Monday, March 10, 2025

President Michael Sata directs Minister of Justice to release the ZAMTEL Report to the public immediately


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

President Michael Sata has directed the Minister of Justice Sebastian Zulu to release the Zamtel Report to the public immediately in order to protect public interest and curb blantant lies from shameless detractors.

This is contained in a press statement made available to the media by the Special Assistant to the President for Press George Chellah.

President Sata said that the Commission of Inquiry that he constituted to probe the sale of Zamtel came out with brilliantly documented submissions.

“Since we have not released the Report to the public, our detractors and perpetrators of crimes against Zambia and its citizens have had a field day, regrettably supported by some sections of the media and opposition political party leaders who for strange reasons have axes to grind against the Patriotic Front Government,” President Sata says.

“To protect public interest and to insulate our people against blantant lies I direct that we release the Report with due immediacy. Arrange to furnish all foreign missions in Zambia with the Report. And most importantly, let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs send a copy to the Libyan Government using the fastest route.”

The Head of State has assured Hon. Zulu that the Minister of Finance Hon Alexander B. Chikwanda stands ready to aid the process should any financial needs involved in this exercise go beyond the Ministry of Justice’s allocation.


  1. Mwanya, Nomba bakabolala. Immediatey after the publication, start jailing the baggers. Enough is enoough from these thieves.

  2. Chikwanda is ready with the $1 Billion to pay the Libyan’s who will go to the bank laughing their lungs out.

  3. Does the president know how much it costs to send a copy to the Libyan government for him to be involving the finance minister? 

  4. Just put the damn report on the Internet, we can download and read and so can the many others. This is 2012 for goodness sake, and I hope we wont be instructed to print hard copies and put them in the lobby hoping for people to come and collect.

    Hasn’t this government shredded enough cash on the worthless commissions of Inquiry. And now they want to burn gas and waste more trees sending a report produced by a team without any credibility in the eyes of any sane person who is a student of justice and fair play.

    I need to order more popcorns, looks like we are in for an eternal circus.


    • He is always angry.  Have you ever seen him smile, even on his official portrait?  All that is missing is a dodgy moustache and perm for him to look like Hitler!

    • my brother HH was fighting PF even when both were in opposition, something is fishy here only time will tell

  5. Balemwenako basakala nyongo, you thought you were clever when you were plundering our resources, time to pay back..

  6. I hope this report does not lack 4 critical submissions for it to be genuine:
    – Supreme Court ruling
    – Dora’s submission before the earlier commission and judicial review
    – Lap Green’s opinion and submission
    – ZDA’s submission
    Otherwise it will be hot air and a huge embarrassment at international level, which might earn Lap Green and Dora Siliya a few bucks in the respective kitties.

  7. Where is the source of this aggressive haste for the report to reach Libyan government. After losing Malawian protocol war its now Libya. Can some one advise the president calm down. He has set the process and its outcome is available. He doesn’t need to be judge and jury and mete justice. The democratic stractures will deal with the rest.Give the people of Muchinga, Kalabo, Sinazeze and Sindamisale roads, medicine, transport and safe water to drink.

  8. Bo mushokotwane the report is now public anything more? The guilty are always afraid. If ever you will have another stint in public life take pride of your country, think of the poor first not your belly. That is the only way you will receive God’s blessings and in abundance. May the Almight bless our President and Zambia.

  9. hahaha

    WatchGog is causing sleepless nights at State House. The report had to be made public. What Sata does not know is that the report being public will open a window for people who have been implicated to take the commission to court. It will be a flood of legal battles. As a president you do not do things in anger. There is a reason why governments to not release commission reports.

    Remember this issue has been to the highest court in the land. …..  its going to be interesting

  10. Make it available and we will make judgement. It is strange that the thwar in charge of zamtel made a comment that zamtel belong to the libyan people.

  11. MMD Chief Bootlicker & all those that support plunder, abuse of authority, corruption & grand Larceny you’re a disgrace. I wonder what legacy your kids will have in Zambia. You’re going to trivialise issues. Why are you siding with corrupt MMD leaders or any leader holding public office? Are the tenants of MMD founded on plunding state resources? That’s why we can never progress if we have people who think for their pockets like you.

