Former Finance Minister, Situmbeko Musokotwane has warned of ripple effects of the announced 100 percent salary hike for health workers. Dr. Musokotwane says the decision to effect the increment whilst being commendable might result in hyper inflation in the country.
He said that the move by government to give increment to one sector of workers is unsustainable questioning government’s source of funds for the increase.
And Dr. Musokotwane has asked government to rescind the prospective decision to reverse the sale of Zanaco to Rabo Bank of the Netherlands. He has maintained that most of the commissions of inquiry established by the PF government have pre-determined outcomes.
Dr. Musokotwane was speaking to MUVI TV News.
Meanwhile,the Agriculture Technical and Professional Staff Union of Zambia have joined calls for government to spread the recent 100 percent salary hike given to health workers to all public service workers.
Union General Secretary, Joe Kamutumwa notes that the 100 percent salary hike is a reflection of the desire by the state to improve the working conditions of the entire public service.
Government recently announced a 100 percent salary increment for all health workers.
where was musokontwenu when RB increased salaries for ministers even after levy had refused to do so, shut up and wait for your lawsuit that is on your way. however i do not agree with the pf government for only increasing the salaries of health worker by such a huge margin and at the same time ignoring other civil servants, how about teachers and others. we need to improve the conditions of all civil servants and not only one sector.Â
i would like to say that, maybe this time should start investing heavily in industries and inventions or reverse engineering, we cant keep imprting simple things……time for change is now.Â
That must b done to all civil servants
This fool is rich and his government was spending money on a constituition process with out fruit and buying bicycles for relection and now he wants to tell us on how to spend money ! Nonsense
100% salary hike means more tax, back to 35% tax hence more money in Government cofers
Dr Musokotwane is right.how can the government give increament 2 one civil sector as if the others are not important.let them spread the increament 2 the rest unless they want trouble.more money in the pockets of the health workers and less money for the rest…
It is called strategic planning. Govt wants to attrack nurses and doctors back to Zambia. Stage One.
Diverting attention from your crimes will not work BoMusokotwane. You should be worry about how you will prevent yourself from catching TB and other diseases in the jail you are going to.
we are happy for our collegues in the health sector that a 100% has been awarded to them by the government.Government MUST know that if the same is not given to other workers,they will not handle us, NEVER.WATCH THIS SPACE
Musokotwane is very very right. There shall be hyper inflation which will erode the little remaining strength of the kwacha. every one wants 100% increment and once this spreads to all civil servants there won’t be any good to talk about. Sata has no advisors. Kambwili is not educated though unfortunately those who are learned in the pf team are cowards who can’t talk.
Am suprised by the shallow analysis of the above comments. Do think you can honestly just workup and increase salaries 100%? Where is the money to pay these salaries going to come from because it is not budgeted for? In developed countries salary increaments are done gradually over a period of time… e.g 25% over a period of 4 years to avoid inflation and to budget for the money because it has to come from somewhere, otherwise you will end up printing more money. This is indeed a government of kaponyas.
Grade 7 president for you. Doesnt understand anything
Look at who is against decent take home wages. This fool was busy giving infestors tax holidays, even VAT, instead of raising money to pay civil servants decent wages. Zambia has a lot of sources of income, but due to poor and corrupt MMD fiscal management on tax collection, GRZ was unable to raise enough money. Oh…! maybe they did through kickbacks, that’s why they put up the most expensive campaign ever seen on the African Continent, and burying money in the soil… Rubbish.
Tax holidays are not all bad, if they are provided with such conditions as some companies to employ more people of rake some of their initial e\investments because as you know we in zed don’t produce anything, as such, from a higher perspective these investor incentives are basically there to entice ore foreign direct investment. but I guess that doesn’t matter to us. we don’t see where the actual problem lies. I could get into that but thats a whole other debate. I am simply wondering if you have actually thought about what the man has said.
so? What is wrong with giving everyone a pay raise?
