The Zambian mission in Canada, Ottawa misapplied K339 Kwacha in 2010 which was part of the K898 million meant for the rehabilitation of the High Commissioner’s residence.
According to the 2010 Auditor General’s report ,of the total amount of K898 million, only K365 million was spent on renovation works, while K193 million was in the bank.
The report revealed that K 339 million was applied on unrelated activities such as settling of utility bills and payment of subsistence allowances.
It further revealed that the contractor engaged to carryout the works on Residence No.9 Mission Inn Grove was paid a down payment of K24 million but that as of May 2011, the contractor had not completed the works and had since abandoned the site.
The Audit report also revealed that in June 2010, a representational vehicle, Mercedes Benz 240 CDJ, was involved in an accident which was not reported to the Police.
It said that conquently, despite the vehicle being comprehensively insured, no insurance was claimed, but that the mission paid an amount of K26 million in repairs.
The mission during the period under review also transferred amounts totaling K403.9 million from the revenue account to operational account without authority from the Secretary to the Treasury.
The Zambian mission in Canada was headed by Dr Nevers Mumba at the time.
Yesterday, the 2010 Auditor General’s report was released with a comparison of irregularities with the 2009 report revealing a sharp increase in excess expenditure from K87.3 billion in 2009 to K814,2 billion in 2010.
In a statement released to media,Public relations officer Ellen Chikale said that misapplication of funds increased from K95.2 billion to K 220.6 billion ,while unretired imprest in the same period increased from K25.8 billion to K77.2 billion respectively.
Ms Chikale said that the report had also revealed irregularities due to undelivered materials,unaccounted for funds, excess expenditure and non recoveries of salary advance and loans.
The report has also revealed that there was delayed banking of K13.5 billion, while unaccounted for funds amounted to K3.8 billion and irregular payments amounting to K 10.3 billion
And Bishop John Mambo has charged that revelations of increased irregularities in the 2010 Auditor General’s report are a clear confirmation that Zambia stinks of corruption.
Bishop Mambo said that it was saddening to note that Zambia has been singing the song of poverty and unemployment when billions of kwacha go unaccounted for.
He said that the Patriotic Front government has a mammoth task to correct the disturbing revelations of corruption in the previous MMD government.
Bishop Mambo has however noted that the Patriotic Front government is working hard to ensure that misappropriation of funds is reduced. He has predicted that more revelations will come to the fore in view of the change of government.
Bishop Mambo in an interview with QFM radio on Wednesday appealed to civil servants to help the PF government achieve its goals.
nevers what are you saying ….are a thief or what benz this and that tell the nation…..wapya munzi
arrest this pastor
the money was used still on commission things though misapplied but i do not see where Dr Nevers Mumba stole.
I’m also not convinced that Dr. Mumba stole
Who said he stole. No one said Mumba stole, Sata said there were finacial irregularities at the mission in Ottawa. In addition, do you understand what it means when the report state: “Unaccounted for funds”. Bane go to school please.
Sure he did not steal. He just paid himself some allowances, faked an accident and claimed used the money to repair the car. No police report? Any one can get a dubious receipt from a garage. He also delayed banking. I mean everyone knows money can be banked in a personal account, accumulate some interest and them transfer the money to another account. He didn’t steal… he just needed some money for offerings and tithe.
manda ulicipuba was he drunk failure to report an accident …weee insured car why and what was he hiding …thief
Wait 4 the court be you insult your friends George. God bless you
Thanks for sharing the information and can we have other embassies reports highlighted as well?
800 billion is a lot of money and we cannot be headlining and screaming from the roof tops about somebody who accounted for 0.04% of that misappropriation.
Talk about taking propaganda to a whole new level. Absolutely jaw dropping . As Jesus beautifully put it i Mathew 23: 24 “You blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.”
I think Zambians are not gullible. They are smart and they can clearly see through this noise and propaganda.
Zambian diplomats take home around ZMK100m per month. What is ZMK300m? It was not even stolen, it was misapplied!
