Monday, March 10, 2025

George Kunda maintains Guy Scott should go


Former Vice President George Kunda

Former Vice President, George Kunda has insisted that his successor Guy Scott does not qualify to hold the office. Mr. Kunda therefore advised President Sata to save the country the agony of going to court by relieving Dr Scott of the position.

Mr Kunda said that there was no way a country could have a vice president who cannot act as president when the president is out of the country. Mr. Kunda went on to say that no amount of intimidation will stop the MMD from pointing out and question governance lapses.

And Foreign Affairs Minister Chishimba Kambwili has expressed profound disappointment at former vice President George Kunda’s intentions to petition the appointment of Dr.Guy Scott as Zambia’s vice President.

Reacting to Mr Kunda’s threats that the MMD would petition Dr.Scott’s appointment as vice President, Mr Kambwili wondered what the former vice President wanted to achieve.

Mr Kambwili said that Mr Kunda who once served as the legal advisor to government in his capacity as Attorney General and Minister of Justice, should be well vested with the constitution of Zambia.

Mr Kambwili stressed that it was unfair for a former Vice President to doubt the eligibility of Dr Scott to hold the position of vice President when the latter had lived all his life in Zambia.

He charged that Mr Kunda was exhibiting high levels of dishonesty following his many public utterances lately.

He said the constitution was very clear on who qualifies to hold the position of vice president and president respectively hence Mr Kunda should be well vested with the law since he is a lawyer by profession.

Mr Kambwili said Dr Scott has lived his entire life in Zambia and has been heavily involved in Zambian politics for many years.

Meanwhile, the Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has urged the technical committee to put to rest the issue of parentage for people aspiring for the office of President.

FODEP president Alex Ng’oma has told QFM NEWS that the country needs to move forward by allowing all citizens irrespective of their parental roots to take part in national governance at all levels without any form of discrimination.

Dr Ng’oma said that the issue of Vice president Guy Scott’s parentage and whether he qualifies to hold the office of vice president is a waste of time because Dr Scott has been in Zambia from the time he was born.

He said Zambia needs to learn from progressive countries such as the United States of America and embrace all the citizens in politics saying this is key in enhancing the country’s democracy.


  1. Guy Scott’s doing a much better job than Kunda ever did. He a blatant racist no different to those who tried to get rid of Obama because his father was Kenyan. Move on loser.

  2. remove the parenatge clause from our constitution …it was put there by Sata and Chiluba in 1996…what goes round comes round!


  4. Please lets forgive Mr Red Lipped S C. Its like he doesn’t know what he is talking about. This is one of zambia’s State Counsel . SHAME bwana S C. By the way howz Austin Luato?

  5. GK’s arguments are backed up by administrative and legal points. Indeed, it is baffling to side-line a Vice-President’s role to act as President when the President Sata leaves the country. Otherwise we can as well assume that Guy Scott is a toothless cosmetic Vice-President. GK is merely saving Guy Scott from further embarassments, and surely the latter feels comforted by Kunda raising these issues publicly. Kunda’s arguments would stil be valid if Guy Scott was a black Lozi only to experience the acting position being diverted to a Bemba Minister when Sata leaves Zambia. If members of the PF have any genes to spare on objective observations, this is time to wake-up from slumber.

  6. Zambians like shying away from the truth.Kunda is pointing out governance lapse that other cowards of lawyers cant.There is no way we can keep quite on constitutional matters just cos it affects Muzungu.The law does not discriminate.Infact,if anything Kunda is on Scot’s side cos he wants him to as as President and NOT Chikwanda.

    • no Kunda is not on the side of Guy – according to Kunda, Scort is constitutionally unfit to hold that position reason his is taking the matter to court – Scort, according to the President cannot be an acting president but can be a vice president

  7. Please GK, dont embarrass us I beg you to instead press for the repeal of the parental clause so that Scott can stand as President in future. The Scotts family has done so much for this country dating back to the colonial days when Guy’s father, Alexander Scott, started a paper, The African Mail (forerunner to the present day Zambia Daily Mail), which championed the cause for African nationalism and vigorously fought against the Federation until it was defeated and Zambia got its independcence.

