Monday, March 10, 2025

Guy Scott qualifies to act as President of Zambia-LAZ



THE Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) has said Dr Guy Scott does not only qualify to be Vice-President but in fact qualifies to act as President of Zambia in the absence of Mr Sata.
This has been disclosed by LAZ honorary secretary Paulman Chungu in a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday.

“Our position is that Dr Guy Scott is perfectly qualified to be Vice-President and in the absence of the President, for whatever reason, to perform the functions of the office of the President as provided for in the constitution,” Mr Chungu said.

Mr Chungu said following the discussion and debate around the legal propriety of the appointment of Mr Scott as republican Vice-President, LAZ “applied itself to the relevant provisions of the constitution and also studied the position the Attorney-General has taken.”

Recently, former Vice-President George Kunda threatened to mount a legal challenge against the appointment of Dr Scott as republican Vice-President on grounds that his parents were not Zambian.

Mr Kunda, a state counsel and former LAZ president, threatened to take Dr Scott to court to determine whether President Sata should not appoint somebody else in that position.

President Sata scoffed at Mr Kunda’s interpretation of the law and Attorney-General Mumba Malila on Wednesday said there was nothing constitutionally amiss in appointing Dr Scott as Vice-President and that he could actually act in the President’s absence. The President described Mr Kunda as the ‘dullest’ lawyer in the world for failing to correctly read the law.

Mr. Malila said: “In the event that there is a vacancy in the Office of the President in terms of Article 38 of the Constitution or in case of temporary absence of the President in terms of Article 39 of the Constitution, the Vice-President could act as President even if he may not meet the qualification for election to the Office of President. What he cannot do is to stand as President.”

Some have described Mr Kunda’s statements as bordering on racism which must not be allowed to creep into Zambian politics.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


    • He does not qualify to be president because the under the Zambian law, both his parent must have been born in Zambia. The fact that his parents were not Zambian and not born in Zambia, he does not qualify on those grounds.

  1. Racist Corrupt arrogant Kunda thought MMD would rule for 50 years. What an embarrassment to Zambia. Late LPM must be turning in his grave to have trusted this guy: what a letdown.

  2. LAZ is PF so there is nothing legally sensible we expect from a group of lawyers that have sold themselves to Sata. Musa Mwenye was Chungu’s boss and is now Sata’s legal advisor. Ranchod is chewing commissioner of inquiries money and is Chungu’s partner so that explains it. May be the courts can still help interprete but they are still under Satan.

  3. This whole issue is clearly open to abuse, as demonstrated in the past. Do we have first-class and second-class citizens in Zambia?

    Any person that is a Zambian citizen should be eligible to stand for any office. Anything else is blatant discrimination and should not be allowed in a true democracy. 

  4. LAZ are lazy! What GK is aking about is, if Guy can’t act as President, then why is he VP? What is it that is preventing Sata from giving him ka chance? The constitution does not even give Sata leeway to skip the VP if he is capable and not outside the country.

  5. #7
    Exactly,that’s is the point GK raised. These so called lawyers are failing to answer deliberately but indirectly misleading their followers into believing GK is racist when infact he is on Scott’s side.

  6. This is not time to ask where Guy originates, this is the time of coming together and plan how to rule our country. if you can’t fight them its better to join them!!

  7. I’m a zambian living outside zambia and i don’t really follow politics but this totally baffled me. Doesn’t it defeat the whole point of having Scott as vice president in the first place?.

  8. And to think this Red Lip held two positions!

    Can we wait for his reaction please! What has he got to say now? True this man must be the dullest lawyer in the world. Where is Capitalist/Bootfimofimo now?

    Ka Kunda wamona twalekweba. Put your smelly tail between your legs now.

  9. The supreme ruling on Chiluba verses Lewanika and others as read with Article 39 says it all…….
    Guy Scott qualifies NOT only for Vice president but PRESIDENT too for the republic of Zambia as long as he has green NRC…

  10. ‘THE Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) has said Dr Guy Scott does not only qualify to be Vice-President but in fact qualifies to act as President of Zambia in the absence of Mr Sata’

    Zenglish at its best, so does he or does he not?

    So what job is Paulman Chungu looking for in the PF government?

    • Clearly YOU my friend need to work on your English comprehension some more. There is NOTHING amiss in that sentence at all. Period.

  11. LAZ as usual directionless over national issues Paulman Chungu says Dr Guy Scott the VP can act as president in the absence of Mr Sata. Chungu further states Scott can even become republican president. However, Mr Malila says Dr Scott can only act as president. The legal professionals have played vital roles in our politics since multipartism but their role has always been found wanting. MMD was wrongly advised, PF is now wrongly being advised. A clear indecision is now they can not state why Dr Scott the VP has not been able to act as they argue. Instead its GK talking for Dr Scott. Let Dr Scott act and the game is over. That they fear to say boldly on account of their jobs from Mr Sata which is a shame to their profession.

  12. Hahahahaha. So its like Sata has more law knowledge than Kunda. Its clear that Kunda is just using hate to pursue his selfish motives. Ndipo Kunda wanna zoona. I thought Kunda was a learnt lawyer but its quite nice that he has been beaten at his own game by our learnt president Sata – what  a turn of events. So its now clear that Kunda is the dullest lawyer in the world. I like that. I end here!

