cannot serve as VP constitutionally. Watch the space for this shameful constitutional dilemma self created due to illiteracy in the office.Â
Constitutionally, Gay Scott cannot be President of Zambia. Therefore see is this lawless man will leave him with the instruments of power. Institute a legal battle immediately because the constitution of Zambia is explicit on who can be conferred the instruments of powers.
December 15, 2011 pf Kaponya calling himself “Outlaw” wrote:Â
Senior citizen, which constitution have you read, is it the DA Vinci code version (twisted) Guy Scott is constitutionally fit be vice president and act as president. The constitution literally states that only a person who is filling in for nomination to contest for Republican Presidency should have both parents Zambian by decent or birth. The law does not say even when one is merely acting. get your facts right.
what should concern use about Dr. Scott’s delegation to Chine is whether this delegation is using taxpayers money because this is a pure PF party tour and not govt.
There is no issue as to the legality of Guy Scotts position. Kunda is mixing matters. He should merely have questioned why Sata appointed Chikwanda to act as President when Guy Scott is around. Sata may appoint anyone from his ministers to act as President, but as a matter of protocol, it was expected that Scott would act. It doesn’t matter whether he is in North-western province – he is IN the country. I am not also aware that he may not be able to carry out the duties because of incapacity. If he is fit and in the country, then Sata’s actions do undermine Scott’s position. He may not be able to do anything about it legally, but perhaps this is an indication that Sata and his cabinet have not set out any agreed procedures, policies and protocols to cover such exigencies
Who is ignorant at constitutional law here? I stand ready for a constitutional debate on this Sata circus now manifesting historic humiliation of Guy Scott while joking cadre like Lubinda, GBM, Kambwili and M’membe are vainly posturing and outdoing each other for an imaginary opportunity to take over all because they foresee the fate of relics.
kunda is crap.so much crap i am left speechless.
So the VP going out of Lusaka means that he is unable to act as President?! Â In which case, why doesn’t the President relinquish the presidential instruments every time he himself goes out of Lusaka? Â This is a nonsensical situation and points to a volcano about to erupt.
In any case why can’t these two gentlemen coordinate their diaries so that the VP is always in town when the President is abroad? Â If they can’t even coordinate their diaries, what hope have we that they can run this country?
Only one has a diary!
# 75,
Instead of insulting, exposing PF deficiency and indeed your unsolicited ignorance, put up an intelligent constitutional argument. You chaps have brainpower crisis because illiterates have crowded the Sata ship to doom. Smart Zambians have opted to stay away from the circus. They are in private businesses and other money making ventures with majority in opposition.
“Cabinet to meet over Online publications” LOL!
Delusions delusions delusion. Zambia fighting the blogosphere in the cyberspace? Good luck. Ignorance is a curse.
Yaaa you PF boys make me laugh.what are you going to tell us when next time he leaves that Dog seller son acting while Scottish guy is in touring kafue?Â
Let us stop calling these politician red lips etc,this red lip can fly to USA but some people I know can end up forcing the pilot to land in Libya if they try. I don’t like kunda and his MMD for eating our share but if Satan’s health has to be respected all you Bembas/PF bus conductors should tone down your language first.kekekekekekeÂ
How come the presido is giving us some breaking news? Is he still in SA,oooh hope he is not coming back by train or road.it takes long you know.Â
Since there is know money in the pockets,let us enjoy the drama as it unfolds pa zed. No need to go to that old play house without mr souzandi and maximo. Malawians are enjoying it I think even zimzim. Can’t wait to hear what the chick monkey will do in state house if it has not yet died with hunger or sold.if they can sell dogs why not chick monkeys.
Mr Kunda is a lawyer and once republican VP in MMD govt. I was/am against mr Kunda in the way he conducted himself whilst in govt. To say the least its good that he is no longer in the system and needs to explain some source of his wealth. However, on Dr Guy Scott to act as republican VP is right. PF members need to be fair and respect Dr Scott. He does not need to beg Sata to act. Stractures of PF constitution say so that party VP who is also republican VP will act in the absence or sichness of president. Above all dr Scott has a constituency and not Chikwanda as de facto leader.
Clearly, MMD has become petty, I think unlike the mistake that Mwanawasa made by appointing RB as vice president, Sata has made his successor clear….
Non Issue! The constitution of Zambia is damn clear. It states that for one to be a president of Zambia his/her parents must be bona fide Zambians by birth. Guy Scott was born in Zambia. His parents were NOT born in Zambia. So what is the fuzz about GS not acting president?
