The UPND has accused the PF government of having failed the people of Zambia since it assumed government in September 2011.
UNPD chief advisor, Douglas Siyakalima says President Sata has failed to fulfill the promises he made to the Zambian people during the 2011 election campaigns.
Mr Siyakalima says President Sata has deviated people’s attention to the fight against corruption which he said is only targeting political opponents .
And Mr Siyakalima told a media briefing that publishing of the Baroste agreement in the media will not solve anything because the document has been in the public domain.
But State House says the Patriotic Front Government has managed to free the media from the shackles of the former ruling party the MMD which used to black out the voice of opposition political parties.
President Sata’s Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations,George Chella says Mr Siyakalima should appreciate that today opposition political parties are free to voice their views using the public media.
Mr ChellaA said this was not the case during the MMD regime.
He advised UPND to present meaningful opposition to the government because at the moment the party is only pretending not to notice the changes the PF government has brought since the September 2011 poll.
UPND is a useless party. PF has got 5 years of a mandate with US the Zambian people who voted for them. So why don’t you put your tail in between your legs until such a time when the 5 year term is over, so that even the time you shall do the talking, WE, the people of Zambia will have evaluated them already and would be in the better position to support your empty rhetoric. As at now no matter how much you want to portray any other picture to US, the Zambian People, will never work against PF. So tone down and watch the PF work for US. Useless upnd and your ka under 5 leader. To hell.
You first!!
The PF Gov will not do anything for the pipo except for theselves. Really fighting personal enemies using our tax payers money is no different from stealing from us. PF is going to spend a lot on the Lawyers and allowances for the investigators and yet retrieve nothing from the so called thieves. Mwanawasa did the same and ended up paying Mutembo billions of kwacha without retrieving anything. Chiluba ended up a free man. Emmanuel Mwamba is PS today,Xavier was also appointed PS and Katele is not in prison. Who won? Mutembo,the lawyer. We need a President who will build our economy not fighting perceived enemies. Build the roads,schools,have medicines in hospitals and pay teachers well. Chiluba deported Roger Chongwe and William Banda but Mwanawasa brought them back. Who lost,it was us.
Isnt this statement too early? Kindly give PF the full 5 yrs
BLAH BLAH BLAH Give them a chance for goodness sake.
why every time UPND againest as if them they can do things in 1 week, foolish UPND . GO PF GO FP AND SATA ,
You sound so foolish yourself!!!!
Ma Position Yena, Ati CHIEF ADVISOR: he is supposed to be advising his party not firing salvos… do these guys understand politics? there must be a chain of command and they keep comfusing themselves:-?
Do you understand Politics yourself in the first place? You sound totally out of tune!!!
The earlier the better for them to get down to work. Otherwise they will end up becoming big headed. Remember most of them are recycled material from MMD and UNIP. We watched and clapped when MMD was making mistakes in the name of giving them a chance.We watched and clapped when MMD,Chiluba,Sata,Miyanda commited a treasonable offence by exposing the tunnels at State house because they wanted to show us how bad the previuos regime of UNIP was and this is what Mwanawasa did by removing Chiluba’s immunity and today it is PF following the same channel.I travelled for 2 todays from the country where I live to come and vote for PF and this is why we need them to deliver.
you cant that sata has failed the pipo of zambia its you who is trying to mislead the people of zambia with your lies he has we voted him for five solid years and who are you to tell us the he has failed.
Useless Party of Narrow-minded Dunderheads (UPND)!!!
As if you have more brains.
Useless people sitting in arm chairs adding nothing to society.
PF is just settling down and they ar just putting every pieces together and so far so good, 5 years is their madated period to deliver. UPND is just suffering from the lose of last election. Honestly which political party can develop a country in 90 days? And if u believed u must be dull, coz not even obama or carmeron delivered in 90 days. Give PF time u stupid UPND
Then why did you promise the people of Zambia the 90 days???? You sound like some one suffering from constipation of the mind and lacks general morality… In fact Zambians have seen that you lied your way to the apex. Just wait for the down-hill…mwiponta mukabwela indeed!!!…every one is watching you.
