President Sata’s description of UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema’s letter to him as useless has been term as un-presidential behavior.
The UPND has said that it expected Mr. Sata to respond to Mr. Hichilema’s letter with the courtesy of the Republican presidency.
UPND Deputy Spokesperson, Cornelius Mweetwa however said that the party will not relent in advising President Sata on national issues.
He has therefore advised President Sata to tone down on his language.
Recently President Sata told off United Party for National Development (UPND) president, Hakainde Hichilema, describing the letter the opposition leader wrote inquiring why he was being accused of impropriety when he served as a liquidator during the privatisation of Lima Bank as ‘useless.’
The president said while he acknowledged receipt of a letter dated December 27, 2011 in relation to, among others, House Number F/488a/14/A/3 in Kabulonga which was alleged to have been procured from Lima Bank, he expected opposition leaders to discuss more serious matters affecting the nation.
“I acknowledge receipt of your useless letter dated December 27, 2011 on the above captioned matter. I expect more meaningful correspondence from leaders of political parties which will assist in solving the problems of this country,” The president said in his reply dated January 11, 2012.
President Sata said Mr Hichilema did not appear to understand the issues affecting the people having ascended to the helm of the opposition party without experiencing what it meant to be a cadre.
“Unfortunately, when we have people that have never been cadres who just ascend to the top from nowhere, they do not understand the problems facing this country apart from problems facing their pockets,” President Sata wrote.
I wonder what was going on in the people’s minds that voted that day..?what kind of a granny is he who insults like that..?
lt was a useless letter, from a useless loser, HH has been rejected 3 times by the Zambian voters he should go and get lost. HH and his tonga tribal party were oppossing Sata when he too was in opposition, HH and his people have no direction, their aim is to oppose HE MCS at everything even good things its for this reason the zambian voters have seen through you. Tonga tribal party is a tonga play thing and will amount to nothing .
You are more insane than Sata who made a mistake which you cannot see! Sata raised issues and just because he discovered he was misled by Mmembe, instead of castigating Mmembe he calls HH all sorts of names, and you can’t see a problem? How myopic!
Its unfortunately that every time people talk about UPND talk of tongas as well. Its not that every Tonga is UPND. So people have brains. just as not all Bembas are PF. SO don’t try to show Us how unthinking you are Rose Mutinta.
No. 2 you are also useless. HH and his people are principled. Many Zambians have already regretted having voted for Sata. You will bear me witness before the end of 5 years mark my words.
\:d/ from what i can gather from your tone is that only you phil njoya is fade up give him a chance let him be the president people voted for ,, how many zambian have said they are fade up? zambians grow up and discus national issues that are affecting your lives and the economy.
#3 speak for yourself my friend.
The more you generalise the more wrong you become; looser!!
Viva HH. HH.
Mweetwa sounds more presidential than our leader , who still has constable vulgar language.
No.3 DON’T INSULT people here. if you alone have regretted having voted for HEMCS doesn’t mean “MOST PEOPLE”. There was nothing sensible in the letter HH wrote to the President. That’s why he described it as USELESS meaning not NECESSARY.
I believe the letter was a reply to an accusation why then should a reply be termed useless?In my view if the letter HH wrote is useless,then the accusation is equally useless.Who of the two then is more petty?Sata should just tone down and respect others period.whether you are his supporter or not,that sought of behavior is unacceptable
Do you understand what HH was responding to in that letter? If indeed HH’s letter was useless, then the president’s accusations on HH’s house are also useless coming from your president. Idio.t.
# 3 you voted for HH so dont say on our behalf.Some of us even wished that MS could rule even for a day in his life.Now with five years what a blessing and HH should heed what MS has told him.
