Republican President Michael Sata has described as useless a letter written to him by UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema dated 27th December, 2011 with regards the opposition leader’s Kabulonga house, NO. F/488A/14/A/3.
In his letter of reply to the UPND leader dated 11th January,2012 obtained by QFM,President Sata, in acknowledging receipt, said that he expected more meaningful correspondence from leaders of political parties which will assist solving the problems facing the country.
President Sata said that was unfortunate, when people that have never been cadres, just ascend to the top of a political party from nowhere. They do not understand the problems facing the country apart from problems facing their pockets, the president said.
In his letter to the President, Mr Hichilema observed that President Sata’s habit of abusing,demeaning,ridiculing and wrongly accusing innocent and defenceless citizens had worsened.
He pointed out that President during a visit to Mazabuka in November 2011 made wild allegations about him including allegations that he wrongly acquired his family house he is occupying in Lusaka’s Kabulonga residential area.
[pullquote]“You will have to look at the old cases like the privatisation of Roan Mine, Kajem Mine, Lima Bank and Intercontinental Hotel in Livingstone. All these are cases that are stinking with corruption,” Mr Sata said[/pullquote]
Mr Hichilema refuted that he has never been a liquidator of Lima Bank contrary to the President’s insinuations, AND that the said house which he says he bought through public tender has never belonged to Lima Bank.
He stated that the law should take its course should it be established that he wrongly acquired his house.
And yesterday, in apparent reference to HH who, at the time of the fast-track MMD privatisation programme under late President Frederick Chiluba’s administration, was working at Grant Thornton, President asked the new Director of Public Prosecution Mr Mutembo Nchito to go beyond existing cases of corruption and open some files from the past such as those involving the sale or privatisation of Roan Antelope Mining Corporation (RAMCOZ), Kagem Mine, Lima Bank and Hotel Intercontinental in Livingstone which the President feels were corruptly sold.
“You will have to look at the old cases like the privatisation of Roan Mine, Kajem Mine, Lima Bank and Intercontinental Hotel in Livingstone. All these are cases that are stinking with corruption,” Mr Sata said
The four companies were privatised by Grant Thornton, an international accounting and consulting firm, which United Party for National Development president Hakainde Hichilema, was a managing partner.
Mr Hichilema has constantly said the sale of the companies was above board.
To be fair, why don’t we just investigate the whole privatisation, circa 1991 to date? And spice it up with how MMD used to be funded for the whole of its existence, trunks of money inclusive.
Including the K2 billion given to Michael Sata to take to the MMD convention?
Also set up a COI on what led to the death of Paul Tembo at a time he was about to reveal how K2 billion was sourced and spent.
Sata should be investigated for his role in joint corruption with Chiluba. Sata was poor when he joined MMD and amassed a lot of wealth in a short period of time. Where did he get his money. He has a lot of Housing Scandals from the Past that need to be revisited. We need the Law to visit this foolish *****ic president.
hh, uzashula. wapya baisa, you thought you were untouchable.
Very childish and silly contribution!!!!!
Very Good Mr President. Please step on thier heads so that they feel how it hurts to insult leadership. Let them know that you are in power. Not bamibeleshe, extend the same to MMD thieves, touch them where it hurts most, we want respect for our leaders in this country. This under 4 teamed up with thieves to descredit you and defend thieves. FINISH HIM PLEASE. we are behind you. That is why we voted for you to rule with an iron fist like Thatcher to some extent. Ubupuba bwalichilamo mu Zambia.
Fully agreed. Contetious privatisations happened when Valentine Chitalu was at the helm. The sale of 225 companies should be investigated and we will find out about who really benefited. Singling out only those presumed to have involved HH as liquidator is simple victimisation, timidity and foolhardy. How much did George Sokota, the late John Cruikshank etc make from liquidations? Why is the president so scared of HH; just the mention evokes fear! It is like a snake has spotted a cat.
