President Michael Sata has directed the Zambia Police to provide maximum security to Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni people in Eastern province.
This follows alleged threats of violence against chief Mpezeni from Chiefs Madzimawe and Zamane after he openly called for the lifting of former President Rupiah Banda’s immunity to allow him to clear himself against the corruption allegations.
The President said that Paramount Chief Mpezeni just like any other citizen has a right to speak out on issues affecting the Zambians.
President Sata said that he may consider revoking the recognition of Chiefs Madzimawe and Zamane should they continue threatening violence against Paramount Chief Mpezeni.
President Sata has since asked the minister of Justice Sebastian Zulu to write to the two subordinate chiefs warning them against their unlawful activities.
Paramount Chief Mpezeni has described as malicious the Internet story that alleged that President Michael Sata had died.
Paramount Chief Mpezeni said politicians should learn to practice politics responsibly by discussing real issues that can contribute to the welfare of citizens and development of the nation and not issues that can destabilize and bring anarchy into the country.
ZANIS reports the Paramount chief was speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Chipata yesterday.
And Paramount Chief Mpezeni stressed the need for the police to get to the bottom of the issue and ensure that the authors of the story are brought to book.
He wondered why the trend had continued saying this was not the first time that people were spreading such ill rumours about the highest office in the land.
“The police should put an end to such falsehood because it will continue, this rumour was there even before his election when it was alleged that he had collapsed in Mongu,” he said.
The false story appeared on Wikipedia website recently. It alleged that President Micheal Sata had died. However , State House described the story as false and malicious.
Meanwhile, Paramount chief Mpezeni has appealed to government to quickly pay the 150 farmers who are still being owed money by the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) for the purchase of maize sold to the agency last year.
Paramount Chief Mpezeni expressed worry that farmers may not have enough yields in the 2011/12 farming season because they have not been able to procure farming inputs.
“Some of them have not even been able to send their children to school because they entirely depend of farming and they only get money once in a year after the sale of maize” he said.
And chief Jumbe of the Kunda people in Mambwe district has also complained about lack of payment to farmers by FRA for the purchase of maize in the 2010/11 farming season.
Chief Jumbe said it is sad that some farmers have failed even to cultivate their fields saying they may not produce enough grain in this year.
Chief Jumbe has since appealed to government to quickly address the situation to assis t farmers in the area.
For What My Brother?
Waste of Human Resources and money. Really, we expect salaries to be paid to these police officers for guarding the chief. What for?
Everything is police and ministry of health. Is it because husband and wife were respectively as above.
There is more to this country.
Mwilaangala na Sata mwe baNgoni!!
Chiefs who always want to be in public domain easily lose the respect they command.So The P/Chief should stay away from commenting on issues he doesn’t fully understand,people will just be insulting him because not everyone hates RB.
mpezen has been an ***** from day1. what protection? this is corruption on the part of sata for using my little money i contribute just to protect an embile like mpezen. anyway, birds of the same feather flock together.
@Analysis Corner, Mpezeni is your really daddy… I guess you know what I mean.
If there is a threat, definitely Police have to protect him, though Chiefs have Kampaso. It would not happen as Ngonis will beat Mazimawe and “Nzamane” LT not Zamane. Nkosi has the right like any Zambian so if two other Chiefs ate from RB too bad. We want RB in Jail. OSACHAYA AMFUMU
@ i have powers to revoke the recognition.wampya baisa.SATA cool down mudala,be a president for all.This is childish.Every happenings in the country should get your BIG mouth speak? show maturity for once.you are in your last days, display wisdom please.twapapata
If you are so concerned about him…Sata why don’t you ask him to move in with you at State House, there is more than enough security manpower in there.
Take him to prison, where is real maximum security.
Mpezeni is a disgrace to the Ngonis. He should try and emulate traditional leaders like Chitimukulu, The Litunga, and Mwata Kazembe. Mpezeni was @ one time pictured with a bottle of Castle in one hand, while table-top dancing. What a retard
Jonh Chama,
Our Chief Chitimukulu is equally an embarasment. Remember how he used to suck up to RB. I think its just fair that chiefs should steer clear of politics
You’re wasting government resources. I am sure you’re trying to isolate RB as much as possible, but please, avoid abusing resources. You’re doing the same thing you profess to be fighting.