The inflationery exuberance this foolish move will breed in the economy could prove catastrophic for the Zambia. See, the bias shown to one sector alone is already proving very injurious to the fabric of tranquil industrial relations. Only time will tell but judging from Sata’s record in power thus far, he has no clue of digging Zambia out of its economic and political malaise, if anything, he is burrying you while you applause. Even the legendary sheep dies silently and doesn’t cheer the slayer on.
Afro please get a grip on reality!the countries you refer to pay higher wages.how much were we payin the workers?us 200,aint money to pay someone.the previous govt was wasting money on never ending trips and looting.do you budget for money thats to be stolen or trips?WAKE UP!VIVA INCREMENT!
Well this call to give everyone 100% was expected. If they will not give teachers the students and pupils will not learn this year. Wait and see
This move needs to be applauded by all zambians.where do we get the funds?simple increase the tax base.people in the private sector,including towncentre,shops,bus owners,these are makin billions yet dnt pay taxes.we stop unnecessary expenditure on useless trips and stop the looting by the ministers we will be good.
Refrigerated Canter Truck with a powerful cold blaster for Sale!! Recently imported from Japan. Very good condition and everything works. Good offer! pictures available. Get in touch…tanganyikaspecies (at) gmail dot com
Enjoying a cold victoria bitter…. Â Dr tell them, they will remember you! Its like a sheep cheering its master when its being taken to be slaughtered. Â
EVERYTIME THEIR IS SALARY INCREMENT ITS ALWAYS INFLATION,wen well a worker get a decent pay?mind you pipo who talk about inflation get a home pay of 15m to 25m per month while a nurse gets paid 1,500,000m and police man who stays the all night guarding you gets 1,200,000,be considarate ba sokotwane
The problem in Zambia is that we always wait for worst case scenarios to roll out before addressing them. I was working in a neighboring country where my salary was adjusted by an average of 5 to 8% EVERY YEAR that I was there. There was therefore no need for us to take up arms after a while to demand huge increases. The trouble in Zambia is that you leave employees with salaries that were awarded 20 years ago and then you think you should adjust them today at 10 or 20%!!! Of course it won’t address the deficiencies of not having steadily addressed them over time. This is the habit in every sector, that is why you have missing rail lines, potholed roads, the list is endless. There is a rotten attitude roaming around in the so-called Christian nation (duh)!!
The greatness of a nation is measured by how it looks after it`s people. Brazil`s economy will be better than that of the UK but where would rather be? In Brazil or the UK?
100% increament is nthing wen u luk at what govt workers get, it is nosense for musokotwane 2say 100% is too much wen ths brings poor nurses salaries to abt 4milion b4 ddactions. Comin to where govt will get mane to pay workers, where did th mmd thugs got the mone to buy materials to dress all 13m pipo & tres in th forest? Musokotwane leave health workers alone ur just ashamed u didn’t do it during yo time. Remember chiluba Increased to 80-95% in 2001.
If anything they deserve a 200% because these salaries have been very low for a long time such that there is no pride of being a professional. We spend lots of money sending VIP’s out the country to seek medical treatment when we can invest that money locally. The monies that have been stolen by the same characters making noise can pay all the civil servants 100% without any effect on inflation. The trouble is that everyone just looks at salaries as trigger of inflation. Lets move our country forward and improve Collection of revenue and reduce on Corruption. There is a lot of waste on unnecessary expenditures like workshops which do not add value at the end of the day.
Its a good and acceptable move for govt to increase health workers salaries but surely, let it spread to all the other departments and ministries. Private companies included. Thank you
Aka ka mudala would rather have a few i.d.iots bury the money than give it to people who work their socks off!
Go and prepapre your defence ka ma.kaka iwe!
They  are so many billions stolen by RB and group instead of increasing workers salaries.Some even buried the money cause it was too much and Musokotowane knew about this ,he was even getting two salaries like Chembe Nyangu but did not talk of inflation,what a dull,thief,fake doctor.
