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Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano (in red tie) talking to the patients at Senanga District Hospital
Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano (in red tie) visiting the patients at Senanga District Hospita
Patients queuing to be attended to at Senanga District Hospital
Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano speaking to the laboratory technicians during his visit at Senanga District Hospital.
Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano (in red tie) having the light moment after visiting Senanga District Hospital
Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano inspecting the Sesheke- Senanga road, which is under construction
Part of the Sesheke –Senanga road that is under construction
Senanga District commissioner Siyupwa Kabisa (c) talks to Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano(l) and Dond Haitao Project manager China New Era during the inspection of the Sesheke- Senanga road.
Donald Haitao, the Project manager for China New Era talks to Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano during the inspection of the Sesheke- Senanga road
Workers of China New Era working on the Mongu Senanga-Sesheke road.
Workers of China New Era working on the Mongu Senanga-Sesheke road.
Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano speaking to China New Era Chief engineer Feng Liyon during the inspection of works on the Sesheke- Senanga road
Dond Haitao Project manager China New Era demonstrates how the stone crushing machine works to Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano during the inspection of works on the Sesheke- Senanga road
Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano speaks to China New Era Chief engineer Feng Liyon during the inspection of works on the Sesheke- Senanga road.
Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano inspecting of the crushing machine Sesheke- Senanga road .
Dond Haitao Project manager China New Era explains how the stone crushing machine works to Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano during the inspection of works on the Sesheke- Senanga road
China New Era Chief engineer Feng Liyon explains some technicalities to Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano during the inspection of works on the Sesheke- Senanga road
Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwano inspects the Sesheke- Senanga road.
how do you conduct a site visit without helmets or proper PPE ( Typical of chinese working without proper PPE and the minister was comfortable to visit the crusher without safety attire)
The sky isn’t going to fall on your head bwana
Only Zambia…and Africa. This used to take me off in Banda’s time…am very disappointed that Sata has really not looked into this issue. If we see these guys dressed up like this, what about there medical benefits, salaries, etc…pathetic…these ‘investers’ will need to be given some serious limitations…
Work has stopped hence no requirement
that hospital needs some serious improvements
so these Lozi fools should stop mourning now, or we shall close that project
Masipa a hao! This is an MMD project and has nothing to do with the linjoko in power.
First picture. The minister stands with his hands in his pockets looking disconnected from the people he is supposed to have visited. With a smile of satisfaction on his face, in the middle of such suffering. I wonder if the old ladies sitting on the floor even appreciated whatever it was that made the man smile in such a snobbish way. Be hands- on minister. Don’t just stand there and smile. What an empty suit! People vote for you and you go to a hospital with a ‘I am better than you’ attitude? I hope the president sees this picture especially.
So were did you find this information to come to this conclusion, you can’t judge the visit by the photos you have just looked at. Zambians never happy with anything come.
May I just advise the LT photographers to concetrate on the projects and not on the people. How many times are we going to see the western province minister? Take photos of the Senanga Hospital departments like wards, kitchen, theatre etc. Take pictures of the Senanga-Sesheke road – completed parts and uncompleted parts.
And people were accusing RB of claiming credit for LPM’s projects!!!
#6 point we need to see the project and not the red tie… you could have taken a foto from top to show us the all plant…
RB`s project,well done mudala walibombele.
@ 4, Grow up… some people here to preach hatred are not even Zambian, I”m a bemba person and i’ve worked in Western Province for years, Lozi people are good people… Just wanted to clear that.
Wrong subject I know. But if ZNBC can’t screen Africa Cup: Then where does our TV levy go?Can the office of the Auditor General step in and Audit ZNBC’s TV levy. We need to know where our TV levy goes.
Whatever it is you hate the Lozi people for it is not right to call them fools. By the way, what tribe are you and how do you rate your own tribe?
#7 i do not see were the minister is taking credit for this project,may be am reading a different story.Neither do i see the minister ‘s billboard near the project that characterised RB ‘s leadership.All i see is a minister inspecting a project done using Zambia tax payers money and making sure what was agreed is delivered to the satisfaction of the tax paying zambians nothing wrong with that after all that is why he was voted into office in the first place.
Inspecting an outdoor project in a suit!
What wrong with inspecting in a suit, if he was wearing jeans you would be the 1st one to say wearing jeans at work.
