Former First lady Thandiwe Banda has been summoned to appear before a joint government investigative wing on allegations of abuse of authority and money laundering.
Mrs Banda has been summoned with Mr Robert Penny who are the directors of Mpundu trust Limited.
This is in a matter involving the manner in which Mpundu Trust and its directors acquired property sub division A number 29 of farm 488 A along Leopards Hill road.
Joint Wing public relations officer Charity Munganga Chanda told ZNBC in a statement that a call out has been served on the former first lady who is believed to be out of the country.
Ms Chanda said Mrs Banda is expected to appear at the Task force offices on February 3 at 14:30 hours to help with investigations.
Meanwhile, Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni people of Eastern Province has said that former President Rupiah Banda’s sympathizers are not in a position to determine his innocence.
Chief Mpezeni has since called for the lifting of the former President’s immunity from prosecution so that he can clear himself in the courts of law of allegations of corruption.
The traditional ruler has also called on Zambians to support the corruption crusade being championed by the Patriotic Front government.
Speaking to Journalists at State House this morning in his native Ngoni language, Chief Mpezeni said corruption in the previous MMD government was endemic and that it must be alleviated.
He has downplayed assertions of vindictiveness in fighting graft by the PF government adding that erring officers from the Rupiah Banda regime should be accountable for their part in the alleged embezzlement of public resources.
On the controversy surrounding the fate of Zamtel which government says was fraudulently sold to LAP Green of Libya, Chief Mpezeni said the parastatal company belongs to Zambians and Zambians must chart the way forward.
Zambians are *****s witchunting again sata the witchdoctor.
Ati ma goggle bati
Yikes!!!! your sugar daddy is next. It’s just a matter of time before his immunity is lifted. you and him will all TALK “Kusogolo”
Mpezeni at State House speaking against RB, this world and its kings do really change. That one is for you Mr. Chilufya!
this mpezeni chap is a turncoat..Judas iscariot..!!
Mpezeni is an ***** and i am saying this i am 100% ngoni you cannot trust such a turn coat mr sata please he will turn against you if he thinks he can gain elsewhere
ba kuchipata niso chabe we know them by this king of behaviour being displayed by their desperate chief. why do they always want to be associated with the apa mwambaz, mwalepa kumwenu ba kuchipata.Â
Mupezeni was never in good books with RB.
Chief Mpezeni at state house, as usual Sata schemes for cheap publicity. How does Nkosi Ya Mankosi advise you on Zamtel ask him on BA64 and also invite paramount Chief Chitimukulu to see how state house has been renovated by your own kinsman.
Chief Mupezeni is a disgrace,no wonder he was making those statements at State house.I smell a rat,Mangani of all the pipo is involved in this.This chief should be probed,and searched everytym he enters state house,because u won’t be suprised to find marijuana weed on him.
Thandiwe Banda is now missing her ordinary and humble life when she was content with primary school teachers wages. The short-lived ‘good and easy’ life as the so-called first lady has left her in all sorts of night mares.
We have little concern for summoning Thandiwe Banda, after all she has to present herself to the state explain about the alleged money laundering. What worries Zambians is the timing of this call. GRZ know Thandiwe is out of the country, they know the date she left and they know she has not returned. Hulla baloo news displaying to the public will not impress Zambians. It would impress us to do investgative work, prosecute and mete justice and inform the nation.
We await further hulla baloo news when she returns in the country since thats how PF govt achieves in their administration.
Mpezeni is the biggest let down among the Zambian chiefs. He sells his own subject for a few dimes from Sata @ state house. What a useless chief he is, Judas Iscariot of Chipata..
katwishi wemwine, ngaiwe uletontonkanyapo shani?
