Sunday, March 9, 2025



A new song is taking over the airwaves on Zambian radio stations . The song is called “Vitumbuwa” it is done by 2wo-1ne, a hiphop all star group made up of K star, krytic, thugchuld, buttah Nova & Marvel. The song has got so popular a remix of it is already reportedly being produced.

It is a hot topic of discussion on social media websites such as facebook and twitter. People are in two groups those who love the song and those who hate it.

The people who hate the song say it is a meaningless song that does nothing to improve the state of Zambian music. And that zambians need to be making songs that will stand the test of time , not songs that will be hot for a month and then fade away.

Contrary to those views there are those that love the song. They say it is a fun song and music is supposed to be fun . You forget about all your problems and just let lose and enjoy the carefree , humorous  song.

Take a listen to it and tell us what your view of the song is.

2wo-1ne – VITUMBUWA




  1. the problem these days meaningful songs lack rhythm and meaningless songs got awesome rhythms to them. It would be nice to have a combination of both good lyrics and rhythm. As for me, rhythm matters more though, so…

    • Who said that songs should be always be for elders? There are many musicians out there and I’m sure the so called can find something to listen to. Let us not be too critical over trivial issues!

    • Zambians indeed with a HIGHEST level of inferiority complex… In what sence?? Their apparent “creativity” all influenced by other realities far from the Zambian originality…

  2. What on mother earth is this song talking about, these boys or whatever their names are, are just drunk and have lost direction. How  do you sing such a useless and pathetic song song and expect people to listen to it? Ma Rubbish

  3. koma nivitumbuwa chachine maaa! sorry but the song is too vitumbuwa get a life…at least sing sumthing which is making sum sense maguyz if u can’t sing jst sit back pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz

  4. People even buy these songs? I would rather pirate than buy because you can only listen to these songs in privacy especially fwe bachikulile. You may bwant to listen to it but the message !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So you can only play it when you have a ka small one in the car to make her feel you r young also. But the guys are playing good music let us praise them. If they can get close to Nigerians and also the film industry improves to this level the better.

  5. Very childish and stupid song. how can such a song hit zambian waves. The problem we have in Zambia is radio staions have gone to dogs.Youths have dominated these stations as a result no matured programmes and songs. Programmes such as discusions on science related topics are never featured. Only politics and childish music.

  6. the song is funny, it puts a happy face on me after a very hard day, songs are suppose to make you smile and feel relaxed.

  7. The thing is in terms of creativity, this song has it all, and why is it that every zambian thats past the stage of being a youth is so negative on the youths. come of it already its a fun song and yes it is loved by the youths and some old people too.not every song is going to be about we shall “fight and conquer” and in terms of talent and calling them drunk google k.r.y.t.i.c and see what comes up i its so typical of the older generation trying to get everything for them selves the way they want it. (traditional dances topless -you will find in the paper – its ok its tradition ) ( Rumba music videos with girls in short chitenge outfits with their bum wiggling all over the screen – ati its fine mean while kanshi its turning you on) tutambeko channel o ati ama youth ??????

  8. im sure when making this song they didn’t mean for y’all to take it seriously.,it’s just something to laugh at so you guys jus chill and enjoy the song

  9. im sure when making this song they didn’t mean for y’all to take it so seriously.,it’s just something to laugh at so you guys jus chill and enjoy the song

  10. surprising how we dance to foreign meaningless music but ya pa local ati rubbish, not every song must have meaningful lyrics weh, its the rhythm that makes people dance to it, nanga jazz na rave music? umo tukamulasa ichitumbuwa

  11. #19,swish..
    Wether youth or not this song leaves much to be desired. It is a BULLLLLLLLSHIT of a song. Muletusebanya.What we liked about the old music and Rhumba you are talking about is orgainised sound which is appealing to our ears. Suprisingly the old music was more constructive and well organised than todays music.

    • The biggest song in africa for the last, lets call it 2 years, is by an angolan artist caboo snoop.

      He has 2 songs prakata tumba and windheck. now if you ask me i would say the guy says tumba the whole song over and over (but the beat is good)
      and so on the same principle that grown folk will sit and play Rumba music (Even if they beat/instrumental is good) yet they can not understand a word, i mean they can be insulting us for all we know – yet we on that principle viva vitumbwa lol i think the point is they wanted to make a
      Fun song (honestly i think they acheived that), i repeat Fun song not meant to start a revolution, nope. simple- catchy – comical and fun….

  12. That’s the problem wit zambianz!!! U don’t like the track, change the channel.. The guys are great, don’t even talk about K.R.Y.T.I.C, the guy is creative.. These guys have done a lot of songs en then u jus condemn anyhow,,, y’all haters get a life.. Am loving Vitumbuwa… Keep it up guys… Ngati ndiwe hater, the moon is yellow

  13. #25 me dee, yes the guys may have sung better songs but this one is very childish. 1s,t the chorus is monotonous, vitumbuwa, vutumbuwa very boring. 2nd, backing voices are pathetic. 3rd, the rythm is equally very boring. I can assure you, this song will just be a hit (as it is being called) for a short while, there after it will die a natural death beacuse there is nothing interesting about this song. Listen to songs such as those played by Pichen Kazembe,smokey Hangala,bob marley,Boney M, the ABBA (wrong spellings?). People have listened to them for many years and they still sound good. I am also a youth but I appreciate the fact that most old music was well played than todays. Our musicians should take time to listen and analyse that music and learn something.

