President Michael Sata has said Zambians living abroad should emulate their counterparts from other countries who send wealth back home to contribute to national economic development.
President Said it was not good for Zambian nationals in the diaspora to live a comfortable life while the majority of their relatives back home were wallowing in poverty.
Addressing Zambian families living in Adds Abba, Ethiopia Thursday night during a dinner held at the residence of Zambia’s Ambassador to that country, President Sata said those living abroad should not forget about their country.
“Some of you are so detached from Zambia that even your children are failing to speak a local language. You are very comfortable here,” President Sata said.
President Sata sent the gathering into laughter when he observed that if talking were an industry, Zambia would have already prospered to greater heights than where it is now.
He however observed that most people in Zambia just talk about the country and not looking at what they can do for their motherland.
He gave an example of countries such as India which have moved to great heights economically because of having dedicated nationals who were investing back home to contribute to national development.
[pullquote]“Some of you are so detached from Zambia that even your children are failing to speak a local language. You are very comfortable here,” President Sata said.[/pullquote]
“You must always think about your poor relatives and see what you can do to improve their welfare,” he emphasized.
President Sata assured Zambians living abroad that the PF administration will welcome ideas or initiatives that are aiming and finding ways of making them contribute to national development.
Over 30 families living in Addis Ababa attended the dinner and were given an opportunity to greet the Zambian Head of state at the high table.
Those who attended the function included Foreign Affairs Minister Given Lubinda, Commerce Trade and Industry Bob Sichinga, Justice Deputy Minister Ngosa Simbyakula and Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Francis Simenda.
Others were Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary for Administration Annie Sinyangwe, Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Peter Kasanda and other senior officials.
President Sata arrived in Addis Ababa yesterday, accompanied by first lady Dr. Christine Kaseba to attend the AU summit which opens next Sunday.
On Saturday, President Sata will be among 53 heads of state and representatives of government attending the launch of the new AU conference centre and office complex in Addis Ababa.
And Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Francis Simenda has thanked President Sata for appointing him to serve at the Zambian mission in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Ambassador Simenda said it was a rare opportunity for him to be sent to Addis Ababa among the many equally qualified Zambians.
He was speaking at the meet the Zambians living in Addis Ababa Presidential dinner last night held at his residence.
Ambassador Simenda said he will work with Zambians living in Ethiopia to contribute to Zambia’s economic development.
Ambassador Simenda, who took over from counterpart Albert Muchanga, assumed office a week ago.
But Sir , Taking is an industry!! I think one of the richest woman in the world today was a Talk Show host. I think her first name starts with the letter O and her last name start with the letter W
you got a problem mr.?????
Serious problem indeed.
At some point I thought Bootlicker has a few brains, but I guess he is a complete pathetic dull chap! Is so hard to understand something from what Sata was trying to put across? Do we need to change the öanguage for some of you chaps to understand? Please be try to be objective!
Ba bootlicker, then explain why the Zambian talkers are not amongst the richest in the world if it is indeed an industry.
Cause they like talking in bars and shebeens.
They talk shite. The lady with the name beginning with O talks to address shite…
lol….man you have made my day…@ they talk in shebeen…:d
Then you have remove the stupid rule that one can not send more than 1000 US dollars to Zambia through Western Union. it is very retrogressive.
I have ready been blacklisted from sending money home by Western Union. If you send more than a certain amount in a period of time, the system just blocks you.
use money gram, you can send any amount!
ZANIS u are suspects the way you report,the president said the pipo in diaspora are not his priority and he clearly told us that mwailasha there wont be anything for u.Please don not report if u want to spice up news ZANIS
#2 Oh you want an explanation..well its Rhetoric and Irony. It’s a Friday my friend, take it easy and loosen up
exactly mr president sir. so, stop talking get back to work, because you are the biggest culprit.
You hit the nail on the head. The guy must lead by example!
KING KOBRA,,, sata,sata ichalo chilekumfwa
How can they invest if there’s no dual citizenship?It makes things a little complicated for these sons and daughters of the soil.As for motor mouths,did my become a President by virtue of his talking industry.Americans talk more than any nation but they still have huge succeses here and there in many industries.Let him empower Zambians with necessary skills and proper funding .Thanx for rebasing the kwacha,it was long overdue.GOD BLESS THE PRESIDENT AND ZAMBIA.