Chief Pimp Mpezeni.
A ‘lovely’ chief does not need police protection. By the way doesn’t he have the same right to speak his mind as the de-registered Chifire? Ngonis you are in maningi trouble!
This is the chief who can dance better than Koffi Olomide’s dancing queens! Hahahaha! chiefs of nowadays, so will he need protection on the dance floor too???? Sata, just be carefull he doesn’t take advantage of all the attention. Before this chief and RB differed, he used to be in Intercontinental hotel enjoying at govt expense every week. When RB put a stop to it, he lost his support. I can see he has started because he was seen making a press conference recently! What a cunning chief, he must be the pride of his people!!!!
so if the president see no threat to another zambians, then the police should not give them maximum security. what happened to an police service that workings with state house interference.
John Chama just zip up.
Look at these planks insulting the chief.
Sata in his usual myopic small brain keeps forgetting that Zambia found chiefs in existence. No matter what he does to protect Ka Chief Mpezeni, he can’t protect Mpezeni from his own people. It’s the people that put him there, not government, not Sata, not PF, not MMD, or any other party. This tendency to meddle in every little thing going on everywhere just because somebody has praised or condemed PF or its president is beginning to bore many of us: it is a hallmark of a small-minded leader. Chief Mpezeni himself is very catankerous – we all know his favourite pubs in Kabwata whenever he is in Lusaka – sometimes he even fails to go back to his hotel room. He is probably the least respected paramount chief in the country.
Notorious chief. Has he forgotten that the MMD government spared him jail for indecent assault?
# 17 GOKIGO MILAZHE. Encore.
Great Ngoni King in our history.
I think sata needs to be given his job description for real. Am afraid everything is pointing to the dictator in the making. Make no mistake, dictators are always champions in their initial stages which is so symptomatic of this demagogue. You cant be the one talking day in day out with institutions in place. Look first it was litunga who suffered bruises for his partitioning of other pipo’s lands, now this. Iwe satana waba shani kanshi?? Respect yoself ata.
Neo nikaliye uvweko zoteti. A Sata mpamvu azitola kuni zo fumyilapo Mfumbeni na Mdauko? Ufumu wasu niotyeleka lini yayi, ni wakumakolo. Mau baalabila a Sata opeleka lini ulemu kwaseo angoni. Impi zonse zinkhale okonzeka pa mau ba a Sata.
The chiefs biggest protection must come from his own people not ZP. The chap has been irresponsible from day. He is lucky he has not been walloped while guzzling and trying to impregnant tu ma young girls. Let us discuss more serious issues not that ka one.
Guys, cool it! It is just that systems don’t work well in our country. Every citizen in the country has a right to ask for police protection (without even resorting to political prowess) if reasonable threat is identified. This lack of knowledge is what has caused so much poverty and needless suffering in our country. This request by the President is nothing special; the Chief himself could ask for protection; trouble is most systems (and knowledge) are so deficient it has to come from a political Head of State!
Can someone explain Why Chinese don’t pay PAYE tax but they work on Zambian soil? Check ZRA payroll system, Check Huawei, zte and chambishi mine payroll systems at ZRA. Its unfair.
Can someone explain Why Chinese don’t pay PAYE tax but they work on Zambian soil? Check ZRA payroll system, Check Huawei, zte and chambishi mine payroll systems at ZRA. Its unfair……………………………………………
They got incentives for 3year tax break except for VAT. ZDA does give such incentives.when you invest in a rural area,its five years.Hope it helps
I put a 320GB veirson of this series in our Dell Dimension 4600 with some new Crucial RAM. Runs great. Speedy little thing too.
This is the same chief who was involved with a school girl, the story was in The Post. How do we give attention to a man who does not protect himself?
Cool down ppl – dont you see this ploy? Sata is a very shrewd politician who needs to get Eastern province (once an RB strong-hold) under his belt. What better way than to get into bed with the most powerful chief in the east – a mpezeni.
