Sunday, March 9, 2025

Reversal of ZAMTEL sale misplaced- Former Deputy Minister.



Former Deputy Transport and Communication Minister in the late president Fredrick Chiluba’s government has charged that government decision to reverse the sale of ZAMTEL to LAP Green of Libya is misplaced.

Mr Ndlovu has further accused President Michael Sata and some cabinet ministers of making decisions on a matter they have no knowledge of.

He said that it was not too late for the PF government to swallow its pride and accept that government has no capacity to run ZAMTEL and should instead put it in private hands, either under LAP Green or any other investor.

He said that was a fact that nationalization of any parastatal company is never a solution for Zambia’s economic situation.

Mr. Ndhlovu said that the decision taken by government to take back the telecommunications company will put it in a fix in terms of competing favorably with the other two mobile service providers.

And Former Minister of Finance Dr. Musokotwane has expressed shock at government’s move to reverse the sale of seventy five percent of LAP green shares in Zamtel.

He also wondered why government was rushing to accept the Sebastian Zulu led commission of inquiry on Zamtel and further doubted its transparency.

Dr. Musokotwane said that it was surprising for one to say that the telecommunication company was undervalued when the Zambia Development Agency-ZDA said the valuation was good.

He expressed fears over the reversal of Zamtel saying that the move will be costly to the country once the matter is taken to court.

And Former ZAMTEL workers who were laid off after the alleged fraudulent sale of the parastatal company have called on government to re-employ them or pay them their full terminal benefits.

The workers who have broken their silence also accused the previous administration of threatening them for demanding to be paid their dues.

Josephine Mulenga one of the workers gathered to give solidarity march to President Sata for reversing the sale of Zamtel urged government to investigate the manner in which they were laid off.

She says many workers who had served the institution for over five years were only paid five million kwacha.

And Victor Mulenga called on the National Union of Communication Workers-NUCW President Patrick Kaonga not to pretend that he is happy with government’s move when he was part of the people who betrayed workers.



  1. This is what you should expect from a cabinet with crowns like Kambwili,wrongly advising the president

  2. Mr Ndlovu has further accused President Michael Sata and some cabinet ministers of making decisions on a matter they have no knowledge of. – its you Ndlovu who has no knowledge, the background to this is very clear from COI report, read it!

  3. Sata is right to reverse the fraudlent sale of Zamtel. Why must Zambians condone corruption? Whenever corruption is at work, it is the poor people that lose out. LapGreen was told that this will be done before they did anything, so no need for them to cry foul.

  4. I have a zamtel line and I hope this will not lend to old zamtel, services, slow connections to poor services. I watched zamtel developing a few past months after its sale.

  5. Mweo a Njobvu ngati mwachitako Ungoni… fumimani apa! ala nikunyozeni neo. Tatola kampani. Walya kake aliye mulandu baba. demeti!

  6. Mr Situmbeko and Mr Ndlovu the issue of reversing sale of Zamtel is because of the corrupt manner in which Zamtel was sold and lack of transparency by Lap Green and MMD Government, hence people were not happy about Zamtel deals. if transparency and accountability was involved in Zamtel sale, people of Zambia and PF Government would have cared less to reverse the sale of Zamtel but carelessness by MMD government has caused all these to happy. Zambia first, investor last. thanks Sata.

  7. Yaba its this man who after having a high profile Job could not save for the rainy day he still walks , see him in town with finished shoes and finished leather jacket! ba Ndhlovu sometimes its better to keep quite, dont pipo like u see the poverty of our country,greed has prevaded all spheres of our gorvance system,now its time for payback from these criminals!:((

  8. the dr has been panicking a lot about zamtel. i wonder why? is he trying to serve the country or save himself? he sounds like someone crying for personal help.

  9. Njovu or Ndhlovu is a fool. Zamtel was sold corruptly. PF has done what is right. PF cadres, remember to list the names of these fools who’re against what PF has done so that when of loading Zamtel shares come, these fools will not be allowed to buy any shares.

  10. But Zoona this is crazy!how can u say zambians can’t run Zamtel.was this guy a minister or a crazy minister?why bring yo own people down?why do black people think they can’t run anything?why is that black people kill themselves?why is that black people want to show off with cars which they don’t make?why is that zambians don’t trust each other?why is that Zambians fear whites and can make even a stu*****d white to be a manager who has no qualifications.This is crazy in people like dlovu.Why should zambian people fail to run a company? we go to same universities with whites.This is an insult to zambian people.This is why zambians can’t innovate anything coz of this stu***d mentallity that we can’t run a compay hence promoting corruption.what young gerenation will know is stealing.

  11. All Zamtel needed was restructuring not selling. The way MMD sold companies they did not build were like those chiefs in the olden days who sold slaves for a beer bottle and mirror. The company was clearly undervalued when sold when one takes time to read the report. This chap Mr. Ndhlovu clearly is trying to use intellectual jargon for the way MMD did not build any companies or add value to them. There is nothing wrong with selling a company if it transparent, accountable and the stakeholders are all happy with the terms. Lap green *(Libya) was a raw deal.

  12. Musokotwane, why are you openning your stinking mouth about Zamtel every time?. The problem is you have been left so free to talk nonsense. Why did you force the sell of Zamtel onto Zambians? were you not warned enough about the reversal of sell of Zamtel? Keep on crying you stupid fool of a minister.

  13. This Ndhlovu or Njovu was fired by chiluba. He used to fail to express himself in english. what a shame. He never analysed any issues and was quiet most times in Parliament. So what is he saying? He thinks he is the only one with brains. He has George Kunda way of Thinking.