Please edit your postings. Too much broken English.
Yes , he very right. i see alot of complecency in America and lacking the sense of investment in Zambia. Again President Sata should make provision for Zambians seriously conteplating of reinvesting back home.
Thanks for the reminder Mr President. Many in the Diaspora send money to Zambia to look after their families and friends too.
Zambians will certainly do more if the Constitution making process opened the door to Zambians who live abroad and want Dual Citizenship. They will access more resources, partner with nationals of countries where they live and invest in Zambia for the benefit of our people.
True that!!!
Very true
Yes you people in Diaspora have been causioned, some of you fail even to take care of your own Mothers and fathers. You cant send them even ka 100 dollars for a blanket but you are busy spending moey on white prostitues. Grow up. and please if you are not doing anything progressive, in the US or Uk or wherever you are, go back home. There are alot of opportunities in Zambia ranging from farming, construction, trading, real Estate, transportation and many others. Let us invest in our beloved country.Diaspora life can be boring at times.You do the same things over and over for years being in your home country can make a big difference. You can go anywhere, meet your school mates, take some Mosi.
nice one!
Correction.As for motor mouths didnt my president become president by virtue of his talking industry.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
Zambians outside the country remit more than USD80million to Zambia per year not to count the undeclared amounts carried as cash or through goods. I think the President can at least acknowledge this & perhaps just encourage them to do more.
He told us diaspora mwailasha no incentives 4 u coz u decuded to run away from home
mmembe is rich because of talking and he employs people too.
Chief Bootlicker, thats the point of the President. If people like you spoke sense: Not only Zambia but many countries will do well. By the way Oprah Winfrey is not a country or rather a nation.
You are one of the players in the talking industry.
@6 Ca-fu, do you know that if you save 30,000 USD, you can buy a container of Hard ware stuff and start trading in Zambia. If you market your business well that can give you another 30,000 profit within two months or less. But you find some us in Diaspora would spent over that much to buy an expensive car instead of investing it. It is not a matter of empowering Zambians, Zambains have money but we like working for other. Period!!!
The moment you start looking at us as potential partners/ investors, when was the last time you checked how much money Zambians abroad wired into the country.Does one have to sink so low and brag about it, as the saying goes “When are the left hand gives the right hand shouldn’t know”
You are talking about handouts when your Gov’t formulating policies that encourage Zambians in diaspora to create innovative companies in Zambia that would alleviate unemployment and also increase productivity.
Most Zambians are still asking …when are you going to introduce or debate the issue of Dual Citizenship…remember they asked you this when you visited London in August last year..people want to deeds not words on some critical issues.
Iwe @ 1 MMD Chief Bootlicker His Excellency was not talking about “talking” in that context. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
But MMD Chief Boot Licker looks like Dr Francis Chigunta. I’m I wrong but I also wonder how an intellectual like him can put his picture and declare himself th MMD chief boot licker. Anyway with him having gone to work for RB and also looking at the advices he used to give RB, it is possible.
All talk but no deeds is called ‘Sataring’. Lol.
All talk but no deeds is called ‘Sa-ta-ring’. Lol.
But what context @no. 16? Like promising BA64 and 15 bags of fertilizer per farmer?
“You must always think about your poor relatives and see what you can do to improve their welfare,” he emphasized.
Must be their fault then that Chi Liato burried £265000 right? I honestly don`t agree with our president here. The question is why did those people in diaspora leave in the first place? It is not nice being a foreigner. Zambians have gone to live in places like Germany and Russia. I honestly wouldn`t voluntarily want to go and live in such places.
Ah, Mr. President, don’t you think you also need to assure me that my investment in Zambia will not be ‘REVERSED’ when YOU ‘feel’ it was fraudulent sent home, without due process of the law
Some of these zambians in diaspora are are nothing more than morons.They are just living on scraps and they should not come back,but die whereever they are.They will just infest zambian society with bad morals
Reduce taxes for anyone abroad willing to do business in Zambia. Otherwise 80% duty does not encourage anyone to help create jobs etc. Life is much harder abroad than most people think, you can have a job today, lose it tomorrow, the following day you find yourself living in the streets begging for food.