Ok, in all fairness, 300 million is not much money esp that it was not stolen but missapplied. I am PF but let us move on. We should not waste time on pastor Mumba. If he is capleable of offering constructive opposition to our party, good for us. Becuase he will help us to remain focused and deliver, just like our president helped RB to deliver on Urban roads.Thank you
It happens in every institution govt or private….u make a budget but reality when it comes to operations is different and the controlling officer has to make decisions. Even now its hapening lets wait fro the 2012 report…. No plan or budget is executed 100% to the letter….even in yo house u can budget kuti tigule unga, basi mwana adwala…is that miss-application!
awe george, I think niwe unwine fine scotish whisky. what Manda is saying is clear to all of us. this report is misleading us because all the money (not iniatially accounted for) has been accounted for by the report itself. oloso, we can see there is no money attributed going to Nevus. The embassy has a lot of people working and some of these things mentioned here, including damaging the CD car can be attributed to the workers.
let him talk wine nevers ….follow the book when dealing with public funds….channels not self thinking
Auditor’s reports have consistently shown huge misappropriation of funds by different government departments. What purpose do these reports serve if governments don’t act on the recommendations? If PF government will be any different, let them act on ALL misappropriations without any selectivity or vindictiveness of particular individuals.
Even in my house, I do not strictly follow the budget. Question is, did the good Reverend steal the money? Seems like the Chief Constable spoke too soon without facts.
All this thing could have been avoided now people are sinning by commenting negatively on the man of God
Joyce be careful with your statements. They might hont you in future.
Is misapplication same as stealing? Let us draw a line and deal with issues fairly. I may not like mumba but let us demonstrate that this fight is not vindictive, personal and foolhardy,but transparent, collective and above all within the context of the law. If indeed he has stolen then he must face the full wrath of the law. On the hand hand if this is being used to discredit him, them its most unfortunate, discriminatory, subversive, retrogressive and against the will of God. Remember what goes around comes around.
So they misappropriated USD 60,000…..its a two months salary of the ambassador so…..well its money but to be honest it might be immaterial depending on how much the mission receives in a year.
In my house, I misapply money everday but there is no one to audit me!
In your house you can use your money any way you please, even as shinda (toilet) paper—-who cares! But this is public money we are talking about here! How many nurses or teachers’ salaries can that amount of money pay in Zambia?!
Gallis, I guess you’re not married?
Can we be availed reports of other embasies as well,we are tired of reading the same rhetoric since September.
There was miaspplication meaning money was used for Govt projects but not for the budgeted for projects.There was no mias appropritaion.there is no way one can avoid audit querries.Auditing does not move with time.Its an ancient career.
learn to use your brain idi*ot, one step at a time. you expect our govt and LT to publish all missions in the same second, time and date. WTF?
So Never was right, he was given a clean bill of health, no money missed, no money was stolen. What merely happened was moving one budgetary item to the other, but for the purpose of furthering the functioning of the embassy. The the monies mentioned as being misapplied are not much. I believe all audities of other missions will review misappaling of funds which is common. What does the embassy do if its phone or energy services are about to be cut, and government has not sent money to pay for such services, a reasonable ambassador will request the misappalling for funds avaiable meant for other things e.g renovations to be used to pay for the services. Diplomates do not just report matters to the police, an ambassador is allowed to make reasonable executive decisions, Where is the case?
There is nothing wrong for bringing out such things. In fact, a country like Zambia this is a lot of money anyway! This has happened in other embassies as well , e.g. in Mozambique, George Chulumanda – the guy humbled himself and all is quiet. But some people make things worse for themselves for being loud mouths and don’t know when to stop. Good luck Dr. Mumba!
So let me get this straight…Nevers is in trouble for not spending the entire K898 million to renovate a house? Thats a lot of tax payers money.I think the person who assigned such an enormous amount for just renovation should be investigated.So K 339 million was spent on utility bills and thats an issue? Was the embassy suposed to ask for more money above the K898 million for settling the bills.K193 million was placed in the bank..oh what a crime!…ok PF get serious and get to work what do you take us for?
Do a simple course in management or accounts, then you will understand. There is no case.
We want audit reports for all embassies. Why do we only focus on one embassy? This is why they say there is witch-hunting! Wrongs were done we agree but let everyone be brought out in the open, not just those you want to teach a lesson.
but this government is the waste.is that not the information investigating officers need?so if it is why not take it to court ,and arrest Nevers than every day releasing information to the press.Nevers has already been found guilty by your master SATA.Thats why in Liato case the DPP wants to impress the master by taking the case himself.If the case here is misapplying funds then the whole government including judges should be taken to court.period
Where is the case indeed? No wonder the police have struggled to arrest Nevers. Someone must have misled our president on this one. But anyway let us wait, there could be other issues that will come up…investigations are ongoing.