#6 the saint- very good point
Lundazi Dweller, I was thinking the exact same thing, lol. I am Senga and love the Lozi’s. So calm your hate and move on. There is only one golden people no Lozi no Bemba no Tonga.
Have some courtesy to every human being. No need to call anyone a fool.Â
The name is Mubukwanu and not Mubukwano Bo LT, come on. You should be able to get the names of your leaders right
In a suit, kulibonesha.
iwe mubukwanu,can you see what you call a hospital?,mubukwanu now go to imusho,sinyembela,senanga secondary,sefula,etc,go to liuwa which is one of the bigest national parks in zambia,mr mubukwanu go to itufa.According to western province stanards,the pictures shown are waht are called town.look at the floor of what is called hospital.can you imagine the population of senanga compared to that hospital.that is 50 years after independence!.go to a schoool called siyanda.Mr mubukwanu would have done well to on hunger strike when the mongu -kalabo road was cancelled.mubukwanu go to mushitwambumu.Stand out and be honest with the world,western province is 70 years behind other provinces.Why dont you have any bank in kalabo from 1964?.do you know that some people to come to senanga hospital have t
to walk for 2 weeks?.do you know the population of senanga as compared to the bed capacity of that hospital.Please take pictures of roads around senanga town its self.why dont you have even a library in senanga?.Do you know that under development of west is the worst in mubukwanu why dont you have a bridge at kalongola across the beautiful zambezi.From other provinces we hear the naming of completed projects but for you mr mubukwanu it ends on feasibility studies.Mr mubu and your fellow MPs try to visit other nyou know thw condition of mongu air port,Go to N.P and see airports,go see roads.Mps from the west when are in parliament just pretend that where they are coming from is better.we will soon get a freelance photographer to show how you even afford to drive when
Come Mr Blackbull, give these guys time, You expect all the issues you have raised to be sorted out in a few months when previous govt’s have failed to deliver. Am sure he is travelling to the other areas of the province since its his area. Anyway what are you doing to improve the situation in WP? its not just the govt, but each and everyone of us.
My homeland, i miss home!
of you people can get a pair of shoes.Mr mubukwanu looby for the establishment of atleast 1 university out of the 15 universities in zambia.Mr mubukwanu honestly you cant up grade ZEN to a diploma awardind college.All provinces that these apart from you.As a minister for the province,how do you allow the cancellation do mongu-kalabo withiout any reasonable ground,Stand on your feet on the grounds of parliament and call for development.Currently,the onnly MP who appears to make the voices of his people heard is Mr milupi.Please,if these other MPs from other provinces urgue with you,take some one from BRE to give them guide ti western province proper and thay will come crying.Mr Mubukwanu look at your so called hsopital floors.look at how miserable your people look.honestly you can drink a
water in parliment and say all is OK.what you call senanga hospital is no better than mandevu clinic but people have been electing MPs.Considder he plight of your people.put youself on the line,take a photographer or video go to barotse proper.Western province looks worse than place sat war for msny years and the people of westrn province live worse than refugees.why,why, please why?.
This place is F@#king oil rich, and the government is there sitting it’s ass, just look at the sand, there is no need to import oil anymore.
there’s no oil there.. just sand.. all geological studies done so far show nothing viable.. the areas that have shown commercial indicators and under governemtn block are..Lake Mweru Wantipa – Luapula, Chama-Muchinga & Sinazeze (GAS).
have you seen any nurse in that clinic.
mubukwanu go to sinugu and show how people there live please,lobby for the up grading of those health facilities in the west P.please,how much does it cost to patch up that hospital.
look at the green!.
Da state of most hospitals is rily bad. Ministers shod be banned from going to pvt clinics, maybe we cn ve sum sanity in hospitals.
we want to see the mongu kalabo
To Zambian GRZ officials; when you are touring a place like a hospital or health institution, you should take off your Jacket, tack your tie in between the first two buttons of your shirt and fold up your shirt sleeves, its hygienic that way.
Weldone RB. this is your legacy
MMD project done by Chinese now PF is claiming ownership
#32 Kabale What legacy?
So RB paid with his own money from his pocket? Kekekekekeke you watch “When Africa met China” documentary you will find that the MMD was stalling on these projects as it calmed didn’t have the funds to pay off these projects and most were abandoned half way!!
