Monday, March 10, 2025

PF receiving Aspiring Msanzala Parliamentary Candidate’s applications


Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba
Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba

The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has announced that it has started receiving application forms from interested members wishing to contest the forth coming Msanzala parliamentary by-election.

Party secretary general, Wynter Kabimba says the successful applicant will be announced soon. He has called for unity among party members in Eastern province if the party is to come out victorious.

The Msanzala seat fell vacant following the resignation of independent area MP Colonel Joseph Lungu to join the PF. Colonel Lungu is reported to have applied to re-contest the seat on the PF ticket.

Last week

ECZ has set February 16th 2012 as the date for the by election.



  1. Unnecessary by-election. The opposition should support each other to win the seat so that the charactors that create such costly by elections dont get it easy.

  2. The PF need not waste time searching for Parliamentary candidates, otherwise we may conclude that Lungu was dribbled for resigning as MP to join the PF. Besides PF have failed to deliver in their so-called 90-days election promise, The entire Eastern Province needs must be geared for development, not deception. This time around the people of Petauke, and Msanzala in particular, must realise the truth and should Lungu a lesson by voting for the MMD candidate.

  3. antu akumawa..pliz vote wisely not for the chaps who are wasting your time..give it back to Peter Daka..these pf chaps are time wasters..they ve failed to deliver..!!

  4. PF jockers go elsewhere and dupe your 90 days to Western province, NW province and your kaponyas. Umodzi Kumawa is MMD because Easterners base their convictions on principles.
    Yes, presidential and some parliamentary elections lost last year have been corrected and we equally support fight on corruption and MMD members found wanting should be punished by law. However, we can’t go for flip flop lies and false promises and dictatorial tendecies. Twakana, uko kwine.

  5. this is the same old crap of rewarding fools.political prostitutes will continue to be encouraged in their ways

  6. Voters of Msanzala have learnt a bitter lesson for having voted for Lungu who is a sell-out. Lungu’s defection to PF means that he is a stooge to represent the interests of Bembas. Lungu is Sata’s stooge who will promote the development of a remote Province of Muchinga. Besides Lungu has no respect for our ethnic ties through Mukoka. Only MMD’s Peter Daka understands the value of linking our people under Bena-Chulu, Bena-Mbao, Bena-Mwanza, Bena-Nyendwa & Bena-Tembo. Daka will form a powerful axis with Dora in Central Petauke and Mwale of Malambo to develop the plateau and valley areas of Petauke. People of Chief Malama (Bena-Chulu) and Chief Sandwe (Bena Tembo are closely related neighbours. MMD candidate is the natural best candidate

  7. Yes indeed. Voters of Msanzala have learnt a bitter lesson for having voted for Lungu who is a sell-out. Lungu’s defection to PF means that he is a stooge to represent the interests of Bembas. Lungu is Sata’s stooge who will promote the development of a remote Province of Muchinga. Besides Lungu has no respect for our ethnic ties through Mukoka. Only MMD’s Peter Daka understands the value of linking our people under Bena-Chulu, Bena-Mbao, Bena-Mwanza, Bena-Nyendwa & Bena-Tembo. Daka will form a powerful axis with Dora in Central Petauke and Mwale of Malambo to develop the plateau and valley areas of Petauke. People of Chief Malama (Bena-Chulu) and Chief Sandwe (Bena Tembo are closely related neighbours. Lungu is a traitor and must be taught a lesson.

  8. areu taking a piss, all politicians r waster, in new constitution in-act a clause which does not allow an MP to recontest the seat on another Party ticket. why shld ppl waste money intentionally??????

  9. I think our constitution should discourage defection of elected MPs. If you defect you can not stand to recontest the same seat. Something like that. Otherwise we will keep on losing money in unnecesary bye-elections. There is no need for this election other than greed. Just appoint the person who came in second.

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