What is K300 million? This is nothing for an embassy. Even in big companies that is the amount they spend on just entertainment. LT think of something better to report on.
it can build a school or par maybe two retirees which could make a difference
missapplication of funds is the norm in embassies…this comes about by irratic funding from the host govt.this is not theft but simply good management…….ur given funds for renovation of one house…but workers are owed money on allowances……..i feel our accounting-auditing laws need to be reformed to handle such matter with a human face
Running an embassy is not like running a mere govt dept…if ur told the presido is coming to your mission what du do ? ask ST? awe…next week MCS is going to Ethiopia…ask the mission how much they will spend which was not not meant for the same. But is that stealing? No. Tipeni chitukuko bane osati kunobwetuka bwetuka, nthawi nayo iyembekeza lini munthu!
People are using terms carelessly, there was misapplication NOT misappropriation. I await to see an embassy with a cleaner auditor’s report than this one. Let’s get the full story, not just Canada.
Bakolwe nga bafuula….or sorry bamukolwe nga bafula…. kekekeke! Nevers aliye mulandu mweo… the police are now running away when they see him. ati “bwana mugwileni bamene imwe….”
Even ku DEC, ACC olo Police there is a budget… bt the money can be moved for someting urgent which u neva had in mind. Like to go and dig up some burried money somewhere.
its sad to note that 800million is given to an embassy just for renovations and no money is issued to pay for allowances.in my view nervas used his management skills well.if they were adquatley funded non of this would have occured.i dont see any serious case here.i dont see the money going into mumbaz pockect.then he did not steal,i dont see any unretired imprest at the mission.if it worked to further the function of the mission well and good.find a better case against the man of GOD,u missed the bullet.
So ok, Nevers has been cleared by this report, now can we have reports from all the other embassies cause it’s clear there’s a witchhunt going on in the country. Instead of delivering in the 90 days, nothing much else has happened (except maybe Liato). Doesn’t look like Sata knows what to do now that he’s in State House.
Go to school. The report is straightforward. It is not stealing, but using initiative to use money on the demanding activities eg workers’ wages
neo mona mkulu wa ma constables nikuti a Nevers pepani …..mundijatile thata muhina ya Leza….ngu dyabbulosi wakandinjila moyo!
Nevers new the money in mention just renovate a house was too much, he need to spend on other urgent needs. Sata is just afraid of Mumba. Let all embassies be audited including state house and and the police,lets see if misapplication will be avoided. If nevers used the money for his personal things like buying a car, we can then call it fraud.
Bo nevas kina muhulu wa constables…amuniswalele ndate.
I’m sure Dr. Mumba did not steal.There was just some MISAPROPRIATION some where somehow
Misappropriation of money or misapplied funds must be supported by a covering letter to justify why money is diverted. There is no science for this procedure to be followed. Nevers was the controlling person and should be answerable to such misappropriation of funds. Thy shall not steal, which he preached and alas he is the victim…..
Wait!!!!!!! for the judgment
Some Zambians are not easy to understand, each time public funds are misused or misapplied they will justify it by saying, ‘This is very little money’ and others are now saying ‘they never follow their family budgets strictly’. What has your personal money got to do with public (GRZ) money? It just shows how deep-rooted financial indiscpline is in Zambia. It actually starts from the top. Three months ago a former president said without shame or remorse, ‘that he and his accomplices never knowingly abused state funds’. Actually this Canadian story is the same in all Zambian embassies. Zambia is forever backward.
yes, lets audit STATE HOUSE,for sure, no one budgeted for SATA to be paid rent while staying in his house,when state house is there.That is misapplication of funds because if Banda won that expense would have been avoided.so the chap who misapplied those funds on rent for SATA should also report to police.
“Mercedes Benz 240 CDJ, was involved in an accident which was not reported to the Police.”
Was there a loss of life or personal injury?
That is the only time you report an accident to the Police.
Are you an ***** – To claim for an insured diplomatic vehicle the police have to be informed. In this the embassy decided not to claim, which is odd
Who is the Comptroller?
