MMD presidential aspirant Nevers Mumba has challenged his opponents to explain their source of wealth before they seek to be elected to lead the opposition party.
Dr Mumba said yesterday in Ndola when he met his supporters at the party’s district office that to change the bad perception of the party, leaders of high morals and integrity should be elected.
“ We need to change the corruption perception by electing people with integrity. All those who aspire for any position in the party we should ask them about their wealth and not asking them after we elect them,” he said.
He said those seeking the party presidency should not be selfish but check themselves if they had the drive and time for party issues.
The MMD needed a leader who would take it back to where it was, and cadres should not divide the aspiring candidates because the issue was not about individuals but leadership.
He said leaders whether in PF, UPND or MMD should not tell lies because people were no longer tolerant with leaders who did not deliver on their promises.
He said he would visit all the 10 provinces and that he started with the Copperbelt because it was his home town and the engine for Zambian politics.
Dr Mumba said he wanted to introduce integrity and morality to Zambian politics and that was the reason his party the National Citizen’s Coalition merged with the MMD during late President Mwanawasa’s reign.
He said the MMD was voted out of power because people wanted it to change and not that they hated the party.
He said the MMD needed a leader who was not a Member of Parliament (MP) so that he or she could have time to mobilise the party.
Dr Mumba said he would give 100 percent commitment to the MMD if he was elected president adding that the survival of the party depended on unity.
He said the PF Government should start fighting corruption dating back to 1991 and not just in the last three years. He accused President Sata of turning State House into a police station.
Meanwhile, police yesterday detained Dr Mumba’s supporters who became unruly after they were denied entry to Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport where they had gone to welcome their leader.
Copperbelt Police Commissioner, Mary Tembo, said yesterday that 21 cadres were detained and charged with conduct likely to cause breach of peace and would only be released after paying admission of guilt fee.
She said that two mini-buses that were ferrying the cadres had also been impounded and would only be released after K270, 000 was paid for each as traffic offence fee.
[Times of Zambia]
It would appera Nevous Mumba is made of steel, knows what he is doing, right? Even with allegations/audit report that he was involved in corruption while in cannada he still says:
We need to change the corruption perception by electing people with integrity. All those who aspire for any position in the party we should ask them about their wealth and not asking them after we elect them,”
Maybe he knows he is facing tramped up cases…
mumba don’t waste our time and energy. this is your down fall and that of mmd.
Think again ba guy. Nevers is giving Sata sleepless nights more especially that 90 days are over and Mutati will soon be asked to account for his wealth
All these old *****s must go…change begins with Elias Chipimo!
Then campaign for him and leave us alone with our Nevers
So tell Elias Chipimo to join the MMD presidential race! Lol!
Maybe I should give myself time. I really don’t want to hear anything about MMD after reading the report on the sale of ZAMTEL. For now, the best thing I would want to hear is the arrest of all those involved. I wonder what the law enforcers are doing about it when these criminals are moving freely even saying loudly that they are proud of what they did. Its irritating.
Its time for other provinces as well. Time has come for Northwestern or Barotseland to rule aswell. Too much Northern (Muchinga). Presidency is not just about being a good talker, but wise as well. Dr Musokotwane should be given chance, the man is stead, and wise.
Read your history well. RB is from Eastern, Mwanawasa Central, Chiluba Luapula and KK from Eastern/Northern.
#1 Mwine Mush
Of course he Knows they are trumped up charges.
The misappropriation the Police are chasing this guy for is like 0.04 % of the whole money misapplied funds in the 2010 budget, mind you the other embassies accounted for 80% and nobody has head anything about them. And at no point did the Auditor report say Dr Mumba stole any money. Even the Police are at pains to arrest him and now live in fear of their jobs after failing to pin anything legit on this guy. Palibe mulunda apa bosses , but batituma ( There is no case here bosses , but we have been sent) is all the police are saying now in private.
Am told the same happened with Mutati couple of days ago. This is really fun watching
******we swine wemwana W……………..
With Mutati, I doubt if he will survive – his wealth?
I want him to be president of MMD for one reason, to offer meaning oppositon and help PF to remain focused and deliver to the Zambian people. We cant deny the fact that such leaders are needed. If the opposition remain weak, PF may also relax.Not these under 5s who cant find anything better to contribute.
To you UPND, you have seen what MMD is doing, they have removed the old RB and now trying to re’organise the party but your are still clinging to the finished HH. Be assured, if Nevers becomes MMD president, UPND will remain on the third position or maybe be 4th.
thank you, l could not have put it better myself
Nevers talks too much and might make a seriuos error to the nation going by his failure that he misapplied mission funds. he did not steal but misapplication of funds is in the similar light as stealing. The auditors report is clear for canada.
Go to school. You will learn the difference. Missapply could be spending money on a need and not on a luxury the money was given for.
Nevers Mumba is the only politician of clout who can take on PF and right now even Mr Sata is quaking in his underpants, for 3 reasons.