Bo musokotwane you neglected civil servants of zambia whilest you guys in MMD were busy fattening your pockets, you are the beneficially of corrupt MMD regime that never paid attention to conditions of service to workers countrywide, so just leave the PF government alone am sure they have a plan of action that will take care of its workers.100% increament is welcome and infact its long overdue. concetrate on your crimes musokotwane.
Did you know that all ministries have the potential to generate revenue to support and maintain the 100% increments ?
Please let’s not borrow or depend on revenue from the mines,to support and maintain this 100% increment for all civil servants.
Ba Biggie #26, 27, I agree with you 200%. Just look at how resources are misapplied and misdirected and the answer is exactly what you have said. We need to engender the intrapreneurship (NOT entrepreneurship) spirit in our civil service and we will immediately see how wrong we have always been borrowing from broke Europe all the time. We have a lot of resources to run our affairs. We just need diligence, discipline, and sleflessness!
When is the govt anouncing the increment for teachers? Because whether you like it or not you will increase their salaries by 100% aswell inflation or no inflation trust me.
teachers relax. Push your unions to do their job while you work. Am sure soon its your time. Now Musokomuntu so according to your economics there is no problem in burying money and there is everything wrong in increasing workers salary?
ba PF ..think b4 u can comment ..imagine what will happen..total labour unrest!!everyone wants 100%..
Jail is waiting for you, boss.
Where is the money coming from? asks Musokotwane. Well, that money you were buying bicycles with, that money you were burrying in the ground, that money you were paying fake companies, that money you mis-spent for electioneering, the money you were spending on conferences, on constitution making process. All that money was flowing from some where. We have money, riches and wealth in Zambia except it always goes dubiously to very few people like Musokotwane. Remember you were even getting two salaries! Keep quite and attend to your court cases. People always and for some reason blame one tribe of being thieves when in actual fact every tribe produces thieves like Musokotwane. Using the educated standing and ministerial positions to steal from Zambians, even when they are fat salaries!
Here is an announcement from those THREE ZEROS you are trying to drop off from your currency and I quote, “we will be back.”
How can Musokotwane ‘question the source of funds’ for the proposed salary hikes before he tells the people of Zambia the source of his 1,000+ bicycles and the enormous MMD campaign materials.
#31: see the answer from #33: If you think about cutting the expenses at government level, and be prudent in your spending, 13.5million people can easily be looked after. Prudence, transparence and love for the country is what PF is saying. Let every Zambian be dignified; in fact as soon as that comes in who would want to stay in these foreign lands we live? the 100% sounds much, but if people were getting 1.2m as salaries, surely its a normal thing to do.
We are just 12 million people. How much do we make from copper? We are just daft that we don’t know where the earnings go to! 12 million people in such a vast country. We are supposed to even put poor people, children, and the disabled people on social benefits! We have plenty of money in Zambia. We earn so much as a country from our resources but we don’t know where the money goes because of crazy heads that ever came to rule us. They misused, misapplied and misappropriated our national earning over so many years. They were ever short sighted in the application of national earnings. They misused national income, they misused donor money and they incurred national debt which they too put under the drain! Sata improve life for every one. 12 million people only! Yes we can.
Ba muzoka-twane is not the right person to comment on increments, mmd over spent by 800 billion plus wen he was finance minister, where diid he get the money. If it was him getting the increment no inflation but a lowly paid civil servant it is an issue. Wat 100% of K2M! Just be quiet government will use left-overs of wat you printed illegally. Thanks PF!
I am a health worker in the civil service . I think it is only prudent that salary hikes be uniform which means , in this case , everyone should get the 100% increase ! But I would advocate for the introduction of a RISK ALLOWANCE for hospital workers as we are the most vulnerable in contracting all the contagious diseases which people come with eg measles, bird flu ,ebola etc !