  8. It amazes me to see how much attention is given to some people, who we well know, have plundered our resources, by wasting tax payers’ money and supporting corrupt laws.How can George kunda rise up and begin to utter this nonsense?What kind of human being is this?Distinguished, fellow Zambians,analysts and intellectuls, let us rise up and speak out.This selfishness of George Kunda who thinks he is a think tank, is the worst rubbish in this new year.There is something troubling his conscience..I promise you.Evil spirits are a reality.

  9. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland meant a citizen of any of those countries could qualify as a citizen in any those three countries, so long they lived their entire lives in any of them. We have good example of the likes of KK,RB and now Dr Scot. So Kunda my man,don’t waste your energy .

  10. I am told that late Mwanawasa left George Mpombo as VP when RB was in the country. George Kunda was justice Minister and could not advise Levy otherwise.


  12. Its just a distraction by Mr. Kunda, so that people forget about his corruption. Face up to the challenge, you could be having a bad dream!

  13. I think G Kunda is actually doing G Scott a good favour. He is saying why can’t Scott be empowered to act as president when HE MCS is out of the country? He has no problem if Scott was to act if the president is out, but as it is, Scott cannot act, as we are learning now He is concerned that he doesn’t want a ceremonial vice president. I don’t think he is being racist, this is simply a governance lapse which he wants recitified, even if it means going to courts.

    • if GK is doing scott a even to reach the courts wat is his benefit? As if scott is mmd ? Theres  something fishy . He jast wants the nation to divert attention from the fight of corruption to this petty issue. See you have already been diverted. 

  14. Ba Kunda cant come to terms that he is no longer in government.  He is living in an illusion.  Bamudala just accept and move on. Fwayeni fimbi ifyakuchita.  Dont upset MCS he can be brutal ka.  You have unfinished business with the ZAMTEL saga so keep your cool. Mwatupapisha, I thought you were a cool guy. Kanshi muli nkaka.=))

  15. This issue is a non starter because our constitution gives power to the sitting President to appoint someone who will act in his absence. Our constitution only provides the Vice President to act as President in case of death or an illness. RB ruled Zambia illegally as both his parents are not Zambians. George Kunda defended that day and night. RB was not even born in Zambia. Guy Scot was born in Zambia and holds a green national registration card. I remember i was acting President whenever RB left the country even when George himself was in the country.

  16. bane lets talk about very serious issues like roads, hospitals, poverty, creation of jobs, foreign policy…..otherwise time is flying…dont kudabwa in 2016!

  17. Now Iam confused. Iam no law expert and GK is confusing me with his utterances. Iam behind Dr. Scott all the way. But can State House explain why Alexander Chikwanda acted as president instead of the Veep or minister of Defence. This is a serious anomaly on Sata’s part, you can’t leave a junior officer to act as his superiors’s boss.


  19. Kunda is sick..dont pay attention to him. Remember Tentamashimba he also statrted ranting in the same way. May God have mercy on Kunda.

  20. Art 45 of the Zmbn const provides.  
    45(1)  There shall be an office of Vice-President of the Republic. Vice-President
    (2)  The Vice-President shall be appointed by the President from amongst the members of the National Assembly.
    (3)  Subject to the provisions of this Constitution the Vice-President shall vacate that office upon the assumption by any person of the office of President.
    (4)  In addition to the powers and functions of the Vice-President specified in this Constitution or under any other law, the Vice-President shall perform such functions as shall be assigned to him by the President.
    (5)  The salary and allowances of the Vice-President shall be such as may be prescribed by an Act of Parliament, and shall be a charge on the general revenues of the Republic.n

  21. 39.  (1)  Whenever the President is absent from Zambia or considers it desirable so to do by reason of illness or for any other cause, he may by direction in writing, authorise the Vice-President, or where the Vice-President is absent from Zambia or is incapable of discharging the functions of the office of President, any other person, to discharge such functions of the office of President as he may specify, and the Vice-President or such other person may discharge those functions until his authority is revoked by the President.