Sata’s government will not last two years because it is more vindictive than Mobutu or idi amin’s regimes. This President has knownly appointed a DPP who has criminal cases pending before the high court. He has been appointed to exact revenge on the perceived enemies of the Sata. Whilst in Chiluba and Banda regime Zambia had a thriving population in the diaspora, what we have now are dissidents fearing to return home for fear of persecution.
U are right man
:)\:d/kekekekekeke kekekekekekek kekekekeke lets wait to hear what the chief vuvuzela is going to say now kekekekeke. Auditor General also wants to keep her job Alebosafye ifya ufi pachimenso
How does diplomatic immunity work? If there was no one killed or injured in the accident does the police need to be informed? Perhaps ba mwipwa ba IG Malama can enlighten us on this? Looks like this fishing exercise is going nowhere but then what do you expect from a head of state who did not realise that the diplomatic mission in Canada for the country he heads is actually in Ontario and not Toronto?
Mediacrity at its worst. Anybody with experience in govt knows misapplication happens every year. Thats why you even have supplimentary budgets. Please tell us something else. This is a waste of time. 90days and counting and all we have is stupidity. Nothing concrete achieved. What a shame!!!
I am not sure if the the newly established districts were budgeted for in 2012 expenditure. Since PF does views misappropriation as theft, then the Chief Constable will be culpable or accessory to the same.
*misappropriation -> misapplication, hic!
Zambia shall be SHAVED. Advise to those who like insulting on these bloggs for example reply on #19.One will insult their own parents not knowing that they are blogging on the other end.Lets stop calling people names lets be articulative
Zambian diplomats take home around ZMK100m per month. What is ZMK300m? It was not even stolen, it was misapplied! Just ask him to pay back or else leave him alone!
Nevus Mumba Mis-applied NOT misappropriated funds. Misapplication is NOT stealing! misappropriation is theft. Guys give us a break…………..NEXT PLEASE …!!!
Its amazing how some people who claim to be in the diaspora think. the level of your contributions speak volumes of how useless some of you are.working as slaves out there. the report shows that has a contyrolling officer in Canada Nevers is at fault though he did not steal baficoluor
I have read through this and I have not seen anything to suddest that Nevers stole so much as Sata had accused him of mis apropriation of funds. Now we need auditors report on Alexanda Chikwndas/Appolo renovation of State House at cost of $4 million to make it ready for Sata. It was single sourced. So when Sata opens his mouth as he is doing we need not be blind. The man is an open empty can that makes more noise. Anyway I have said it. You are in for a great live commedy with Sata, the Party (PF) and it’s government.
I have read through this and I have not seen anything to suggest that Nevers stole so much as Sata had accused him of mis apropriation of funds. Now we need auditors report on Alexanda Chikwndas/Appolo renovation of State House at cost of $4 million to make it ready for Sata. It was single sourced. So when Sata opens his mouth as he is doing we need not be blind. The man is an open empty can that makes more noise. Anyway I have said it. You are in for a great live commedy with Sata, the Party (PF) and it’s government.
The report doesn’t say that money was stolen but misapplied. Nevers is a clean man irrespective of the bashing he has been receiving at the hands of wicked people who just hate him for being a follower of Jesus Christ. Ba Mambo is simply looking for a job from the president going by his statements. Bishop Mambo and vernon Mwanga are only concerned for their bellies and have no capacity to stand for truth.
More EDUCATED ILLITERATES expose their utter ignorance; when it comes to public funds it doesn’t matter whether its £20 or £2m misappropriation is a crime…if you are self employed, run a successful business and have ZRA to deal with everyday, you will not take kindly to this news. Most of you here are employees or pay-cheque slaves and see crimes based on someone’s wages or salaries….MPs in Britain are on £40K per year yet they were falsely claiming for breakfast and lunch.
But why were we cheated by the top vuvuzela that nevers stole. There is no stealing involved here. PF stop is noise making and go into developmental issues.we are tired of noise for nothing circus.
Diplomats, who were MMD cadres???? what do you expect anyways. Corruption started from state house, so kulya Mwibala. Shameful indeed especially for Nevers as he claims to be a child of GOD. You can see how he grew FAT, As per Pinda Lyakwa Guy Scott “KOSWE Nga Akokola Mun’ganda??? Alalya Nakasuba”” there we go and this is the Chup MMD want to make as President????