  14. This is music for the kids of today. No wonder we have  a Vitumbuwa, kumbuwa and useless young generation. 

  15. Too bad for those hate this i like it it make me laugh.thanks did something diferent not these songs of to girls since 2005 the songs are about their it guys.

  16. #23 Kwekwe The biggest song in africa for the last, lets call it 2 years, is by an angolan artist caboo snoop.

    He has 2 songs prakata tumba and windheck. now if you ask me i would say the guy says tumba the whole song over and over (but the beat is good)
    and so on the same principle that grown folk will sit and play Rumba music (Even if they beat/instrumental is good) yet they can not understand a word, i mean they can be insulting us for all we know – yet we on that principle viva vitumbwa lol i think the point is they wanted to make a
    Fun song (honestly i think they acheived that), i repeat Fun song not meant to start a revolution, nope. simple- catchy – comical and fun….

  17. buti zoona hating inango si panga sense.this song was simply meant to lighten people up as we live in a stress filled zambia.’so called grown ups’ hating on it,grow more up and understand the essence of the song.

  18. LOL.   It is like VITUMBWA.  Fun it is.  You want serious, go listen to another song.  Haters are just Vitumbuwa!

  19. Imwe vitumbuwa haters u dont understand hes just creative… hey producer do another one for tujilis, hehehehehehehehehe………………………

  20. We need to move away from such drama to serious songs!!! Vutumbuwa!!!???? ifyabupuba!!!!!, wasting play time on radio and finishing our units for electricity.

  21. Women at times are the downfall of a society. Their emotions make them back anything; even a certain genocide called homosexuality. So even vitumbuwa shall be backed by them, plus some sellout dudes. That’s how hiphop died monotonous rhymes with good beats. No wonder we have men kissing Lil Wayne rapping today. Ignorance made Africa lose art and intellect and thus today’s children are VITUMBUWA.

  22. who ever that hates that song you can just shut up coz it wasnt made for you…..let it be….if u want go sing your own kalindula

  23. I am so disappointed in people being too negative about the song. If you are too serious in your life, please let us who know that life is too short to be grumpy celebrate, laugh and dance!! Honestly how can you use this one hippy song to condemn all young artists? Have you see on Youtube what K.R.Y.T.I.C, k-Star and all them guys are doing? Have you not seen the improvement in Zambian music? You know what, you guys a such a let down and an example of shame in the diaspora! You dance to Rhumba when you have no clue what the bleep they are singing about, some of you listen to songs without any meaning, songs which insult our women by calling them b*tches, songs which potray women and sex objects always dancing nude…then u come to insult these guys? Oh poor thee, thou art morons!

  24. Well the song is obviously meant for Zambian youth’s under the age of 20.They can relate to this song more than most of us .So let them enjoy it………..

  25. Kwena haters u have been touched…. Lmao sorry but like it or not th song is a hit… People like it n more pipo are groiwin to like…. Ati “meaningless” n “rubbish” kwena yall are just bitter…. The point of the song is not to have meaning hence nt mke sense leavin us LOAO#Ni Vitumbuwa kekekekekeke

  26. Advise to artists, please use your orignal names it will help even your children and grandchildren in a number of ways. Look at Jackson family. I mean if you make it as as star and you are using your real name years later somebody will ask like ” … Ngosa … Ngosa are by any chance related to the gospel singer Ngosa… oh ok his music blesses my soul just sit here I will attend to you soon …” or ” Could you be the son of Mutale the famous musician … oh I love his music … dont bother I will attend to you personally” GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  27. i love the song…not all songs shld mean somtin in life , some jus put a swil on yo face….kids of nowdays dont even kno wat vitumbuwa is….the sone is good not every singer shld be like a motivational writer..da

  28. Art is used to convey different aspects of daily life. Some people here are trying to act like a simple humorous song cannot be complex in what it is describing. Monotony can also arise from everybody writing songs about love and betrayal. Vitumbuwa is simple even clever if you listen to the lyrics and consider the premise upon which the song was written. One song is does not describe the whole body of work that is Zambian music. There are a lot of other very impressive pieces of Zambian music on youtube. It’s good to have such great variety.

  29. After a hard days works ni Vitumbuwa,haters bonse vitumbuwa ……..sing along Vitumbuwa x5 and see if a smile wont come on your face

  30. Some of you are too self involved and judgmental to see that as annoying as the beat and lyrics are it is a very clever song. If you listen closely to the words  one can hear the subliminal message. Zambians complain too much, if you hate the music so much come up with something better??????

    • Mwandi tell them, all they know is trash talking other people to feel better about their pathetic life alase! Vitumbuwa all the way hehehe.

  31. lekker trak..I knw sum zambianz wudnt knw creativity if it bit em in the….2wo-1ne kip it up..If u think tx childish go listen 2 reggea nd kalindula..I think tx wack music bt u wont c me tokin ish bout it..If u so mature y dnt u GROW UP #TeamVitumbuwa

  32. Loosen your strings abit, some so called meaningless songs just loosens up your mood! I play it whenever I feel down and brings me right back up! It’s funny and in life we need a few laughs just to cheer us up :) especially during examination time. ????????

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