HH will never rule our country..whether you tongas like it or not,he will continue winning in ing’ombe ilede but the rest of the provinces will reject him.His very bitter,now hes learning his lessons in politics,the moment that statement was made that”only o tonga can succeed mazoka”the rest of the country said (apart from ing’ombe ile ),said only a tonga will never rule zambia.STOP WASTING YOUR TIME HERE TONGAS YOU FUC.KED UP ALREADY.HH WILL NEVER EVER BE THE PRESIDENT.FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
couldn,t agree more or put it better myself———–The whole zambia heard that and decided to act on it. HH should just disappear , these tongas expect us to accomodate them, when they have shown they don,t care about anyone, are only out to serving tonga intresets. I am just glad that the 8% tonga vote can never win plot 1
lets see these tonga go to plot 1 without votes from other tribes…… ine khutikinwa
It wasn’t a useless letter, HH was simply making clarification over the allegation SATA made when he was campaigning in Magoye. This man Sata has no shame after declaring seven Guns he is not even ashamed to be republican President. The man is a shameless liar, a comedian and wonongani type of leader. When he will be out of state house he will be more lonely than RB
Its naive for UPND to expect a civility response from Mr Sata who is proud and expects everyone aspiring to lead the nation to be acadre. Thats shallow mayopic thinking which need not surprise anyone who has some idea of our current president. Basic questions are a nightmare to PFgovt. What economic agenda does PF have for Zambia? What channels of communication and protocol are in place for PFgovt. What type of diplomacy if any does PF use? What democratic ideology is valued in PFgovt where even their own VP can not perform functions of VP role? What promises have been fulfiled or just signs of fulfiling promise made during the campaign?, the list is endless. How on earth do you expect curtusey from a typical cadre who has little regard to advancements beyond cadreism made by education.
Read Sata’s speech when opening parliament and Chikwanda’s budget speech. you will find answers to your questions. YOU are the nightmare for asking questions that have already been answered. If you disagree with the answers, offer options. But let it not be HH’s 10% economic growth if UPND were in power. Some of us already know that this is a fantasy not a policy.
pf and upnd, stop playing tom and jerry (cat and mouse) here for God’s sake. if both your parties mean well for zambians why cant you sit down and work together for the good of zambia and its citizenry instead of this bickering we subjected to everyday. the fact that you cant iron out your differences quietly is testimony enough that there is a big rift between the two parties to the detriment of development. whats the way forward for mother zambia? if i may ask.
Useless Tongas. Useless Tonga.
Are are bemba seriously?UUMMMH I smell somebody hiding behind a tribal mask shame on you real Bembas do not behave like you.
But objectively speaking, UPND has a point here. How do you dialogue in such circumstances. There is need for our president to tone down. Its un presidential to respond in a manner he did.
@3 Phil Njoya————————— Zambians are happy to have voted for President Sata, its the tongas who should be regretting wasting their vote on under5 a very seasoned vote loser, HH and his people are Principled! in what sense ??? alimwi principled in losing . Tell me one thing, which party leader do you know of who has lost presdential elections and clings to the post of party leader?? ARISE DICTATOR HH only he has , so talk for yourself you are the useless one, just as usless as the tonga tribal party you support
Your name was wasted, in fact, you are blasphemy to God! What a waste you are!
# 6: Useless and not necessary are 2 different words. Thats why people are insulting. Get that education. Sata should act presidential and not like a craz.y mo.nkey in a maize field.
Sata’s IQ is definitely low. He can survive as a president in africa only. He has no agenda on his programmes.His tongue is to big for his mouth!!!!!!
you don’t know what you are writing about.who are u to say SATA is acting unpresidential when the majority of Zambians are appreciating? Even the international community is happy with his governance so far. your hatred for someone who was chosen by God will not benefit you. REMEMBER,leaders are not born but made.they are chosen by God.if HH was chosen to be a leader of Zambia then he is not yet made.Sata lost 3 times.during that time God wanted to bake him fully. HH is still half baked.SATA is one of the best politicians this country has ever produced.think, research before you comment.
