The same old story of ruling party cadres carrying out illegal acts with impunity has continued with PF Cadres.
This time around PF cadres have established a market in Kamwala near the Kafue roundabout fly over bridge.
PF Intercity Bus Terminus Chairperson, who declined to be named and captured on camera, defended the move saying it is aimed at decongesting the streets.
And a beneficiary, Lewis Chileshe claims many Zambians have no access to market in Lusaka.
He alleges that all the markets have been occupied by foreigners.
we warned you illiterates. This is just the beginning.
Fili eko tuleya!!
PF is my but party, but moves like this one are not encouraged. This in my view is the root cause of street vending…..everyone thinks he/she can vend anywhere. PF council come up with a solution don’t just wait for the President to think for you. That’s the reason he makes mistakes because no one is thinking on his behalf……
how is council supposed to come up with a solutions, when their decision are thrown out in public!!!
Both of you are wrong…you are not discussing the story…PF, whats your say?!
@Zibwidi, you are right, council chaps nima ngwere. The have failed to come up with a solution on street vending…..I have to sell tujilijili pali market iya new mailo, iliche
1 step forward, 2 steps backwards. Does that sound like i am describing zambia’s economic progress, anyone?
Street vendors or office of the president as FTJ and now mr Sata call them are back. This will not change unless government changes. they were there throught FTJ tenure, they will be there as long as Sata is there.
In short, the ony way to take them out of the street is through the ballot…….or if things happen.
Augustine Mwila, how dare you talk about illiteracy when you cant even spell the word itself. If you think the pragmatic disasters to come are insults to the nation, rather exposing to the world, then you must be a ‘genius’. As bad as we thought Chanda Chimba was a moron, he explicitly predicted the future, and this is what we are experiencing now. The truth hurts and i do not see any insult to my country on stating my position. its only the truth and i plan on returning to my nation this year. However, the rate at which my country is going at will stop thousands of us from returning. Please next time, expose my illiteracy with constructive arguments, not with a whole new definition of illiteracy and ignorance which you have exposed to the world.
Augustine, I see nothing wrong with what my brother stated at the top. He is expressing his opinion which you need to respect. A genuine concern expressed is not an insult. you must be clearly pf and probably one of those that want to defend pf to death even on their mistakes. Unfortunately, this is an exception that no one can defend. Whether unip, upnd, pf, mmd, narep or any other political supporter can not tolerate this nonsense. and please tell us your definition of illiteracy?
Another simple problem. Stop all ruthless dumb people. PF has had Lusaka city council for 7 to eight year now. Move and do your jobs.
Where is the mayor  of Lusaka and LCC workers?Â
Mwayamba ukwi pononona ba Auga naba Iwe. Issue apa ilipali market not ifya illiteracy. Solving problem mweba sambilila iya market…. ifi sungu not now. Street vending is the problem that has brought about this market. Alo ba council ilishani issue apa?
Imwe ba PF, dont under-civilize zambia by letting these street vagabonds do whatever they want.Set some policies which should be followed.u found lusaka a City, dont convert it into a village,act like a civilized government those foreigners have market operating licenses, and work permits?a real government should look into these matters.
sata satana you are mad and bear in mind that you are not zambia. am now crying why the cobra was elected. Do not think that president Kaunda and FTJ were stupid not do such changes. shame on you cobra!!! but do think that the same boyz of yours the army are just sitting, there are planning for you when you are still sleeping and they will takeover. See what is happening in the Arab world you are next.
Thats jst part of street vending which was legalized by SATA. So pipo jst sit back, relax & wait 4 anotha election if not 2016.