You are just a hater! Â MMD transformed Zambia over the last 20 years. Â PF will huff and puff for the next 5 years and achieve nothing. Bafikala PF mistake talking for doing.
#6 THE SAINT, this is my observation as well.We must see more picture of projects under development rather than body viewing of humans. Cameras are everywhere nowadays. People want see and comment on project under development (and even those already developed). In Zambia do we still have that UNIP mentality of prohibiting the photographing of the post office, hotel intercontinental, state house, hospitals, etc. Please, give us more pictures than words and human beings.
#33Â Kabwata Dallas
You very narrow-minded chap so is this project going to benefit MMD Cadres or the local population and the country.Was the project funded by MMDÂ treasury?? Do you want the current government to keep away from the project? Mind you nobody cared for the welfare of those workers under your corrupt MMD!!
#33 Kabwata Dallas
You very narrow minded chap so is this project going to benefit MMD Cadres or the local population and the country.Was the project funded by MMD treasury?? Do you want the current government to keep away from the project? Mind you nobody cared for the welfare of those workers under your corrupt MMD!!
#33 Kabwata Dallas
You very n@rrow minded chap so is this project going to benefit MMD Cadres or the local population and the country.Was the project funded by MMD treasury?? Do you want the current government to keep away from the project? Mind you nobody cared for the welfare of those workers under your corrupt MMD!!
#33. You can say that but if MMD had won the elections, they wouldn’t have finished these projects, they started these projects for campaign’s sake. It’s good PF is finished them and am sure they will do a good job than MMD would have done.
Ba LT how about more info on the project like percentage completed, commencement and completion dates, contract sum and amount paid out to contractor to date.
That’s the reason why its highlighted;Â Senanga Tour in Pictures
Why is Mubukwanu walking around with a hand in his pocket? Â Does he also have a weak bladder as well like his boss, and has to keep on releasing the catheter in his pocket?
The trouble is that your beloved PF has no imagination/vision, beyond Muchinga Province and a proliferation of universities in Sata’s home town. Â Any projects announced in Chikwanda’s budget were blamed on MMD having already committed the country and therefore PF could not backpedal from those commitments. Â Expect zero development once MMD-initiated projects are completed. Â A party must have vision – “Where there is no vision, people perish” – from the BIBLE.
He is just wasting his time lol.
Those projects have been started by the MMD and hope the PF will manage them Mubukwanu was also one of the planning team when he was with the Catholic Dioces of Mongu when the province was planning for those roads. alot was done and planned and every steak holder was involed including indunas. I hope with there hands in the pockets they will manage to make a miracle. couse even Chiluba tried his best on this road. this is a very Unique land as it has a lot of sand and also in the planis that get floaded. so every time we have cotractors on site, they try their best but the water washes away the bridges, alot has been done and Dannida funded this workshops, in which Mubukwanu was also present as a katolika that time working for the Catholic in Mongu.
Continuation, what contributions did Nathanela Mubukwanu take in the meeting apart from the urgements he used to take in the house. hope he will stop putting those hands in the pockets as he looks ubupuba fye. he wants ti imitate his leader Sata who cant remove hands in the pocket , enshi filafine. atatese bane, is that leader ship qualities, a leader who is talking to people who voted for him with his hands in the pocket does not has respect for the people but is too proud . can some one advise Sata, i personally dont like his style. i dont buy it at all.
Lupia banda left those projects so lets see if they will manage before we chack them out and pave way for HH. the young man with freesh barains and not old police officers who are just found of insulting people and shoulting in public.
Iam old enough to remember the then MCC for the Copperbelt Shadrack Soko visiting the construction site of the Dual Carriageway between Ndola and Kitwe. Mr Soko wore a helmet and working boots.