That King Cobra is afraid of HH is the most laughable thing I have ever heard. Firstly, HH has just been babbling from verbal diarrhoea without presenting issues worth debating, secondly, he has nothing we can be afraid of. He does not have enough national support to shake us, he does not have issues he can use in court… Knowing how bitter the MF is he would have done anything by now if he had the means or the info, but alas, he is just a barking dog with no bite.
This under 5 has been making wild allegations, why did he see it fit to write the president this time?
He reminds me of Dr Miti! Send him in please! Only in`gombe Ilede will be worried about him.
better to keep quiet if you have nothing to talk about. this chap hh looks like he has just come out hibernation and realize that he’s still being supplied with oxygen so he can show pipo that he’s not a shadow.
Merzaf Flats Please
This is how these investigations will turn out: The investigators will find nothing and will find it hard to tell the President there was nothing about HH in Lima and Livingstone Hotel. How will the President face the nation: already, all his pronouncements about corruption have failed to go to court. I will not be surprised when the government even loses the simple case involving K2.1 billion. The reason is that all these cases are about fixing individuals and not about professionalism.
#1 NOT A LOWYER – I do agree with your suggestion. If that is the case, let us open ALLL THE CASES then. We are not going to just sit here having Sata define what is corruption and what is not when himself doesn’t know even how to read. This is getting out of hand. Let us open all the cases from 1991 so that we see exactly what happened. The opposition must now demand the government to set up a truth commission to investigate how the entire privatisation process took place and who got involved in what, in which case Sata should also be part of that probe. We need a truth commission so that in future another stupid president won’t come back and start selecting cases that suit only him. Why is Sata leaving out the Merzaf flats, Zambia Airways houses, Avondale ect?
HH privatised fairmount hotel and later became chairman of the sun hotels who bought that hotel ! Tell me if that does not smell of corruption.He should have declared an interest
@11, your ignorance is shocking.
1. fairmount has never belonged to the Govt and there is absolutely no connection between sun hotels and fairmount hotel, clearly you have never been to L/stone.
2. accountancy firms are not in the business of privatising companies, they just advise and audit
Can anybody who advises the president please step forward. Where are the PF PR and Spin Doctors? And where are his rabid dogs that he can unleash on such trivial than do it himself and look so unpresidential . This is really getting of of hand.
Please, Mr Sata, don’t give credence to views of Bishop Chihana that you ought to enroll in some night school. Please somebody run to the help of the president. It is the presidency we are talking about and this hurts us all as Zambians.
We need fatherly and elderly words coming from that office because that office symbolizes father of a nation and as a father of a nation you love all your children equally and treat them with respect even if they differ with you. they are your children.
Sour grapes on this one mate!
and if one child steals he or she gets punished or taught a lesson… thats what a good father does. for someone who supports Rupiah Banda and his “yamunyokola njala” attitude towards his “children”, dont u think u should be very quiet on this one?
We could have voted for a president who is not sane. HH was responding to the accusation started by Sata and Sata’s response is below board and not befiting a head of state. This is explains why he even asked the ambasodor of China to open and read a letter from the chinese primier in public. The man is normal….only kaponyas can supported this uncivilised approach to issues.
i can smell the political end of hh. i am sorry.
Witch Hunt……
Sata can fail an Exam hands down.Instead of responding to the issue he(sata) raised regarding the house in Kabulonga,he chose to talk about something else.
Well as predicted by our late Presidents. The head of states vindictiveness has shown its ugly head anyone who opposes him will be investigated if not eliminated , i foresee a scenario in Zambia were the Pathetic Front will have cronies and Vigilante groups to oppress anyone who challenges their misplaced ideologies ,in modern times how does a president insult Libyan national on national TV and his cronies like brainless apes clap to the gallery Zambia is heading to dogs and i foresee dark days ahead of us.I hope Given Lubinda apologizes on behalf of all well meaning Zambian.