Acting presidential is too subjective to expect anyone to follow. The measurement yardstick is not standardised as a result; if you said let me act in a more civil manner, one would be happy. That said, he is an entity in himself; like or not the letter was “useless” or shall we say id differently, “not useful” or “no use”; or “chabe chabe, ilibe nchito”; where is the being “unpresidential”; Jesus christ come back to earth and give back the country to someone else, so that these people can continue in their mental slavery.
Useless letter from an equally useless chap from the Useless Party of Narrow-minded Dunderheads!!!!
the president is a specimen of a bad person. he used to write letters to RB, and when RB made cheap politics with his letter, he cried foul. well today he is doing exactly what he discouraged.
hh is full of frustration he didnt expect sata to be a president becoz he was very optmistic sata to lose elections and the promise he was given by mmd to be next vice president if mmd won the elections but things went opposite
in life never say never ! look at sata who ever gave him the benefit of doubt today albeit by accident he is in plot1.HH should just continue beinf his staunchest critic like sata ‘n’ was to levy and RB
I wish we could have a by election this year mwe..TB Joshua ..prophesy man!!hahaha..viva kuyabebele…
True, and Hakaivotela Humwine will vote for himself;
HH was wrong in the first place to write the letter to the president privately as it was more of personal interest than public, he must have defended himself in the media as he was attacked in the media!
u re very dull mwana
The problem with ka HH is that he thinks Sata will dance to their tune. Like it or not Sata and not that ka small bull(calf) is the President. Yes HH is useless and if he is to get respect he has to change otherwise he will always be wearing dipers
#1 Mwine i just cannot hold it. i may end up with cracked ribs. i cant stop laughing
SATA IS NOT presidential material. how many times can one remind you…May be inspector General of Police…HH as a citizen has all the right to seek potection from any sane president
anyway there was no civility from the response from the president
# 2 ROSE you are the dullest chap here. does it mean just because we are in the both in the opposition then we cannot differ. #8 you are like George Kunda who said MMD will rule for another 20 years #12 don’t be too sure. i am not the majority of zambians did not vote for MCS
@12 you are asking?sata stanyoko tawaishiba chikalaa ati sata is pf and pf is sata.after 2016 no pf.at least mmd has got brilliant reserves in felix mutati,situmbeko musokotwane and kabinga pande except nevers mumba
The skin colour of the Gaboon Viper were pre-determined by God and that this reptile possesses genes that will ensure that it cannot bear any limbs, but its motility (movements) can only be effected by scales driven by specific muscles acquired by all forms of snakes. If a politician has some inborn genetic traits to tell lies and insult other people with impunity, then the genes he/she inherited will never alter when such a politician goes to State House. Zambians made a choice that they have to live with this fate for close to 5-years term. We can sympathise with UPND diplomatic efforts to offer counsel to a “President”. But no amount of mutation will modify the nature of this particular Zambian “leader”.
Is there any limit to this man’s childlike immaturity. He refers to other people as being “under 5”, yet his own behavior is so juvenile it is embarrassing. No matter how “useless”, the opposition leader’s correspondence might have been, a normal grown up would provide an intelligent, dignified response if only to show that they function at a higher level. The president’s problems seem to be deeper than just a lack of education.
What a useless leader wait u c where this country’s heading to a devil’s leading it into labyrithy.
@15&21Global citizen—————You the dull thicko here, HH was busy attacking HE MCS before the election, even saying Sata will win plot 1! HH went too far fighting Sata, voters wondered why, making them swap to Sata. HH was not attacking the mmd govt but concentrated on PF. He went OTT. I know you want your tribal man HH in plot 1 but trust me it will never happen, that l am sure of, because its FACT. seeing you are in SA l take it you are global, now tell me which leader loses the presidential elections,but still clings on too the post DICTATOR HH is the only one l have heard of. HH is a real under5 after losing time and again he chucks toys out of his pram.