So were the project funded by MMD treasury? MMD wouldn’t have completed all these projects as it was a campaign strategy Ale Bee commissioning projects and cutting ribbons with his scissors which he used to carry in his pocket; those days are gone get over it!!!kekekekeke
I hope you are not using GRZ property to post your comments!!!
he was supposed to be dressed like a man on a construction site. Atleast hard hat
it demonstrates recognition of safety at work from leaders up
Great project. I am glad that those reinforcements can withstand the terrain of Western Province! Indeed Kwa Haye kuli sand! Good job Mr. Minister, good job New China Era and well done LT. Please show us the road itself as well and other develeopmental projects in Western Province and other areas of Zambia. God bless you all! One Zambia One Nation.
ma rubbish this is another mongu kalabo road case the road will be washed away in one rainy season i can see already that the fill used is so weak non granular and between culvert points one is assured of 100% wash away too bad another repeat of the last mistake on mongu kalabo. Ati China new era what new era? This is china Geo trading as China new era who doesnt know that when china new era bid they sold the project to china Geo? This china new era bid from china and they had no offices in zambia at time of bidding, well it seems its a who cares case , but the design is so poor mark my words and see after one rainy season
Has the Honorable Minister just recently bought the suit? :)
Does it matter if its a new suit, what difference does it make if it is or not. God you people come use your time to develop Zambia with decent contributions
Please ministers and all those on field projects visits put on appropriate attire, and let protective clothing be a must for all construction workers and those in other industries. As Zambia embarks on infrastructure development, revamp Mulungushi Textiles to produce the materials for protective apparel then companies like Serios and others will reawaken to create more jobs!
I am very disappointed with the outfit a govt official is wearing during a site inspection!!!! From the look of things, the govt has not taken issues of occupational health and safety very seriously. The pictures explain it all some workers have no work suites. This is backwardness at its best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#26.1 oil reserves in Zambia?That would be great news!!!Only if we have leaders who have a heart for the Zambian people.
What is the problem with most of zambian contractors! Sub standard work in most cases. Emulate the chinese contractors. Improve on the quality of the products and services. Forexample, contractors charged to collect garbeg in most of Lusaka compounds are failing to collect garbeg on time because they have only one ox cart which uses human power and mainly old men. Improve please.
the money being used is zambian tax payer , no one should take credit those in govt just do what was intrusted to them by the zambian people, how ever what matters is how you use the taxpayers money, if you steal most of it for the little work you do, people will know and will ask you to explain
I am a Bemba who worked for Cold Storage Board of Zambia in Mongu when I was a teenager in the early 80’s. My heart suffers with dispare when people try to be tribalist in my beloved Zambia. I went to College in Denmark with a Lozi friend. I will forever be greatfull to the Lozi’s and other tribes thar make proud of being the One Zambia One Nation. #4 please do not call my fellow Zambian,s for fools, you might not even know a single Lozi. Thank you.
The clinic is trash.The politician is trash too.The road project will soon be trash too.Western province keeps going further to the dogs.
1. Why no Zambian Engineers involved in this project??
2. If the minister and his team can visit a construction site without proper safety clothing, think what the ordinary Zambian worker will be treated at this company. 3. The hospital is a mess……
yeah,that should be a HARD HAT AREA,for safety reasons.
Is there a tarred road leading to the hospital or its only dirt road. I want to visit your hospital and want to see what type of car to use? what type of car would you recommend to bring by road from Lusaka?
wonderful project by the chinese guys
how do you conduct a site visit without helmets or proper PPE ( Typical of chinese working without proper PPE and the minister was comfortable to visit the crusher without safety attire)
The sky isn’t going to fall on your head bwana
Only Zambia…and Africa. This used to take me off in Banda’s time…am very disappointed that Sata has really not looked into this issue. If we see these guys dressed up like this, what about there medical benefits, salaries, etc…pathetic…these ‘investers’ will need to be given some serious limitations…
Work has stopped hence no requirement
that hospital needs some serious improvements
so these Lozi fools should stop mourning now, or we shall close that project
Masipa a hao! This is an MMD project and has nothing to do with the linjoko in power.
First picture. The minister stands with his hands in his pockets looking disconnected from the people he is supposed to have visited. With a smile of satisfaction on his face, in the middle of such suffering. I wonder if the old ladies sitting on the floor even appreciated whatever it was that made the man smile in such a snobbish way. Be hands- on minister. Don’t just stand there and smile. What an empty suit! People vote for you and you go to a hospital with a ‘I am better than you’ attitude? I hope the president sees this picture especially.
So were did you find this information to come to this conclusion, you can’t judge the visit by the photos you have just looked at. Zambians never happy with anything come.