All Iam reading here is trash, I cant see sensible coments, the president has touched a very import subject which you can debate but you are condeming him. It is proper reflection of a pure Zambian.
Recall all zambians leaving abroad,rebase the citizenship qualifications!
Ba kolwe basekana ifi …….!! Sata, when it comes to talkers, you just have to look in the mirror! Dual Citizenship is one sure way of encouraging Zambians in the diaspora to invest back home. You talk too much, you need to shut up or put up! Kwasila!
@23 are you saying India has dual citizenship, my friend from Indian had to renounce his indian citizenship because he can’t have dual citizenship, so which Indian has dual citizenship?
LT, stop flagging bloggers who exercise their right to free speech, shaaa!
I think it wrong to generalize. There are a lot of Zambians leaving abroad who support their relatives back home. It may not be evident because, in comparison to the population of Zambia, those Zambians in the diaspora are very few. Nigerians, Ghanaians and Jamaicans probably represent the largest groupings of black people in the diaspora. As result, when you go to these countries, you can actually see huge areas where houses and other properties are owned by citizens working abroad. Direct assistance is always good when you are supporting student relatives or elderly parents. On the other hand, sending money to able bodied adults is not always helpful. It encourages the culture of dependency.
Our President there is forgetting that he in power and NO LONGER IN OPPOSITION hence he has more power than ever than anybody else to encourage Zambians in diaspora to contribute sustainably on a much larger scale VIA POLICY CHANGE like they do in Ghana and Nigeria. He is clearly failing to see the bigger picture here and concentrating of mere £80 handouts when these parties have a capability of contributing £100,000+ to the economy in taxes.
The “Talker-in Chief” has spoken! This man’s mouth works alot faster than his brain!
i shall invest in zambia only when you introduce dual citizenship.. as at now i was born in zambia bt aint zambian by citizen why should i invest in zambia??
Assuming the remarks are accurate; With all due respect, Mr. President we, Zambians abroad, would love the opportunity to invest back home. We would love the tax cuts and other benefits offered to foreigners looking to invest in Zambia. At one point it was the Indians, then South Africans, and now Asians benefiting. In terms of commerce, we’re slaves on our own soil. Foreigners use us for labor and severely under-pay us. If you want us to come home, you have to offer the same opportunities offered to the foreigners. The jury is not out on your cabinet. WE ARE ZAMBIANS. WE ARE PROUD TO ZAMBIANS. Please understand the WHY’s behind the actions before your critisize and potentially alienate some of your own people. Bring us together…ONE ZAMBIA. ONE NATION is more than a Kaunda/UNIP slogan.
You are just an illegal immigrant in the USA,Shut up!
@32 please stop misleading people India does not have dual citizenship. where did you get this. It is India which does not allow dual citizenship, he actaully had to pay to renounce his citizenship a thing he never wanted to do, that is, renouncing his Indian citizenship
@32 by the way Overseas Citizenship of India is NOT the same as dual Citizenship
What we need is a system that attracts investments for citizens, good loan facilities for all levels of businesses, make certain tenders to be only for citizen owned companies, reduce the import duty, fuel cost and VAT to resonable values. Then the Zambians in the diaspora will be attracted to invest in their country. Complaining and accusing them of not being patriotic or constructive will not help much. Talking is an industry for politicians world wide.
Young Elias Chipimo Jr 2016 this grandpapa has become stale already
Thes are encouraging words from the president. However, let him create an enabling environment for Zambians based abroad to invest in Zambia. On the whole, there are many Zambian expatriates who support their relatives back home. I think those who do not never did it even when they were still in Zambia.
#16 actually that is the point. the president does even know that many zambians abroad are wiring money back home.the only people disturbing this are talkers like the president. let him set up a system that monitors money coming into zambia from abroad, not just talking.
now that he is president he should know how difficult it is to invest money in zambia. let other countries, one can easily invest in property with the help of banking sector financing 50% of the property. no in zed able to do this. Mr president tell us what have you laid down for zambian to bring money home.
Sata is very glib. Supporting our families in Zambia is a big wealth injection. He should find out from western union and such how much money Zambians in Diaspora remit.