Cage him as well. He is an Embarrassment.
what about the Zambian Embassy in Geneva ?? arrest them as well as the Auditor General seen they stataments of accounts there? Darlington with Mamwele bought Lastest 4×4 cars using our tax payers money…..can someone audit the Zambian Embassy in Geneva Please …………………
Ni ndale cabe. Ba president kuyopa opposition kucokera kwa Mumba. Musiyeni, mungamuyondese na maganizo. Deeeemeti
No wonder Zambian entrepreneurs do not take their businesses to the next level (with exception of Zambeef) because they are filled with you “educated illiterates” who are merely content with having a local firm yet afraid of taking it global because of the stringent auditing involved. You chaps will forever be consumers and pay-check slaves unless you change the way you approach some issues.
the accident was cuased by the driver who was since fired by Mr Mumba as he was drunk. he is a Zambian Canadian Mr Micheal Tembo. and no that Nevers was driving. also change the accountant at the mission for this problem to stop thankyou.
Let me help you blogers with your sole called Sata. Nevers used to make trips through funded money. canadians were funding most of his trips and he reported to Zambia foreign affairs there after. So but some trips were funded by the government. No about the Mission house in Canada its out dated. in Canada its very expensive to own a house. as most houses in Canada are not cemenet and so are not fixed. this is a disaster pron area full of earth qaurks and many other things like tonados. if the house is not renovated to the satandard it becomes hazzadiase to the tenants. the house needed to be renovated. as Zambians based in Canada we some times go the the Zambia house for functions and its not u to the standards required. by the way just close the mission then. and or change everybody their
Ok we hear you but Nevers has never been clean, Follow the rule of law especially being a foreign representation. Why didn’t they report the accident to the police?? There is something wrong and he should be held accountable as head of the Zambian Mission then. Nothing against him but something was not properly handled?? Being in Canada, are you related to Him or you are one of the beneficiaries??
Get serious, the cash misappropriated is a lot. These Embassies do nothing for Zambians in Diasporas.
The troubling part about this is that PF has been telling the nation that its fight against corruption is Zambia’s number one priority and the key to unlocking all other development potential.
Well… by the looks of what they’ve uncovered so far I’d say this “development plan” may be in some serious trouble. It’s going to take a lot more than discovery of K300m misapplied funds and recovery of a few hundred bicycles to set the country on the right path! Even the Zamtel thing and Liato’s case are not very convincing.
Seriously, without some kind of institutional reform to prevent future corruption the claim that PF is on its crusade only as a development priority (certainly not as a witch hunt) is about as convincing as the magic jumping ink line we fed during the election.
Sata should not be let off easily with his lies. Everyone including our docile opposition leaders, unemployed youths need to urgently call a political rally and ask these questions;
1. “Where’s more money in our pockets”. This a big question to be asked by our country’s poor majority.
2. “Why is it that foreign direct investments into productive sectors have taken a plunge”.
3. “Sata said the system was corrupt and said he wanted to change it, but why has he appointed a corrupt DPP to manage the criminal justice system”. If the country can’t answer these basic questions then we shall be the next ZAIRE.
iwe shi JAY JAY you think you have gone to school and you doing better.you chap we can not even understand whether you mean 40 pounds or kwacha per year .you dull chap…lol. a blind man calling others blind
MUMU – Ichisungu nga chashupa kubofya fye ichitundu chakumyenu…
Truly speaking there is no case concerning Dr Nevers Mumba., only simple minded people will buy into this propaganda. Adminstration is not ideal. Just as PF government in it’s 90 days can be found with misapropriation of funds to meet other equally important tusks for government, Zambian mission in Canada is no different only because it was manned by Dr N Mumba of MMD who is in opposition should not make PF to beat drums from the roof top. Get real fellows.
Chanda Chimba#53 And when you insult your parents waziletelela. You will have bad luck and bad luck and bad luck!
Heal the World,make it a better Place;
For you and For Me and the Entire Universe;;
There are , People dying, If care enough for the Living,
Make it a better place for you and for Me….