Lol Someone is more concerned about jail time for Muso when the Doc is not bothered. There is no crime in granting tax holidays. The mining companies are all exempted from paying VAT. And other than First Quantum Minerals all of them havent started paying taxes. The Muso case is just a case of persecution. I doubt if even the DPP will proceed to prosecute this idio.tic case. You cannot take a Minister to court over a govt policy. It is madness that is typical of the calibre of leaders in the Amin and Sata mould. They are ruled more by their emotions than brains. It is lunacy to award workers 100% increaments that are not budgeted for! We have seen this movie before when KK was the main actor. It does not make economic sense! PF feel free; go and print more money!
Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine
Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves
Musokotwane has no case to answer. It will not be easy to prove that it is because (Gvt)? he? gave a tax holiday to PEPSI so he could supply bricks. So, forget the jail for him and lets talk about the 100% salary increase. Its the feasibility he is talking about cos he is familiar with projections and similation models having worked at MoFNP. It can be easily be done in excel by projecting future incomes (taking into account economic growth) and future expenditure. Its gone be complicated if all civil servants ask for the same. The question is can Gvt pay? Projections say so. Musokotwane says no except Govt prints more money which will cause HYPER inflation. PF Government lacks economists and those that are there have been silenced. People work in fear of being embarassed publicly
Bo musokotwane just shut your probosis if your 70 million double salaries never caused inflation what the hake are insinuating . Stupid fuu u couldn’t see any sense how come GRZ the owners of the scanners at ZRA just got k1.2billion per month and the hired workers to operate it got away with k13 billion. Don’t u think u should have invested in manpower training raise the se revenue to pay workers . U and RB rittered and painted the whole country with MMD materials where did u get the money. U sale zamtel for 15 usd
Salary increases that are not thought through are a recipe for hyper inflation. What little growth that the economy has achieved will fizzle out. Not many companies can afford to pay their workers 100% increases. The Zambian people will suffer and cry foul when the effects of resultant hyper inflation manifest in the economy.
The consequence of this will be inflation, no arguments. It will come. If it doesn’t come because the government prints more cash it will come because the civil servants will suddenly have more money to spend. More spending will lead businesses to hike their prices, hiked prices= inflation (especially when people are using to living on a certain salary and suddenly have 10x more money!).
Inflation will be unavoidable, unless the government regulates the form and substance of this increase. For example if it says 80% of the increase will be going straight to a pension fund, or perhaps to a construction fund to build civil servants houses. There will be less consumer spending and less inflationary pressure, however there will be more liquidity in the capital markets.
Have you ever botherd to take note of how many schools, hospitals roads and clinics built in the previous 3 years as direct result of those trips. I am not saying that htat is the right thing to do, but I am very sure the PF has convinced us that the glass is half full were it not for the MMD’s extravagance.
 Unfortunately the situation is quite the opposite,the glass will never fill up,if anything it is half empty because of an unproductive and gluttonous civil service.remember everyone will want the 100% then where how and when is our economy going to strike a balance when all our economy’s biggest consumer does is just that…consume?If ever there was a decision to reverse, it is this one.the ripples of such decisions traverse time and space,the negative effects-with our short sightedness- are virtually impossible to undo.why won’t these people slowdown  and fix this economy thing like a good mechanic, to fix the cause and not the effect.
Sata for a president! Wait and see. Lets build Chipimo jnr and put him in state house.
pharmacisist,are you a stanist.why do you insult a wise adult leaving your dull father.SITU is an emminent scholar.
@Afro Zed,
You are right. The PF’s focus should be on helping entrepreneurs build the economy, it should be on enabling foreign investors to feel safe in the country- yet without excusing malpractice. It should be strengthening the judiciary so that crimes are punished, regardless of who commits them. Right now they seem to be a rudderless boat.Â
Good afternoon
A controversial redomination exercise by Ghana’s ex President Kufuor slashed four zeros off the Cedi (Ghanaian currency) in 2008 and 24 hrs before leaving office, he announced between 16.5% and 34 % pay rise for all categories of workers on government pay role. The moves were greeted with furore by many in the opposition who feared that hyper-inflation would creep in.