This is sad i passed thru yesterday its a total mess.not only is this ‘market’ filthy it also poises a deadly health hazard imagine if fire was started from that area all structures from the nearby hotel, railway wagons, that building housing offices,intercity itself will be up in flames and knowing the fire fighting challenges facing the relevant.i can only say GOD help us. Pliz the council move in and cut this in bud becoz disaster is looming there will be loss of lives there GOD forbide.Relevant pipo, line ministers and the President pliz find a solution.lusaka can’t have two Misisi compounds
These are the issues that need a commissions of inquiry or a public hearing,to why pipo prefer to buy things from street vendors than to the market
osadabwa ni PF. Just get ready for more of such illegal markets. After all there is nothing illegal with the ruling party activities. MMD did the same and now its PF turn. Infact these cadres are just the same they just change parties and continue doing the wrong things. I am aware that for the next 5 years we just have to get used to this new order. I end here!
this place will be a den of do something or else you lose when we go for by elections..
Much as I support PF, this trend must stop. A few months ago we agreed that local government should be allowed to do its job. Local government decides where a market should be, and runs it. Dr. Luo, please do some work here.
Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine
Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves
All started well with Prof Luo making a concerted effort to clean up the City of Lusaka and all vulnerable areas. Thereafter authority was removed from The City Councils when President Sata gave Carte Blanche to street vendors to trade where they wish. Now nobody in charge of these relevant areas can do their jobs properly and we have filth and chaos everywhere. PF Cadres think they can do as they like, where they like and racism and tribalism is beginning to rear it’s ugly head. This problem needs to be sorted out NOW.
Ordering cops to flush them out is the easiest bit, the hardest bit is helping them feed their families. Politicians in the case have to weight the need of keeping the city spotless against the possibility of increased cases of malnourished children etc. It’s easy for you Bantus to come here and insult the President because your stinking mouths are your only responsibility.
23 Wat a useless bemba u think street vending is the only way people can protect themslve’s from poverty.
Satan the Devil a n.y.e.l.a pa Zambia and MCS came out as part of the s.h.i.t…stinking! This is going to be the most wasted five years in the history of Zambia and we will live to regret for the rest of our lives. God help Zambia!
The fact remains that 90% of Zambians can only afford to or chose to shop for basics in markets. There are simply not enough markets. Period. GRZ should look at building more markets in all locations.
Kodi Masapota a Zipani zonse Atayambitsa Misika paliponse dziko la Zambia lingakhale bwanji? Inu a LusakaCity Council Mukuchitapo chiani pofuna kuthetsa votoli?
The authorities must disperse the people from this illegal setup. No sacred cows. PF want order and beauty in the Country.
it is not about SATA,condemn those cadres evolved in the whole problem ba mumbwe. and it’s you who needs to report that to the relevant authorities-dont wait 4 SATA to do that,do it with level hardheadedness not will die with heart attack. Viva PF until 2021
Welcome to Zimbabwe thats what you asked for in 90 days
That’s the government you elected, folks. The next five years will be very long!
Expect cholera anytime. I have no sympathy for anybody who will die from cholera if they voted for PF…they should blame Sata. Even a villager is cleaner than the president. Illegal markets, street vendors everywhere, garbage pilling up everywhere like never before, street vendors ku-n.y.e.l.a muvikopo. Woow! This is jurrassic park…2million BC.
Where is the council in this. Foreigners are meant to be investors in zambia and not having a market stall. The people are right to set up market where they chose. One zambia one Nation.
Trading is encouraged but there should be order, NOT mushrooming makeshift stalls everywhere, in the capital for that matter! I have noticed that when people make constructive criticisms on this site they are attacked by others. We are the same people who keep on defending the government even when they make wrong decisions. We are the same people who insult the opposition when the opposition are there to bring sanity to the way things are run in the country. What happened to analysing things objectively?
Spot on. some people have Napolean mentality.
Lawlessness. What is this, where is the city council?
we warned you ……………. ba kaponya will sh1t on your heads, leave with the smell.
How can you call street vending which is a nuisance to any economy be called job creation in Zambia. I dont know where this country is going with this PF.
Why is everyone asking about the city council? They are powerless now that their president undermined their authority by telling people to trade where they like. This one is Satas doing. the buck stops with him.
I agree with that 100%:(
I saw the clip on TV and this same so called chairman even challenged Nkandu Luo not to come to this market to try and remove them. So manyela kuti?