Give us dual citizenship!!
Please introduce dual citizenship before unloading all that against Zambians living abroad. How do you expect people to invest if you do not want to give them recognition and full rights as dual citizens. Currently foreign investors are better off than Zambians that live abroad in the eyes of the law. In fact Zambians living abroad can bring more than CASH. They can bring SKILLS and experience, something that this government does not respect. Also Zambian politicians view people living abroad as political opponents, which is wrong. Not all living abroad are interested in politics or jobs in Zambia. Therefore to put clauses in the constitution to exclude them is retrogressive and does more harm than good. Also Zambia must give citizenship to those foreigners that want to be Zambians.
Iwe Sata not everybody in diaspora runs an anti government website okay.You continue talking like that and you will be spending sleepless nights as there will be 20 Zambian Watchdog websites running at the same time.
And iwe Sata you wont do Jack!
Sata put your money where your mouth is!! vitumbuwa iwe!
The president himself would be Bill Gates. Infact i have started a game called ‘Next Presidential Airport Gaffee’ and below are some of the entries you may find interesting.
1. I have created talking as a new district with immediate effcet.
2. Zesco belongs to Zambians and Zamtel now belongs to Mmembe, i mean Zambians. 3. Opposition do not confrontational, you will make me set a commission of enquiry on you.
Nubian. Sending money to your relatives doesn`t count in this case. And, the question I would be asking is why send money to your relatives?
“If talking were an industry, Zambia would be prosperous”
For a moment I thought the President was referring to himself, until I saw he was apportioning ‘blame’. Someone tell him he has to create an enabling environment – remove some stupid red tapes. Right now you can’t even send money through Western Union that is more than $1000; sending gifts and presents the Customs charge the recipient heaps of money – a country that doesn’t produce anything, I’m not sure why they charge; and to do business in Zambia you have to be on the right side of politics – if you don’t sing their song, your business will fail lamentably. He should create ‘incentives’ to attract Zambians abroad. As for families, does he want us to be telling him every time we send money to our relatives?
we salute you when it comes to talking kekekeke
Here is fullish president who thinks street vending is a viable business venture as result can not foresee other Zedians contributing massively on a global scale from Zed.
And our president could have been one of the richest.lol
I thought the rejected draft constitution had dual citizenship. No one wants to accept that RB had got it right.
Send $100 every month to our unemployed sisters and brothers, so your relatives can buy second hand clothes and open a katemba in Cairo Road, this move will put more money in the economy.
#24 don’t use yo cock to think use yo brain don’t is yo parent who ned to be respected. Once again don’t use yo dick to think.
Why Zambia makes it so hard for its nationals living abroad is beyond me. Progressive countries like Isreal or Ghana allows dual citizenship and you can see how nationals from these two countries travel between their native and adopted countries, taking investments back home with easy. But in Zambia, if you live abroad you are looked upon with suspecion and lack of petriotism. Especially if you acquire another countries citizenship! Yet they wonder why Zambians in the diaspora feel less conected to their home land.
Come up with laws that encourages and recognizes the kind of contributions Diasporians can make to Zambia. Not punitive laws that punishes Zambians who have made something of themselves outside of Zambia. We have been crying for dual citizenship for a long time.
GEORGE Kunda NAMED In K12.3 Billion SCAM
Former vice president George Kunda signed a Statutory Instrument number 101 which made importers and exporters to pay K12.3 billion kwacha in 24 days of which Bradwell International the operators of ZRA scanners at borders was to receive K10.4 billion while government through ZRA was to receive a paltry K1.9 billion.
According to the report of the Commission of inquiry into the operations of the Zambia Revenue Authority, the actual intent of the Statutory Instrument was hidden in its formulation.
The reports says the Statutory Instrument signed by Mr Kunda did not give an inclination that the fees raised would be channeled to Bradwell Internation
Sata is a tit.
@56 so RB was in support of Dual citizenship? interesting. Mr. Sata you can do better than RB. GIVE US DUAL CITIZENSHIP. VIVA DUAL CITIZENSHIP,VIVA DUAL CITIZENSHIP,VIVA DUAL CITIZENSHIP,VIVA DUAL CITIZENSHIP,…..VIVA PF,
I wish I could be head.
