Friday, March 7, 2025

Cape Town based South African company awarded tender to print ballot papers for next month By-Elections


Electoral Commission of Zambia ( ECZ ) spokesperson Chris Akufuna
Electoral Commission of Zambia ( ECZ ) spokesperson Chris Akufuna

LITHOTECH Exports Limited of Cape Town , South Africa has been awarded a tender to print ballot papers for the MSANZALA parlaimetary by-elections.

This will include the four local government by-elections.

Electoral Commission of Zambia -ECZ- Public Relations Manager CRIS AKUFANA disclosed this in a statement to ZNBC News in LUSAKA.

Mr AKUFUNA said that the commission received bids fron three companies.

He said that following the evaluation of bids , Lithotech Exports Limited was awarded the tender to print and deliver the ballot papers for the by -elections which take place on February 16 2012.

Meanwhile, the political race in Msanzala parliamentary by-election has started gaining momentum with two political parties announcing adopted candidates.

The patriotic front has re-adopted JOSEPH LUNGU who previously won the seat as an independent candidate in the September 20 general elections.

PF secretary general WYNTER KABIMBA said the rulling party has settled for col. LUNGU because of his massive popularity in the area.

And the MMD has settled for loosing parliamentary candidate in the September elections PETER DAKA.

MMD chairman for elections GABRIEL NAMULAMBE said the former ruling party feels Mr. DAKA is a credible candidate who will not have difficulties in scooping the seat.

Meanwhile United Nation Independence Party will announce the adopted candidate tomorrow.

UNIP president TILYENJI KAUNDA said five candidates who are jostling to stand on the UNIP ticket will be subjected to primary elections tomorrow.

Alliance for Democracy and Development president CHARLES MILUPI told ZNBC news that his party will not participate in the Msanzala by-election.

The United Party for National Nevelopment has also boycotted the Msanzala by-election but will rally behind MMD candidate PETER DAKA.

The electoral commission of Zambia has set Thursday January 19 as the date for nominations.



  1. “Alliance for Democracy and Development president CHARLES MILUPI told ZNBC news that his party will not participate in the Msanzala by-election.”

    Milupis party is like HH’s UPND, they are tribal parties, If these elections were being held in Western Province, his party would have participated, Why should I form a party if I know I will not manage to have party structures through out the country? and you even say Bemba or Easterners are tribalism,how can they vote for you if your party does not exist in there provinces?

  2. #5 Of course we were right and always have been on this one. But sadly people bought into lies and when the rubber hit the road, DONCHI KUBEBA can’t cut it? Anyway those who voted for them enjoy the deception for the next 5 years, for that is your lot in this tenure of liars, and damn liars

  3. I note that the article has failed to get a reason for not printing these papers in Zambia. At least a statement from PF would have been better. #6, while I agree that people may have been deceived by PF, you are not seriously suggesting that Rupiah was good for Zambia. There was no credible alternative at the last elections. HH would have been an even bigger disaster.

  4. Why not relax import duty on sophisticated commercial printing machinery so that the local private printers can afford to modernise their machinery…why can the gov’t simulate growth in this sector this is long are we going to put money in RSA’s economy let’s start planning now….forget about Government Printers let’s look to the private sector for solutions!!

  5. #7 RB left us with reserves in the bank, had a representative cabinet not one dominated by one single ethnic group, had bumper harvests, brought about single digit inflation and brought about massive infrastructure development across the country and not in one region. In 2010 Zambia was one of the fastest growing economies not only in Africa but in the world. So yes RB was much better than Chilufya will ever be. Already infrastructure development is stalling, FDI is down, the Kwacha is facing only one way and that way is down and farmers still have yet to be paid for their produce.  I dread to think in what state five years of Chilufya’s directionless and incompetent governance will leave the country in.

  6. The PF candiadate Col Joseph Lungu has alot to explain to the people of Msazala. They trusted him and against their will would want to drag them to the unkown. Development will not come to Msazala because Msazala has become PF. Akwasu omunyegani tiyala a Sata Mukonshe a Lozi olila lomba. Mr Lungu would have continued to spear head developmental projects with open allegiance to PF party without causing a costly by election. He has betrayed the people of Msazala and is unpatriotic not deserving a second chance. Mr Peter Daka is the right person to give votes to and as prooved he brought development to Msazala constituency.