Change your pseudonym to WOMAN from the East. Only women dwell on such issues
A TIMELY ADVICE TO OVER-ZEALOUS POLICE & ACC OFFICERS: Those who train as professionals, to work as Police & Army Officers, Pilots, or study for a degree in Law, Medicine, any Engineering or Science discipline, as Teachers, Immigration Officers, Accountants or Bankers etc, do so to secure a life-time means of earning a iiving. But those who are laced with bad politics have their profession short-lived. Police Officers who support the oppressive PF Govt are denting their life-time profession. E.g. IG Malama’s profession has been curtailed to a life-span of Sata’s Presidency. A change of Govt will spell doom to Malama’s career. Persecution of Mrs. Thandiwe Banda has been noted by future potential Presidents. God has noted this brand of mis-rule. Fr. Bwalya can explain better.
Whats up with the Chief? he changes colours like no mans business
The Chief has not changed any colours. Before Sata went into State House Mpezeni was PF supporter. Some of you have very short memories and cant remember Opposition leader Sata visiting Mpezeni in hospital. He is no turncoat. Twambili twamene tukamba apa nitubemba topanda nzelu tufuna chabe Kuoneka kucenjela by using words copied from intellectuals
Am bemba but I will support you Phiri, surely these Zambians have short memories, they have already forgotten that Mpezeni was not in good books with RB. Mpezeni was friends with Sata before elections. When Mpezeni was sick in hospital, Sata visited him and MMD was complaining that why has he gone to visit the Chief. Ubwafya fwema Zambians tulifikopo sana apapene natulaba
In the East to find Wisdom you have to travel further, to Lundazi and Chama. Like former president like Chief. Our money should be returned though Mrs. Banda lol.
Disgusting news
Mpezeni you drunk Aids rotten chief go and get run over by a truck
tuma chiefs twa njala utu..so state house brown envelop syndrome has continued.
According to insider sources “Sata has had a CABG with stent placement. He has severe CAD, heart failure with an EF less than 3 per cent. He was also found to have severe left ventricle dysfunction. Two polyps were removed from his rectum during a colonoscopy. Cytology indicated that…..”
So what. He’s 75yrs old for crying loud. He’s probably lived longer than you will. not to mention more successful
So what? *****
Go for mental scanning before you run the streets naked?????????????
I hope we will be consistent with what we are doing in future. Having said that RB and his mates need to be investigated and prosecuted.
#21 SO WHAT? If Sata dies will vote again dont worry but for now his the president, so deal with it.
You’re tarnishing the image of the country. If you think this gives you political pedigree, you’re in effect ruining the image of a country that needs to attract foreign investment. Mr Sata, can you please get to work and provide leadership to the country?
Why you people like to bring that destitute Thandiwe wife of whoever on the internet? No one want to discuss people who are in poverty like most of us, leave that poor woman she more than enough regrets by marrying RB.
Ine uluse mwe bantu…
When Mwanawasa was probing Chiluba and team we where in support of him. Now sata want to probe the corrupt MMD in a more transparent way and people are complaining. No amount of complaint will deter PF from this fight, It has started and will continue, and every one who participated will be prosecuted irrespective of his/her status in life. whether this fight attracts investors or not it will continue.This is an internal matter,if any investor feels threatened he can pull out the country or should not come here to invest.Â
I agree with you you. Besides genuine investors do not support corruption, corrupt politicians and those who benefited from these thieves are always on the negative.Go PF the people’s party.
#Pepecho Suffering, it is because we learned from the past it doesn’t help the country. This is a distraction from what the nation needs to focus on. Mr Sata may be doing this because he will die in State House because of old age and, therefore, he won’t be prosecuted. But he must realize he has children and his own wife might outlive him. Remember the rule of circular justice, What goes around comes around.Â
When I was at boarding school in Eastern Province I closely observed with great interest that villagers go about catching mice by simultaneously placing a fire on one entrance and digging frantically on the other escape entrance, this confuses the little creatures hence you able to have a massive catch in the confusion of this local tasty delicatessen….this strategy should be used to great effect on BUFFOON RB, the entrance being the crooks and confidants around him.  Â
This summoning of people is becoming hilarious, Mama Betty Kaunda watch out!
Awe, mama Betty Kaunda watch out for what? She is innocent, she left State House clean, leave the old lady out of this.