Suppose the letter was useless, what other description would you want Sata to use? Useless is not an insult, it simply means not useful. All of you (UPND cadres and the like) are not privy to the contents of the letter. The recipient of the letter calls it useless and you start develop erections over it. Get used to it! Useless is useless…. That is why Zambians get offended when they called silly!!!
#23 that is all i ask from this president is it asking too much. Deja Vu we blog a lot last year and you are one of the people that condemed the ex president for the way he handled sata letter about ECZ and his wife not 1st lady. i have actually recognised you by your shift in positions. i thought you would have stood by those same principles you proopaged then
HE M C Sata is the president of Zambia, democratically elected by a majority on the 20/09/2011. No matter how much you want your HH ( 3 Times vote Reject) to be president of zambia, it will never ever happen, the tonga vote was less than 4% at the last election, we have 72 other tribes in zambia, but we cannot have 72 presidents, seeing the tonga are too desparate to have a tonga president, let us gave them a fake presidential election in choma and let them put him at plot 1 choma, because the tonga vote is too insignificant. PF is in power till 2031
Sata lost in 2001, 2006 and 2008 – three times! You are eating your own VOMITUS. Idio.t
@27 Global Citizen The letters Sata wrote to the vanquished Banda were of National importance while HHs is personal. In any case if sata makes a mistake I will condemn but this is a big miss by ka matebela
Go ahead King Cobra! Shock the nation! Apologise!
You call us monkeys, kaponyas, uneducated kolwes well Sata is the president, and we are ruling you whether you like it or not we are in charge and we are gonna rule you TILL YOU PASS OUT, While you hurt with your hatred for us, l am enjoying your hurt. we might us prove you right we shall interchange the presidency (between chipata and muchinga )but we shall never give it to a tonga, since we are monkey bas.tards we shall keep it up in our trees, we shall not come down until we reach the ground and pass out.(.What are the chances of all monkeys hitting the ground and passing out)
wandepula iwe! yaba bebe bomfwe!
#12 & 25, change your name. Don’t play with the things of God, God will deal with you.
#25 i want to make this as simple as possible. being in oppositions does not mean to have to agree with your fellow opposition parties on everything.if that was the case why not form one party. criticise HH on real things not is opposition to MCS. whom by the way will not create more jobs, will not put more money in your pocket, will not make education free for all zambians from kinder to tertiary, will not make health care free for all zambians as per PF manifesto or his own utterances.
if you are not new to this blog site you will note by my previous posts that i am not tonga and i have never supported UNPD neither do i support them now. i am simply highlighting the fact that the president need to be adult because he is no long just mr sata.
last and least,i am not in SA
@29 Deja Vu the issue is not contents of the letters but the reaction of a president. that was the issue then and its the issue now.
#12 & 25, change your name. Don’t play with the things of God, God will deal with you.
Sata means well for Zambia, i see his frustrations sometimes when responding to such USELESS letters. HH doesnt care about Zambians but himself, thats why he sent such a letter. Sata is trying to work for Zambia and HH and his MMD friends want him to fail but it will never happen. I think he was even kind with words, he should have told him to shove it up his shithole.
#33: “Useless means ” “not useful; not doing or achieving what is needed or wanted”; Definition of useless adjective from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary; where is the insults here? Storm in a tea cup i guess. Kateka waba kaponya ifwe, KEEP GOING SHIKULU.
I know you mean well. You live in America, and I don’t think Obama would use the word useless on an opponent. You have to realize that your actions as a president of a country are being observed by others. In today’s world, that draws the line between getting good-will and contempt from the world. This shikulu is an embarrassment.
35.1: Deep Throat: I am talking about the meaning of the word, not Obama, not the USA. In fact am not in the US, just that the system gives me an American flag. That said, the letter was not useful; or useless, period. You dance, you cry, you smile, the letter was deamed useless. Simples
No 8 yes you are back but dont insult tongas cos your mother is busy beaching around with a tonga man.
