President of Zambia, Michael Sata has assured all companies operating in Zambia whether local or foreign, that Government is committed to maintaining an environment that conduces to their functioning in an atmosphere of serenity and peace reinforced by strictest adherence to the rule of law.
The President said in a statement made available to the media that Government style and policy was to discuss with employers and workers, matters of mutual interest following the statutory channels and procedures.
Mr Sata said that based Government style and policy, some of the approaches pursued by individuals in government were adrift with established procedure.
“Labour Unions are free to bargain with employers on salary or wage settlements as by law established, ” the statement read.
The president also said that in the interest of the economy, the his’s guidance, save for the special case of workers in the medical sector, was that the salary adjustments stay as close to inflation as possible.
“This is necessary to avoid triggering inflationary spirals which would then render salary increases futile, ” the statement read.
The President has enjoined and cautioned the Ministers and government officers not to resort to arbitrary positions which can only induce loss of confidence in our country and in the process undermine progress which is so essential and crucial to achieving poverty alleviation and reduction within the shortest time possible.
Lately the newly appointed Labour Minister Chishimba Kambwili has been making impromptu visits at companies threatening to close down those that are not offering Zambians better conditions service.
Last week, Mr Kambwili threatened to shut down Scaw Limited in Kitwe if it failed to improve conditions of services for its employees.
[pullquote]“This is necessary to avoid triggering inflationary spirals which would then render salary increases futile, ” the statement read.[/pullquote]
The Minister also revoked the work permit of a Chinese Doctor who he accused of being rude when he visted his practice to check on a case of low salaries. Yesterday, Mr Kambwili defended his decision to order the revocation of the work permit for Dr Xisheng saying it will send a message to foreigners not to mistreat Zambian workers.
He said certain situations call for bold decisions and that he will not allow Chinese nationals to subject Zambian workers to low salaries.
“I usually emphasise a point with the use of hands and he told me that I am being rude. We cannot have a situation where a foreigner can tell a minister that he is rude, which he cannot do in his own country. We have received a letter from workers at Sinozam who complained that he (Dr Xisheng) is rude. We must set an example,” Mr Kambwili said.
He added: “We have to take certain measures that will act as a warning that when they (investors) come here, they must respect us.”
[pullquote]“I can agree with you that the 12 percent salary rise is too low. I have given management at MCM up to Wednesday next week to come up with a better pay rise. This afternoon, I will hold serious discussions with management at the mine to see how best they can give you a better pay,” Mr Kambwili said.[/pullquote]
Mr Kambwili however said he has nothing against Chinese and Indian investors but that most of the abuses reported to his office are perpetrated by them and warned that he will not allow such a situation to continue.
And at KCM last week Mr Kambwili gave the Mine Workers Union of Zambia, the National Union of Miners and Allied Workers (NUMAW) and MCM management a two-day ultimatum to conclude negotiations and sign the new collective agreement.
Speaking when he addressed the miners at the MCM general offices in Kitwe , Mr Kambwili assured the workers that Government will dialogue with management to explore ways of increasing their salaries ‘reasonably’.
Mr Kambwili said the 12 percent salary increase management is proposing is unreasonable. He directed MCM management to reconsider its offer.
“I can agree with you that the 12 percent salary rise is too low. I have given management at MCM up to Wednesday next week to come up with a better pay rise. This afternoon, I will hold serious discussions with management at the mine to see how best they can give you a better pay,” Mr Kambwili said.
Kambwili is the only one working. Keep it up
iwe kambwili…..i bet u faild your maths..u r showing poor budget planing…iwe ulefwayafye ulupiya lulefuma……tawakwata amano..bu kaponya ukokwine not kuno..ichilufumo
Kambwili is overzealous and will be Fired!!
Well done Kambwili, he is the only one in GRZ who is working all the rest are pathetic including Ministers and their deputies
Mr President…I have long waited for this moment. Finally a statement that is balanced, well thought out, acknowledges the realities of the day and exudes the sort of leadership that is required to curtail a rising culture of populism….Thank you! I think I shall have a beer tonight!