  22. Article 36 Removal of President on Grounds of Incapacity
    (3) Where the Cabinet resolve that the question of the physical or mental capacity of the President to discharge the functions of his office shall be investigated, the President shall, until another person assumes the office of President or the board appointed under clause (1) reports that the President is not incapable of discharging the functions of his office, whichever is
    earlier, cease to perform the functions of his office and those functions shall be
    performed by: (a) the Vice-President; or (b) in the absence of the Vice-President or if
    the Vice-President is unable, by reason of physical or mental infirmity, to discharge
    the functions of his office, by such member of the Cabinet as the Cabinet shall elect

  23. Article 38 Vacancy in Office of President
    (3) Whenever the office of President becomes vacant,
    the Vice-President or, in the absence of the Vice-President or if the Vice-President is
    unable, by reason of physical or mental infirmity, to discharge the functions of his
    office, a member of the Cabinet elected by the Cabinet shall perform the functions of
    the office of President until a person elected as President in accordance with Article
    34 assumes office. (4) The Vice-President or, the member of the Cabinet as the case
    may be, performing the functions of the office of the President under clause (3) shall
    not dissolve the National Assembly nor, except on the advice of the Cabinet, revoke
    any appointment made by the President.

  24. Article 39 Discharge of Functions of President During Absence or Illness
    (1) Whenever the President is absent from Zambia or considers it desirable so to do by
    reason of illness or for any other cause, he may by direction in writing, authorize the
    Vice-President, or where the Vice-President is absent from Zambia or incapable of
    discharging the functions of the office of President, any other person, to discharge
    such functions of the office of President as he may specify, and the Vice-President or
    such other person may discharge those functions until his authority is revoked by the
    President. (2) If the President is incapable by reason

  25. This is the problem in Africa. We just take things for granted. I do not support GK but he has raise a very important constitutional matter which must be tested in court. Zambia is not a village ran by Headmen. If what GK is pointing out has merit let him take it to the courts. The fact that Sata has reacted the way he has to me makes me feel he knows that GK may have a legal point. GK is no fool as people what him to look like. He might just end up having the last laugh. Like i have said in my many blogs… all the problems Zambia is facing today point to lack of a proper modern constitution. If we had one, Zambia would not be where it is today.

  26. First time today I’ve commented cos I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Kunda must seriously talk about constructing a high way from Lusaka to the copperbelt.

  27. Kunda as much as i also question Sata not leaving the vice president(Dr Scott) to lead the country while he was away, but your insisting that Dr Scott be removed is utter racist and xenophobic because he is Zambian by birth and he has the right to be the vice president and not the president according to that stupid and discriminating constitution your MMD put in place

  28. GK has a point.

    Bosses, Look at 36 – 1(a), 38-3 and 39-1 I have pasted above on the hierarchy of who acts as president when the president is out or incapacitated. Only when the Vice is also out (as was the case when Sata was in Uganda) can a cabinet minister act as presido. Why did Guy Scott not act when Sata was in SA last week? Instead Chikwanda acted as president. Something fishy except it came from George Kunda.

    My assumption is that Presido does not trust Guy with running the country and his appointment was purely appeasement otherwise I find no plausible explanation to this act by the president.  Why should we then have a monumental vice? It beats every reason.

    • well then GK shouldn’t be insisting that Dr Scott doesn’t qualify to be VP and hence he should be removed. Because that clearly doesn’t show support….

  29. Kambwili should concentrate on his job and let Sebastian Zulu deal with such matters. My opinion is that GK has a point worth considering from a legal standpoint.