These are the dunderheads that are drawing our nation back.How do you make an evaluation like that?Give the govt time to work and offer effective criticism.Do you think Zambians are fools and can easily forget what they went through?Where is your God-given gift of intelligence and prudence?
I wonder where your God-given gift of intelligence and prudence is too. You sound like you have zero!!!
But George Chellah, you have not answered the question, have you? At that rate very soon you will prove UPND right when poor citizens begin to remind you that they will not eat media freedom.
Is this the only message UPND has for Zambians? Is this message adding any value to the lives of the poor people? UPND we know you hate Sata for tribal reasons. Be carefull of what you say because if PF delivers to the Zambian people in the next 5 years, that will mark the end of your party. BTW start grooming another person as president for your tribal party, HH is finished, completly finished
UPND are just frustrated and bitter that their own stupidity and arrogance has resulted in them being denied the vice presidency. They are not capable of saying anything sensible until they get over their own mistake.
As for PF, they indeed have 5 years and anyone who declares failure at this point in time should get their stool (faecal material) examined as there may be some more sensible material coming out of that end of their anatomy than from their mouths.
The calibre of our opposition is very poor indeed.
What a tribalist party! go to hell and burn UPND!
You sound like the worst tribalist yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It seems as if this shrink needs to be psyched
PF has had enough time to show what kind of Government they will be. So far they have not shown anything better than past MMD administrations. To me this is unacceptable. What we need in Zambia is a Radical Change in all sphere’s of the economy. We need to see an aggressive plan to take Zambia out of poverty and uncivilzation. PF is showing me that they are more of the same. This is not Change one can believe in. Bembas like Chellah also need to stop their Tribal Hatred for those from Southern and Western Province (& NW ).
yawn boring—————————————yawn yawn, then again what can you expect from this useless tonga tribal party,, bitterness is theirs forever. We know it and they very well know it, HH and his tribal fools will never amount to much, all they can do is make such noise so as to be noticed
You sound like the worst tribal fool yourself bwana!!!
Change of government was inevitable its as simple as that and it was done though the ballot box. Most of you criticing PF get over it. It’s time to direct our energies to 2016 these old guards will yap for ever until they get their turn to run the country. 2016 may seem far but it’s not lets organise ourselves rather than dream about what PF will not deliver.
And what has UPND done for the people since September last year? Zero
That’s what happens with Hapana Haikona
Now I know that demons have entered many people’s minds. Zambia is bewitched to an extent that people are supporting a failed government and leader without analysing what is obtaining on the ground. Sata and his team have totally failed and zambia is headed for economic disaster. These hired bloggers won’t change the mind of majority of Zambians who are now convinced that under pf we are doomed. Siakalima is 100% right. May God judge between right and wrong in this nation. RB and MMD stole but MCS and pf have come to destroy the nation because of lack of foresight. They are simply spending their energies talking about corruption and chasing after their political enemies in a useless war emineting from Membe and his post who are now ruling Zambia.
UPND is the party of choice in zambia today no matter how hired bloggers will try to discredit them. We need a learned principled president and HH is such a one.
you must be quite shallow
UPND you are the only suitable alternative to have in government because HH is a learned sober man who won’t even follow Sata after he get out of power. Ba Sata andPF and Membe are vindictive wicked people who are ruining the unity of Zambia. Supporting them is same like supporting Idi Amin or Mobutu.
this is the most ignorant piece of bullsh.it so far on this thread. how old are you? who is your father?
I am sorry for my country if this is the calibre of opposition we will have for the next 5 years. Yap yap and yap yap for the sake of it. I supported PF but for PF to do better they need meaningful and strong opposition not this demented approach from UPND.
Out of 20 comments only 2 are supporting you ba fee color… you have lost and even if elections were to come today, its clear here that you can still fail… We want to see FP after 5years and then we shall tell you,,, as at now keep quiet..