#28 Jay Jay you are funny, Chief Mpezeni is first victim of that confusion….
Ok why is everyone first going out of the country and then coming back? Hiding something?
Good evening
Saw this one coming. Nature has a funny way of turning the tables and settling the scores when you least expect it. That is why it is important to guard yourself against any excess, to maintain a balance in life and keep reminding yourself of who you really are and where you have come from.
#28 Jay Jay I enjoyed reading your anecdote. I can only say “happy hunting” ;O))
abena sata muipekanye pantu amenshi yena mukanya.
does Maureen Mwanawasa have immunity? She needs to be summoned too!
its going nowhere. Just woc! Whre z Henry Banda on the “most wanted” list. Y summon pipo hu have ran away?
no.14.its so sad you talk of other pipo.s illnesses.SO SAD,WHAT YOU SHOULD REMEMBER IS THAT WHEATHER ON DIALLIS OR NOT,ONE OF THESE DAYS,yOU WILL DIE.TAKUYA MABWE.NAIWE ULI PALWENDO.Do YOU REmEMBER THE LATE ALICK NKHATA.s SONG/ MWENDA MUSHIKI WALI TIPWA ULI LOBA.so all of us healthy or sick ,kuya bebele, so stop such foolish talk.
Mpezeni is a fool.Unprincipled *****.
Is Dr. Kaseba still on payroll? No one talks about it like they did to Thandie. Dr Kaseba’s plastic smile will dry like her teeth in 2016.
Thandiwe…. i wanted you,you did not want me,now that i dont want you,you want me…………lol…i miss your kisssesssss mwaice..
I agree with no.36. Kanshi mwebantu mwabashani!
a pure case of kings and fools…only mpezeni is not the king this time
please be objective with your coments
Pipo relax. Thandie all she has to explain is where the $1million dollars in the Mpundu trust account came from. She is one of the directors so if she is innocent she will be set free ! If not Kaya !
Sometimes I sit and wonder when we shall wake up to read real developmental news in our media. Honnestly fighting corruption in retrospect with commissions which syphon taxpayers’ money should not be the way to do it. It doesn’t matter which paper you read these days, its like they are all on campaign trail! Let GRZ come up with proactive ways of fighting corruption mor stringent laws to protect future society against the scourge. I realy fear for our democracy. While so much money is being wasted on these CIs, criminal offences can be very difficult to prove beyond reasonable doubt and hence these may just be new draining plugs in our coffers.
:((Why do we keep on chasing these corrupt guys that we know might be pardoned or something by plot one and we still lose our money from chasing them. let us build our nation’s economy mind you we are yet to face another economic crunch this year and imagine who crys next? us of course! lets pull up our socks and develop our country let the courts deal with these corrupt chaps…
Dr Kaseba, the first lady still on Government pay roll, while the boss is allergic to corruption. She get prepared to go through the same, come 2016. Witch hunting is bad because it comes back. Today its on your friend tomorrow its on you. I feel pity for people who are been used by the president to harass innocent people because days are numbered. This is all done on the expense of development, we were promised jobs as youths up to now nothing is happening, i dont know how fake corruption accusation will give us jobs.
Aya ndiye masebela…katani akulu mphuno…melekeni mwana. First lady position is not official and so what authority or its abuse ru talking about. Mweo a Mpezeni nkoyani mukagone ..matenda yafika ku mutu lomba…bongo wa binder!
Mpezeni has never been in good books with RB. At least I give him respect for that consistence. I do not know kwamene bana kumanilana but that has been his stand. Does Thandiwe have the confidence to talk properly in these complicated matters? I pity her. She probably had no clue of the consequences of what she was involving herself in. She should have just remained a wife apa nyumba.
mweo a Mpezeni muliye imunity soti muliye na immune system…. president na chifi vusiyana ngako!
A building can not be located along a road. It is located “on” or “off” a road. How can a stationary structure be located along as if it moves and covers the entire stretch of the road?
Mpezeni has lost any sense of shame.What a turncoat he is.