May I just advise the LT photographers to concetrate on the projects and not on the people. How many times are we going to see the western province minister? Take photos of the Senanga Hospital departments like wards, kitchen, theatre etc. Take pictures of the Senanga-Sesheke road – completed parts and uncompleted parts.
And people were accusing RB of claiming credit for LPM’s projects!!!
#6 point we need to see the project and not the red tie… you could have taken a foto from top to show us the all plant…
RB`s project,well done mudala walibombele.
@ 4, Grow up… some people here to preach hatred are not even Zambian, I”m a bemba person and i’ve worked in Western Province for years, Lozi people are good people… Just wanted to clear that.
Wrong subject I know. But if ZNBC can’t screen Africa Cup: Then where does our TV levy go?Can the office of the Auditor General step in and Audit ZNBC’s TV levy. We need to know where our TV levy goes.
Whatever it is you hate the Lozi people for it is not right to call them fools. By the way, what tribe are you and how do you rate your own tribe?
#7 i do not see were the minister is taking credit for this project,may be am reading a different story.Neither do i see the minister ‘s billboard near the project that characterised RB ‘s leadership.All i see is a minister inspecting a project done using Zambia tax payers money and making sure what was agreed is delivered to the satisfaction of the tax paying zambians nothing wrong with that after all that is why he was voted into office in the first place.
Inspecting an outdoor project in a suit!
What wrong with inspecting in a suit, if he was wearing jeans you would be the 1st one to say wearing jeans at work.
#6 the saint- very good point
Lundazi Dweller, I was thinking the exact same thing, lol. I am Senga and love the Lozi’s. So calm your hate and move on. There is only one golden people no Lozi no Bemba no Tonga.
Have some courtesy to every human being. No need to call anyone a fool.Â
The name is Mubukwanu and not Mubukwano Bo LT, come on. You should be able to get the names of your leaders right
In a suit, kulibonesha.
iwe mubukwanu,can you see what you call a hospital?,mubukwanu now go to imusho,sinyembela,senanga secondary,sefula,etc,go to liuwa which is one of the bigest national parks in zambia,mr mubukwanu go to itufa.According to western province stanards,the pictures shown are waht are called town.look at the floor of what is called hospital.can you imagine the population of senanga compared to that hospital.that is 50 years after independence!.go to a schoool called siyanda.Mr mubukwanu would have done well to on hunger strike when the mongu -kalabo road was cancelled.mubukwanu go to mushitwambumu.Stand out and be honest with the world,western province is 70 years behind other provinces.Why dont you have any bank in kalabo from 1964?.do you know that some people to come to senanga hospital have t
to walk for 2 weeks?.do you know the population of senanga as compared to the bed capacity of that hospital.Please take pictures of roads around senanga town its self.why dont you have even a library in senanga?.Do you know that under development of west is the worst in mubukwanu why dont you have a bridge at kalongola across the beautiful zambezi.From other provinces we hear the naming of completed projects but for you mr mubukwanu it ends on feasibility studies.Mr mubu and your fellow MPs try to visit other nyou know thw condition of mongu air port,Go to N.P and see airports,go see roads.Mps from the west when are in parliament just pretend that where they are coming from is better.we will soon get a freelance photographer to show how you even afford to drive when
Come Mr Blackbull, give these guys time, You expect all the issues you have raised to be sorted out in a few months when previous govt’s have failed to deliver. Am sure he is travelling to the other areas of the province since its his area. Anyway what are you doing to improve the situation in WP? its not just the govt, but each and everyone of us.
My homeland, i miss home!
of you people can get a pair of shoes.Mr mubukwanu looby for the establishment of atleast 1 university out of the 15 universities in zambia.Mr mubukwanu honestly you cant up grade ZEN to a diploma awardind college.All provinces that these apart from you.As a minister for the province,how do you allow the cancellation do mongu-kalabo withiout any reasonable ground,Stand on your feet on the grounds of parliament and call for development.Currently,the onnly MP who appears to make the voices of his people heard is Mr milupi.Please,if these other MPs from other provinces urgue with you,take some one from BRE to give them guide ti western province proper and thay will come crying.Mr Mubukwanu look at your so called hsopital floors.look at how miserable your people look.honestly you can drink a
water in parliment and say all is OK.what you call senanga hospital is no better than mandevu clinic but people have been electing MPs.Considder he plight of your people.put youself on the line,take a photographer or video go to barotse proper.Western province looks worse than place sat war for msny years and the people of westrn province live worse than refugees.why,why, please why?.
