Sunday, March 9, 2025

George Kunda changes his mind about taking the Guy Scott issue to court


Former Republican Vice President George Kunda
Former Republican Vice President George Kunda

MMD chairperson for legal affairs George Kunda has U-turned on his earlier intentions to take Vice-President Guy Scott to court over his parentage.

Mr Kunda, who is the immediate past Vice-President, says he will not take Dr Scott to court because he wants Zambians to debate the matter and judge for themselves.

He said this on Sunday evening when he featured on a Muvi Television programme dubbed ‘The Assignment’.

“I do not want to take this matter to court because I want Zambians to debate and make up their minds,” he said.

He said as far as he is concerned, Dr Scott should be dropped from the position of Vice-President and be replaced by someone else.

Mr Kunda said President Sata should consider appointing Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Inonge Wina as Vice-President.

“I hear they want to appoint Ms Inonge Wina. This decision can help because maybe she can help resolve issues surrounding the Barotseland Agreement,” Mr Kunda said.

Mr Kunda claimed that Attorney General Mumba Malila’s explanation on Dr Scott’s status in government was mere propaganda.

Mr Malila recently stated that Mr Kunda’s claims that Dr Scott is not eligible to be Vice-President was baseless. The Attorney General explained that according to the Constitution, Dr Scott is eligible to act as President.

And Mr Kunda disclosed that he has ambitions to become republican President. He however said he has to consult Zambians on the matter and God willing, he can run in future. Mr Kunda also condemned the creation of new districts by President Sata. He said it is wrong for the President to create new districts without consulting the grassroots.


    • So what indeed! You are a disgrace to your fellow second class citizens. Rather than articulate yourself, you choose to trade in stigma. Brother, you wrong and be damned.

  1. We know you miss being Vice President. For man who spent too much on a failed constitution to even think about standing for presidency.

  2. What a mess this Man is………please give us a break. Take live and evaluate your life otherwise you will be making mistakes. Just accept that you have been defeated. Think thru your life and decide what is best for you… your time is up as far as the Zambian are concerned.

  3. This man’s ignorance of legal matters is astounding. He is an embarassment to the legal fraternity and to Zambia in general. To think he was actually a minister of justice and vice president of the republic is a sign of the times, the dumbing of Zambia. I wish there was a way of keeping punks like him out of public spotlight. He brings only shame on our intelligent nation.

  4. Listen to another peace of trash.Kunda thinks his mind is better than other Zambians.What do you want us to judge?You abused the time God gave you to uplift the lives of many Zambians..and got away with a lot of money for yourself. Work on your selfishness and stop thinking that Zambians are dull.Your time is up. Iam happy the present govt has come down to earth, trying to restore the dignity that was destroyed by the likes of this selfish, unappreciative Kunda.

  5. Does George has advisers? Is is true in MMD Top leaders were not listening and this is clearly showing in GK.
    GK is the most despised character by Zambian.He is held in low esteem of all the former leaders in MMD regime same league together with NOW quite Shikapwasha and Dora.

  6. George Kunda was seen at State House in what analyst say is his attemp to mend relations with HE MCS. The motive probably to jump ship and boost his chance of standing for Presidency.

  7. This Ka fool. RB was born in Zimbabwe he never uttered a word on Bandas legality. Now he wants to lecture us on Scott. Way Kasushi Kunda. 

  8. when MCS said this guy was the most dull lawyer alive, i thought and felt that was an insult but now i concur with presdo

  9. “I do not want to take this matter to court because I want Zambians to debate and make up their minds,” he said.
    Why not bring the matter up in Parliament? So sowing desent among Zambians so that confidence in government and leadership is questioned is a mature way to resolve issues? I think LAZ should revoke this man’s practicing certificate. And even the coverage of this article just adds to the notion too.

  10. I have a lot admiration and regard for bo ma Inonge Wina, but pliz leave this nice lady alone becauze PF and the Zambianz have a Vice President in one Guy for now. Why iz it that George and often HH must find some problem with whatever M.C Sata doez?

  11. Chilumendo bwaila, teti ulekefye umunobe ateke, why are you so selfish. Which zambians do you want to debate, debate what? did you allow us to debate your RBANDA? Namulaba apapeni bashimwana? Kuya Beebele ba bwana. Forget about your an seen dreams, you will never nerver rule this country as MMD Again.


  13. GK should just accept that he had judgement error when he raised the issue.he is right people debated and are still debating his warped reasoning.

  14. If this is what is left of the MMD leadership then we may be forgiven to conclude that this party is dead and buried. George Kunda is a sick man and his outbursts should be ignored.

  15. I SAID HEAR that this MAN knew this was a no issues as a lawyer but he released his verbal ‘shiki’ as a politician.
    Wapya GK! Sata uyo!

  16. Correction:
    This MAN knew this was a no issue as a lawyer but he released his verbal ‘shiki’ as a politician.
    Wapya George, Sata uyo!