The pot calling the kettle black….
It’s, sir. There you’re in State House, sitting on a fortune for being acid-mouthed. You owe your presidency to that, not your brain or any other gifts.
Ba MMD Chief Bootlicker naimwe. Kuti mwachita compare Opra nobupuba bwaba muZambia? Infact most talk is during binge drinking which is a shame.
Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine
Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves
Look who’s talking!
First remove the LOG in your eyes, before you remove the speck in someone else’s eyes.
I wouldnt risk investing in zambia. Any heft bank account has to be frozen and subject t scrutiny.. The arrogant behaviour of kambwili towards employers is unpallatable.
There are times when I come really really hard on Sata, but sometimes I just let him enjoy being president – it’s okay. He worked hard for it, if you come to think of it. Imagine all those falls he experienced due to exhaustion doing campaigns in Barotseland. Come on guys, sometimes you have to feel for him….he worked his arse off for the kafulo. He should just remember to bring back DUAL CITIZENSHIP. Presidents must remember to give as well, not always asking the diaspora to contribute when their calls are not being taken seriously. Secondly, we must be allowed to vote at our respective missions abroad. We can vote and the results sent out electronically.
Mr President we do send money back home and even help family members, but most are not honest and the tendecy of being lazy just waiting for someone to send money by western union which is used for other things like beers and all, mean while the sender is counting every penny…!!
VIVA – MR PRESIDENT – Please tell these Diaspora chaps that are always blogging
INDEPENDENCE OBSERVER is one of the Zambians who is UK based an a multi-Millionaire swimming in Stirling Pound and paying taxes to Elizabeth the Queen of England, having made his money from the stock-market in Europe, USA & Asia
Iwe Ch1kala – INDEPENDENCE OBSERVER stop hiding, changing expensive fast cars every one year with your multi million mansion. If you love Zambia so much, why have you just bought yourself 100,000 Cattle Farm in Botswana giving jobs to those Bushmen from Kalahari Desert. Should you not be doing this to Zambia? We know you and don’t play clever even if you’ve earned your money from hard work.
Hey, don’t blame Zambians in the diaspora for Zambia’s economic woes just give the people the money you promised would be in their pockets 90 days after getting into state house. Basket!!!
Good phrase for stand-up comedy Mr President. However, Talking is an industry that brings in billions of dollars in other countries. If you think talk is cheap, ask Oprah, or Ellen, or Bill Clinton. We just paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to talk for 25 minutes. It’s the quality of the talk that defines its industrial traits. If you keep on talking about who did what?, or complaining about why people are not coming home, then it wont add to development.
Change the negative policies that work against people living outside Zambia. I can’t even send my father a computer because he will be charged double in import duty. An amount that can afford me to buy two brand new computers here, what’s the point of sending it?
no need for dual citizenship. You cannot serve two masters, Jesus said. There is also another danger in wanting to eat with both hands. Choose which country u will fight for in case of war. You cannot choose 2. Either u are a Man U or a Gunner, u cannot be both, but you can support Arsenal while living in Manchester and support Man U while living in London.
except your country should not be your master.
Man of Action, if you have to quote scripture, do it in context, or don’t do it at all.
That is the impression one gets when they read the very few handful of Zambian Internet blogging site. I have had the opportunity to see many from all over the world and even on Yahoo stories, you will find numerous comments. The BBC web sites also have numerous contributors but there is censorship there. There hasn’t been free speech in Zambia for a very long time, but with the internet, we have been freed to say what we want, as long as You Mr President doesn’t get jittery.
On the other matter of sending money home, Mr Sata needs to ask Western Union and he will see that Zambians are supporting people back home. It is Zambians in the diaspora who are working their socks off who are subsidising the Zambian health and education systems. We are not living in luxury Sir. On the Indian example, you are entirely wrong because Indians only go back when they retire. BUT having said that, India unlike Zambia has a huge trained manpower. 11 million Indian doctors, countless Engineers and Accountants are abroad!