This place is F@#king oil rich, and the government is there sitting it’s ass, just look at the sand, there is no need to import oil anymore.
there’s no oil there.. just sand.. all geological studies done so far show nothing viable.. the areas that have shown commercial indicators and under governemtn block are..Lake Mweru Wantipa – Luapula, Chama-Muchinga & Sinazeze (GAS).
have you seen any nurse in that clinic.
mubukwanu go to sinugu and show how people there live please,lobby for the up grading of those health facilities in the west P.please,how much does it cost to patch up that hospital.
look at the green!.
Da state of most hospitals is rily bad. Ministers shod be banned from going to pvt clinics, maybe we cn ve sum sanity in hospitals.
we want to see the mongu kalabo
To Zambian GRZ officials; when you are touring a place like a hospital or health institution, you should take off your Jacket, tack your tie in between the first two buttons of your shirt and fold up your shirt sleeves, its hygienic that way.
Weldone RB. this is your legacy
MMD project done by Chinese now PF is claiming ownership
#32 Kabale What legacy?
So RB paid with his own money from his pocket? Kekekekekeke you watch “When Africa met China” documentary you will find that the MMD was stalling on these projects as it calmed didn’t have the funds to pay off these projects and most were abandoned half way!!
You are just a hater! Â MMD transformed Zambia over the last 20 years. Â PF will huff and puff for the next 5 years and achieve nothing. Bafikala PF mistake talking for doing.
#6 THE SAINT, this is my observation as well.We must see more picture of projects under development rather than body viewing of humans. Cameras are everywhere nowadays. People want see and comment on project under development (and even those already developed). In Zambia do we still have that UNIP mentality of prohibiting the photographing of the post office, hotel intercontinental, state house, hospitals, etc. Please, give us more pictures than words and human beings.
#33Â Kabwata Dallas
You very narrow-minded chap so is this project going to benefit MMD Cadres or the local population and the country.Was the project funded by MMDÂ treasury?? Do you want the current government to keep away from the project? Mind you nobody cared for the welfare of those workers under your corrupt MMD!!
#33 Kabwata Dallas
You very narrow minded chap so is this project going to benefit MMD Cadres or the local population and the country.Was the project funded by MMD treasury?? Do you want the current government to keep away from the project? Mind you nobody cared for the welfare of those workers under your corrupt MMD!!
#33 Kabwata Dallas
You very n@rrow minded chap so is this project going to benefit MMD Cadres or the local population and the country.Was the project funded by MMD treasury?? Do you want the current government to keep away from the project? Mind you nobody cared for the welfare of those workers under your corrupt MMD!!
#33. You can say that but if MMD had won the elections, they wouldn’t have finished these projects, they started these projects for campaign’s sake. It’s good PF is finished them and am sure they will do a good job than MMD would have done.
Ba LT how about more info on the project like percentage completed, commencement and completion dates, contract sum and amount paid out to contractor to date.
That’s the reason why its highlighted;Â Senanga Tour in Pictures
Why is Mubukwanu walking around with a hand in his pocket? Â Does he also have a weak bladder as well like his boss, and has to keep on releasing the catheter in his pocket?
The trouble is that your beloved PF has no imagination/vision, beyond Muchinga Province and a proliferation of universities in Sata’s home town. Â Any projects announced in Chikwanda’s budget were blamed on MMD having already committed the country and therefore PF could not backpedal from those commitments. Â Expect zero development once MMD-initiated projects are completed. Â A party must have vision – “Where there is no vision, people perish” – from the BIBLE.
He is just wasting his time lol.
Those projects have been started by the MMD and hope the PF will manage them Mubukwanu was also one of the planning team when he was with the Catholic Dioces of Mongu when the province was planning for those roads. alot was done and planned and every steak holder was involed including indunas. I hope with there hands in the pockets they will manage to make a miracle. couse even Chiluba tried his best on this road. this is a very Unique land as it has a lot of sand and also in the planis that get floaded. so every time we have cotractors on site, they try their best but the water washes away the bridges, alot has been done and Dannida funded this workshops, in which Mubukwanu was also present as a katolika that time working for the Catholic in Mongu.