Boot Fimo Fimo that is sour grapes mate. It hurts in opposition. The way you are feeling now is what we felt for 20 years.
Under 5 has decided to write the president this time. Ask yourself why! He normally runs to the media to open his gob. He knows what he did. Heknows his days are numbered!
But yes he will get support from people like you. Toot Toot Toot! The Boat is sailing!
When you are fond of insulting young ones they will one day insult back and it is very painful. Sata never respects anyone including the past presidents whom he used to insult day in day out. So now that he is power he wants to use machinery available to him to punish anyone who answers to his insults. God has given us what we cried for just like the children of Israel cried for a king so that they became like the surrounding tribes and God gave them Saul who taumented them to the bone. God save us we didn’t know what we were doing. This king is insane.
Kaunda told you Sata is not presidential material, Chiluba said Sata was corrupt, Mwanawasa said Sata is a thug. Then somehow we all closed our eyes. How miserable this country……………………………………………
Well, Kaunda has obviously changed his mind because he has lately been praising Sata, Chiluba was a thief and Mwanawasa was defending his presidential seat.
HH has just invited problems on himself. If you are living in a glass house, dont throw stones.
“Khoswe wa pa tsindwi adaulula wa pa dzala….” any chewa person please translate for the rest, coz someone will end up exposing themselves!
why can’t they include a clause in the constitution that for one to stand for precedence, one should first become an mp. that will be the best so that pipo like hh can start contributing something worthy.
Yaba! This man. We told them. Even KK said that Sata was not presidential material. Mwanawasa refused totally. Chiluba who was the best friend (remember the “smoking together” rumors) to Sata dribbled him and later said Sata could not measure up to the job of republican president. Sata at best can be a mobilizer of party cadres or thugs to intimidate opponents. Any way they say every nation deserves the kind of leadership it has and that is our quality. If HH was guilty, Mwanawasa could have arrested him long time. He is just wasting time instead of concentrating on fulfilling his 90 days promises which can only fulfil if given 90 years.
Can’t agree more with #13 especially in hiz last paragraph( the first two are like from a bitter person), the President M. C. Sata should alwayz give answerz that are very civil and inspiring, however “trivial and or sacarstic” the question/letter may be from anybody, irrespective of their standing in society.
But we all know you are the sam dimwit you plank!
Pathetic Fools is this the kind of president you were looking for? You must be ashemed of your selves.
HH does not need to be a cadre first. It is like after graduating from university you have to start as a sweeper. HH is an economics specialist who does not require to get involved with mobilising cadres and that kind of staff. There are people that can do that fopr him. he can go around explaining economic programs he would implement to develop the nation but not be so cadre-minded. That is why Sata cannot tell the difference whether he is the president of the republic or whether he is a PF cadre let alone the PF party president.
One is an Economist, the other is a president. Work that out you plum!
Patriotic Fools is this the kind of president you were looking for? You must be ashemed of your selves.
There was a lot of stealing during the privatisation process.Incompetent people and companies with no record or experience in selling companies were enganged.I have in mind people like HH and Valentine Chitalu who were at some point mandated to privatise some of the companies,instead of declaring interest and all,they became shareholders and directors in the same companies they were privatising.When that turn for Sata to be investigated comes,we should not spare him as Zambians but for now we need to get some people to answer for some of the crimes.For example Roan was a disaster….just look at Luanshya today!!
Was it necessary for Sata to reveal the contents of a private letter to the whole world. The behaviour of Sata as president is worrying all reasonable Zambians. If there was a time we needed a professional police service it is now. Otherwise the police will be turned into PF cadres to be ordered who to “investigate” and who not to. Is it true that only non-Bembas are being targeted in this so called fight against corruption?
sata lacks reasoning power.
@31Jomie. try to have some respect to elderly pipo. lets contribute without insults. jomie don’t be kwati lit*le lyaba pampumi or you having ichik*la mukanwa.
If you live in a glass don’t throw stones. One day the people you throw stones on will throw stones on you and your house. The house will break and you will have no house to live in.
