Sunday, March 9, 2025

Judiciary failed to account for over K700 million


THE Judiciary failed to account for more than K700 million collected from various courts around the country as fees and fines, the Auditor General’s report for 2010 has revealed.

According to the report, the Judiciary had estimated revenue and expenditure for the financial year ended December 31, 2010, a total provision of K5,046,803,152 for the collection comprising fines of court fees and library services but the actual collections was K5,803,502,484 resulting in an over collection of K756,699,332 which was above the budget.

The examination of revenue of accounts and other related records maintained at Judiciary headquarters, Lusaka magistrate complex, Sheriff’s office and selected courts in Lusaka, Chipata, Petauke, Lundazi, Solwezi, Mufumbwe, Ndola, Luanshya, Chingola, Kasama, Mpika and Nakonde could not account for K706,454,306 because there were no deposit slips to show proof of banking and there was also no cash at hand.

This was contrary to Financial and Regulation No. 129. The report also revealed that contrary to Financial Regulation No.121 there were delays of periods ranging from three to 549 days in banking revenue collected by various courts despite the proximity to banking facilities.

There were 41 general receipt books that were not presented for audit verification with Matero local court topping the list of the courts that did not present the receipts for auditing.

The report indicated that an examination of bank statements for the judiciary fees transit account held at Finance Bank in Nakonde revealed that fees deposited into the account were not being transferred by the bank to the Judiciary headquarters fees account in Lusaka and had accumulated to K40,514,263 as at September 9, 2011.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. And thats meant to push the judges to resign. You people do you all get lectures from Mmembe before writting this shiit?

  2. Even Sata stole 2 billion from BOZ for 3rd term campaijn, what graft is he fighting. He wants us to trust him first before he can steal from us. same tactics of FTJ, He only worked for 3 years and the master dribbled the entire nation. To hell with this propaganda

  3. Pa zed, awe sure. natuleibafye mwe!!!!!! twilaibepa ati we are fighting corruption. when institutions that are supposed to enforce laws are always found wanting. MAKE it a free for all…bonse twakulabulapo nga shapwalala!!!! that is my new yr resolution


  5. Could not account for K700m is a polite way of saying the Judiciary stole K700m. Now if the courts are also stealing who will jail who??????? This country is ROTTEN!!!

  6. I am now re-thinking my plans of going and resettling in Zambia. I would be surrounded by thieves and crooks everywhere I turn or look. Wish one could go and live with nuns and priests. These are the only innocent Zambians walking the earth of this country.

  7. To check werther the fish you are buying is rotten or not, you start from the head. If you see the head not looking ok,then you know the entire fish rotten. Corruption in Zambia started with our dear heads of state, so what do you expect from the rest? Even Judges are human beings, they have social problems like anyones. I am not suprised. RB has already told us a story of how filthy things are in Zambia. Let Sata do some clean up please.

  8. The comments from bloggers highlight alot of ignorance from people on government operations. Judges do not collect court fees and fines. These are collected by cashiers and accountants employed by the Ministry of Justice who in the end fall under the PS – Justice. The PS is the person answerable for the missing K700 million and not judges. Judges are legal and not administration custodians. No wonder politicians are fond of feeding the public alot of lies because we seem to know very little about government operations

  9. If i was the Chief Justice, I would politely tell Sata to appoint another Chief Justice and proceed to go and enjoy my retirement. It is simply not worth the fighting to stay on with what is going on around him.

  10. the the problem of employing half baked accountants with very little qualifications, can the goverment employ people on merit please!. Some of these accountants they don,t understand professinal effects. we need CIMA OR ACCA,, and not cabs ,natech etc

    • just need a g 12, but well paid and honest person.CIMA or ACCA as court accountant is too much.
      every where is stealing. even in banks, the boys steal. once your account does not show signs of movements, they plunder it, making it a source of beer cash..this is a problem.

  11. Zambians be happy for once that we are even getting reports of the missing cash. Most nations in the world don’t even get this chance, i.e eastern europe lol.

  12. Bunga Bunga? If you have ever been to Black Velvet in those days with your ka chick na ka salary then you would know what am talking about.

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