Contrary to these fears, Ghana has been able to maintain 5% solid growth a year and is now ranked 9th out of 46 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. Plus its overall score has risen above the world average.
Some people will say the comparison is misplaced and call me names again but I think Zambia is passing through simillar crossroads as Ghana did a few years ago.
Ghana’s situation is different. Â They discovered oil at about the same time. Â There is an oil boom there which is a completely unexpected revenue stream. Â In Zambia, Sata has reduced easy tax money from banks from 45% to 35%. Â He is reducing govt revenue and increasing expenditure. Â How does he balance the budget? Â The windfall taxes on the mining industry has not happened. Â So where is the money going to come from? Â BY PRINTING MORE KWACHA, I am afraid.
34% increase vs. 100% increase. I wonder what the difference is………
Musokot you were getting billions yet there was no inflation,civil shouldnt fear inflation,just get the cash.
All GRZ employees are graded ,meaning an HR manager at Lands is the same
as an HR manager @health and Agriculture. What this increase means is that the Health guy
gets more than the rest? This increase is not budgeted for and
will affect other areas of govnt expenditure tharefor we suffer poor
service delivery from underfunded govnt departments.
The world bank and other donors require the government wage bill
to be a certain percentage of the countrys GDP..how will this issue
be sorted? The PF MPs in parliament go about how Numbers such as
inflation and GDP dont mean anything to the common ZAmbian
so this government dosent really care as long they appear popular.
All these announcments and monouvers are not really key to any devolpment. Stop the hate
and do some work
Ba pf be prepared for turmoil.we teachers shall not watch this nonsense.thats y we wanted a learned president.thez are the results.tiye tiye we are prepared for strikes we hav been looked down enough.
Musokotwane has a point. According to quantity theory of money, there is a relationship between money supply and inflation. When the amount of money in circulation increases, the rate of inflation will go up. This was demonstrated in Fisher’s equation as follows.
M = Money Supply, V = Velocity of circulation, P = Price Level and T = Total # of transactions.
For example if in an economy money supply is K20bn and velocity is 5 and the total number of transactions is 10. We can calculate P the price level as follow.
20 x 5 = 10p
100 = 10p where p = 10%. meaning inflation rate is at 10%.
If M the money supply is reduced from K20bn to K10bn what would be P
10×5 =10p
p = 5%.
This means reducing money supply will reduce rate of inflation.
Sure, don’t give anybody any salary and you shall have no inflation to worry about. This seems to be the right way of thinking. With zero money in circulation we will have no inflation. inflation is good for the country. This is how supply and demand is managed. If you would like to curb inflation, you have to pay attention to supply of goods: In simple terms too much money in circulation and too few goods is equal to inflation. All we need to do now is increase the power of domestic consumption: Tour bonuses, shopping coupons, travel allowances, etc. This will do not the fake culculations you have here. You sound too intellegent for the ‘nothing’ you contributed on the topic. Musokotwane does not have a point.
Spot on and i agree with you.Those who understand economics will appreciate the formula i did years ago at school.
If a former Minister of Finance should not advise on this matter, who should? The best person to advise about dangers of theft is a thief. If a judge who killed his wife is advising you not to kill your own, it will be foolish of you to ignore him on the basis that he is the wrong person to talk on the matter. The person to suffer is YOU!
Rith, ndiyo…but what will you be doing with the murderer judge? Is it then not plausible that the very judge is the one who gave you the idea of killing? Do not be unevely yorked with eveildoers. A pastor who commits adultery has no place at the pulpit, let alone advising the congregation on marital matters. There is no longer time for “do what I say and not what I do”. We must redeem the time. I think Zambia can do without Musokotwane’s input.