What about the MERZAF SAGA ?
Kateka!!! awe sure, sometimes i wonder ngabamudala believes that he is president and not a cadre. awe iyi will be a very long 5yrs mweee
#11 seeker of the trruth and justice
You should also know that Valentine Chitalu privatised over 200 companies and sat on the boards of 15 of them. What is your point about HH sitting on the board of one/two companies he privatised. If anything, HH was not a public official regulated by the Act on privatisations but Valentine was.
if valentine did sit on the boards of the companies he privatised it was and is wrong unethical should l say.
Apart from Valentine Chitalu sitting on the boards of companies he privatised, he bought for himself quite a number….
Yes very long if you are in opposition. Why didn`t they make it 10 years kanshi! 5 yachepa!
HH concentrate on your political ambitions of criticizing positively and adding value to Zambian politics. One Thing leaders should understand is that they will never be praised by everyone, a certain number will criticise them and that makes of a good leader through mistakes. Leaders of this days is “cho chise”. Revive lost glory by instilling confidence to the electorate who will determine who their next leader will be. HE MCS will feel not feel any pressure to such allegations because it not adding value to the country but it’s easy to put someone on his toes where policies and laws of this land are breached. You are just petty and not focused. No wonder your party is the UP and Down…….
This is pure vindictiveness.Why just investigate companies HH was associated with.Yes open all files from 1991…I think Sata is really wasting Zambians time and resources.We all know how long the late Chiluba’s corruption case took and how fruitless and expensive it was at the end of the day.By the end of 180days I’m sure the under staffed police will be overloaded with corruption cases.The courts will be ‘bursting through their seams’.No wonder after all the noise state house makes all we hear is WARN and CAUTION.Can’t believe we still have 5 more years of this nonsense!
Here is an imaginary question: Suppose Nelson Mandela, being released from Robben Island and later becoming SA President, was Michael Chilufya Sata. What would have been his first actions?
He would have sent your mother and father to prison for stealing from Zambians.
Got that?
He would chase all the whites this fool in state houses was number three during privatisation in fact privatisation was done by ZPA Zambia privatisation agency grant Thornton was an evaluator like any other financial institution like cooper
I wish i never voted for PF…thuggery am seeing is very worrying,the Post supports PF because it suits their agenda and they have just survived an eminent arrest from RB assuming he won elections.The focus has just changed to fighting individuals rather looking at worsening economical fortunes….
Pliz Mwe Bantu. Are these part of the compaign promises we were given. We need tarring of roads which RB started in Chilenje, Kabwata etc to win votes. Sata was No 3 in the MMD hierarchy when they where bussy selling our companies with Ka Chiluba as our parents became jobless. He and Chiluba created Vendors desk now He has done the same with street vendors. Am starting to lose confidence in MC I will reclaim my Vote.
The office of the president
This is shameful! As it stands, whatever Sata said about HH is just allegations. The president should not go and lie about any individual without having facts. He is now avoiding why he accused HH of having bought the Kabulonga house fraudulently from Lima Bank when the house was never a Lima bank house. This is sad! For those supporting this circus, you should stop and ask how we are being viewed from outside! Sata should stop this madness with immediate effect!
A colleague writes a letter, a normal letter with a specific that require explanation … Aha, you don’t see it that way!! Worse still you start ridiculing him, are you sane????
Enemy of progress
Surely HH should be able to explain how, he, who participated in selling Livingstone Intercontinetal Hotel is not chairman o fht eboard under new owners, conflict of interes, possible kick backs on sale,??? Some answers will be useful!!
Why do current Zambia Presidents behave the same. RB went out singing that Meembe had stollen money through Zambian Airways and ordered DEC, ACC Police to probe. He had pipo like Geoge to advise him but he remained mute cozing embarasment to the Head of State. Zambian Airways was a Limited Company NOT a Meembe. Now we have Sata who wants to go after HH who was merely an emplyee of Grand Thornton on a salary. Zambian Politics stinx!!