When Zambians changed government, it was not an end in itself. The new govt pledged on their beliefs and promises they resolved to change. # 1 Sonya chakuti, which Zambians will wait for a directionless govt without objectivity. Your claim to give PF time to deliver is gong, they said in 90 days they will deliver, but who are you to tell Zambians to give them time? PF was not voted in to create districts and provinces by one man? As of today signs would have been seen where the economic direction of the nation is heading? Falling in value of Kwacha is not good sign, neither creating uncertainity among investors is good to the nation. PF govt will have to learn to be criticised and we will do it without prejudice because Zambia is for us all. To let it slip backwards we Zambians will not
Tone down. This 90 days deadline chicken crap for the wise. Surely you do not believe that people voted for Sata because he told them that he will bring Zambia from a developing country to an developed country in 90 days. Sata promised decentralisation as a means to empower the masses in rural areas. Creating districts is part of decentralisation. Every district has a vote in the budget and the monies will be despensed for the development. One cannot just start implementing projects when those heading the projects are corrupt. Thus he needs to clean the house first. This is what he is doing at the moment. He is barely 4 months out of the mandated 60 months Sata has managed to change the Zambian people’s outlook on leadership. Now everyone is interested in seeing leaders work.
You too!!!
@#2 Muna Dekhane, and what are you going to do if PF fail to deliver in 90 days? or what have you done since 90 days has already gone? just get over it and wait for 5 years. You want to mobilize your HH and plot a coup deta? You will be arrested and improsoned for life. PF has been democratically elected and given a mandate to rule Zambia for 5 soild yrs whether you and your childish party UPND LIKE IT OR NOT, IT SHALL COME TO PASS.
@26, I meant #23, Muna Dekhane
Out of all the responses on this article, it’s only Muna Dekhane @23 that has articulated anything worth reading. With the exception of pointing out the fact that PF has a 5 year mandate, the rest of the blogs bear typical characteristics of PF cadres: can’t articulate an argument but rather shout/insult or simply praise PF and that’s it. The fact is simple, PF lacks direction for this country and if after 4months in office they have failed to make statements giving direction on the economy, then perhaps the UPND or MMD or indeed anybody with an interest especially Zambian citizens should have every right to criticise and call the PF Govt a failure. The lied to people on 90 days and that alone is bad enough
@Kwekwe above, the best Muna Dekhane can do is articulate matters in the way he has done and exercise his right to criticise/condemn the Govt in the face of evident failures. Those that are objective, reasonable and with adequate education will agree with him or put their case forward…in the end one or both of them will learn something from the debate which I am afraid is too much for the majority of PF cadres.
Cry babies ,what have you achieved yourself even personally in 90 days?UPND must stop behaving like prostitutes,sleeping with anything and everybody and getting nowhere.At the rate UPND is offering itself as an altenative am afraid they never be able to be in govt,like have always said,its either they change thier leader or change the name ,maybe,just maybe they might have one MP serving in govt at least.The is too much hatred and prejudice in this party the reason why they have a stunted growth.
next in line UPND sata is falling to work. the only work he knows is recall, fire, eweee, now were are the jobs and money u promised the youths who were dancing naked for u in lusaka. do thet come there now. ok Satas supoters i mean the blocgers u never even voted, dont misslead a nation. the man has failed us iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttteeeeeee sata
shame on zambia, the kwacha is declinning coz leaders are just wasting time withch hunting fikala fyenu bo nse mustate house
I am beginning to think Mazoka was the only enlightened Tonga. Sorry to sound so crude pipo. But surely when such lion shit comes out of a respected tribal political party leader, his tribesmen & women shud reprimand him even if they support most of his shit! Us bembas condemned Chiluba when the midget was raping this country! Mpezeni was on report shooting @ nyama soya when Shrek was screwing us! I have never heard or read censure from a Tonga against muck from ka under 5 or his minions…tamwakatekepo!
You must be an *****. One Tonga is more productive than 15 kolwestans. Tongas, despite being few, have set standards in Zambia. Your comment is so insulting, you ooze exact kolwestan foolishness. If SP was to be an independent country with HH as their leader, they would develop within a decade. HH has more credibility than all your family members and ancestors put together. Mazoka was ridiculed by kolwestans the same way when he stood for presidency. I remember attending one of his rallies in Mufulira where a group from Mansa openly told him “tulefwaya umwaushi, tatulefwaya be mwisa”. All UPND haters can go to hel. Togas shall continue voting for UPND, coz they can not forget what the MMD kolwestans with the leadership of FTJ and policeman Sata did to their cattle and entire livelihood.