Continuation, what contributions did Nathanela Mubukwanu take in the meeting apart from the urgements he used to take in the house. hope he will stop putting those hands in the pockets as he looks ubupuba fye. he wants ti imitate his leader Sata who cant remove hands in the pocket , enshi filafine. atatese bane, is that leader ship qualities, a leader who is talking to people who voted for him with his hands in the pocket does not has respect for the people but is too proud . can some one advise Sata, i personally dont like his style. i dont buy it at all.
Lupia banda left those projects so lets see if they will manage before we chack them out and pave way for HH. the young man with freesh barains and not old police officers who are just found of insulting people and shoulting in public.
Iam old enough to remember the then MCC for the Copperbelt Shadrack Soko visiting the construction site of the Dual Carriageway between Ndola and Kitwe. Mr Soko wore a helmet and working boots.
So were the project funded by MMD treasury? MMD wouldn’t have completed all these projects as it was a campaign strategy Ale Bee commissioning projects and cutting ribbons with his scissors which he used to carry in his pocket; those days are gone get over it!!!kekekekeke
I hope you are not using GRZ property to post your comments!!!
he was supposed to be dressed like a man on a construction site. Atleast hard hat
it demonstrates recognition of safety at work from leaders up
Great project. I am glad that those reinforcements can withstand the terrain of Western Province! Indeed Kwa Haye kuli sand! Good job Mr. Minister, good job New China Era and well done LT. Please show us the road itself as well and other develeopmental projects in Western Province and other areas of Zambia. God bless you all! One Zambia One Nation.
ma rubbish this is another mongu kalabo road case the road will be washed away in one rainy season i can see already that the fill used is so weak non granular and between culvert points one is assured of 100% wash away too bad another repeat of the last mistake on mongu kalabo. Ati China new era what new era? This is china Geo trading as China new era who doesnt know that when china new era bid they sold the project to china Geo? This china new era bid from china and they had no offices in zambia at time of bidding, well it seems its a who cares case , but the design is so poor mark my words and see after one rainy season
Has the Honorable Minister just recently bought the suit? :)
Does it matter if its a new suit, what difference does it make if it is or not. God you people come use your time to develop Zambia with decent contributions
Please ministers and all those on field projects visits put on appropriate attire, and let protective clothing be a must for all construction workers and those in other industries. As Zambia embarks on infrastructure development, revamp Mulungushi Textiles to produce the materials for protective apparel then companies like Serios and others will reawaken to create more jobs!
I am very disappointed with the outfit a govt official is wearing during a site inspection!!!! From the look of things, the govt has not taken issues of occupational health and safety very seriously. The pictures explain it all some workers have no work suites. This is backwardness at its best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#26.1 oil reserves in Zambia?That would be great news!!!Only if we have leaders who have a heart for the Zambian people.
What is the problem with most of zambian contractors! Sub standard work in most cases. Emulate the chinese contractors. Improve on the quality of the products and services. Forexample, contractors charged to collect garbeg in most of Lusaka compounds are failing to collect garbeg on time because they have only one ox cart which uses human power and mainly old men. Improve please.
the money being used is zambian tax payer , no one should take credit those in govt just do what was intrusted to them by the zambian people, how ever what matters is how you use the taxpayers money, if you steal most of it for the little work you do, people will know and will ask you to explain
I am a Bemba who worked for Cold Storage Board of Zambia in Mongu when I was a teenager in the early 80’s. My heart suffers with dispare when people try to be tribalist in my beloved Zambia. I went to College in Denmark with a Lozi friend. I will forever be greatfull to the Lozi’s and other tribes thar make proud of being the One Zambia One Nation. #4 please do not call my fellow Zambian,s for fools, you might not even know a single Lozi. Thank you.
The clinic is trash.The politician is trash too.The road project will soon be trash too.Western province keeps going further to the dogs.
1. Why no Zambian Engineers involved in this project??
2. If the minister and his team can visit a construction site without proper safety clothing, think what the ordinary Zambian worker will be treated at this company. 3. The hospital is a mess……
yeah,that should be a HARD HAT AREA,for safety reasons.
Is there a tarred road leading to the hospital or its only dirt road. I want to visit your hospital and want to see what type of car to use? what type of car would you recommend to bring by road from Lusaka?