Monday, March 10, 2025

Milupi’s opposition to the publication of Barotse Agreement shock Sichinga


Commerce Minister Robert Sichinga
Commerce Minister Robert Sichinga

Government has accused those opposed to the publication of the Barotseland agreement of 1964 of having ulterior motives. President Michael Sata has decided to publicize the Barotseland agreement to enable citizens understand and appreciate the contents therein.

Reacting to Alliance for Democracy and Development leader Charles Milupi who is said to be against the publicizing of the Barotseland agreement, Commerce, trade and industry Minister Bob Sichinga has expressed shock that certain people can oppose the President’s goodwill.

Mr Sichinga said that Mr Milupi should have been the first to acknowledge that the gesture by the President is good.

He notes that there is currently a generation of people in the country who were not there in 1964 and do not know what the Barotseland agreement is all about.

He says releasing the agreement to the general public will therefore enable people understand its contents, such that when they engage in debate and discussion they will be talking from an informed position.

Mr Sichinga further pointed out that the interests in the Barotse agreement do not only affect the Lozi speaking alone, but that it also affects other tribes in western province.

Meanwhile Mr Sichinga says it is the MMD government which should have considered the costly reversal of the sale of Zamtel to LAP Greent Network of Libya when they made the wrong decision.

Reacting to former Finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane’s assertions that the reversal of the sale of Zamtel will be very costly to the country, Mr Sichinga wonders whether it was not costly when a wrong was made to sale Zamtel to LAP Green.

He was speaking on Radio Phoenix’s Let the People Talk monitored by QFM this morning.



  1. Milupi is lost direction! Who is he? He stopped being an Elder in Church, now Joined politics by forming his own and thinks Barotseland can be a country for him to rule – What a Shame? Milupi Go back to church ask for more prayers for you to think straight!! Bravo Sichinga let the public know the truth behind this circus which has lasted for over 50 years.

  2. A KK ndiye esaina chipangano…..lomba ali zii nga ni nzimbe. Afunseni a Kaunda timvwe chilungamo mwa zinali. Koma pakali pano ni… One Zambia… nation One leader and that leader..

  3. Sichinga, PF and Sata are 100% correct to publish the BA64.  I am sick and tired of hearing numbskulls who have never seen the document commenting on it and its implications.  By publishing it, Sata will be acknowledging that this document is not stale as he and his coterie of MMD ministers maintained in the early 1990s.  If Scotland can wish to revisit an agreement reached over 300 years ago to join the United Kingdom, why cannot the BA64 be reviewed and discussed openly?  An eminent lawyer, one Dr Rodger Chongwe, has already admitted that the BA64 was abrogated.  That has legal implications in terms of how to rectify the unilateral abrogation by one party.

  4. mweo a boma, pelekani chitukuko ku m’mazulo kwa chalo. Osati ziko limozi bayakine zunjoya ayao zili tyala wamba wamba osalya bwino yayi.

  5. Akamba ciani nayenso Milupi………… Kapena anabhemako fodya wachingoni. Be Careful Milupi , uja ndi fodya wamkulu, uzithilako madzi usanayambe kukoka.

  6. When did Milupi say he doesn’t agree with publishing that document? Ministers should learn not to react to rumours as in , “Reacting to Alliance for Democracy and Development leader Charles Milupi who is said to be against the publicizing of the Barotseland agreement”. As for Roger Chongwe, this ‘lawyer’ does not base his judgements on law but rather on emotion. How come he accepted to be chairman of the commission on the Western province riots while at the same time he was the lawyer for most of those who were on trial for the offences?!

  7. wat do u expect 4rm sichanga he’s pf and sata’s relative in marriage,milupi has neva wished to b in a trablist govt of SATA,BOB SICHINGA,GBM,ALEXANDER CHIKWANDA,MILES SAMPA,NKANDU LUO….the list contiunes.sichinga shud b ashamed of himself Because bcoz he is re oreadi practising nepotism with sata and i think trablism nd regionalism politics he and his president are practisin is even worse than the witch hunt there milupi alone he does not do dirty stinking politic’s.