Global citizen l do not expect opposition leaders or parties to agree on everything, but if you go back and read about HH his fight was with Sata no one else, he was agreeing with everything RB said or did. HH was working with RB to sabotage Sata, but that flopped. This is the same HH who went into a pact with HE MCS, the man he despises so much. Go to LT archives and check out HH his rantings: Its good PF went solo
thanks bro, iam retiring to bed now.
LT why have you blocked my comment?
What’s truly useless is this shikulu Zambians put in State House. State House is not a retirement home, it is a place from which the nation is governed. This is a grumpy old man who should be resting in a retirement home somewhere. Zambians thought they were electing a president who is going to lead the nation into the new era, you were wrong folks.
get over it sata is president
HH should have sent the letter to the police or ACC not the President who is trying to reverse the wrongs created by the MMD misrule.Cornelius careful with the way you issue statement against the His Excellency Michael Sata. HH is just like any human being he is not a president of the country. Dollar
the problem is the president is behaving like a policeman. sata is a one-man government.
That’s what Zambia has been missing for a long time. HE MCS is telling at as it is. Just behave people and do meaningful this, otherwise if do a useless thing it is better for u that u are told so, so that u change for better.
Under5 whachepa mufama yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyeeeeeeeeeeeeh, yeah, yeahyeeeeeeeeeeeeh I am the president of Zambia, HE MCS l live in plot 1, l am chief in command of the armed forces– I am sorry the pact did not work and so glad you pulled out young man. the pain is gone yeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeh neni kateka , l feel like a star you can,t stop my shine l am loving cloud nine my head is in the sky, l am solo lam solo l am solo solo solo S.O.L.O SOLO ,,, going for evening mass now,putting on my shades getting into the presidential LIMO and l am riding solo solo , made it through the weather better days can only get better, like Chiluba said this plot 1 is sweet, pact would have opened doors for you but you shut them that why l am riding solo , chipimo is about to push you to 4th. mmd rejected you too
#9 Well, you’re absolutely right. This is a street-smart politician who thrives at street-level politics. The problem is that Zambians (who voted for this man) can’t distinguish between cadre and president politics in the modern world. I am not sure Sata would have an intelligent conversation with Cameron or Obama. We should not complain when the world treats our country with contempt. Our president is inferior at best. This government totally has no direction. Sata is a PF cadre, that’s why he speaks the way he does. The next five years will be very long for this country, I can promise you. By the way, this is a one-man government, centered on the presidency itself.
Ingombe ilede, hh, over my dead bodie you never rule zambia, very far from it. not next 10years or 20, never. he is too pompose for nothing.
HH during campaigns was campaigning on age,comparing himself to Obama but our MC was campaigning on the suffering of the people that makes ka HH USELESS to zambian political equation.so like or not MC is the presido of ZED.
Usless response from a useless president! Bane, we do not have a president in State HOuse; we have a Resident.
#15, ‘not necessary’ is not a single word
He called it useless coz it was between themselves and not for the zambians interests… Is this the first letter HH has written to Sata or otherwise?? pipo here you talk, without reasoning much… We have a lot of programmes in the nation that HH have seen but he puts a blind eye and get busy talking about useless things… I expect HH to write a letter advising PF on Balos agreemnt and what pipo of W.p are expection from the Gvmnt… USELESSS HH
The guy in the photo looks like Joachim Chissano, once President of Mozambique which can be quite annoying. By the way where is Chissano these days? Was he probed for Mishandling of public funds as well?
Mweetwa you are very right mr. Sata is more of a street man in language than presidential. he is the one who has taught Kambwili to be vulgar. Presidents don’t behave nor talk the way this old man does. Anyway you people voted for him so just bear it and live with him for as long as God permits him to rule. Zambia is economically stuck since the man became president and his ministers are only troting all over but nothing seem to be moving in developing Zambia.