The constitution of Zambia is damn clear. It states that for one to be a president of Zambia his/her parents must be bona fide Zambians by birth. Guy Scott was born in Zambia. His parents were NOT born in Zambia. So what is the fuzz about GS not acting president? How did the president fail…..?
I used to think Kunda is an id+iot. Now he has removed any doubts I had. Bravo !!!!
Uh Lawyers! I loathe them. Why hasn’t Mr Kunda raised a point of order in Parliament?
I agree with muna’s comment(92). I don’t understand why MCS doesn’t appoint the vice(Mr Scott) as acting president in his absence. That is rather strange. I am sure they must have agreed on something because there is no way scott would be content with that if they did not agree on something. it could be that scott just prefers not to act as president because of the pressure that comes with it. Thats the only thing i can think of because i dont think sata would go behind scotts back and appoint someone else. it just does not add up
Is Mr Kunda from the ChiKunda tribe? Akonda kunyenga maningi lol
@johnDoe imagine if MCS had appointed Scott as acting president, what would Kunda-Kunda sana be saying then?
Hmm. Convenient amnesia. Not even my grandparents were born Zambian. By my understanding said country did not exist until 1964 at which point all living within its Borders gained right to be called Zambian. What next? A call to rewrite our anthem because it was penned by a Zambian Asian? Maybe Scott is just being spared the insanity of mouthing off by those who have nothing better to do lately than oppose any old issue. His dad started what we know as the Daily mail and worked alongside freedom fighters. Let’s just rewrite history and pretend there were no supporters across the globe who opposed racist colonial views. A combination of Animal Farm and blind minds. Non issue. Moving on.
How ironic for the former Veep Mr. George Kunda to turn around and portray himself
as a voice of reason by inquiring the legality of his successor, Guy Scott .Not so long
a similar case was raised about RB’s qualifications to preside over the nation, instead
like always he chose to away and played dumb.
Is it a legitimate question? Of course.Its saddening to see brains that we should be
counting on put their nobility and conscientious aside to advance their political or
self-serving motives;opposed to much need honorable and ethical beliefs.
The nigger is a racist
It is true that Sata is undermining his deputy’s authority by not allowing him to act in his absence. He may have the authority to delegate to whoever he likes, but he must be mindful of the questions his delegations are raising. The president’s delegations are legal, but not wise.
Our constitution has an anomaly Guy Scott qualifies to be Veep but does not qualify to be president. I would like to think that the fact that he qualifies as veep means that he can act as president. Can the new LAZ president Mr James Banda and his team please enlighten us on this pertinent issue?
Can someone provide me a gun or some weapons to silence this rabid rat. At least Guy Scott is not stealing from us and i urge the government to make it possible for Guy to act as president. Shut the fock up George before i take it personal.Â
In the administrative jargon there are two types of acting appointments. One, for administrative convenience only and two for substantive appointment. Are we saying the Constitution does not allow a person to act as a President for administrative convenience only? If it doesn’t then it means that some people cannot be Vice-President and President which disadvatages them even more.
Former Vice-President George Kunda is clearly still swallowing saliva for the position he forfeited.
go on george that is what we call checks and balances,otherwise we might end up the chiluba’s third term where pipo thought chiluba was the best.
Currently mcs is so far the best,but not all his dicision are the best.Keep it up george
I need a lot of education here, Why did Sata appoint Mr. Chikwanda to act as a President when Scott was in the country? Why did Sata pick Guy Scott as his vice President if he (Sata) cannot trust Guy to act as a President?
Kunda tell them. it doent mater if you are sick or not. infact they will die to leave you alive my dear. malarila kills now adays than any other thing. and mind you if some one speaks, people should just liesten than speaking on his or her health thats a sin. we all at one time or anather had people dieyning in our families. some of you here will die and live kunda alive. wait…..
other wise let him speak mwe mwabwa mwe bafikala.
@ Locke, please read Article 34, Sub-Section Three of the Republican Constitution and stop displaying your ignorance in public. Research before you utter anything
Going by the law, can Sata appoint Wynter Kabimba as acting president? There is nothing that forces him to appoint the VP, a minister or MP. Just thinking! Why doesn’t this government repeal Article 34 which the Supreme Court has found to be wanting. According to that act only Elias Chipimo would qualify as he could have provided Zambian parents at birth. The rest were born of Northern Rhodesians, Congolese, Malawians, British etc.
This is great! I??ve read a lot of Kim??s post on the Warrior Forum and she??s exceptionally talented. Thanks for these; my mind is already buzzing with post ideas.