  17. Can someone explain Why Chinese don’t pay PAYE tax but they work on Zambian soil? Check ZRA payroll system, Check Huawei, zte and chambishi mine payroll systems at ZRA. Its unfair.

  18. Mr GK stop making fun of yoself naimwe. I advise you to aslo become a chief like Katele kaka to boost yo wisdom then later cum back and become presdo.

  19. Ka Kunda you were very irrelevant in RB’s regime every time with your tail between your legs like a ka scared dog at the airport waiting or seeing RB off. Amazing how you have become so vocal all of a sudden now that RB is not your boss *Ka moneni*

  20. Imagine GK as president and just when he is about to address the UN general Assembly his chronic shiki starts….

  21. Agony is when you think that you still have the muscle to convince people for who you are, just to realize that even your own biological children have abandoned you completely.

  22. Mr Kunda balwele, his thinking is sickening, ama ARVS he is taking , is confusing him, no wander the President mentioned that he has never seen such a dull lawyer if not dulliest lawyer in the entire africa. Balwele balesabaila. This time he is sick do not fly him to South africa. leke akome akaputi mu chulu.. He is missing the Vice President position, twalipoka ubufumu, never ever see it.

  23. This guy is far from being a politician let him just eat and keep quiet so that people with substance can speak for us on national issues.

  24. mwebo mwisho kapokota kanshi ilishilile.mulelabila sana.impindi yama election katoilet kali nika friendly sana taputapu ukusha nabantu ukulole pa rally.

  25. But guys mwa kondema GK too much! Monga imwe ndimwe muli nanzelu!! All of you here combined cannot much the brains that GK has…. mwachepa maningi. Sembe mulinanzelu sembe simunavotele Sata. You should have voted younger leaders into power like Chipimo or Milupi. Lekani siapa ba PF mugulisa masaka ya maize zebasiya ba MMD, and this year it is projected that for the first time in 8 years, Zambia will yield less that we need to consume in a year…that is when real mayhem will begin. At this point, we are all still excited about all the revenge that Sata is dishing out on his politicial opponents. When all that is done and all his enemies are in jail we shall then see clearly what is going on but by then it will be too late for the economy! Good luck Zambia over the next 5 years!

    • A human being only has one brain not brains. If this shiki man has brains then you are right we have to fear him!

  26. Hahaha awe sure. Any way Kunda is free to exercise his constitutional right but I just wonder why he is not contesting the MMD presidency? Hahaha George Kunda ????


  28. Kunda to become future president of zambia?Kunda kwena elyo AIDS ikosele matako yobe,ulefwa ulenya musula obe.Anyway,na kumanda kulaba ubutungulushi,eko ukayateka mune Kunda.

  29. # 43 Gokigo Milazhe: Beside your point GK was Republican Vice Presisent and a successful lawyer, a status which none of those against him will ever attain. PF govt hasn’t got a Vice President to perfom presidential duties in the absence of president Sata. Mr Sata has to appoint everybody who is any body to act as president. Shortly president Sata MUST leave the country for some meeting, conference etc, we await to see Dr Guy Scott act as president. PF govt should stop descriminating Dr Scott, he is a pure Zambian and has every qualification to act as Republican Vice President a position GK held in the previous regime.

  30. @50, Muna Dekhane, hahahahahahhahhaha, You make me laugh, you think Kunda was appointed as vise president becuase of being intelligent? hahahahhaa, it is becoz of bootliking nothing else. I can assure u if Mwanawasa continued to be president he was going to discover the foolishness of this man and thro him out of GVT the way he did to Nevers Mumba. Imagine all that time he worked with Mwanawasa and prosecuted Chiluba,he was just pretending.

  31. Ifishishi  too much in the brain, the man need a CAT scan. GK, take a break you are embarrassing yourself with your silly comments every week

  32. Agony is when you are in denial that you will live long enough to be president. ARVs can give feelings of strength and you can live quite long, but be realistic ba Kunda. Who is going to vote for you? Do you have strength for campaigns from opposition starting point? Just relax and enjoy your farm please ba mudala

  33. Kato, could you now revisit this issue? When I stated days ago that Kunda had no basis for his assertions and I spelt out the legal position, you called me ‘dull’. Swallow your saliva next time before judging people you do not know as being ‘dull’.

  34. The roof is curving in Kunda, everyone can see that you cannot fit in your pants. No wonder you note your tie awkwadly so that you shift the attention from your weight to the tie!

  35. @Gokigo Milazhe- Get the semen out of your head, George Kunda is jusst a lawyer, many people are more qualified than he is in their respective fields, it’s just that we do not talk too much. We actually have more money than him because unlike him, we see no need to steal tax payer funds.
    Born rich die rich, kill yourself if you want!

  36. Character assassin 00, if you had money, you wouldnt waste your time commenting on lusaka times. tapali efyo waba iwe kembo. abakwata impiya tabalanda

  37. Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine

    Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves

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