  12. The report was pre-determined by the presidio from the beginning, it would carry more weight if it was done independently of interested parties, i.e, government. with Sebastian Zulu chairing this commission, its clearly a one-sided affair representing ”his Master’s voice”. And, I sense sarcasm and annoyance in the press release. Democracy entails difference of opinion, and provision of checks and balances. Let’s learn to be sober when dealing with national issues.

  13. We need the initial report by the consultants who valued Zamtel to be made public. The reason is that their input is not considered in the commision report. The Zulu report is one-sided with predetermined conclusions. Thats is why they are in a hurry to release their own report. Whose report shall we believe?

  14. Sata is useless and his language is pathetic. I hate dictators. There are better ways of putting the points to the public. Insulting will not help at all. What type of human being is he? Zambians voted for the worst dictator in Africa.

  15. waste of time.Why give foreign missions.Why are we exposing our stupidity and advertising to everyone. Have you ever heard any civilised nation distributing their failures to foreign missions?
    We need to deal with this ourselves and make decisions for the interests of zambia and not propaganda moves like the president is suggesting. Previously such reports could be bought from print park, why not do the same?

  16. SATA is very very dull. If he knows what he is doing why can’t he just take the case to the courts. It means he has failed so he wants public sympathy.

  17. @23, Chills, Foreign missions help our country to attract invetors from their countries. You the same people where saying reposessing Zamtel will erode investors confidence, again you are complaining. think before opening your Boca. @ 21, Kashimani, has the president insulted? MMD and its sympathisers does not desreve kind words, their behaviour iritates every one including our president, thats why you hear him come out strongly like that. They know they errored in the way Zamtel was privatised but they keep on shooting our president with all kinds of wroten, filthy words.

    • Agreed. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. If the report details just what was done wrong and what was done right, investors can understand whether they are getting Zooked before they write the check. A country seen to be sanctioning its crooks is a country that gets more investments from abroad.

  18. Sata must stop talking to the public with such anger. He may mean well but his style of addressing thenation will soon start alienating him further even from among his supporters. Take a walk in the state house grounds mr president, calm down and thereafter talk to the nation soberly. We are behind you but please I prove the way you talk to us.

  19. Sata must stop talking to the public with such anger. He may mean well but his style of addressing thenation will soon start alienating him further even from among his supporters. Take a walk in the state house grounds mr president, calm down and thereafter talk to the nation soberly. We are behind you but please I prove the way you talk to us.

  20. The president is proactive the problem is lies with the police ,DEC and ACC. I wonder whether these insitutions are Proactive too. Under Late Mwanawasa alot of noise was made about corruption but no one was jailed up to now I do not know how much was recovered.

  21. #9 sometimes you post sense but your post today lucks that.even if it was soft copy to be give to libia protocol will cost us

  22. i wouldn’t get back useless zamtel. i would rather use the money anticipated to be paid to lap green and on litigation to start another first class company. after all zambia communication authority still controls the gateway. zamtel doesn’t control the gateway. this is a simple grade one mathematics. we should stop fooling ourselves that maybe it will be a simple case to get back useless zamtel. zamtel is full of obsolete equipment and without any sensible controls and procedures. lap green managed to pay all the zamtel workers their terminal benefits, this money also need to be paid back to the libyan people

  23. Arggghhhh     What’s wrong with dis president is he going to respond to every relevant opposition question atase, when are you going to sell & promote your policies chi colour iwe…..

  24. Arggghhhh     What’s wrong with dis president is he going to respond to every irrelevant opposition question atase, when are you going to sell & promote your policies chi colour iwe; you are not in opposition any more iwe chilufya chi colour!!!!

    • He has just made a statement you baffoon and it is really timely. The president is refuting innuendo. What more do you need from the president.

  25. i wouldn’t get back useless zamtel. i would rather use the money anticipated to be paid to lap green and on litigation to start another first class company. after all zambia communication authority still controls the gateway. zamtel doesn’t control the gateway. this is a simple grade one mathematics. we should stop think ourselves that maybe it will be a simple case to get back useless zamtel. zamtel is full of obsolete equipment and without any sensible controls and procedures. lap green managed to pay all the zamtel workers their terminal benefits, this money also need to be paid back to the libyan people

  26. i wouldn’t get back zamtel. i would rather use the money anticipated to be paid to lap green and on litigation to start another first class company. after all zambia communication authority still controls the gateway. zamtel doesn’t control the gateway. this is a simple grade one mathematics. we should stop thinking that maybe it will be a simple case to get back zamtel. zamtel is full of obsolete equipment and without any sensible controls and procedures. lap green managed to pay all the zamtel workers their terminal benefits, this money also need to be paid back to the libyan people

  27. Zamtel belongs to us the Libyan people… U Zambians just like talking. We managed to transform it using our tax monies. Useless Country with no peoples direction. 