Which Bemba seriously stood against the midget?!! If I remember very well Mazoka was the real Zambian who stood for Zambia while the likes of you condemned him ‘cos he was Tonga!!!
I personally have not seen anything PF has done. Of all the campaign promises from Sata, which one has he fulfilled? The constitution, more money, developing Zambia, Barosteland Agreement, hospital drugs, free education, the roads…….. the list is endless. I think the man is a liar, liar, liar. Typical of Kolwestans anyway.
And let me tell you again, you stupid kolwestan, Tongas will be in opposition forever if thats what it means to be principled, they shall never beg from the government, they dont care whether bakatekapo, like all kolwestans fools always think of, they stand for the truth. Tongas will never, and have never depended on any kolwestan government, like Muchinga, luapula and Northern Province kolwestans. They are simply hardworking, principled and integrity oriented people. The point is never to have a Tonga president, you *****, but to keep checks and balances. Tongas are after all a great people!
no tonga will lead this country. make my words.
Ba chief advisor naimwe my former lecturer, what do you mean “only targeting politians”, thats why you lose elections because of that kind of reasoning.
1. The politicians are the worst culprits and should be the first to be targeted
2. PF has only been in power for four barely four months to “touch” all corrupt people, all they have done is start with the politicians you see how they started burryng money in the ground
3. Is the man at ECZ is a politician?
Does this party ever learn to criticise constructively sure?what kind of advisors does HH have?instead of going to kaputa,nchelenge,chama to start making ground party structures they are busy making noise in lusaka.When MMD was busy jumping in lsk,PF went into the field campaining.UPND grow up plse,focus on 2016
pf has less than five years in power. do yo counting properly. We are not interested showing us the tunnels at state house like what chiluba did just to prove how bad the previous gvt was.In our current situation the pf gvt is busy talking about Zamtel just to show us how bad the previous gvt was. Such tactics do not bring food on the table. Wasting time and resources
Pf will be the worst government over Zambia got indepedent! In short it is true that Sata has nothing to offer to the Zambian people. We can only for HH for better Zambia.
By the end of PF tenure,zambia will be like zimbabwe and 80% of those in government will face obvious arrests with aviliable evidence.They will at that time cry that bembas are being prosecuted because they gathered themselves in a goverment.bembas alone.They are not nationwide government but a totally bemba family orligachy.
Pf is a useless government, period!
We know that people who are defending Sata are those who are as as useless as him, the man has failled, Pf is a selfish government, only a family tree government.
We know that there are people hired at state house to blog for pf. Please Zambians let us be realistic pf has dailled.
I mean pf has failled!
bafikaaala mwefibatongo mwaba shani kanshi? H.E the president has declared chikankata and chirundu has directed that they should be districts but some some stupid upnd quacks have started condeming .muletasha bakabwa imwe .why critising everything H.E is doing
“Sata approves 630 health posts”, “Sata has named the airports after…..”, “Sata has created the following ……..into districts”, the story goes on. Is this what George Chellah calls fulfilment of the 90 day promises?
under 5s,they need child health week exclussively for UPND.
Bitter ,headless UPND
The Bible is very clear, you cannot be greater than your leader! Hakainde is a very bitter person after PF’s victory and what do you expect from his followers bitterness, bitterness, bitterness. By the way which people of Zambia do they talk about when we who voted for pf are not complaining.
Zambians are generally like people without ears. Granted, there are those who don’t want to admit that it is possible for most of those in PF to have been full of air. I can’t understand why anyone would suggest that we wait until at the end of their term in office before criticising the PF’s shortcomings. A case of Blind Loyalty, perhaps?
its seems those that are critizing the Govt has a road map for our country’s economic development and since are zambians why cant you share with all of us? instead of being arm chair critics
UPND u are jst being jealous. How can you oppose fight against corruption? USELESS party.
UPND are failures. Please stop yapie yapie. Just shut up, please….
UPND party yamashilu naba koswe