  30. MR. B, article 39 does not make it absolute but gives the presido the discretion to choose who to act in his absence. ‘May’ means he may direct the vice or not or any other person. it is only absolute when the position is vacant under art 38. It follows therefore that the president was acting with his constitutional powers.

  31. it is even possible that our presido lapsed again and did not consult adequately on who was to act, know how hemcs sometimes acts.

  32. Chishimba Kambwili has now been moved to Ministry of Labour, Given Lubinda to Foreign Affairs and ba Fackson to Information.

  33. This is issue is a serious constitutional matter which has to be tested in court. GK has a point and Mr Sata might just realize that GK is not an incompetent lawyer as he thinks.
    Matters of constitution are important in any country we can not carry on business as usual. Its the first time that brave lawyers like GK are standing up to the state and i admire his courage on this one. He has a constitutional right to do so and every person who has the well being of Zambia at heart should support him rather than see racism. Its our country at stake not Guy Scott who has the UK to ran to.

  34. #44 Simple logic. yours may be indeed twisted logic. “May” is for “writing” to effect the appointment. Sometimes it is done verbally. Why does the law insist then that “where the Vice-President is absent from Zambia or is incapable” later on? Please read and apply your logic properly.

  35. ‘being in Zambia all his life’ is not in the law, the constituiton talks about ‘parentage’.

    Why did Kambwili and Ngoma decide to come up with their own law instead of using the constituition?

  36. That is the problem with Zambian politicians. Instead of using people to concentrate on the much needed development, they start diversionary politics instead of politics of development.
    If all ministers and opposition concentrated on development instead of this politics of division started by chief thief FJT ,Zambia would be rich by now.

  37. Kunda kwena naupwa,bushe ni HIV/AIDS?Mutwaleni ku UTH ayepoka ama RVIS may be he can recover & start thinking like a man useless lawyer without clients.Selela uko wikafwila mu minwe ya kwa PF,mu chimbokaila tamwaba ama RVIS.We mbula buyo weeeeeee.We pushi weeee,awe kwena elyo nemilomo akashike kuma signs ya HIV & AIDs

  38. But muzambia mwaliba ubukopo! no wonder you have sata for a president! imwe, its not about what the consitution says. The constitution is flawed. If you read what kunda said, he said they are looking into the matter and may have to seek judicial review. Do you people know what judicial review means? There seems to be an overlap in the constitution, and that it why should a vice who cannot act the president in the absence of the president hold that office? please if you have no legal background and do not understand what is going on here, kasheni ubukopo pa tumfweko. This is a constitutional matter that needs serious attention. why have a vice who cannot act as president? There is no where in the world where you will hear of a perosn holding a foreign passport occupying the 2nd highest po

  39. Happy 2012 Bloggers and Nine Chale!!!!!!

    George Kunda, hmmm nice names for an ugly man, he must change them to Shikapwasha or something, whatever you call annoying dunderheads.

    Empty tins always make noise… All this man wants to do is still be in media, he is scared of being forgotten but like all old politicians that never performed when they were in office, he will be swept the wind. Hes time has come, he must just retire like granny RB.. Wasn’t he begging to be covered every time he vomits a few days ago???

  40. All you bloggers are just wasting time debating this issue. GK is just drawing your attention to Guy Scott. The point he is driving home is he (GK) should be the one in that seat. Ask me, I was divorced 16 years ago, but until recently, I used to think that the man I was married to was my husband. So GK is just jealous. You know these RB people think that Zambia was/is their possession and no one should be there except them. RB was born in Zimbabwe, one of his parents is Malawain, but because RB is black, GK in his little brains thinks he can rule Zambia and he did so. What GK is indirectly telling us is that RB rulled Zambia illegally. MMD has adopted the DONT KUBEBA stance.

  41. Scott is Zambian period…but the President of Zambia has some explaining to do to Scott and indeed the people of Zambia why his number two should be answerable to his three, four or five when he is away on official business. It doesnt make sense to inferior mind!