  14. The post criticised me day and nite and here I am. at State House. HH is being criticised now by the same post. I believe he will one day be here at state house?? watch this space. He is the only guy who talks sense.

  15. Ba mambala sold ZAMTEL against our will to another government, imagine in the name of privatization. We shd not support fraud just bcos of  seeking to impress investors.

  16. The PF Government is full of wise people like the presido himself,just compensate the lapgreen networks off they go and you will remain with your chi company…mind you its zambian government that offered them those shares not MMD.

  17. I dont agree that Govt cant run a successful business venture, all you need is to have the right team of managers and no negative govt interference

  18. Alfred Njobvu ngati akamba chizungu ungatabe… kaya ni chinsenga olo chizungu. Zambians can run Zamtel… the govt should follow a due process to correctly private!

  19. This mentallity of saying zambians can’t run a comapny makes me sick.WhYYYYYYYYYYY?
    Why are we pumping ignorance in future generation?we are killing the spirit of innovation, thinking the only way u can acquire wealth is thru stealing.After stealing u can’t again come up with any industry except building motels,lodges and hotels so that u can slaughter more women in these hotels.We forget that any country without it’s own industries is dead.This is why we should encourage and support people who are innovative to help buid mother zambia.America was built by invetors.White brothers who made a plane,American steal company by Shreb,Ford and the new invetors(bill gates,Late Steve jobs) etc.
    Are we happy not to innovate anything?Why should we have UNZA if we can’t make anything?

  20. Light travels faster than sound. That’s why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. Like Njobvu….

  21. Gentlemen, let us be analytical and sensible when analysing statements of this nature. Ndhlovu is arguing from reality and historical background. Zamtel, under government, will not compete and this is a fact. All parastatals are undercapitalised and abused by the state; free power from ZESCO, free pension payments from PSPF (GRZ owing K15 trillion), free insurance cover from ZSIC (owed K100 billion), free fertiliser under the FSP (K120 billion for NCZ) and ZAMTEL (govt was forced to pay it at sale).You now have Zamtel back? Yes, get ready to capitalise it through high taxes from which there will be NO dividend.

    • Yes by GRZ paying off debts owed to Zamtel, the company would have survived its turbulences. Zamtel was and is still viable bwana mukubwa.

  22. U hve even pointed thy problem that people were under paid so who cowzed that secondly our aim here on thy procedure of sale look at zanaco y are not commenting on u guilty just contribute towards development


  24. No wonder why ZAMTEL failed to perform ,is because of Characters like Mr Ndlovu as Minister he had PHD(pull him down) in Telecoms. Zambians are performers as long as the medium is conducive.They can work anywhere. I am working as a Scientist here in UK

  25. Contracts are not valid if they are shroud in criminality. All GRZ has to do is prove that there was corruption in the sale of the company. That will make any contacts null and void. Compensation should be paid at the discretion of govt after accounting for all losses that have been incurred. Bye bye corruption.

    • I agree with most of what you are trying to say. But even you should agree that GRZ cant prove that they was any criminal activity when it came to selling Zamtel, otherwise they would have done the proper thing…….go the courts get the company back that way. But now we are faced with a situation where GRZ has to spend huge amounts of tax payers money in compensation to Lap green. A sad state of affairs.

  26. It is fools like Njodvu who thinks Zambians can’t do anything constructive and they keep on praising any foreigner for any rubbish he brings into the country. 

  27. Mr Ndhlovu makes alot of sense but since this govt is only out to tarnish the former regime by any way it can they won’t listen to him.Its all political with Sata and its not about the economics of it .Sata is leading zambia into a ditch with this one.

  28. Running companies is not govt business. Ask the developed world. Populist politics will plunge the country into chaos – listen to Mr Ndhlovu even if he is not a very intelligent man.

  29. Governments can run companies if there is political will to do so. If parastatals are left to run professionally under independent boards, we the people of Zambia will benefit.
    Look at Singapore Airlines which i am informed as a stake in Qantas (Australia National Airlines).
    But if inept Ministers like the caliber of Ndhlovu are allowed to interfere in the operations of parastatals, then we are better off with selling off all the parastatals to the private sector.
    We have a lot of competent Zambians who can run companies on behalf of Zambians..
    Imagine if Mizinga Melu was appointed to run Zanaco that time?
    The question is POLITICAL WILL!! is it there????? I GUESS NOT

  30. The BOTSWANA Government is running the Mining sector…and deriving maximum benefits…
    Why cant Zambians run a few Mines??
    All these billionaires who are wasting money in Politics can come up with some consortium to acquire some interests in some of our mines?

  31. So shocking that Leader like BA MUSOKOTWANE would honestly support such NONSENSE?? THIS IS AN INSULT TO ZAMBIANS. Ba NDLHOVU, MUSOKOTWANE and all MMD thieves will never talk good of PF because they have been exposed and also ate their commissions on the SALE of ZAMTEL.

  32. is the reversal of the sale of company connected to coruption. can we say that bad performance of parastatals was due to coruption and unprofessional condact of government and the managers? If coruption is defeated can we have the same results?

  33. Mr Ndlovu has further accused President Michael Sata and some cabinet ministers of making decisions on a matter they have no knowledge of… ndlovu, ba noko ichinyo!

  34. Looking at the comments looks like most of the people in Zambia have very low IQ and at the back of their mind have crook thinking. Zambian Government has given in writing that they have recieved $257 million from Lap GreenN when ordering the reversal. No one looks at the value added to Zamtel and how it is capable of competing with the other two operators and the Technical Committee who was an Indian (Dimple Ranchod) was paid by Airtel to produce such adverse report. Has someone observed taht how much corruption has increased on the road and the GRZ claims it is fighting it.

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