  8. I do not understand why the Lozis have been crying over this agreement, first we do not even know the boundaries covered by the agreement. Former first President Kaunda is still around to shade more light regarding the agreement, why has he kept quiet. Let the Lozis engage him and the British Government, otherwise l did not see any thing of substance in the agreement for them to be making noise. I do not equally understand why the Lozis want to be treated as special people in Zambia. Am very sure the PF Government wont honour it bcos doing so will bring problems in this country.

  9. Pf must restore the Barotseland agreement! Why waste time beating about the bush? Does it mean that PF did not understand the document when they made the promise which is turning to be a fluke? Rubbish, nonsence.

    Zambians must never vote for a person who lies the most in election campaigns. It is a very bad precedent. “LIE MORE AND WE VOTE FOR YOU” seems to be what prevailed in the previous election. We need to set our standards high, not this mediocrity we have seen.

    • Good comments. though I was not in the country at the time of election compains,I think the lies from mmd out numbered those of pf – so people voted for pf, having less lies – pf has five years to prove whethery they were lying or not.

  10. Sichinga likes to talk and is full of himself. His head is too far up his arse for him too see sense. Why should he react to rumours and who said the document is not public. BA64 is not a secret document. Yes, it has not been circulated by govt before but it has never been a ‘top secret’ let alone a secret or secured document. It is already in the public domain

  11. The Barotse agreement has always been available on the net for those that read. If this will add value, then fine….the real issue is that decisions have to be made by somebody over this. I wonder how many people who have not already read this will understand it. Mr President, sort out this mess quickly, it is either you owner your campaign promise, or you tell them to hung by their back-sides.

  12. The BA is already in the public domain and that is not the problem here. the problem is that Sata promised to honor the BA in exchange for western province votes. that is what we expect the PF leaders to explain and not to divert our attention by behaving as if they are doing Zambians a favour when we all have read the BA in one form or another.

    • You’ll be surprised how many people have not read that agreement, even among so-called intelectuals or even media workers. Maybe even you have not read it. There is no one form or another. There is only one form.

  13. olo mwanalume ngati ofuna mwanakazi otala wenye ati nikakugulile sitima lomba njanji awiso akafune….. ndiye nkani ya ma voti baba…wenye! ichi chipangano ….ee munganitape mkamwa neo. Nakomboka lomba nifuneko walwa!

  14. Imwe a Prisident Sata. Koma maboza muleke. Nthau zonse ndimama boza chabe. Mweauza anthu akumadzulo, kuti muapase chalo chao, lomba mwayaba kutuzula maso. Fodya muleke mwaaa?

  15. We are also yet to press for the campaign promises too. Brace for hard times. Leaders must learn to tell the truth, it starts with them.

  16. The BA64 has never been a prohibited document neither banned from publicizing it. I do not believe this is the cause of the much debated reasons advanced by Zambians. There is a fundamental cause to this debate. Ku’mawa tikuti ‘Chatsisa zaye nchiani kuti njovu ityoke nyanga’. In other words its not the publication of BA64 that will solve the situation, neither consulting everyone who is anybody. It is the statement that Mr Sata made which did not include the publication of BA64. KUNENA KWA NDITHE NDITHE NAMTHAMBWE ANAZITELA. Let Mr Sata come back to the people he made that statement and explain himself.

  17. Publish the doc we re-read it chapwa…. I was born in 82 and up2 now haven’t really knwn wats going on???? Bring it so that even we demonstrate we jst don’t go blindly and we knw wat we r doing… Bring it out. Wat is Milupi afraid of???? Bring it….

  18. The government is merely playing on the simpleton Zambian minds expecting a loud applause,The agreement exits publishing it without any meaningfull road map or policy direction is an an effort in futility:Can someone out there point out any tangible result attributed to publishing of the Agreement in the news papers, how many people in Zambia have the luxury and time to read the papers or anything for that matter apart from using it as toilet paper or as a food wrap for friiters,chikanda and tute.The argument should be serious and not trivialized into a game of hide and seek,(creating unproductive commissions inquiries to brainwash the masses) remember great nation crumble from within not to say Zambia is a great nation (that is a matter of perception and an argument for another day )

  19. I think Mr President should just address this issue once and for all instead of delaying tactics and simple games. If he cannot honour his promise let him come out clean and explain himself. If he can then he should explain his plan or the obstacles. Simple

  20. Bob Sichinga………why do you like argiung with yourself? Milupi is not quoted anywhere in the useless Zambian press as having said what you have alleged. This rubbish is only coming from your lying mouth! Please stop using Lozis and other tribes in one sentence when talking about Western Province! That is an oxymoron…it is utter nonsense! Try addressing the BA64. Lozis and other tribes is not part of the BA1964. That is your silly after thought. Why do you people like telling lies? Either deliver on your election promise to honour the BA64 or just categoricallyy state that you are not going to honour your election promise. Leadership is about making decisions and standing by them. Unfortunately you PF lot are just a bunch of lemons!