Mr Kambwili please visit THE POST newspaper
The workers are Suffering!!
Ba Kambwili must stop embarrasing himself by talking too much or we will lose confidence in him and we wont vote for him in 2016 but ba Sata apa pena balanda ifya mano
another Zimbabwe in the making
Probably worse than that…Zambia is fast becoming a punitive society, wasting time in punishing people and going to court. “I will sue you”, is the favourite sentence of even a street vendor, without really understanding what he is saying. Let us not waste time in court. Lets us behave matured. Let us build the nation. Why waste time on people who are gone. Why waste time in the past. Look into the future. But do we have eyes? NO. Lets go to the court…
Long Live The King
#5 True, I will have a beer tonight too. Great statement. This is true leadership that we need in this country and it is very refreshing when it coming from the top. At least the PF cadres will now start understanding why some of us religiously monitor inflation. Inflation is the poor man’s worst enemy and the rich can dodge, that is why true leadership needs to keep an eye over this number.
I know Mr Sata is a pragmatist. If the MR Sata of the 80s comes to the show, this country will never been the same. I know the deadly combination him and winter Kabimba formed at LCC and how they transformed an ailing council into a national pride. Executed projects to perfection and changed the face of Lusaka. Do it for Zambia again. You have my blessing and support on this.
Well said # 10 MMD Chief Bootlicker. You are one of the few people with constructive criticism.
This man is working, some decision as he rightly put it require tough decision. That how corparate institutions survive here in America. This ka(leopard) is the right man for this Job. No kid Gloves here. He is indeed the talking industry bearing fruit. Bravo kambwili!!!
No 9
I think you have your money on a dead horse. This is 2012…. 1980 is 31 years ago. In Africa one does not gain wisdom with age… you actually dilute your brains.
Dos santo
Next is SATA
Need i say more
I think you are and *****. I bet you were born of a father probably 15 years your senior who became your brother. That’s why you cannot respect the elderly like our current president and others. Wanyela mwadenya. Uli mujiki che.
It is good that the President released this statement. Action on the ground should correspond with these words. Kambwili seems to be a loose canon, despite his good intention, he should maintain law and order.
Those that I hv studd ACCOUNTS or Econmics, undstand that whn companies say we ar giving u a salary increament, its based hw much expenses th cn incur or peformce of ther books. Maind u, companies hav Share holders, & hav 2 be paid devdends. Dont jst agree with any1 who says u ar nt being paid well.
Mr President, we expect you to show such kind of leadership, as indicated in this statement. I m hoping this is not a once off grand-standing instance but a gradual and continued realization that careless and impromptu decisions can be disastrous to the country.
We pray that President Sata will get much wiser when he returns to read the Pastoral Letter signed by the highest ranking Catholic Bishops. Many African Presidents have taken a wrong inhuman path because of being surrounded by bad elements such as Kambwili, Sebastian Zulu, Mutembo Nchito, and a LAZ recruit Musa Mwenye (plus the likes of Sangwapo Lawyers on fences) who are in business to enrich themselves.
When then are Civil servants ever going to earn good salaries in Zambia you economists and accountants? Civil servants were “sacrificing” in Chiluba now even their children should be “sacrificing” in MCS! GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
#11, I think when you start a sentence like ” in Africa..” you already shoot yourself in the foot and many people will not take you seriously because that speak to some complexes you perhaps have about Africa and its people.
What makes people elsewhere in the world become wise as they grow old and not in Africa. I think your statement borders on racism and seriously you have to withdraw it and apologise
Those of us that know Sata can testify that he is more wise now than he used to be back in the 80s. IN the 80s Sata showed what can do to improve the infrastructure of a town and I don’t think LCC has ever enjoyed the self sustainability it did under Sata, and Sata has never served in a similar capacity ever since till now. Give him a chance. He could surprise us.