Iwe #74 – Keep Jesus out of this. The matter is between Sata and us Diasporans
The Zambians in diaspora want dual citizenship addressed before making serious commitments to investing their hard earned monies back home! Assurances on safety is high on the agenda too. Alienation abetted by our foreign missions through lack of an agenda uniting nationals in diaspora and the repelling environments existing in most of our embassies need addressing! One envies the organized UK-Zambians who are seemingly working closely with the embassy. Imagine visiting your embassy and leaving with no data having been entered! If the government introduced a 5 cents for every Dollar I deposit in an account back home especially ZANACO I would make it a point to deposit monthly or as I receive my pay check! Also our relatives ubupupu baleke nga twatuma ulupiya!
You do NOT have to be a citizen for you to invest in a country. All you need is a good idea and capital. The trouble with the folks crying for duel citizenship is you only want to take advantage of Zambia while contributing nothing. If you are a well meaning individual you can still invest in Zambia and get returns even though you have renounced your citizenship. No need to be negative. Sata is right in reminding you that you have abandoned your needy relatives. Citizens of other countries are send millions to Zambia to help your neglected relatives. All you send is cheap talk.
Yes, Mr President, we would like to invest in Zambia but jealousy of our people where they start calling u names,the rules and regulations in Zambia suck,and lastly,the inflation makes it very hard for us.
People in Zambia do not have an idea of how much these people that are living abroad are valued by the host countries. Their qualifications and experience are valued. These people are treated with respect in these countries and given positions of trust. On the other hand there is a country of origin, with bad policies and laws that would benefit from these individuals, if it puts its act together. Who wants to face jealousy, exclusion, bad attitudes, discrimination (and even witchcraft!) for no good reason when there are better environments to operate from? It is too much for an individual to indure and a political solution is required. Please start correcting these poor laws if you want to see any sustainable development driven by Zambians
You don’t need to have dual citizenship to contribute to the building of the country. So people are very myopic. No sense of patriotism. Abroad or overseas you will always be a stranger. Don’t cheat yourselves!!!!! Home is Home unless you have been brainwashed even to the extent of even denying your birthplace – or sorrow, some of you were not born in Zambia.
May i remind the people at home that we love Zambia.We want to invest at home but the incentives are just not there.Let me remind you that it is now more expensive to come for holidays in our country because we are charged for driving foreign registered vehicles.Any item is charged double by ZRA.We spend endless hours at the borders JUST to get a temporary import permit.We are treated worse than foreigners at the borders.It is as if you have committed a crime.The MMD govt. through the Zambian embassy had initiated a program of encouraging us to invest at home in terms of investment and skill sharing.What has happened to the programm?WE ARE WAITING MR PRESIDENT!
The Ugandans, Kenyans & Malawians returning home don’t pay duty on their motor-vehicle if they can prove that they have owned it for maximum 12 months. Mr Sata what measures have you put in place to make it cheaper & easier for returning citizens & students from being fleeced by your ZRA dogs at the border and airport. When are you going to put robust measures and policies in place.You can’t be yakking all the time about being allergic to corruption like a jackass yet you haven’t nabbed anybody.
You are very quick to respond to utter drivel on some website about your assassination & quick to request overseas technical assistance to track down a mere simple IP address yet you hesitate to seek the selfsame assistance in tackling your corruption allergy.
edit to read:… they have owned it for minimum 12 months…….
Why am I not surprised. This is vintage Sata, a Mr know-it-all doing misplaced hunches about money remittances to Zambia. Do I detect a touch of envy in his statement? An entire President with access to information, but behaving like some clueless blogger on the subject? Here is one man who is in over his head as Head of State.
What the hell,Matter of fact, I need some money from back home!especially to support homosexuals like Mushota!
SO who acting as President?
When late LPM won second term 2006 MCS openly declared at ECZ that he would make LPM’s stay in state house extremely difficult and rough. How he mocked late Andy Mazoka at public rallies. Now that he is in state house himself he would like silence from out-side. The pain you feel from outside criticism is the same pain your predecessors felt when you humiliated them. The way around is to win hearts of masses by turning things around for the better. Some of the policies are good. We now know that you are also human and feel the pain of critism which is good! In fact when one is much older critism from younger people or just anyone becomes quite unbearable. That is why when you reach certain age best to retire and lead a quite life. RB has had his fingers burnt, I bet he regrets now!