  21. Easy does it. Publishing it is OK. There are people with no access to internet.

  22. You will soon see this document is not worth the paper it was written on, just some people trying to get milage out of this,according to our laws every inch of zambian land belongs to GRZ so all you trying to play silly buggers should be pushed into the desert, we shall even give you some alchol to take with you,,,,on condition you leave the Lozi girls behind for our breeding

    • You are the silly You cannot proudly talk of your so called GRZ and at the same time dismiss the documents that were signed to create it! That is just stu.pi/d. It’s like someone proclaiming that the so called Zambian independence document is not worth the paper it is written on! And You want to breed with Lozi girls? I thought you lot were inbreeders going by your inability to inter-relate issues?

  23. waste of timeand money to publishthe BA. What most zambians want is for president Sata to restore it and not buying time. he Sata knew well concerning the BA that is why he saw it neccessary to seek their vote on condition that he will restore the BA. Milupi is therefore right and spot on.

  24. Sichinga failed to counteract Situmbeko’s styatement with facts. Education counts bwana, he is a like a pre school economist in the eyes of the main man Situmbeko.

  25. Country men, the BA64 is not about Lozis. It is about the Barotse Royal Establishment. Lozis will not benefit from its restoration, just the royals. So dont bring in the tribe. Lozis, dont also fall prey to the usual trap as you seem to snap at every slight provocation, or even perceived provocation…

  26. This act will finally burry the Lozis. Milupi should ask Inonge Wina to tell Sata that Lozi people dont want it advertised because that is the only way theycan remain in politics

  27. So sad when supposedly educated peoiple like Sichinga can manifest such stinking ignorance of facts, I mean, what does he mean by saying ‘other tribes’ in Barotseland? By this he surely means Nkoyas but does he actually know that Sir Mwanawina, the BA 1964 signitory himself was a Nkoya tribesman? Barotseland is not like ‘azas’, it is ‘anaza’! Kwangwas, Fwes,
    Nkoyas, Nyengos, Subiyas, Kwandis etc are what collectively constitute ‘Lozi’. If he and his Satan think they can engineer divide and rule there, then they have a war on their hands. Mfilifili wa zuha onafa tate!

  28. let them make it public,how can Zambians respect something they don’t understand?we are tired of this barotse nonsense,its just the right time we learned the the way since 1964 what were the lozis doing to start talking about it now,maybe sleeping?
    by the way this document is there online why wait for government to publish it?And why should some westerners who want it to be honored oppose to its publication?it shows lack of seriousness,just put this issue in the dust bin am sure its the right place,am sick of this shit.


  30. The barotse are very patient and studying the moves very very far,propaganda is noted where the colonialist wants to thrust a knife in what holds the barotse together so that he stirs confusion.Remember the words of nakatindi,Lozis never forget.The whole barotse is currently held hostage until the constitution is out.Should the constitution not cite the BA 64,that will be darkest hour of our lives,as dialogue will have expired.The way to settle the barotse question is its inclusion in the constitution.May the good lord grant wisdom to the people that be.

  31. And sichinga dont be excited with your comments.This is a strong warning.80% barotseland dont have access to print media, T.V and radio.That is why you dont hear their voices.sichinga you are bemba and no one appointed you to preside over the KUTA.Dont show your stupid ignorance.Leave the barotse people alone,they have their government.When you are making those foolish comments,a civil servant is walking from kalabo to mongu for his salary when you sichinga is just using a mobile to get your pay.Do you think God loves you than them?.sichinga dont insult God,God can not be mocked.why do you think you are more intelligent and cleaver than all the people living there?.Remember one time you will die,burried,worms eatting your flesh and rot.So dont look at other people as rubbish.exploitation o

  32. Barotse-publish will be better if any citizen take a look at barotse dont worry just be naive while we eat your money-(flood people).we will chase from our Lusaka and other parts of zambia-so that we see how you will will start crying 4 help! nonsense………….