Can somebody in their right frame of mind oppose the degree clause in our constitution after all this?
The Accussing Finger…….
Go get Hatuleke Ha Sata Hateke HE MCS! Only plunderers are ot happy. Toot toot toot!
What a pity that Zambia has a President who so dull that he is more interested in drivel. Can’t his cabinet colleagues advise this dictator?
A bit more time spent in the class room would have been helpful to this chap who thinks only cadres can lead a country or a political party!
The problem is we Zambians never learn!!! So you thought SATA was gonna be a good president when his own friend Chiluba rejected him!!!
Chiluba was a thief and as such not a credible witness or example.
The dullness and vindictiveness of this president (pls note, use of small “p” is deliberate) amazes me. Can someone around him who has some brains please inform him that there is a Statute of Limitations on crimes, particularly civil ones like corruption. Pls mr president, spare us your old age blubbering and lack of sense. You’ve made enough of a joke of yourself and us as Zambians in the international community, after we gained so much from holding a peaceful transition. All the prestige we gained has been lost! We are now a laughing stock! Foreign papers are following your nonsense diligently and printing it for locals to laugh at! God please save us!
The most hopeless person in life is that one in deception. I hope none of us who voted aren’t in here! One of the qualities of a leader at this level is high level of self control, unfortunately as a president, some of the cases may be very provoking! i am yet to see that in MC.
Sata is in for a shock. He thinks is wise like a serpent, but soon will realize that he is a fool. He is opening up many wounds while those that affect him are remaining unaffected. Watch out Sata!
Bane its almost 17 hrs…. Go and continue the discussions in thevarious places u frequent on Fridays….especially Friday the 13th….
Sata is not fit to be president. He is just another old, uneducated, lack of charm and ruthless fart.Cant wait for the 5 years to be up so these Pathetic Fools(PF) can go
Twalimyebele tamwaunfwile nomba mwalaimwene change for the sake of change is dangerous!
I know HH is going to have the last laugh. So far this country has no direction. We need food on our tables, we cant eat corruption accusations.
As a politician, Sata has been known as a sharp-elbowed party operative. That is what he is, good especially at micro-politics, or street level, if you will. He is street-smart. But here is the problem. Politics at a presidential level is different, more so in today’s world that extols technocratic governance. That’s why it is safe to say the man is in an unfamiliar territory. The world is watching, and I don’t see the man ever visiting the White House or Downing Street. World leaders usually want to deal with leaders from poor countries they can relate to at an intellectual level. Sata comes across as a partisan thug. A president is supposed to be the grown up in the room and not an avaricious party hack.
I dont think Sata is normal at all. fi kaponya are busy backing him up because they cant think. mind you HH is still young generation. chi Sata chakota. so i dont think this ***** will continue to rule Zambia in the next term. people are crying fail.
this president should stop making noise and start creating job as he promised
Sata is trying to cash in on your amnesia. He was very much part of the government the privatized state enterprise in the 1990s. He was as corrupt as anybody else in that MMD government. He only left the MMD because he wouldn’t be president.
Ve re useless this under is!
HH, becarefull with Sata. He means business. If you think he is joking keep on with yourv stupidity.
We just love Sata and we don`t have amnesia. Ke ke ke ke ke ke!
you can’t debate intellectually. Enjoy your illegal stay in Italy, because if you went to Zambia you will be living in Chainda.
Those that are against Sata’s actions are thieves. Mwanya mulechimona unomwaka.
This one is going to be the worst president of this country! why should he be the one always picking fights with his masters or is it followers?
Most of the above who are complaining about Sata are those who particitated or whose parents participated in plunder. If you think Sata is Joking, just wait and see. Umulandu taubola. Our forefathers worked very hard to build those mines and companies you privatised dubiously. We Zambians are going to have the last laugh. GO SATA GO. YOU HVAE THE GOVERNMENT MACHINERY AT YOUR DISPOSAL. HELP US PLEASE TWALICHULA KULI BA KABWALALA ABA.