Mr. President we are living abroad, teaching, working as nurses, doctors and probably cleaning railway stations, towing your line ( doing what you did way back), so that when you are gone we can come back to lead Zambia even better than you will do. I hope this makes sense to you sir.
I am a few years to retirement here in UK which is 65, then it will be time to just relax and enjoy my pension worked for so hard, ocassionally visit Zambia for months when the weather is bad here. Why should I face hassles after 65, the British baby boomers account for more than 65% of UK population and frequent flyers and these are the people with spending power, you should see them relaxing at Victoria falls, no care in the world have done it all, time to relax! There is a time for everything, time to pass the mantle to the young ones!
R B started up something for people in diaspora, what has happened to it? Has the president continued on it or it is another bad thing from Rb.
Zambians Talk a lot? Sata, the truth is that you think everyone in Zambia is like you. The president should have said him a Zambian he talks a lot and not generalise the issue. He does not think before he talks and he even fails to think after he has spoken. he just talks more . It’sa runing mouth.
#3 Nenani Banda its NOT a rule by the Zambian government to only send $1000 per day it a western union rule around the world atleast its been the same in the countries i have been to including Australia. So if you want to send huge amounts the same day use international money transfer through your Bank.
@jay jay
i hope you don`t imply that in zambia you pay as a returning citizen,if you think so then you are a bit behind,in zambia either you don`t pay a cent.you can even bring two 40fts nga kuti wakwanisha
no wonder sata is lamenting,he is talking about sending money back home,some people are talking about western union.the global policy for western union is usd1000 per day to one person,you as the sender,if you are sending big amounts then why not use T/T transfer it is equally cheap
Can he tell us how much he was sending home when he was cleaning toilets at Victoria station.
so its official he is now ‘light’ in complexion, lol
It’s sad that after reading this whole article some of you don’t get it! He doesn’t mean talking as in yapping but he means quit you compliants and make a move don’t just say Zambia can be like so or like so! Get off you butt and stand up for Zambia!!:)>-
Yes indeed Mr President but all the talking points at you the most.Small minds think of people but great minds think of ideas.So how often since ascending to power have you thought of and talked incessantly about members of the former adminstration instead of thinking of ideas? Take the log out of your eye first.
:((:((:((:((:((:((:-\”:-\”:-\”:-\”:-\” We want to invest but u re still playing the same RB games. We can’t Oil ur hands and bring in real investor, its against the US laws to deal with govt officials or we need to pay ur boys, can ur boy buy cars wealth billion kwachas in a few months u have been in power. These are the things real investors look at and judge our govts, we love our country and we hope for good leaders.
Zambians abroad are nothing but selfsh bootlickers of Bazungu. Keep quiet if you don’t want to come back or invest in Zambia. Concetrate on yo selfish affairs abroad. God will liberate us one day.
And he is the perfect role model…
Zambians lamenting from Abroad are cowards. Come back to fight the battle of improving the living standards of your realtives living like refugees in their own country.
Mr President please allow Zambians living abroad to have dual citizenship, then only can our relative benefit even more.
Its unfortunate that other people in diaspora don’t send money to their relatives back home, but me and my friends do so.
Grant us dual citizenship, its all we looking forward to please, otherwise it makes it hard dear Mr Sata. Mr President please help us so that we can also help others back home with a sweet dual citizenship period.
64/ Deep Throat. Spot On.And I thought the lecture was coming from ceremonial Guy. ALAS!
Dear Zambians
There are times when one wish to have been born abroad.But the History of our Nation tells us that we are more than just citizens ,We are and shall always be a big FAMILY.This is not a mere talk.our old generation fought together to attain independence in 1964,the next generation fought to bring back plural politics in 1991 and in our generation we fought on 20th sep 2011 to remove a corrupt government under MMD.When we arise and do things together we accomplish the unspeakable.Dual citizenship or not ,Zambia will reach greater heights.To us youths in Zambia ,we should learn this”the only country we have is ZAMBIA” lets endeavor to work hard and develop our Nation because i believe we are not poor instead we are rich in thoughts.NO PLACE LIKE HOME.I LOVE ZAMBIA
Why have retrogressive policies in place if you still want Zambians to invest back home? I was equally shocked yesterday when I was turned away by Western Union for trying to send over 5 pin dollars to Zed for a project. Politicians please do not just talk be real facilitators before you can even start thinking of brain gain. It shall never happen through wishful thinking. You need to carry out a case study on some real investment challenges people in diaspora face and then implement some recommendations. All talk without research data can sometimes be just a waste of time.