1. Nevers is ‘born again.’ Mr Sata knows that such people have spiritual power beyond his intimidation. It is because of his wife that Mr Sata has become President. Whether he likes it or not, the old man knows that there is a God in Israel who looks after His own.
2. Nevers was Vice President under the father of anti corruption Levy. He was only fired for trivial reasons in order for Levy to get an Easterner.
3. He is Bemba.
ala iwe you should stick to the topic
Any material you read tell you Lupando Mwape replace Mumba. Now convice us that Ba Lupando is from Eastern. You have been a good contributor, dont join the Tonga who always Easternise, Southernize or Northernize things. Stay blessed
MMD Bootlicker theft is not measured by the amount you have stolen but by taking anything that does not belong to you.
#11 I totally agree 100 % You are right on the money.
but bootlicker u are a die hard mmd supporter,even in times of defeat you still speak.I wonder how much they have paid you for bootlicking for so long.do you have any means of surviving apart from bootlickering and blogging.We have more important things than always blogging.Get a job Brother these guys are nolonger in power.
i am sorry this Mumba guy is a wrong thing for MMD and the country. one of the biggest opportunists in the country. the guy stands for nothing. his position has changed so much that even himself does know who he is. campaigns should not be talk about corruption it should be about plans to grow a country. this will conspicuously be missing from mumba’s mouth.
just look at PF when you enter gov without a clear plan will just be chasing people, naming and renaming structure and say nothing about jobs.
yes let Mumba give PF a run for their money.Even before he stepped on Zambian soil they were quaking in their pants.Busy sending DEC offices to meet him at the airport on trumped up charges.Never a dull moment in Zambian politics
And yourself?
Nevers and his big mouth.
Nevers Mumba, the opportunist is just wasting his time, Rupiah Banda does not want to retire but to carry on and he has some faceless supporters.
mushota was in an accident she died(( condolences(
it`s mutati ba baffikalah
# 13 Think Big. Your take on MMD Chief Boot Licker is misplaced. A conviction on one’s morals and belief is always a driving force. In the case of MMD Chief Boot Licker its a conviction based on principles of ideals, values and morals that gave birth to multipartism democracy in Zambia. The belief of Good governance hinged on democratic principles of rule of law, accountability and transparency. The palyers in this game may/will most of time be defective but principles still stand. Its not money that MMD gave to Chief Boo, but coviction he cherishes makes eveyone wonder on the blog. Such is the character Zambia needs for leadership.
# 11 – Spot on my brother, whether one steals billions like Liato or millions like Nevers, “kauke faa kaufela bona ki malengwani basu” i.e. whether you satole a mkillion or a billion, you are a stinking thief anyway.
Lekeni ba Nevers bateke for God’s sake!If sata is alergic to coruption,he shd hv colapst dt tym he used to distribut brown envelops during ku convertion ya mmd!His fight is fake n only aimed at impresg hs British sponsors!They shd be grateful coz he hs ored given them a veep who is their granson!
Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine
Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves
Pastor do not waste your time, you still have to answer to the auditors report about the money
in the association in Ottawa, you are not clean neither you. You are a fake pastor
I am not in favour of a bemba president anymore, Sata should be the last one to rule Zambia period, too much mukeyu, either a Kaonde, Lozi or Tonga, No more. Enough with one place and enough with insults of saying that id you have to produce a president you have to marry a bemba, Sorry, I am a born again Christian and I feel we have leaders from other provinces. Zambia is not reay to be lead again by a person from Northern Province, Sata will be the last one in Zambia.
I need a different name not associated with Bemba tribe, Sorry
It is you. Vote 4 your candidate 10 times
@ muchima 26______________you will never be afforded that chance, nor youself or your unborn siblings will see it happen, bembas are here forever even after your death they shall still rule ONLY GOD CAN STOP THEM, but since he is the loving God who created them bembas and God loves the bembas to the extent he blesses with the wisdom to rule and always get a majority of the voters. Best you can do is get weapon and kill us all, including our monkeys, kaponyas then again will OUR LOVING GOD Allow you???
I like that
We don’t need another “mukwai nabulafye” as a president. We need “naba nsolo peculiar” for president.
Nevers needs to come to the States to watch his children in Dallas, Texas your feel me. His Political aspiration are for self pride your Remember this champ was once very popular, when he was up coming into the Political area right…. Guess what he got in somehow and messed it up with his ego, people still recall what was on stake so that been said he can pursue the MMD presidential candidate all day.. His not going to get it… Ke Ke Ke… What I see is, Nevers craves Big time attention from the spotlight….
You are just fearing him.
There are five aspirants for MMD positions. Nevers Mumba, Felix Mutati, Situmbeko Musokotwane, Kabinga Pande and Moses Muteteka. If the supposition foated by Nevers is anything to go by, three aspirants who have already appeared before the combined team of investigative wings on corruption related allegations are technically disqualified. These are Nevers Mumba, Felix Mutati and Situmbeko Musokotwane. Only Muteteka and Pande who have not faced the police so far are presumed clean and should contend for MMD presidency.