Here is the real agony of life: First, to believe that whoever is against Sata is Tonga. Second, to be an appointee of Sata and you spend the rest of your career life trying to defend his misdeeds. Third, to know that nothing will come out of the current regime; running out of ideas to the point of suggesting to probe Lima Bank. It is like approaching a witchfinder to consult who killed a 99 nine year old granie! It is absolute agony to be on Sata’s defence day after day; real agony.
Mukali kukamba,kamba uzalema mcs Aleteka (ruling)
Just to add to JJP, it is agony to be a Sata paid up supporter; brianless but having to read blogs to defend the indefendeable. There is no denial Sata is president. The problem is that his rule is a misrule.
Connelius, what do you expect from ba kaponya and a monkey kaponya for that matter?
A monkey on the throne.
I am yet to be in a public place where someone will declare Sata is a good president. The levels of discontent appear to be growing by every action.
@jajo please refer to comment 38, yes us kaponyas , monkeys, kolwes, thieves are really in power and we intend to shift the presidency between muchinga and chipata, we have always ruled you and shall always rule you. The day you have respect for other tribes we might consider a tonga for vp not now, maybe you should kill all of us monkeys to keep us away from plot 1, we shall keep the power in our trees, while you ngombes produce meat, maize and the nice tonga guys we eat daily us our maininis, this will go on till you accept nature born to rule you
It is most shameful indeed that the whole entire president can write such a stinking letter to any one. I even wonder why he shuffled Kambwili from foreign affairs for thuggery when Kambwili is actually just behaving like his boss has taught him to. Next time you will hear of Sata responding in this same manner to another president and the next thing is war upon Zambia.Though Sata is a coward, I will never forget how cleanly tucked his tail was over his stinking prat after Lupunga clobbered him at the National Assembly Motel.
The way Sata replied, reminds me of Rupia Banda saying “au suck you” on youtube. So unprofessional makes me cringe.
most bloggers are still paedriatics
The moment ka HH starts to highlight & contribute on national issues and openly criticise the shady dealings of the previous regime will I take notice. At the moment this chap HH only cares about his backside and doesn’t gauge public opinion before he opens his pie hole.
#57 You are right man, that guy looks exactly as Chissano. By-the-way, Chissano is doing perfect well, writing books. I meet him last year at university of Michigan, presenting a paper on Democracy.
To you guys even if Sata does a small thing ,to you its hell.The hatred you have for sata is freightening it is devilish it is beyond normal hartred.
If you dont like Sata as your president , please leave him for the people who voted for him to enjoy what they voted him for your time also will or it may never come anyway.
HH has brought tribal politics in Zambia than any other opposition party in history.
we are busy watching him and he has recruited many to this cause , what a politician
it is interesting to observe that HH is blamed for being a tribalist, what about Banda and Sata now? the only true president we ever had without being a tribalist was KK-one Zed one nation
Insane people, how i wish we had sensible blogers!!!
Do not disturb our only hard-working President MS. We all know that HH wants MCS to fail but this is just the beginning of better things to come. If HH does not know how to put in place proper checks and balances even 2015 will slip off his hands. So HH should concentrate on reorganizing his party and leave MCS alone. Don’t Kubeba!
he doe not neeed to stand in 2015. There are o elections then!
Sata will fail on his own because he spends so much time attacking the opposition instead of running the country. If the opposition continue being cantankerous, before Sata knows it it will be 2016 without PF having achieved anything. Can Sata resist his natural instinct of fighting everybody in sight instead of putting his head down and getting to work? Time will tell.
@ #73 HH has been in opposition for sometime now … what changed is the party in power that means PF has introduced tribal politics period.
HH’s letter was useless from the perspective that he wanted the president to write back and say “Sorry, I did not mean that you have stolen the house you live in in Kabulonga.” Surely how can you expect that. The Post Newspaper have accused HH of having misappropriated resources during privation including the house he is living in. The Post challenged HH to sue them if he thought they were lying up to today he has not sued them. If he did not acquire that house fraudulently why has he not sued the Post. Why would he write to the president to seeking cleansing? That was a useless letter PERIOD.