No one is scared of you SATA.NO BODY…. WE DARE YOU TO JUST ARREST HH and make him even MOOORE POPULAR…We will fight to the bitter end……This is just the begining of a serious WAR..and we will see who laugh last.
you can use MUTEMBO, GEORGE CHELLA AND AMOS MALUPENGA and FRED MEMBE TO ARREST HH.. WE DARE ALL OF YOU TO DO THAT QUICKLY…..SATA HAS already found HH guity. what are you still waiting for…
HH is clean. if not Mwanawasa would have already arrested him. NOT THIS CORRUPT VINDICTIVE PRESIDENT OF YOURS.
We should also investigate the disappearance of 2 billion kwacha that let to the assassination of the witness, Paul Tembo. Mutembo Nchito was Paul Tembo’s attorney, he must have information that linked Sata to the disappearance of the money. He should investigate his boss. Sata was also convicted in a theft involving a colossal sum of money in the Merzaf project. The list can be endless…The truth is whether you are infatuated with the man or not, you have a thief in state house.
Zambians,are you sure that we go down the archives in search of corruption at the expence of development? Didn’t LPM ( MHSRIP) smell such corruption of privitasation when he was persecuting FTJ? Fine fight a good fight,but be transparent as well,you chased Dr Kanganja for revealing state secrets,giving jobs to fellow tribesmate is not corruption,but stealing money.Let me assure Cycle Mata Chilufyanya that Zambia will never develop by fighting corruption,but by instilling hard work and rasing incomes for those that are entrusted with government resources.
#75 Kwekwe, what about Merzaf issue? Why didn’t he include it on that list if he was genuine? That’s the problem with people who think they are smart when in the actual afct they are not! Sata will soon outsmart himself! The 90s MMD issues he is bringing up are a double edged sword.
Selective investigations should be stopped, let’s follow cases in the Auditor General’s reports.
atase ATI man of actions???? Monkeys in the maizefieild
now that is diplomacy at its best, was the president ever a minister of foreign affairs?
Sata is governing our country exactly how a lover of our nation would govern it. It’s just so incredible to note the huge number of Zambians who cherish and support corruption on this blog. How they haven’t got it is a new testament to me I was wrong when I assumed every Zambian loves our nation passionately and wants injustice and corruption done away with, decisively, the way Sata is going about it. But any way pa nsaka tapabula ifisushi. This is the case right here on this very blog.
HE MCS is the president of zambia and resides at PLOT 1, ——————————To all those calling the president an uneducated kaponya, President Sata is a natural born leader, he is a politician who has held high posts in both UNIP and MMD, formed his own party and is now our head of State, it does not get better than that, its every politicians dream to become national leader. you guys can label HE MCS all sorts of insults, the fact is your so called educated leaders are political failures, never have held vital govt posts and never will. Only support them blindly because you come from the same tonga land. HH will never amount to anything but a voters rejecty. Ask yourselves this how many of you suporting this under5 REJECTY are not tonga????
SDA, you’re being too simplicistic. He is a party activist and he should have remained at that level. His presidency is entirely a happenstance.
Lets have the degree clause in the constitution on the minimum requirements for the president
No mulenga be true to yourself HE MCS could have been an activist in the early stages of his career, but we can,t take away the fact he was govt minister in both UNIP & MMD he is not a political chancer and truth be told his presidency was long overdue, well then again thats only my opinion and you are entilted to yours. He is not perfect but he has worked his ass off to be where he is now. Mulenga have a good day & thanks for for being polite
The guilty are afriad. People who are clean will never oppose investigation or be worried because thats any image builder. Be cleared and increase support from your enemies. Corruption corrupts the mind and lessens moral value in decision making. The court can justify any body, so please keep cool and insult not.