# 21
In people who are candidates for the CABG surgery, the results usually are excellent. Following CABG, 85 percent of people have significantly reduced symptoms, less risk of future heart attacks, and a decreased chance of dying within 10 years.
Dont speculate on Sata’s health. Even if he may have such a condition, its possible to live long. Only God knows. I wish him well. . .and let those summoned only explain what they know. If they did no wrong, they will be acquitted. . .
#14 you are a Clown of a Joke,where do you get all that misleading information?Just get over it that you and your MMD lost,i think go for a holiday with George Kunda.
MMD says this is witch-hunt. OK, so all those being hunted are witches. Continue hunting them down witches. We don’t need them in our midst.
But why would you be hunted out of all who served? No one can raise a finger against, say Dr. Brig. Gen. Brian Chituwo because he conducted himself very well as a public servant. As for Dora, she was too excited.
Politics can be like that. One day you are on top of things, the next day you are in the pit. Look at what happened to Saddam Hussein, Muamar Gadaffi (the rats … but he was pulled out from a dirty sewer tunnel) , Hosni Mubaraki, the Tunisia guy, Slobodan Milosovic, Laurent Bagbo….etc. One needs to be cool headed in those offices. But anyway it takes men who do what they can do and ifyashala fyaisova.Nga bakulonga nifyo fine.
#6: RB never listened to Nkosi yama Nkosi Mpezeni when he was in power. Hence the reaction from Mpezeni.
Useless Chief full of tuchawa. Anyway we know easterners with their tuchawa ba koswe imwe.
We don’t need them witches, hunt them down.
Summoning the first Lady over a $1million loan given by a nigerian bank? So are you going to persecute the nigerian bank for loaning too much money to the Mpundu trust? Yawn …..when shall we start debating on development as serious as we are witch hunting.BTW anyone know what happened to the Kapoko case?
People comment constructively. Paramount chief mpezeni wz never in good books with RB. Even when he wz sick at UTH its Sata who visited him before elections. By the RB is not Mpezeni ‘s people, he is not ngoni. A thief is a thief.
Proud Jere Ngoni
can someon tell me what this chief is always doing at plot 1.am wondering
Mpezeni at State House speaking against RB.He has become a Darling of State House, SAD.
can someone honestly give me an answer as to why they think the majority of the Zambian people are poor?
sorry correction!!
can someone honestly give me an answer as to why the majority of the Zambian people are living in poverty?
Chuma u liar u have forgotten mpezeni said vote for akulu mpuno in 2008
Who de cap fit, let dem wear it.
Thandiwe Banda? Thief
Chief Mpezeni? Frustrated free-loader
hunt them until they vanish,who wants wishes and wizards and for what purpose. mpenzeni tried to advise RB,but he nver listened thats why he sided with sata.it seems easteners are upset with the RB issue and hence with mpezeni too.is the nchwala ceremony going to be well attended?mukesa tukasefye pangwena naba chitimukulu aba chikata.
Nkosi ya Beer….Mpezeni…
Chitimukulu was a darling of RB. Now it is the other way round. It is Mpezeni who is darling of MCS. How nice…….
Cleo, the majority of Zambians are living in poverty because you, Cleo, have not taken your role to rule Zambia. You are the one who has all the solutions to ending poverty in Zambia.
Better off summoning RB; tandie was only a beneficiary, why leave the benefactor in this equation. She was only providing conjugal happiness to the old man. Nowonder banangeneka kuli zuma, they will only come back when julious malema is president.Â
let Tnandiwe answer those questions – does she think zambians are stupid? A teacher getting a loan of US1m from a Nigerian (hmm dodgy) bank. Teach them never to steal again ba Sata
Yashani ba LT moderating my posts, mwaba inga ba tunyeko.com naimwe nomba te??
Mpezeni be like the litunga…dont yap anyhow after a shot of Whisky ku plot 1. Ur not a politician…osatisebanya yayi!
Where are those sucks of white and blue t-shirts, chitenge material gone to? Where are the bicycles! Where is Liato cash burier?