  42. In Serotse we say “usike wa yaka musi kusiya mashala”, and this is what Kambili is doing by saying, and quote “Mr Kunda who once served as the legal advisor to government in his capacity as Attorney General and Minister of Justice, should be well vested with the constitution of Zambia”. Of course I do not expect Kambwili “Gumu-gumu” to understand the constitution of Zambia, it would be too much for a character who once was caught pants down trying to vote twice in parliament. I would whence be spooked if he was able to pick the jinx of Kunda’s logic. If Guy cannot act as president, then he should not hold the veep office because one of the roles for that office is to act as Prez when Zondwe is out or dead, simple! It’s Sata’s tribalism caught napping here, not Kunda!


  44. Cadres are lawless. They cant understand constitutional issues. G Kunda is right. Under the current constitution, Guy Scot does not qualify to act as President. Sata knows this that’s why he let Chikwanda act as president. The courts will follow the law and vindicate GK.

    Let us be a country of laws and order. Blind political euphoria should not be our basis for decision making. Guy Scot is a good man and is doing a great job, but he must qualify by the constitution of Zambia.

  45. Miss Nkuka, i would really like to see a bigger picture of you because from what im seeing there, you should be the last person to comment about looks. In fact, i would really like to see what your father looks like. Its disappointing to have a comment of that nature come from a woman. This is not a place to attack people personally. don’t insult those that have made it because you have failed to achieve something in life. Strive harder and leave those mcdonalds jobs. How can you call a state counsel, former minister of justice, attorney general,laz president and former vice president an empty tin. It is possible that an empty tin can occupy such positions? i would really like to see what kind of cvs you and your father both have if at they can be compared to kundas

  46. According to hierarch Guy is no 2, GBM no 3 and Sakeni no 4….. the question is less legal nway but its not motivating for the boss to jump all these guys and appoint chikwanda to act as presido….

  47. Wasn’t it Levy, a lawyer, who called the Constitution that “piece of paper”!  If a senior lawyer like Levy could have such contempt for the Constitution what about a mere uneducated kapaso like Sata?  Welcome to Zambia, the Real Africa, where logic does not rule the show!

  48. Guy Scott reminds me of Fujimori, the Peruvian president with a Japanese parentage.  When things turned nasty, he fled to Japan!!  People like KK who have nowhere to flee to stay at home – regardless.  Guy Scott is a Briton masquerading as a white Zambian.  Ask him which schools he went to, who he dated, who he married etc etc and you will find that he has lived a lily-white exclusive expatriate life right here in Zambia.  Why do Zambians have to be so theoretical about fairness and equality?  Smell the coffee and read the writing on the wall.  If No 10 Downing Street cannot have a black Prime Minister, Zambia cannot be the only country foolish enough to have a white President – or even VP.

  49. @57 nice one, you are right Kunda is an empty Butiza/ bucket?? This is why Zambia will never move forward to have Former VPs, and Lawyers like red Lips. He is irritating just like his ugly red lipped face.

  50. Here GK is speaking as a politician and not a LAWYER because as a lawyer he knows fully well the constitutional provisions and case law (precedents) on this issue. He just wants to gain political mileage to deflect people’s attention from his failures in the NCC, the Kashiwa Bulaya saga, the acquittal of Chiluba, sale of ZAMTEL, ZANACO and many other flaws that he is party to as Minister of Justice and AG. People do not be hoodwinked.

  51. The Zambian patriotic intelligence and zeal over Dr Guy Scott’s non acting as president whenever need arises, while in fact Republican Vice President is confusing the nation. This is precisely the argument presented by GK. His call for Dr G. Scott to relieve his post is a test of the above point. If Dr G Scott is VP why not act as president when required? Far from being racist as some wouls want us to believe. To the contrary all PF members that do not question this anomally are naive to PF govt and truth is not only in them but discriminate against Dr G. scott. This has no room in an open society such as ours where a true Zambian is discriminated on un disclosed grounds. PF members need to come clean on this matter.