Fellow Bloggers does it means that if somebody is accusing you falsely,you can not respond to clear your name from all the accusations leveled against you? If HH had corruptly earned his wealth,he would have been exposed a long time ago by MCS when he served in the FTJ Govt, or LPM who fought hard to ensure that all that were involved in the plunder of national resources were prosecuted.RBB who was always fighting HH would not have spared him remember the fight in mufumbwe.What we need to do is to work hard and be honest in our dealings than accusing private citizens falsely.Had not be for FTJ who was shielding MSC in early 90s,MSC would have been prosecuted over the council money that he backed in his personnel account at standard chartered bank and the 2 billion kwacha NA Saga.
Are we saying HH should not defend himself because Sata is in power? Come on guys, Sata accused HH of living in a stolen house, and what was wrong with writing to him? i thought it was more respectful than going to the media. Its really agony to be a blind follower of the man in power.
Oh no, i guess the lack of etiquettes digs deep the curent leadership. NO 78, go back to 2007 post newspapers where HH’s lawyers produced all the evidence on the matter. I guess the guy is quite clean. The mad man in state house does not have a programe for Zambia and is busy crreating stories to keep his lunacy cool. Sad to have such a preeident who has become the prosecutor, judge and lawyer. I guess is being parrochial minded. I regret having such a lunatic for my president!
USELESS=NOT USEFUL! Not useful in the sense that the President can not waste his precious time to respond to individual cases which are of political nature. There are many things that are said during campaigns against political rivals. HH himself said things against MCS. So why should the President waste time responding to political insinuations and innuendos on individuals when there are important national issues to attend to?
USELESS indeed that letter about houses….house no chakuti chakuti. All about HH yaaaaaaaaaa. HH write about education, health, infrastructure, labour issues, employment creation, the constitution and such stuff to the President. That can make a lot of sense.
You miss the point. Sata actually wasted the time and responded! That is why there is a letter on State House letterhead with the same “useless” comment.
I hope that HH and the opposition do not waste their energy helping Sata and his PF to come with development programs. Each party seeks to get into power to implement its programs. Let PF implement its own programs instead of plagiarising from the opposition. Why did they seek power if they had no programs and are now canvassing for ideas from the opposition?
Ok guys, we know HH ascended to the UPND apex on a stinking tribal tsunamic wave and this has haunted his career ever since. However, he is not the only tribal bigot on the Zambian political landscape because Sata for all purposes and intent is the Satan of tribal bigotry in Zambia, if you do not believe me check all his appointments since coming into office. And the notion that they are 53% of the population sucks big time because when it suites them they suddely claim Luundas, Bisas, Lalas etc are different tribes. And looking at HH’s letter and Sata’s responce, even an Under 5 can figure out who the Under 5 is. “Sata ki namunungu-tuna, kuyo kulubala limbi pululu kwa lingandwe kono mutu a huli!”
We need to debate issues without emotions. HH wrote based on what was said. From that view point then respect that communique. If the letter was useless, then what was the allegation…… do feel free to fill in the blanks. I think we must leave politicians alone some times, these people are a different species , before you know it they will be shaking hands and working together. Let us debate the issues and not insulting.
If Sata refers to HH’s letter as useless, then even Sata’s pronouncements are useless because the pronouncements he makes are not building the country. This is like that parable in the Bible: “How can you remove a spec from your friend’s eye when you have a log in yours?”. Sata must learn to act and behave like a president of the nation. Instead, he is being so petty and we are beginning to doubt his ability to rule this country. As a president, you cannot sink so low and use childish language in your corresspondence with the citizenry. Even when you are upset, rationality must prevail because you are perceived to be a leader. It is saddening for the head of state to start quarrelling with the citizens. This is a demonstration of lack of wisdom on the part of the president.
