Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) president Leonard Hikaumba has advised workers to engage themselves in dialogue whenever they have industrial relations disputes.
Mr. Hikaumba said the workers should engage into discussions by using the right channels to avoid industrial unrest.
He was speaking during a press briefing in Lusaka yesterday.
Mr. Hikaumba said ZCTU would assist the workers whenever they had disputes without attracting industrial unrest.
He noted that industrial unrests should not be tolerated as they are unproductive and impact negatively on the country’s economy.
Mr. Hikaumba explained that ZCTU would strive to ensure that there is industrial peace through mutual dialogue in the country.
He pointed out that the Minister of Labour should only intervene when there is need and when the unions have failed to reach a decision.
Mr. Hikaumba has since urged government to respect the tripartism, which includes government, trade unions and the employees, in dealing with industrial relations.
He further said smooth dialogue between government and the workers would help to reduce unnecessary industrial unrest in the country.
Meanwhile, Zambia Federation for Employers (ZFE) president Alfred Masupa said his federation and ZCTU agreed to involve the Minister of Labour on issues affecting the labour laws.
He observed that employees were directly linked to the government without engaging the labour unions.
Mr. Masupa added that the issue of minimum wage was addressed and it had since been handed over to Cabinet for scrutiny.
He said once Cabinet was done with the scrutiny on the minimum wage, it would be brought back to the technical team for the final say on the issue.
He further advised government to avoid putting pressure on investors saying this might force them to leave the country and invest elsewhere.
your are a disgrace to the tonga tribe
he is a disgress to ZCTU
[-( A disgrace indeed!!!! Other unions manage to lobby for better conditions for the people they represent but the statement he’s uttering seem not to be supporting his own. We take the teachers union for example, a diploma. or degree even a cert. holder are in a higher salary scale than those he represents.
Concentrate on pushing for a high minimum wage and ensuring that workers get fair working conditions. There are so many workers working without proper working gear especially in chinese owned companies. There are many problems facing the Zambian worker yet Hikaumba concentrates on dining with Government and company owners.
Viva Hikaumba and ZCTU. This is timely advice to kambwili who seem to be above the law and pushes his way everywhere believing that ruling by threats is the best. You can’t threaten the owners of money who are actually hrlping to provide jobs to your people. Dialogue is the word everywhere where people are civilized. Threats are for weak minded people. Investors won’t come to zambia again until the investment environment is even and secure unlike what it is now where state house, cabinet and workers are holding owners of money at rasom. Chines or Anglo American are about to buy KCM from Indians who have lamentably failed to run the mines but if kambwili continues to bulldoze investors we can as well forget about this deal..
I doubt if Anglo American can buy KCM again after they walked away from it in 2002.
kagoneni tyala mweo a Hikaumba! u are indeed a disgrace to the labour industry!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iwe chikala come and sort out the mess at KCM. Wekapubawe.
I think Hikaumba has outlived his usefulness in representing workers. It is high time he resigned to pave way for fresh ideas in ZCTU.
This double-tongued man is still talking? He is fighting for people’s better salaries and on the other side he does not want companies to make profit. Whaaao
meant disgrace in #2. Still he’s a disgress too.
Leonard if i were you of which i ll never be i would have simply packed my bags and leave you were once vibrant but with time you have become so irrelevant especially when you met with ka Roy.
Hikaumba save your face and resign you are a disgrace to the union fraternity. On the other subject, I have just read the baroste agreement and am surprised that no were in that agreement is secession talked about. Where do these people get all these secession stories? The president has done the right thing by making this document public and people like Milupi should be ashamed of misleading the public by making erroneous conclusions. What these people instead should be talking about is that; central government should seriously look into developing these area just like any other, I think this should be the borne of contention. By the way how have they administered the taxes collected in baroste land?
Wena just shut up! You thugs just like having useless arguments. Neither the Litunga, the BRE nor Milupi have said anything about the BA1964 from the time Sata became President. All the noise has been coming from the Kabova govt and their Kambova supporters. This is a toilet argument you are going to have on your own. The other day the Sichinga fool was ‘reacting’ to what Milupi had alleged said about Sata’s publication of the BA1964. Problem is Milupi has not been quoted by any publication or radio that he said what Sichinga was alleging. So you Pfools this is an argument you are going to have on your own including in your toilets.
let him leave the zambian workers alone…..we shud have feelings for zambian workers….people are suffering in these industries
Can the union explain to us workers how they use membership Contributions. It is alot of money. Please ACC,move in and audit these thieves.
Derarule(MONEY) is the source of all evil. Coming back to the issue of Baroste the real difference between the central government and the Litunga was and still is the loss by the litunga of his powers including his treasury administration of his province following the agreement of 1964 being repealed by legislative fiat without any discussion or consensus from both parties after the constitutional amandments of 1969 aimed at bringing the local government of Baroste in line with other provinces of Zambia. I can safely say that KK is the biggest culprit in this saga. He should be part and parcel of the discussions that should look into this matter once and for all.Its no about secession but derarule. Money,money,money…
He is a thug, a traitor to workers, and a sellout to the country. He was compromised may years ago and has been a loyal traitor to the nation.
Kanenepa ka mutonga aka mwakaona kakudya bwino. Ka puba kamuntu ewe yenda chabe ku chema ngombe
@#4 righteousness, are u serious with your contribution on this subject.Do you mean the so called investors should mistreat workers just because they are the owners of the money when there are labour laws that should be respected the laws your friend Hikaumba has deliberately forgotten. So far u are the only one in support of him,shame.
Hikaumba shut up!. You have no direction. Give all government workers Social security number to enable them get their dues even when they resign from government to join other sectors is with NAPSA. These are the issues you should have been fighting for OK. Who “eats” the money of people who resign from government before retirement?. This is a scandal, someone is benefiting.
very stupid man indeed.govt is the people.u are given brown envelopes and u keep queit. leave kambwili alone he wants more money in peoples pockets.kamulya weka iwe.
kamutonga kamuntu kalibe nzelu, u dont kw hw we suffer by these investors hw tend to take our labour laws in their hands, infact iwe Hika,,,u are a shame to our country. you should step down,,i think those gogoz u put on have comply blinded you such that you cant see how your fellow Zambians are suffering.Abashi Hika…
Hey, gentlemen and ladies, Hikaumba should be judged in his own right as a failure and the question of his tribe should not be brought into the debate. It is a matter of public knowledge that this chap is fake. Its not all tongas who can be compromised. Hikaumba is only specialised in signing for sitting allowances during workshops, board meetings e.g. NAPSA and international trips. This chap has been going to GENEVA every other year. i am surprised that the PF government is even tolerating this MMD cadre. Look at how HON. R. MBULU was treated by this character and the MMD. PF, you need to move in quickly.
:”>Daddy,Hikaumba,pliz watch you mouth…come to MOPANI COPPERMINES and see how much miners get,you full, chi colour…
He is just planning ahead. His predecessors have all ended up with ministerial jobs. He is just waiting for his appointment. Just get rid get rid of him. Now!
I cannot believe that this guy is a trade unionist. He is more of a ruling party politician than a leader of ZCTU. The best the trade union movement in Zambia can do is to get rid of this useless “man” as soon as possible. ZCTU has really been turned into a urinary by this traitor.
Sorry @25: I meant urinal, not urinary, in the last sentence.
hello,my friend,how are you