  52. Not long ago PF took RB to court that he i not Zambian. Kunda is trying to do the same and you are calling him names. Don t just support for nothing. Elections are long over. Lets use our brains to reason. Very soon some of you will write on this blog that RB was better than S***. We are not going anywhere with this govt and the earlier we check them the better for you and me. If somebody died today do you think scott can lead zambia??? think *****S !!

  53. Zambians never cease to amaze. It is as if the entire country suffers from collective amnesia. You can call Kunda whatever you like but you cannot deny the fact that this man speaks some sense. Purely from a legal standpoint he is absolutely on the money to vociferously point out an aspect of the law vis-a-vis the constituition that the appointment of GS – with limited powers & responsibilities – cannot only be unconstituitional but also a watershed moment in Zambia’s democracy. Secondly, it is totally irrelevant of GS has lived all his life in Zambia and has been active in her politics – people who uses such line of argument to validate GS position are flawed and shortsighted. Most foreigners who embed themselves in Zambian politics and economics do not do it for altruistic endeavours

  54. I am hugely hugely surprise that many Zambians take to the liking of GS. is it because he is white and in Zambia anything white skinned is not only reverred but exalted into the heavens. If GS was a black non-Zambian would he still be loved? Firstly, the economics of Zambia is not controlled by Black Zambians but by an overabundance of foreign individuals and entities, who claim to be Zambians and loving everything that is Zambian. The fact is these foreigners are only here to milk the country dry, remember how the Asians milked the economy of Uganda in the 60s/70s/80s. They tried the same thing in Nigeria only to be bundled out en masse. So it is sad when I hear Zambians overwhelmingly backing a man who’s intention is neither altruistic nor philantropic.

  55. KUNDA, 
    We understand your anger that he took up your JOB! Be reminded that PF rules and not your Corrupt MMD! Go and hang if you can’t stand it.

  56. Secondly, successive Zambian governments have kowtowed to well-heeled foreigners where they have amassed massive wealth and become an integral part of Zambian economics. What is also alarming is the rate at which this financial wealth finds its way out of Zambia. Zambia’s economy is richly enjoyed by these foreigners and its government backers to the social and economic detriments of its people. Zambians need to wake up and smell the coffee. It is about time the resources and economic wealth of Zambia is managed and controlled by Zambians. Countries like Nigeria, Ghana etc have taken the fortright steps in making sure that 95% of their economic wealth is controlled by its own people. From agriculture to banking, oil & gas to mining etc.

  57. Goerge add the fact that he has a british passport to strengthen the case.

    We all know that dual citizenship is not alllowed in Zambia and the vice president is the worst offender on this account as he is hiding his maroon UK passport in his home chest drawers.

  58. One doesn’t need to be a lawyer to understand this basic interpretation of the act ,regarding vice president appointment. This now explains why the ncc failed. If a qulalified lawyer like GK can grossly misinterpret basic issues likes this, makes some of us really worried. When the same GK was our minister of justice and vice president. Why didn’t he advise RB not to stand for presidency if he is so qualified on such matters? Guy Sott was even born in Zambia Livingstone than RB who was born in Gwanda, Zimbabwe from malawian parents. You need mental surgery ba kunda mwatusebanya.

  59. this red lipped so called lawyer is definately living in his own world……..hallo?…MMD is gone!! just go for pwe pwe pwe cure your diarrhoe first maybe its getting to your head u defended Banda so whats wrong with others this time around to defend GS? are u jealousy?