  28. Funny people, when the previous government was doing things in the dark you criticized them claiming they are stealing money or doing dubious deals. New government comes along doing everything before your eyes ati awe ba president is dull. Make up your minds you cretins.

  29. publish the ernst and young report on zamtel iwe chi shikulu,why only the doctored sebastian zulu you think the british and american envoys are going to have time reading that vomit tailored by you and spiced by sebastian zulu

  30. There was a inquiries teamconstituted by hateful sata led by Zulu tasked to discredit Dora and RB, and surely do you think his committee would come up with credible report? This report must be dismissed with the contempt it deserves. Nothing reasonable is in it and going by the rate of witch hunting and vindictiveness in the country only simple minded people will believe it. Sham report it is.

  31. its like u zambians do not know what u want,, reading all these comments makes one wonder what zambians really want,, secrecy or openness,covert or overt,,the president give u the chance to see for urself the wrongs that have been done to ur country and its resources yet some of u insult him on this blog,,,,african in general we have a problem thats why it will take thousands of yrs for zambia and afric as a whole to develop,,

  32. Why are people believing lies now that the report will be public we will be able to judge not the suggestion that the president is angry and guided the outcome we all know what happened at ZAMTEL and people who made comments like HH were quoted in the post so what has changed today.Zambian please debate with wisdom why is wrong to make public a report were tax payers money was used Musokotwane wanted it documented.Let it come out.

  33. RB was commissioning projects. Sata is commissioning reports. It would have been nice to see him commissioning 15 bags fertiliser support to farmers or commissioning the restoration of the BA64.

  34. Transparency is the best route to a better nation. All the thugs have been hiding under the secrecy ways thing have been run before. By opening up such things as official government reports, citizens will be the greatest beneficiaries and not the thugs.

    Great job HE MCS.

  35. Freedom if wrongly used, is a consumable commodity. We fought so hard for the freedom we a re rightly abusing. Insulting each or the opposition, let alone the President and his PF government actually makes us look like we are still grappling in the dark. Why don’t we let the report be published and then air out our opinions. And why are we so hateful about people trying to do the right thing for the good of the country? Lets ask ourselves as Zambians seriously! What do we want for the country and our starving dying people?

  36. #9, 17 and 27 you must be very selfish people indeed. The so called MMD chief bootliker, you are a disgrace and a misfit to the current Zambian society. May God deliver you! you are laggards and very very dull.

  37. Viva Lap Green.Sata will lose this battle!!Otherwise please pay
    Back lap green their money with interest .Zambia will be bankrupt .
    Kwacha to end year at K6000 to Dollar.
    Viva people of Libya.

  38. Mr Sata reminds me of Mr Grey ‘oloso’ Zulu with his common refrain of ‘it is the work of the enemy’ in the last death throes of UNIP. My plea to this president is to combine his corruption fight with tangible things that will grow the country.

  39. aren’t such reports supposed to be public? why does the minister have to wait for an instruction from the president to release it to the public?

    • bethybeeyou are entitled to a free ierdct report once every 12 months from each ierdct agency. but they do not include your score. you will half to pay anywhere you go. unless your trying to get a house . the agent will usually tell you what it is after they run your ierdct.

  40. The potential for fraud here is real. While the President may not be aware of the cheaper ways of disseminating this report, others will be quoting millions just to have it spread out. I expect the new technocrats to soundly distribute this report using modern technology with secure measures (simple ones like digital signatures, etc in portable document form). Meantime the publication of inquiry findings is long overdue. We need this sort of transparency from now on.

  41. Which ever way you look at it, the sale of ZAMTEL has adversely affected us in Kitwe, Kalulushi, Mufulira and Chambishi. Our land phones are not working since all the technicians who used to service us have been fired by the new owners. So I dont see any sense in the MMDs complaints against the commission’s findings. RB and Dora with George Kunda must pay the difference without fail.