    • Shut up! Sata appointed Chikwanda to act as President when VP Scot was in the country. Kunda wanted an explanation from Sata, failure to which he would seek the guidance of the courts on Scots qualifications to be VP if he cannot even act as President. Scot who was in hurry to ‘protect’ Sata claimed that ‘lawyers’ had advised Sata that Scot was not qualified to act as VP. So where do you draw the conclusions that Sata is a learned man and George is not? You are a typical cadre!

  13. Mr. Malila must be a fool, how can he continue saying, ‘What he cannot do is to stand as President’ after that free education from Munshya. This is the guy wrongly advising Sata. I think he must resign and go back to law school.

  14. Are all PF cadres or supporters of questionable intelligence? One is bound to conclude so going by the illiterate conclusions they have reached over Kunda’s actions. Anyone with a head in the right place would have known that Kunda was actually batting on Guy Scot’s side. We had a situation in which the substantive Vice President (Scot) was in the country but Sata decided to appoint Chikwanda as acting President before he left for SA. The question Kunda asked was why appoint someone else to act when the VP was around? Did it imply that Scot wasnt qualified to be Vice President let alone act as President ? Now because of Kunda’s actions Sata will no longer have the excuse to leave the instruments of power with his relative when he is out of the country. All thanks to George!

  15. # 24 Ba rudemonk. Get the context of the story. Next to you READ #28 above. Comprehend the complex matrix of GK thinking here. Is there doubt about GK sharpness on this matter? He actually speaks for Dr.Guy Scott but throws a challenge for Sata to deny it. Mr Sata has no option here but to agree that Dr Guy Scott as VP to Sata will make him act NOW instead of his relative Chikwanda.

  16. “Ulemona ” @ #2, must be reminded that PF started the mudslinging dirty game of hiring former High Commissioner to Malawi (Milton Phiri) and Lawyer Sebastian Zulu, to make false proclammations that RB’s parents were of Malawian origin. These two Easterners were engaged so as to make such allegations appear authentic. LAZ paid deaf ears to such dirty game because its President was vying for a job under the PF. LAZ can only feed this misinformation to the youth most of whom who were born after 1980. LAZ is too selective abd biased. The best for LAZ members is to concentrate on making genuine business in Courts of Law. The Law Association of Zambia has lost so much credibility that if I needed legal representation I would have to search very hard to find a trully professional lawyer.

  17. GK said this not on the side of guy,his motive is what shud be debate.why take the matter to court if at all he was on the side of VP SCUT?who will pay for the legal fees?why did he raise the issue in the media?how is his corelation b/n him and the pf govt,good or sour?my own conclusion is he wanted to use VP as a constitution breach against MCS.believe or not there is nothing gud he stands for.bloggers use your heads and not what you hear on the streets,lets look at FELIX MUTATI critism of the pf govt,its not of mental illness but he offers altenatives or solutions to the problem at hand.did GK offer a solution to the VP SCOT issue?there was none.did GK wrote a letter to the presdo on VP issue as a learned lawyer?none.but i know pa zed no much critical thinking even from unza scu of law

  18. Not appointing Guy Scott was a blunder by President Sata. I’m not sure of the rationale behind appointing honorable Chikwanda when Mr. Scott was in the country. I agree with honorable George Kunda on that score. But I disagree with those who think that he was in fact batting for Mr. Scott. I agree with #31 Planzo. It would be interesting to find out what his motives behind the move were?

  19. So now, does this clear RB as having been a genuine president? What was that all about, LAZ? Where u also campaigning for PF? We r invaded

  20. if obama can be a president in America, what one can stop scot from being a zambia presdent. G kunda zambia does not belong to you alone.

    you have done you part though distructively leave it to others. You have no capacity. you have misled too many presdents and dont misled us.

  21. That is the goodness with the constitution. It stipulates who should hold which office. This is not only happening in Zambia but many other countries. It is only a few years ago when there was an issue of Obama being qualified to be USA president citing issues that he was born outside the USA. Let things be the way they are, there is no need to have every Jim and Jack running for president just because they are citizens. We are not desperate and there are many indigenous Zambians who qualify to be presidents. Scot can act as the law says but let it end there. With the Zambian mentality, I would not be surprised if they changed the law to simply allow Scot to qualify to be president in Zambia.

  22. i wouldn’t be suprised if this red lipped snake proposes an impeachment in the next august house sitting cos its like “who gets who first wins” syndrome here. these mmd thieves know what the presido is capable of doing and are now looking for excuses on which to float the impeachment idea.

  23. Guy should not even be comfortable on the LAZ stand because his parents don’t have green National Registration Card. They are foreigners. I am not too clear though, Guy can not stand for election the rule discriminates him. But this time he is not contesting he is just acting which is just standing in for an incumbent. When the incumbent comes back or dies or what ever happens, he just moves out and the law takes it on course. We as Zambians must being very political in every small situation as long it provides an opportunity to go forward

  24. Following the case of lewanika and others v fredrick chiluba, don’t you think scott qualifies to contest for presidency because prior to the independence act every person who was a british protectorate citizen was deemed to be a zambian citizen thus making scotts parents Zambians as there was no Zambia before 1964.

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