  7. I have totally failed to understand the hatred for RB. Mmeembe really did his work on Zambians. People can’t come to terms that he was more credible than Sata. Olo mumuzonde, RB ni mwamuna even manje. A Mpezeni, mutimvwisha nyansa na mau anu.

  8. #16 Tell It Like It Is, I don’t think RB fits this discription below!!!LOL 

    Able to be believed; convincing.
    Capable of persuading people that something will happen or be successful: “a credible threat”.
    believable – trustworthy – plausible – reliable – trusty

  9. I thought sata had said ballot papers for last general elections could have been printed in Zambia during the campaign. But now in governement he has failed to do pring the ballots in Zambia just for a bye election? Thats what happens when you vote for an old man whose only manifestal theme is 90 days. you have five long years of a live commedy with Sata, the Party and it’s government.

  10. this keno should not be voted in. He has wasted GRZ money which should have been used for productive means. Vote Daka.

  11. Where is outspoken Mulongoti who insisted Government Printers hasd capacity tyo print ballot papers to say something here? Why is he conveniently quiet when his PF goes all the way to Cape Town just to print ballot papers not even for national but a few by-elections? Liar Mulongoti, come out of your hiding!

  12. You already chose PF, and it is in power, just follow them to the end of their term. I believe in action not words. You believed their words.

  13. Governemnt printers should be the ones to print ballot papers please. This is what PF insisted on together with little porn Mulongoti. What has changed that pf government can’t keep its promise? Anyway they promised miracles in 90 days and this is just their nature not worthwhile to waste one’s time. Hope Col. Lungu looses for causing unneccessary by election. He was ok as independent and would have been a bootlicker for pf, so it was unneccesary to resign and cause expesive elections. You people of Msanzala teach this man a lesson by voting out for the sake of discipline among politicians in parliament.

  14. What iz the big deal about printing ballot paperz? We have gone back to the same old rhetoric of previous regimez. MMD harrassed that Government Printers manager for disclozing that the firm had the capacity to do the job, where iz he now?

  15. Another FAILURE and LIE from HEMCS, he lied that the Magoye and Nakonde ballot papers would be the last ones to be printed out of the country. HEMCS has failed to put in place measures to live up to his word. I now believe the saying that ‘more lies are told to cover earlier lies’, the list of lies coming are many. What can I do? Nothing but wait for the next 5 long years to boot out these PF pretenders.

  16. Another lie from SATANA. Anyway its the (Read like Chanda Chimba) CO-OBRAA at it again. I will reduce electricity tariffs within 90 days. Now if he reduces it will mean no rural electirication. Nkani yeluna.

  17. If HE MCS is so keen (as he would want us to believe) to save govt resources, why encourage opposition MPs to resign and join PF and in the process cause unnecessary and costly by-elections? Why does one reconcile Sata’s statement that he’s allergic to corruption and subsequent actions? (1) Mwakalombe resigned and MMD MP for Chongwe and was rewarded with a Diplomatic posting, (2) This Msanzala Colonel resigned as Independent MP and has now been adopted to stand on PF ticket. Lord have mercy

  18. Lies in the morning, Lies in the afternoon, lies in the evening! When will we ever print ballot papers in Zambia?

  19. We have to keep our South African friends in Employment. We were told by PF during campigns that we’d have “No money in your pockets.”

  20. what has happened with govt printers. because i remember the pf govt promised that the ballot papers will be printed locally. because if i may recall the president says that nakonde,chongwe and magoye by elections are the last ballot papers to be printed outside thereafter all the ballot papers will be printed locally. is this the same thing you strongly condemned whilst in opposition. stop to behave like pig in the animal farm or wolves in the sheeps skin. these are the same people who failed to deliver with chiluba. so i dont think they have something new to offer to the people of zambia. we need credible leader to bring a positive revolution

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