Nevers, Nevers, My people what next ?? Am a happy person because this Man represented us well in Canada. LET THE AUDITORS ALSO REPORT ON THE GOOD THINGS THIS MAN MANAGED TO ACHIEVE DURING HIS WORKING PERIOD.
What about the creation of Muchinga ‘Escapment’ Province isn’t this unconstitutional?. Why point at your brothers dust particle when you have a brick in your own eye. Hipocrites. Stop decieving yourselves. Create jobs for the youth, don’t turning them into aimless street vendors, these are the future leaders of Zambia. Difficult when in government heee…lt’s easly said than done.
Now, we know Nevers did not deep his fingers in the treasury; the audit report has exonerated him. The issue of misapplicaton should be minimised in public insttitutions though it happens in some homes due to failure to adhere to the spending plan or simply lack of ability to make a good budget. However, the man according to my understanding, is clean and may he forgive all those that accused him falsely.
Iwe, that’s not the job of the Auditors Office, if you want your pastor to get appreciation for his works go to MMD H/Q, the high court judge will happily thank him with new silver bracelets!!!kekeke
Zambians have heard from pius, virtuous and innocent PF govt of Mr Sata. Accord Dr Mumba an opportunity to make a statement from your unconvincing revelations at the Canadian embassy. Us in the UK were embarassed to visit our embassy where furniture even in charity shops looked better presentable. Upon inquiry, it was established ambassodor Anderson K. Chibwa misapropriated the money meant for furniture. His reward was transfer to Malasia. This happened in the same period Dr Mumba was in Canada. Dr Mumba marketed Zambia better than any other diplomat known recentry and its for that matter Zambians would want to hear his side of the story. However, if there is any fairness with PF govt, let audit report be made public involving Mr Anderson Chibwa while at Zambian embassy in UK.
A lot of people are failing to see that Misapplication of funds is a sign of financial indiscipline. If you are given money to buy food, you can’t use the money for beer and call it good management skills. No wonder many companies under Zambian managers have this legacy of poor financial discipline, they budget money for salaries of employees and used it to buy personal to holder vehicles and you expect workers to continue without salaries, just look at the councils.
Mr Mumba is a Bemba,therefore,he is entitled to steal as per existing culture wherever they are.
The money was spent on …Vitumbuwa!
Mumba and his bosses at MMD call stealing and waiting GRZ funds “Tools for bringing investment”. Con ment. How do you expect GRZ workers to be prudent and not waiste and steal public funds when thier bosses had excusses like ”funds were used to bring investments’
I think RB was better
Misapplied and stealing are not the same you people. Mumba is innocent but he is a victim of Sata’s hatred. Zambians should resist this Sata/Membe hateful inuendos
No doubt that we need to improve our educational standards in the nation, especially literacy! How can people fail to understand a simple Audit report which does not reveal any theft of funds? How can Zambians in the 21st Century surely not comprehend a simple report as this? Dr. Mumba is exonerated. He has no case even in the Small Claims Court. How much money was spent on sending Auditors to Canada? I would have done the job sitting in Lusaka on the phone at a fraction of the cost!
Uwakalema takaleka.
Follow hi up because u had an agenda with him already — wait for next government hope u all be breathing by then – leave him out and lets hear from his side- how he wil govern the counrty in the next few times to come- i think it will better than what we see, calm in all approcah of issues proving leadership qualities with 5 human brain!!!!hahahahhahahahaha – mis-applied < misappropriate – zambians
# 1,2,4 and all those with similar comments cant read,thats my conclusion
Muchinga District/provinces was budgeted for in a day dream of PF leaders – so thy will mis appply funds to cover the new costs and be able to present to the office of the auditor general this year in parliament but will not hear of such – smart tracker PF- let us wait!!!hehehehehe
Canadian bloggers??we hear you but Nevers has never been clean, Follow the rule of law especially being a foreign representation. Why didn’t they report the accident to the police?? There is something wrong and he should be held accountable as head of the Zambian Mission then. Nothing against him but something was not properly handled?? Being in Canada, are you related to Him or you are one of the beneficiaries??
Get serious, the cash misappropriated is a lot. These Embassies do nothing for Zambians in Diasporas.
iwe listen not misappropriate but misapplied – get the PF dictionary for proper understanding aha!! or u want is that he stole–whether clean or dirty but he just misapplied
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