# 39 Italian Bunga Bunga (Original) Typical of a NED you are. Disguising to blog from several domiciles, whta betrays you is your character of moronically brought reflected in your spewing raw views. You will never change as time can never be reversed, NEDS reason backwards and small wonder the nation is almost at cross roads viewed both at local and international perception. Read # 13 MMD Chif Bootlicker times without number to feel embarrased with your govt. Kekekekekekekekekek Elo L……………….
Sata need to ask his newly sworn in DPP Mutembo Nchito how: He acquired Roan Air which later became Zambian Airways. 2. When Mutembo Nchito is going to pay back the millions from passenger tax he collected through that useless defunct airline
JST BE THE GD PRESIDENT , we need programs aimed at improving ppl’s lives, and jst showing off that u r the president , do the good job mr. be the president dont comment of opposition leaders u will look wise.
Don’t expect anything from someone who opposes you from day 1. Assemble a think tank to generate ideas that will create one million jobs from the many technocrats in the country than expecting anything sensible from ba Hakainde.
@#87Ndu-Ndu-Ndu. I am a ned, you are a nerd! Ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke!
I believe the high levels of madness that characterize Sata’s skull have induced a reverse gear mode of perception in his reasoning. If you tell him the plain truth like HH did, his rotten mind sees it as useless. However, if Kaseba advises him to abolish the post of Secretary to the treasury without parliamentary approval, si malubilo okanga uko tate! That we have a mad man wielding power in our corridors of state is a foregone conclusion.
Can we investigate Valentine Chitalu (Former ZPA Chirman) who later became chairman of man privatizes companies in Zambia
Well, if Sata was normal and not mad with populist politics, he would realise that sooner than later his own scandals such as MMB missing mattresses, merzaf flats, OP cars, Paul Tembo assassination, OR Tambo dollars etc scandals will sooner than later catch up with him.
The letter was written to you why are yopu replying to him through the press. propaganda again.We have a lot of issues we can deal with rather than these personal issues between you and HH
i get the feeling that most people who are haranguing and conderming president sata, are doing so because he has now put HH into a corner and hh and upnd are feeling the heat. By the way this isu of hh converting a house belonging to a company he was privatising to his own benefit was started by the post. hh promised that he was going to sue the post; its been 2 months we still waiting for him to do so. why write the president over a none issue?
Was HH not right to defend himself from wrongful accusations? I wonder who is insane between HH and Michael Sata!!! It’s stupidity of the highest order for the three tabloids (Times of Zambia, Zambia Daily Mail and The Post newspaper) to team up against just one single individual like Hakainde. It seems it’s a sin to be rich here in Zambia! Shame on you paupers who can’t sweat a little bit to get what HH has. Pure jealousy for his genuinely earned riches!
I wonder what goes on in the head of our granny who just insults anyone who tries to advise him..?this is the fall of the once mighty bemba kingdom..!!you tried to investigate HH when you were in MMD..LPM tried,RB tried they all failed..what cases do you have against him..is it the education and clean life he has led than you..?
Issues drag on for years because the country lacks capacity to close. To date there has been no closure report on the privatisation programme that has defined the economic status of the country. A closure report will enable the country to move forward without having to reopen selected cases.
Okay HH and even non politicians like Mark Odonnel are all in for it – for those who can – read the ZPA report, all those who were selling companies are rich now – no one in Zed is “RICH” genuinely. Hard work can make you confportable not “RICH” – tens of Billions “Rich”.
Insults to you UPND,MMD and PF show how cheap you are. Those in power advise the presindent to be respectiful to all Zambians and he ll gain respect to the fullest. HH must be advised to speak for every citizen in zambia and not only southern, western and north western, people have concluded he is a triblist we want this picture to be removed like what late Mazoka was and let him speak issues not petty we want him. Or else he will never be the president of Zambia.
Open the case on how baldwin nkumbula and anderson mazoka maybe even nalumino mundia was killed too. Than u will be regarded as a man.