I know a Mpezeni has a colourful character – but this is not unique to him. Just look at Prince Harry in the UK – he is constantly being photographed stumbling out of night clubs, holding beer bottles, women, etc
As a ngoni person this is one mpezeni chief who i can say is totally useless, just a drank and embarassment to us ngonis. Waste of country’s resources and when president sata withdraws his support from mpezeni will turn against as he did RB. I wish i could pick where my tax payer money is spent
Am not sure what President Satas thinkings. This guy is going to finish Zambia very soon. Look, the Guy says more money in our pocket and check what he want to do. Taking money from us poor Zambians. He want to PRINT new currency for what? Sata please start thinking we know how to use our calculators and computer to count that’s not a good reason to PRINT. Use that money for building schools, hospitals or bring in new technology which can stop hunger. Give that money to the farmers so the use it for real production which can bring about food security and economical growth. Stop wasting money like that.
Any citizen that feels threatened by individuals who are members of society or the government machinery, are entitled to protection. This is what human rights are all about.
If the threats are real, then should not the chiefs in question face the courts? Isn’t threatening the life of an individual an offence? Funny how those who were condemning chiefs for not being politically neutral when they pledged support to RB did not condemn the drunkard and child molester Mpezeni’s outburst regarding RB’s immunity. This was made all the more surprising given the fact that Mpezeni was obviously intoxicated when he made that statement.
Please leave the’ nkhosi yama kofi’ alone
Ufumu wamankhosi yachingoni uchoka kumakolo kuchibadwe. Nkosi Yama kosi yatimvwinshya nsoni sebo tuziba kuti ili monga uthlobo lwempungusha munzelu. Sata azibe za chaalo osati kusobela ku nkhosi zasu bekef
One thing for sure is that Sata and Mpezeni have the same IQ.
Head man bamulasa ichigayo. donchi kubeba walalila ashi
Does anyone else feel threatened by the President’s current trend of give directives left, right and center? Surely, wouldn’t this be a case for the minister of Home Affairs to handle? I can thing of a hundred other pressing issues that should be keeping the president preoccupied at the moment.
Sibwino Mafumu kulowelera Nkhani za ndale, Noma limabwera ndipo limapita, Boma la Sata likudana ndi ife achewa, Mpezeni wapenga misala.
In what ever form Sata comes, he can never remove a Ngoni chief from the throne. It never works like that in Ngoni land.
Being bought with a few silver coins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know but just imnaige how many emails I get saying I’ve had better experiences with Seagate , or I’ve had better experiences with Western Digital , or Fujitsu, or Maxtor, or Hitachi, etc. It’s a never-ending thing.
Well that’s true, but i just weatnd to say that i have better experiences with samsung hard drives then with Seagates or Western Digitals :p
Sata doesn’t cease to amaze the nation. WIn which authority is he bursting threats to dethrone concerned Ngoni chiefs who are simply expressing their disatisfaction with how their paramount chief has misconducted himself over his subjects? It was very wrong for Mpezeni in his greed to abandone one of his subjects (RB) for some few or huge amounts of kwacha he got from sata.This kind or presiding over national affairs will alianate sata from many regions of this nation. Mpezeni is the presiding chief over all Ngonis and those in his reim of authority and he must not sell any of his subjects no matter how much he is bribed by a president or any other persons. Tradition rulers are custodians of traditional values but this mpezeni is a turncoat and the worst Ngoni paramount chief ever.
if the kill mpenzeni,the law will visit them.do not waste policemen’s time to go and guard a Clown of Chief
i didn’t know one needs” heavy police protectio” to shield whichcraft these days
Sata is not presidential material. WAKE UP ZAMBIA. This country needs an intellention schooled in the mordern world . Not the likes of finance minister and minister of justice who live in unip days of no IT
ba last fight please we beg you, leave us alone with our Sata and remain with your Joseph Kabila we love our president very much
Awe twakana ba Sata, no threats to the chiefs just talk to them properly.
iwe the president has got power to do what He wants any time
He is leaving with HIV/AIDS forgive him!
learn to speak the right words, naukula
I’m sure senior chieftaness Nkomeshya is very disappointed with SATA’s threats.The lesson is dont trust politicians,they are the same,though ones are better.
mean’t younger”
Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine
Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves
strong storm over netahorst warren near the corvette muesum another strong storm just west of greenwood mall. small hail, gusty winds and hvy rains are possible between now and 4 pm.