  42. What we need, Mr President, is not the report of Zulu’s commission of enquiry, which was done at your iniitiative with a pre-determined outcome, but the audit report by Ernst t and Young , which is a reputable international audit,

  43. mmd bootlicker has his brains in between his ass! he has never said anything logical or sensible at all. Time for thieves to dance to their tune!


  45. @43 Used to Zambian One Time: Do you want insults from Zambia??? What Zamtel belonged to you? Wait and see how we get it back. You bought it for nothing because of corrupt Dora and RB. Zamtel will be Profitable under Zambians, get you own which Gadhafi left for you?? We will make sure you get nothing from ZAMBIA.

  46. Some Zambian bloggers are such an Embarrassment, very Dull. When the President does things for the Interest of all Zambians, You condemn. What a shame to have such useless countrymen. Get serious.
    Well Done PF, let us read the Report so that we see how Dora sold the Company. She will be in jail very very soon

  47. The level of stupidity in Zambia has reached alarming propotions. The govt is fighting corruption, not so? So why not wait for the report before commenting? 

  48. ”Ifya kulya ubushiku fitulikila kuma lushi”, whatever you eat in the night secretly will manifest in the vomits, lets see now the pomposity of mama Dora ‘Iris”.

  49. It will only be fair if the audit report by Ernst and Young is also made public so that we have an informed opinion. Why I am saying this is because the report of the consultants who valued Zamtel has not been included in the Zulu report. It can only be fair, therefore, that the consultants’ report is also made public.

  50. @ Sheikh my heart equally bleeds to see how the so called elite who are “exposed” being so dull and condemning everything being done with the interest of the poor at. Heart. When are we going to start standing up for what is right as Zambians. I. Wish we could learn to stand up and be counted. We only have one country which we need to give to our children and there children as an inheritance. We dont need leaders who please foreigners at the expense of our poor people just because they will gain some kickbacks. We need some serious patriotism, starting with we the so called learned people. stand up and be counted country men and women. May God Bless Mother Zambia my only Home which I love with a passion.

  51. This country and its citizens are useless,if the people who are bloging are this stupid,how useless are the kanyama guys etc,they were crying for the publishing of the report,now that the report is to be published you are still complaining..ichani upuba so?zambia cant develop.

  52. What Watchdog are you talking abut? It failed to win you votes last time around. Just accept that there was fishy dealings in the sale of our ZMTEL

  53. Before its privatisation, Zamtel was heavily indebted and could not deliver basic services such as provision of broadband services and installation of new phone lines. it took almost 7 years before a new phone line was installed in your home. Publication of this cooked report should not done in isolation but should done together with other documents such as previous audit reports and crucially the valuation report from RP capital.  Zambian people deserve this kind of dangerous oxymoron leadership from Sata’s leadership which is full distortions and classic deceit. Please publish the whole set of documents and we the public can analyse and understand them better than an illiterate president.

  54. ernst and young report bafikalla,why should we be mourning over a company which was not even perfoming.elyo why targeting RAMCOZ,intercontinental livingstone and lima bank,just to target HH,why leave out KIFCO in kabwe.constitute another commission of inquiry and find out who is one of the major share holders.the guy who actually sold it even MERZAF investigate there was also a public outcry over that project why are you mum over it?you wont divert our attention with this nonsence deliver on your promises

  55. I like how freedom to access to information is being given through angry reactions by the President.  I look forward to the publication of the BA64, too, which for a long time was some type of secretive document which was supposed to have gone stale and not worth publicising.  Weren’t some Lozi nationalists arrested for trying to smuggle copies into Zambia for submission to a Constitutional commission?  Now it will be publicised in all its glory for every Zambian to comment on and update their history.

  56. :d 2b honest wth who-evr wil set thr eyes’on ths,m js getin 2 exited’ wth th cobra ma president wre heding in th ryt direction’i can th best 2cum 4th ths country say in th nxt 9mnths! Lets go ma president z black ma vice z white i lik ths team!!

    • Derricks AngelSign up with They are AMAZING and you can see your ecidrt instantly. The downfall though is if you don’t call and have your name taken off their list after seven days then you will have to pay a monthly fee. But yeah just sign up, check your ecidrt and then call the next day to have your name removed from their list. It is that simple. Good luck and have a great day! : )

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