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Another day in banana republic with a fruit for a president
Those complaining of the limit one is allowed to remit to Zambia are myopic. This rule has nothing to do with PF. Your rotten MMD is responsible so what you need to do is plead with the new government to review this rule. Dont let your loss blind you to the fact that you ruled this country ford 20years and so you should shoulder the blame 100%
Why waste your time dwelling on the past? MMD is gone and we now need people who have positive visions for the country. Blaming the past?? You might as well forever blame slavery and never move on.
due citizenship is not the solution to invest in your country when there no due you can’t invest what if you have access to be attached to another rich country. i am in foreign land i have seen how zambians play with money which can be great help to their relatives i know some are doing better but major donot.
The PF govt has no policy for zambians in the diaspora as other countries have. They need to come up with a policy on how to work and incentivise diaspora investment into zambian.
Its the first time Sata has said something about the diaspora. Even when he was in the opposition he never said anything. A clear sign of no policy or could it be that we dont vote and therefore didnt make a difference.
donot insult the president he knows what is talking about , due citizenship is us zambians to decide not the president so you have to convince zambians why is important. most of us we fear to loss you forever atleast come back even when you are dead we just see your body for the last time.
he now loooks brown ,he he he thx to taxpayers money n movate cream kikikik
Wat about 90 dayz was it not a mere talk.no
w who runs the talking industry
@ pepecho suffering
it also depends on the class of citizens,you mean with his shit sata would have won an election in america let alone the civilised world?nothing not even councillor.but because in countries like yours you are a curse expecting more money in the pocket not asking how.man you are depressing that`s why you are in the same league with gambia and nighbouring zimbabwe and congo which neighbours central african republic.mama we!!!
This citizenship argument is a double-headed sword – its like we are contradicting ourselves. In one breathe we are arguing they need to create dual citizenship for us to be able to invest in Zambia – fair enough. But in another, we are saying the government gives favourable business incentives to foreigners or foreign owned businesses (e.g. lower taxes). Shouldn’t we then just go and invest as foreigners rather than as Zambians?
someone should pay the president, he has been talking too much since birth he is in areas this man will not declare 7 guns if he is paid all the arears of talking too much
I have sent millions to my relatives since I came here. Even tried to empower them so tehy could stop asking for money from me so they could generate their own money. What do i get a kick in the teeth each time and they still come back tfo me for more. We ere promised land back home and yet there is no mention of that after making applications through the embassies.
I want some land so desperately so I too can have an iunvstment at home. Ba Sata help us too with the procurement of land as we continue to help those dependant relatives of ours.
pardon my typing errors
chibuzebuze: Most Zambians are lazy
Is this a president or what?? How many people in Diaspora send money back home? A TONE. And WHAT SERVICE DO WE GET FROM EMBASSIES?? ZERO. MEANING NOTHING. WE WANT TO DO BUSINESS BACK HOME AND YOU CANT EVEN SET UP A SYSTEM FOR IT. Columbia I think even HAS A WELCOME CENTER INSTITUTE, made for those that have lived abroad to help them relocate back. We dont need money but we need institutions like that
if there is one person that talks too much is the president Sata himself
This President is dividing Zambians and siding with the majority who are poor. This is a cheap populist trick (class welfare). National development can not be driven by few individuals even if these people were to send 100% of their salaries to lazy relatives. Zambians abroad are few compared to other countries he has mentioned. Please find good policies for development instead of continuing your populist agenda while in office. Dual citizenship is a step that will embrace the Zambian diaspora. Unfortunately many dull Zambian politicians only look at this thing in the political frame, forgeting that there are many benefits. It is ridiculous for a Zambian on a foreign passport to be given limited days to stay in Zambia. I have a feeling Zambians still have to wait for good leaders to come