Sunday, March 9, 2025

Muteteka describes Nevers Mumba’s call as childish and urges him to go back to God


MMD presidential hopefuls (from l) Moses Muteteka, Felix Mutati and Kabinga Pande confer during the party’s national executive committee meeting in Lusaka at the weekend.

THE fight for the MMD presidency has resumed in earnest after a short lull with Chisamba parliamentarian Moses Muteteka appealing to his rival Dr Nevers Mumba, whom he described as “childish”, to go back to God and “repent” for abandoning Him.

But Dr Mumba has urged his rivals not to launch personal attacks on him because he did not target them exclusively in his call for transparency and accountability.

Mr Muteteka was reacting to remarks attributed to Dr Mumba that all MMD aspiring candidates disclose their source of wealth before they are put into office to enhance transparency and morality.

He said Dr Mumba has no moral right to challenge other members of the MMD because he has failed not only the party but Zambians in general in the various capacities he has served.

“What integrity is he talking about when he abandoned his flock for political office? He was also fired as the republican vice president because he failed to perform; he failed the MMD party and that was the reason the then president fired him.

Instead of challenging other candidates, my advice to him would be for him to first go back and seek God’s forgiveness for embarrassing Him and abandoning his flock before he can start pointing fingers at other people,” Mr Muteteka said.

Mr Muteteka said he had no problem declaring his source of wealth to the party members and the general public, but described Dr Mumba’s utterances as “childish and immaterial” to the growth of the MMD.

He said his intentions to vie for the MMD top position was not to amass wealth through dubious ways and mislead the people, but to contribute to the betterment of the party as a man of integrity, honesty and hard work.

“I am a man of the people and I understand the challenges in MMD. I am not vying for the MMD presidency because I want to steal from the party and the people; I am standing because I can deliver as a leader.

“I have proved that I can deliver through the various positions that I have held in Government. He should not start behaving like a champion in MMD because the party is still formidable and existed before he came along,” he said.

Another aspiring candidate, Felix Mutati, who refused to comment on Dr Mumba’s challenge, said MMD members must learn to sort out party issues internally without involving the media and “outsiders”.

A political analys,t Sunday Chanda, said there was no justification in calls for MMD presidential aspiring candidates to be compelled to disclose their source of income.

Mr Chanda, who was also MMD’s aspiring candidate for Kanchibiya constitituency in the 2011 general said the MMD party does not need a broke president as he would be easy to compromise or eventually sell the party to the highest bidder.

“Let’s be honest, we can’t afford a financially fragile leader at this stage. Let those making this misplaced call refer their arguments to the functions of the party president,” Mr Chanda said.

However, Dr Mumba said it was unfortunate that some aspiring candidates had personalised the challenge carried in yesterday’s edition of the Daily Mail because the statement was not exclusively meant for those vying for the MMD presidency but all party members wishing to contest any position in the party.

Dr Mumba said his proposal for all MMD members to declare their source of wealth before being elected into office would help change people’s perception that it is a party for “corrupt people”.

“It is regrettable that some aspiring candidates have decided to start attacking me because that statement was not targeted at them but all party members, and it is for the good of the party.

“I have also advocated for all leaders, including myself, to declare our source of income to public scrutiny so that we are held accountable by our members. It is unfortunate that people would attack me based on unsubstantiated reports,” he said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Dr. N. Mumba should just rest because he betrayed Zambia by shifting Victory Ministry from Zambia to Nambia. He is not trusted on that point.

  2. Nevers warning is timely. The MMD should clean itself if people are to strust them again. What will happen if they pick a president and that president gets arrested for graft? that will destroy the party.

  3. muteteka tone down,got no presidential material leave mumba alone.atase.we can not compare you with situmbeko,mutati or pande.respect elders.

  4. This Muteteka guy’s only qualification is that he is married to Maureen Mwanawasa’s sister.His Chisamba victory is highly questionable and he must be counting his luck following the petition.

  5. Childish & Useless Party, You can see how power Hungry these MMD Chups are. No leadership qualities. ZERO???? MMD Youth Take over and rescue your party. These FAT Cats will finish it.
    Where are Women?? To aspire the Post? You Mean MMD have monks only??