  60. Deqr bloggers, here are the facts, as far as I am concerned;
    i) Guy Scott qualifies to be VC by virtue of being MP (for MP you only need to be 21, a Zambian and of sound mind ii) Then as long as you are VC, you can act as President – the other requirements apply only when you vying for President of the Republic iii) The President may appoint any member of the cabinet to act, if the vice is out of the country or incapable for the reasons stated, which include physical iv) Sata can argue that Scott was physically not able to act, as he was in North-Westwern Province v) There is no legal must, in my interpretation, that the VC is the only one who can act. Kunda’s case fails on this account. Which means his agenda is merely of a disruptive and attention seeking one.

  61. Article 39(1) of the Constitution states “Whenever the President is ABSENT from Zambia or considers it desirable to do so by reason of illness or for any other cause, he may by direction in writing, authorize the Vice President, OR WHERE the Vice President is ABSENT from Zambia or INCAPABLE of discharging the functions of the office of President, any other person, to discharge such functions of the office of President as he may specify, and the Vice President or such other person may discharge those functions until his authority is revoked by the President”. In other words, appointing a Minister to act is only an option if Guy Scott is absent or incapable.

  62. The questions that Hon Kunda and MMD are asking are (i) Was the Vice President absent from Zambia for the President to appoint the Minister of Finance to act as President instead of the Vice President as required by the Constitution? (ii) Is the Vice President Guy Scott INCAPABLE (incompetent so to speak) of acting as President? If the answer to both questions is no, then the President has contravened the Constitution. If the answer to question (ii) is yes, then the President is within the Constitution, but the question is why then was Guy Scott appointed as Vice President, especially if constitutionally Guy Scott AUTOMATICALLY assumes the office of President in the event of death of the sitting president?

    • This is the correct argument, A totally agree with you. Looking forward to seeing what the resolution will be.. #Zambiaisawesomeandabitofajoketoo

  63. I had a lot of respect for Attorney General Mumba Malila, but now I wonder who is actually a dull lawyer between him and Hon Kunda? Or is that what will now happen to our otherwise intelligent lawyers DPP Mutembo Nchito, Mumba Malila etc, will their intelligence be diluted once they mix with people less intelligent than themselves? I have no problem with Musa Mwenye, to me he has always been a party cadre.

  64. #88 Harold Muna, I cannot think of a thicker Zambian than you. For example, are you suggesting that His Excellency President Michael Sata ceases to be President whenever he travels outside Lusaka?

  65. This is actually a legitimate argument even though it’s been mounted by the much hated preceding veep Mr George Kunda S.C. A call for constitutional scholars / review commission to craft a document that will stand the test of time as current one expose discrepancies.
    It is just impossible to pay attention to him,in his state as a double-faced individual.Once blind,
    deaf and follower now seeing wrongs from outside;How convenient!!!

  66. Kato@ 93 – I said incapable of discharging his duties because he may not physically be available. Is that the same thing as saying someone is no longer holding that position because they are out of the country? You are the one in a hurry to express your ignorance by failing to grasp what one is stating. When you have a disagreement about someone’s statement or you fail to understand it, don’t show your immaturity by labelling that person “dull”. Obviously you lack the ability to argue constructively. One may hold a position but still be physically incapable of discharging the duties of such position in a given situation. What don’t you understand about that?

  67. Kato@93 There is no where in my posting that I suggest that when the President is out of the country then he ceases to be President. Just as when someone else is acting as President, it doesn’t mean the Vice-President has ceased to be such – whether he is in the country or not. Your ‘cleverer than thou’ attitude actually only reveals your knee jerk reactions that come without digesting someone’s gist of the argument

  68. G kunda, please, save your last energy with your family.They love you more than poor Zambians do.

    I care about you….

    Your best friend !!

  69. Not too long ago Zambians allowed Alabi, who didn’t deny being born in Zimbabwe, (God knows if his father was zambian or not), to be President. Where was this sick man called George Kunda??

  70. in as much as we may condemn Kunda let us think about what the constitution of the republic of Zambia say on who qualifies to be the republican vice president and then argue from this point. please kunda give quotation of the constitution about this matter.

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