I don’t understand why all you guys are so much concerned about a low inflation rate at the expense of paying a decent salary to our ever hard working health workers.And for you Teachers threatening to go on strike to get a 100% salary increment,you are rather being grossly irresponsible.Dialogue is best.And all you so callled Zambians in the diaspora don’t even trash our 100% salary hike,you ran away from Zambia because of attrocius working condtions,get a life!Viva PF Govt!
There is money in Zambia and thats why peolple voted for PF so that the money is shared, for how long are civil servants going to sacrifice in the name of inflation, check out what civil servants are getting in Ghana, Botswana, Namibia, I know you are saying the comparison is misplaced because of … but my laymans comparison is that its all in Africa, our former leaders have just been selfish. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
Who on earth would ask the MMD LOSERS for their opinion about anything? They gave away the mines, they gave away ZAMTEL, they oversaw the worst labour conditions in history.
Their ideology of free markets and no regulation has failed. Situmbeko Musokotwane should shut up, so he won’t incriminate himself in more corruption. In fact, he should enjoy his freedom while he has it.
As arrogant as he is, he still thinks he can give out orders, and caution ministers and the president.
He demanded proof of any wrong doing in the ZAMTEL report. Now he no longer talks about it.
Shut up.
What Kaponyas must understand is that what matters is the value of your cirrency, not just the quantity. What needs improvement is conditions of service in general, not just salaries!
Putting a grade 7 in state house was a big mistake. Does this man understand the word “inflation”?
It is sad that people judge Sata by the level of academic qualifications. He might be a grade seven: But he is our Grade 7 and we are proud of him. He is one of the best Grade 7s ever. He presides over Ph.D holders and is wiser than Musokotwane at least.
Meant to say “currency” in my above posting and not “cirrency”
Us teachers will accepted seggregation among civil servant the government should prepared for a country wide show down if we a given less than 200 percent.
Salary increments have to much production. The civil service in general does not make money but provide a service. They are underpaid to say the least but it doesn’t make any sense to have 100% increment and there is an equal 100% increment in prices of commodities due to inflation. I think better a lower percentage which adds power to ones spendind
Zambian salaries: spent in Zambian 90% to 100%
Mining Company profits: expatratiated nearly 100%
Now Situmbeko Musokotwane can explain why it is so preferable for foreign mining companies to keep everything.
He’s a traitor, and his ideology has cost Zambia billions of dollars.
Says the guy who robbed Zambia of the tax money from Pepsi.
” Says the guy who robbed Zambia of the tax money from Pepsi. ”
And more. Situmbeko Musokotwane (like Godfrey Beene by the way) was a non-executive director at ZCCM-IH, where he oversaw the stealing of at least $300 million in dividend payments a year by the mining companies. He never objected when they did not pay dividends *to their own shareholders*, and never objected when ZCCM-IH did not release financial statements *for years*.
He was instrumental in the removal of the Windfall Tax, which has cost the Zambian government at least $1 billion a year in uncollected taxes.
Care to tell us when your yamaz Alexander Chikwanda and Bob Sichinga are gonna get these billions from the mining companies. I suppose this is money that is still owed to you. Why are you so concerned about what Dr Musokotwane didnt get? I thought you would now be pressing your bululus to get this money seeing that ‘you’ are now in power? Please inform us when Chikwanda is getting the money! Musokotwane is no more! Chikwanda is now looking after your interests however you do not seem to be concerned about the owing billions! Hypocrite!
All Kaponya stop ranting and get a lesson from the God of Economics.
THOSE SUPPORTING THE UTTERANCES OF MUSOKOTWANE HAVE GOT AMNESIA….did we have runaway inflation when Ministers salaries were ‘highly’ increased and MP’s gratuity balooned?
This man and the MMD are insensitive….the PF promised to do this and people are on record taunting them that they are not fulfilling their campaign promises. Well here is one fulfillment and more are coming. The reason is that health workers’ roles are a matter of life and death and we need to bring back the creme de la creme of medical personnel from the diaspora.