  7. children fighting to have a big cup thinking there is more tea in it when there is none…what are these fools fighting for in the first place?…!!! A COFFIN with the dead MMD in it…!!! guys…start reasoning and go for farming , it is the best option…MMD is dead…period!!!!

  8. Muteteka is not presidential material  …..his response is more of a kaponya…wonder his level of education? anyone with any idea —

    • I went to Mumbwa in 1989 with him, he sat next to me in 9H…he was a good friend at heart, i have no idea how he is today BUT thinking about him always makes me have a natural respect for his ubuntu…i dont think he went far in school-and i think education is important for a leader though a great aspect should also be a leader’s ethical view on life…Moses from back in the days had a huge reserve of that!

  9. Muteteka it is you who is childish. How can you become a president if u cant support Nevers call for intergrity. Nevers was simply saying leaders should be clean before vying for presidence. What is wrong with that? Is that being childish? Anyway both of you are going nowhere becoz MMD is dead for good.

  10. The amount of hostility among members of the same party speaks volumes about the current level of maturity politically. Its like watching call-boys at our bus stations hassling each other to usher travellers into ‘their’ minibuses in order to get a commission form the bus conductor, and the biggest hassler carries the day. Looks like the party ideology is on hold, and it’s a free for all brawl in a pub. Now, fast-forward to post Sata era and this will be PF

  11. ka muteteka, lets just drink beer at our usual place my dear friend. and i like it when you get drunk the way you boast yourself about your accountant qualified wife and eating well at your home. my friend stop being malicious. remember that dance you put on in mongu with amayenge and head off drunk? slow down , take a low profile.

  12. Why is Nervous Mumba then trying to become president for a party for “corrupt people’?  It looks like he is looking for another stage or pulpit to preach from.  He could restart his church and preach Christian morals instead.  That is a safer bet for him.

  13. What we need is a confused opposition so that they dont disturb our programmes. I will go for Muteteka, Munkombwe and Kaingu

  14. I look at this issue from another perspective.Name calling from the same party is not unusual. Look at what happened between Hillary Clinton and Obama.That is the way things should happen in democracy. Not the one man show thing.

  15. # 8 Sheikh. You always have peculiar views. However, MMD is the ONLY party that elects its leaders on democratic principles. Individuals aspiring for leadership are allowed to sell their views to the general membership of the party, and in turn members vote to elect the leader. This is where democracy is anchored. Granted that lapses still exist with repect to rules and regulations but views are freely expressed and eventually a leader will be chosen. The leader will be young, competent,more articulate, good level of education and uptodate with current world trends. That DOES NOT/ WILL NEVER happen to the rest of political parties in Zambia. That is a lesson for Zambians to be aware and said without prejudice.Do I hear any one with contrary views?



  18. Am impressed that despite having tumbled in the elections, the MMD has continued to exhibit democratic values. each candidate has a equal unlike some other parties who either tribe inclined or have a self appointed leader.

  19. Muteteka – It is a new day and its your kind of politics that we are leaving behind – Grow up and smell the coffee… Furthermore watch that filthy mouth of yours, at this rate, it may bring dishonor to your head..

  20. Nevers is a clown of a man. He is not a technocrat and he is not a career politician. This man has got no reputation whatsoever and he cannot win an election, a national one that is.

  21. Muteteka’s tough and insulting language against Dr Mumba will come to haunt him soon. Don’t these politicians ever learn a lesson? Has he forgotten about that former PF Secretary General who has since gone back to the land because of his foul mouth against Sata?

  22. Mmmmh! Politics! There was nothing wrong with Dr Nevers Mumba joining politics. The first politician was appointed by God. A clear sign that politics belong to God. I also admit the fact that the mad-slinging that goes on in politics because of people’s potty mouths has defiled politics to an extent they now appear to be a thing for non-christians. Nevers Mumba still preached Christ and Him crucified even when he entered into politics. Muteteka my dear research well before you pass your comments.

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