Christine should star preparing for the same harassment immediately Michael is booted out!
Heart attack Heart attack
you want it? you will get it.
Wrong subject I know. But if ZNBC can’t screen Africa Cup: Then where does our TV levy go?Can the office of the Auditor General step in and Audit ZNBC’s TV levy. We need to know where out TV levy goes.
The anwer is simple; the money goes to the commissions of inquiry to combart corruption.
What was, is what is and is what will be. If nothing was, then nothing is and nothing will be. For Thandiwe, life is just taking its course and for Dr Kaseba, remember, what goes around must surely come back. Becareful what you do and wish for.
LT put news not HISTORY…..new items pls!!
Imwe musiyeni uyo nimwana, thengani nakumanga sugar daddy wake ndiye ana mupasa, why are we even delaying to lift chilya chine mutila chinshi uko ati immunity, surely the wicked will not go unpunished, they may seem to do well in defending theselves with good lawyers but God’s vegence will soon catch up with them, it’s a matter of time we have seen it in this country.
# 68 Ni Chimbuya….
How I wish this humble young lady listened to advise and stayed out this web of corruption!!! She could have gone back to teaching at Nakutwa Basic School and raise her kids as old man serves his prison term. She could probably even secure a relatively young husband, like me!!!!!
Imwe musiyeni uyo nimwana, thengani nakumanga sugar daddy wake ndiye ana mupasa, why are we even delaying to lift chilya chine mutila chinshi uko ati immunity, surely the wicked will not go unpunished, they may seem to do well in defending themselves with good lawyers but God’s vengeance will soon catch up with them, it’s a matter of time we have seen it in this country.
Imwe musiyeni uyo nimwana, thengani nakumanga sugar daddy wake ndiye ana mupasa, why are we even delaying to lift chilya chine mutila chinshi uko ati immunity, surely the wicked will not go unpunished, they may seem to do well in defending theselves with good lawyers but God’s vengeance will soon catch up with them, it’s a matter of time we have seen it in this country.
# 82…mwafela nkope …..kapena chuma? kuti akulu mphuno ku ndende imwe munjoye…kekekekeke!
Watchman over Watchdog!, yes….., your identification is a bit too long to repeat, but to assure you, i have taken my role, which is to advice my fellow Zambians where i can! i cant change the whole country’s mindset, i hope you do know that its impossible, because we are all at different levels of awareness & besides the majority of Zambians suffer from a victim mentality and a poverty consciousness! but i can make a difference by assisting as many people as possible who are willing to understand the reason behind there situation & how to turn things around by understanding the basic principles of the law of creation!,which is not so easy to put across as most people find it hard to understand that there is no mysterious external force that is causing random suffering in there lives!
This has become very boring indeed. By the way, those in the know, has the PF given us its economic policy?
# 87…police or policy…?k ekekeke! kwaza kuutuka baba.
mweo a LT kodi lelo muliye nkani? tabeba nayo nkani ya Thandi.
Mpezeni should be probed for those brown envelopes from MMD
This country is full of jokers, what is the standing of this chief in this country to be the one who determines the fate of others? Why is he now taking on George Chella’s job of informing us what State house is thinking to do about RB? The chief himself is corrupt and too much alcohol for a chief by the way.
Go foward KING COBRA we want to watch your enemies fall.Balimichingilesana batata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO NO NO ZAMBIANS Chief MPEZENI was never in Good books with RB don’t think he has changed now, He has always supported his MBUYA SATA all along. For TTHOSE OF YOU THAT DON’T KNOW RB ASKED FOR THIS HE ALWAYS DISTANCED HIMSELF FROM ALL TRADITIONAL RULERS?? BANAKULA MUTI. YOU REMMEBER THE ISSUE WITH THE CHIEFTAINESS IN CHONGWE?? WHERE HE EVEN THRETENED HER?? Even when Mpezeni was sick SATA went to visit him in UTH. Did you see RB BWEZANI go there??? And yet it is his chief?? RB grew so big headed. Let him get it
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