MUSOKOTWANE just concentrate on your defense for the corruption charges levelled against you…you’re part of the heartless men and women of the MMD that need to just keep quiet.
I think Musokotwane is very brave to make a statement like this. The masses will call him names but the objective and learned few will see his point. Lets remember his words when GVT losses control of the rest of the civil service and ofcourse the miners and everyone is also going on strike coz we can all get 100% after all. I had given Sata 2 years to run down our economy…. i have just knocked out 6 months…. populist politics – God help us
Those who do not agree with what this ECONOMICS GURU must be suffering from EMPTY SKULL PARALYSIS.
Some of you when your maid or garden boy asks for a 100% increase will be shouting all sorts of unprintable words at them!!! so dont just condem…..
I would rather get a K3,000,000.00 across the board. leave the health workers alone! We don’t want to create huge differences in salaries please ba PF.
fake economist situmbeko,i conquer with you when you say why only one sector but i disagree where you ask where the Govt will find the money,where did you get the money to buy vitenge to dress all the trees in zambia?
The presumption of innocence forms the foundation of any justice system in a democratic constitutional order. Â The rule of law has become a luxury in Zambia and our country cannot afford that. Opposition leaders are being framed and presumed guilty without the state suffering from the burden to prove before an independent and impartial court that the accused are indeed guilty as charged. DEC and state police are behaving like armed militia detaining people without trial. Here is a warning: when PF is out of power DEC will be disbanded like SITET.Â
If you ar ignorant please keep quite. Musokwanee is right. Watch this space. Kaunda used to do the same. What happened?/
sara chileshe f***k you
Dull Musokotwane, What inflation? there will be no inflation kabwalala iwe. The level of unemployment of the employable is so low hence iyo hyper inflation fyabufi stanyoko imwe. The next is the teachers and the defence forces, bonse tulebasova ama 100%. Pamenso ububi nga Tata bus chimbwi iwe.
Teachers should b considered also
The Doc has given good advice yet once again people are not listening to him. It’s like in the days of Noah and the Ark. Hyperinflation will erode the effect of the salary increase, going back to square one.
lf l were you Musokotwane l would be there quite and concentrate on how my family would live outside my presence..WHEN IN CHIMBOKAILA.
The wailing soles of the poor whose money you ate with RB and others have been heard by God.ITS YOUR TURN TO PAY(PRISON).
Musokotwane didnt eat your money. That is you hallucinating! Learn to deal with your poverty. You are responsible for your own current state of poverty! As I understand it his crime is giving a tax break to Varum Beverages. The same tax breaks that the Chiluba and Sata administration in the 90s gave to all mining companies and others like Shoprite. You f.oo.ls are just clutching at straws. Sata knows how gullible and sleepy you are! Fortunately 5 years is a century in politics; already people are tired of thief thief cries and asking questions about PF policies.This Musokotwane case is dead on arrival in court. This is why the good Dr is not concerned. It is rubbish. And only spiteful id.io.ts can religiously look forward to having him imprisoned! Hear from me: It wont happen!
I think this man is too smart for many empty bloggers here! Of course they won’t understand what you are saying Dr but continue advising, umweshuko bakasuka basambililako something
The PF govt listens to what Dr Musokotwane says. First; PF called Dr Muso all sorts of names over the so called Windfall Profit Tax. PF forms govt. PF flip flops…..they wont also introduce windfall tax. The dimwit going by the name of ‘MrK’ meanwhile convinces himself that the PF wont introduce windfall tax for the ‘time been’. Second; PF announces 100% salary increments for health workers. Dr Muso advises the PF govt that this is a bad move macro economicwise. The usual PF charlattans come out with their bile. Finally PF deny that there is such a policy. And as always PF supporters’ st.u.pidy is exposed! Honestly, it must be a dogs life been a PF a.s.slicker. Seems Musokotwane just has to win every time against these pack of PF wilddogs! Muso 5 PF 0! Dr Musokotwane is da man!
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