  33. even if you published that document,80%of the people intended to read the document wont have the access as they do not have acess to t.v,radio,news paper.if you want them to read it,get out of the confort of your office,go to shekela,imusho,nangweshi,mushukula,songo,sikongo,kalongola,makono,nangili,nyengo,sichili where the true barotse tribes there should not only be publishing but also distribution because those are the peole who need to be told about the governments positions on barotseland not some cliques in kaoma.Those should make their views known and not someone making a decision for them because they have no access to communication tools.think twice before saying something because you can expose your ignorance.

  34. ‘Commerce, trade and industry Minister Bob Sichinga has expressed shock that certain people can oppose the President’s goodwill’. Mr Sichinga, there are 10 million plus Zambians and you expect each one of them to think the same as you?

  35. Technically Bob has accepted that it will be costly to the nation if govt went ahead and reversed the sale of zamtel. “Reacting to former Finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane’s assertions that the reversal of the sale of Zamtel will be very costly to the country, Mr Sichinga wonders whether it was not costly when a wrong was made to sale Zamtel to LAP Green”

  36. @44. your mothers ass hole.masipa maho,sitochi sa maho.your mother smalls feaces.what is it that you are jelousy about the barotse. sinemba sa ndataho.malebe a maho ,wa utwa.wanza wobe,bithinu bobe shangwe.Hw does the issue of BA 64 affect you.have sense next time you talk about BA 64.sichinga is a fool just like you.

    • you are a fool. bigger fool than the one you are insulting. only that he do not understand your language. what a waste.

  37. These Lozis have got no respect for Zambia as a country! How the hell do you start complaining about the BA when in fact the main reason why this document was sign was to guarantee the Lozi equal protection before the laws of Zambia? 
    Read this you ignorant imps!!…. 1) Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the people of Barotseland shall be accorded the same rights of access to the high court of the republic of Zambia as are accorded to other citizens of the Republic under the laws for the time being in force in the Republic and a judge or judges of the high court selected from among the judges who normally sit in Lusaka shall regularly proceed on circuit in Barotseland at each intervals as the due administration of justice may require. 
    Now I ask has this not happened?

  38. If a driver drove you to a wrong destination then afterwards you get to know that and you discover a driver who knows the real destination. What can you do next? My first time to coment on ZAMTEL. ZAMTEL is better in the hands of Zambians.

  39. what has not happened is equall distribution of resorces to barotseland and maintaining ba 64 in the constiution to make it one zambiaone nation,.

  40. BA agreement is simple it formed Zambia as one nation under God in heaven. Even the parts about the chiefs having doorman over people governance is the same in every province. Let president Sata and PF send development to all provinces equally and there need be no problems. It’s going to be read and no further discussion of this should ever be brought up again.

  41. Hantumbu is neither African black nor Zambian. An agent planted to sow seeds of division. By Kolwestan I hope you are talking of northem province and not every one else; though that is still wrong and malicious. If you are African don’t be *****ic, we are all the same shake my head.

  42. There are some instances when President Sata obeys the best of his conscience to act appropriately. In this case the Zambians have been granted an opportunity to read a document that has caused concern to the nation. The Barotseland Agreement of 1964 is a vital historical document which must be accessed by Zambians in the interest of their country’s affairs. Mr. Milupi should be one of the political leaders to appreciate President Sata’s gesture to clear the air. Or else, what is Mr. Milupi trying to conceal under his sleeves? Let’s see fair play enhanced.

  43. Dull lozis you claim copperbelt and southern provinces, at the same time you say barotseland is least developed where is barotseland ? This is comfusion! mwalipena bafi colour.

  44. Run: :42, 1:42, 2:34 :53, 1:44, 2:48 :58, 1:52, quit @200m felt light headed and dizzy. Not the best work out this minorng.CF::55(185#), :49(155#), :47(155#), :49(155#), :42(155#) mind wasn’t right for the first one, not exactly sure why I loaded 185, but did the round anyways, realized wrong weight after the first rep.This doesn’t include the 60m sprint from the front squats / tuck jumps to the rower and rower spool up time. Looked at my watch when I was done with the tuck jumps and then added the rower’s timer to that time. I hate globo gyms!

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