Which police are you talking about? The one which Sata is a Chief Constable?
I am with you@31
There are five aspirants for MMD presidency. Nevers Mumba, Felix Mutati, Situmbeko Musokotwane, Kabinga Pande and Moses Muteteka. If the supposition foated by Nevers is anything to go by, three aspirants who have already appeared before the combined team of investigative wings on corruption related allegations are technically disqualified. These are Nevers Mumba, Felix Mutati and Situmbeko Musokotwane. Only Muteteka and Pande who have not faced the police so far are presumed clean and should contend for MMD presidency.
Mumba, the fact that you dont have any wealth does not give u a right to start telling your opponents to explain their wealth. besides, we all know that statement is directed at Mutati, nobody else. we know Mutati has alot of money and you know he is your biggest threat. He might buy the whole mmd including bwezani.
Mutati must explain his wealth. Sata knows that. And Sata will make Mutati explain and that will be the end of him. They have started with scanners
Manje imwe naimwe …ba Mumba balekeni..do not make him nervous …naimwe
Ati State House has become a Police Station…. lol.. Ubukaka Ba Nervers…. This man will make Our President collapse.. Donchi Ukutina…
am glad that the africa cup has started so that we can real football skills unlike those we are treated to by those amateurs from the english premier league. The epl is the most boring football in the world apart from the noise made in the stadium and players runing like mad ruts,i dont watsh anything entertaining. No wonder england ll never win the world in modern times. The epl is full of fitakataka, cant even shoot at goal decently. People lets watch africa cup not epl only those who are brainwashed ll disagree with me. Skillful players like collins mbesuma,fernando torres cant fit in coz the game is very physical and no brains applied.
End of MMD, with Nevers Mumba as President, Give your part 12 month coz he will join PF to be Vice President, The man is so power hungry.
@19 Oversea??? Mushota in an accident Noooo, We will miss her humor..
both teams playing the opening match can beat england by a huge margin one wonders why zambians are so glued to epl matches yet the flufing, fumbling and lack of skill is the order of the day. Just watch a game between QPR and wigan, would u are watching primary school football in my days. Am enjoying the skills displayed by both libya and the host country
zambia shud beat senegal a team with epl players. Demba ba is not better than mbesuma. Demba ba looks better on paper coz thats what the british media says coz he plays for newcastle again overhipped, overrated; thats the british media enjoys..overratin the epl.
Leave Mumba alone, He will Never and Never rule Zambia. So let him waste his time. By the way, why are Nevers and Cosmo lie about their doctorates? If you want to be doctors, work for it and earn it. Mr Nevers and Mr. Cosmo, take pride in earned degrees. You are a family of liars.
The bottom line is that Zambia is endowed with a diversity of many tribes each one with men and women that are credible to rise to the rank of Republican President. This time around we DO NOT want another Bemba to feature as Presidential asparant. Therre is a hidden strategy among the Bembas to pool other tribes (especially the foolish Ngonis) on their side with sweets so as to ensure that presidential positions rotate among the Bembas irrespective of which Party gets to power. Hence the posturing of Nevers Mumba, Felix Mutati, Elias Chipimo Jnr. For prosperity of Zambia let HH, Musokotwane, Pande and Muteteka be flagged as Republican asparants to clean up thieves on stage at State House. Mumba abandoned his Church and appended his former Party to MMD. Now he wants to append MMD to PF.
If I ever to vote for MMD again, I would not vote for a Bemba period, I would even say Sata to continue than to bring in another Bemba, Sata is the last to rule Zambia from that region period.
One Zambia one Nation, It is now other people to rule MMD like Mwanawasa did.I miss Mwanawasa, not bakabolala
If the MMD convension will come up with a Bemba, I would vote for Sata, period not any other person, what difference are they going to bring apart from what Sata is doing right now?
I am not a fun of Nevers as he a POLITICAL PROSTITUTE just like his younger brother cosmo Mumba as Nevers has always gone were the job is. Although, I may agree with him that Sata has turn turned state house into state police. I think we voted for an ACC general rather than a president because for some reason Sata seems to be heavily and over involved in corruption issues.
#26& 28 you are both toxic to the health of a country. chaps like you prevent decent discussions about tribalism
Sata will be shot if he continues his bemba monkey in a maize field behavior. no one is above Zambia, just wait……..
Get some education fool!! what a wanker, you are an embarrassment to the free thinking Zambians!!
I agree with #28
seriously these old chaps need to go
people are just jealous of pastor mumba. mumba move on your time has come to liberate the poeple of zambia. we are behind you go on and dont let other people define you as the say goes high calling attract high devils. only be strong and courage infact you are even far much better that obama. when you are climbing the ladder people dont feel happy. but you shall posses the land inspite the goliaths on you way. tabakakwanishe nalifisama mulibayahweh