Chissano is one of the share-holders in TEAL Zambia (KONNOCO) through ARM.
We have always known Sata to be an insolent chap. He cannot change just because he has become president. That it is the reason why guy Scott has started suggestions to predetermine the period a political part should be in power instead of the people of Zambia.
On this one, I think HH was right. Firstly, HH held a press briefing where he cleared himself. He then writes to the president to take legal action if not satisfied with the answer. What was wrong? The President is also alleged to have told a certain Bishop who was trying to advise on the Constitution making process to go to night school. If these words attributed to the President are true, then it is unfortunate.
The President has to encourage unity by avoiding use of such language to innocent citizens. Otherwise, we shall call for the removal of the defamation clause so that we all become equal. But at the same time, the President needs our support to build this country. Lets work together guys.
Ati 5yrs no! TBJoshuas prophesy never goes wrong. First it was winning of elections by the opposition and it happened, then next is about to happen!
you will not marry a Scottish but a primitive bush girl who uses banana leaves as tissues
Micheal Sata is undoubtedly the most popular leader in Zambia going by the previous election results in 2011 but he will still be criticised for his language and the mistakes he is making. He dragged the previous Govt. to court on several occasions he also wrote letters of complaints to the previous heads of state it is his right to do so like any other citizen. It is absurd that his colleaugues cannot voice their concern to him today because he is the heard of state!!! Dictatorship colours are not different from this behaviour.
So what ? Sata called the HH letter as useless….thats sata’s view and it ends there.
number 16, you forgot to add on dimwits. UPND is a party for Dimwits. Dont ask me what dimwits mean, ask Mpombo.
advice the adminstrator of this website to be scruitnizn messages b4 publishn..we nid sensible blogers wit well articulated isues.some pipo r born with insults from their mothers like 92….and thats sad.we don’t nid that evil to spread…to be neutral it was wrong for the president to say say “useless”regardless of the past diferences.He is nowlonger a party president but a PRESIDENT FOR ALL ZAMBIANS.We all luk up 2 him 4 directions..
How can a President have time to write such a stup!d reply? He should have gone to pray at his Catholic Church or play darts or bonk the 1st Lady instead of wasting State House paper and ink on such drivel. As somebody said, “Write nasty letters to your enemies, but never post them”! Now we have solid evidence of the low level intelligence at play at Plot One.
Anyone condemning and insulting HH on this one is missing the point. Sata made allegations against HH during the Magoye by-elections. In particular, HEMCS saids HH fraudulently bought the Kabulonga house from the company he was liquidating (Lima Bank). HH wrote to him to dispel those lies and yet Sata calls the letter useless! Even if you do not support HH, you need to see the issue here. Sata is being unpresidential and he thinks he can insult everybody just because he got the popular vote. That is wrong. We voted for him do unite us, create jobs and inspire development. He is clearly failing us.
How can a 75 year old be so childish? It beggars the mind.
PF is a shame to any normal Zambian, i feel i had not voted for PF, i feel embarrassed this time, amongst my friends say that i voted for PF. Given a chance now to vote i cant cheat you i will vote for HH period. Twachula pafula.
PF Mata0 and you twin Chik@la you are dull and you are not scottish so remain and wallow in your misery you losers am engaged to a scottish man and you are no match you are just common thieves who are always dirty and drunk so shut up
sata should know how to respnd to pipo.dignity and civility is expected from him.viva HH
sata shud kno how to respond to pipo.being pesient des not ean u kno it all.God will humbo him.viva HH
Comprehension is an important subject at primary and secondary schools. Most Zambians do not comprehend issues. So Mr President did not respond to the substance in HHs letter. Can the former Post editor, now State House press aide, respond please?
Sata is a dog.
#100 – How can the former editor respond when he is in luxury now?
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