You know what MCB, I would like to totally agree with you that the Sata of the 80s was really a man to reckon with. He controlled interviews. He is not the same man. Prior to the elections, he could not speak like himself during interviews (I think he even had a hiccup during one interview). You see, what I see with the president now is that the mind fully willing but the body is quite weak. The desire is not in sync with the physical side. So don’t dismiss @the Engineer’s views out of hand, although his allusion to Africa may offend you, he has a point generally. Africans don’t seem to know when it is time to leave power to the younger ones, that was his point from my vantage point.
According to the speech above from the President it appaers the 100% salary increament for medical workers is a hoax
I don’t want to sound cynical. This confirms one thing; that this is a one-man government, centered on the presidency. This same president is mentally unstable. You may want to “assure” investors that the rule of the law exists in this country. But the president’s actions–the way he misuses law enforcement agencies for his personal gain–speak volumes of the danger of investing in Zambia. The political risk of investing capital in the Zambian economy has heightened ever this government came into power last September. This means the government will now be borrowing money at a higher cost. The Zambian government can’t even issue bonds on the international market, which is a cheaper way to raise capital. Impeach this man.
Kambwili should stop shooting from the hip. Is this the first time in his life that he has been in a position of authority(Napoleon Syndrome)? Does he have any executive experience or this is the first time? He does not need to remind people that he is in charge!! The powers that are given to him should only be used after exhausting all other laid out procedures, that is if he know what a procedure is. Otherwise he is giving the country a bad image to our guests and investor. He should be in the forefront showing the world that Zambia is govorned by the Rule of Law.
I must say this is a mature statement befitting a head of State. I just hope it is not just a flash in a pan. Maybe, just maybe, we might begin to see maturity equal to the task. Lets wait and see..
It would only be fair for Honorable Kambwili to visit Zambian owned firms as well. I remember reading a few months back how workers at one of his companies were complaining about conditions. His pathetic response was “I have nothing to do with the day-to-day running of the company, there are managers to deal with that.” I wonder if salary increments have since been awarded.
To begin with, one has to be demented in a gutless manner to appoint a prawling lunatic like Kambwili to cabinet. That Zondwe even gave him the foreign portfolio says a lot about the lack of logical reasoning that bedevil Zondwe’s head. Chishimba did not have to poke a finger at the Queen and break the air loudly at the commonwealth summit for Sata to reshuffle the marauding baboon. He should have been fired, period!
His catholic bishops are already complaining of hw hes not respecting the rule of law!Zambia is being ran like busness at town center market!
fail pf fail
“Mr Kambwili however said he has nothing against Chinese and Indian investors but that most of the abuses reported to his office are perpetrated by them and warned that he will not allow such a situation to continue.”
Ok, Mr. Chimbwili. The reason why your office only gets complaints of Chinese and Indians is that they don’t tolerate laziness, serial thievery and sheer stupidity from any of their workers. And calling someone a lazy motherf*****er is not abuse per se, but an insult borne out of frustration which is supposed to motivate the worker to stop being lazy so he does not get insulted again. Does it have any effect? NO!
Problem was, is and will continue to be the fact that instead of castigating Zambian workers for behaving the way they do at work, all our former, current and future labour ministers point the accusing finger at investors.
It would be refreshing to see Chimbwili storming a company and shouting at the top of his voice at Zambian workers, threatening them that if they don’t change their work attitude and culture, he will see to it that they get fired! In my dreams I know.
Listen here Zambian workers, if you want a decent wage and decent working conditions, can you also reciprocate by at least putting in a decent amount of work. Chapwa!
What a change of events at AFCON, Now Zambia will play Sudan, Angola is out after suffering 2-0 to Ivory coast and sudan pull an upset on Burkinafaso beating them 2-1. Its now a great advantage for Zambia to play Sudan in quarter final.
that what happen if you want to use maths to qualify. Angola out.
Sata must just fire kambwili for embarrassment caused. Health workers have already adjusted to new salaries yet it was just a sata/Kambwili haux. What a government of illiterate ministers who think being a cabinet minister one has absolute authority and power to deport foreigners arbitrary.Pf has failed and they must be resisted by zambi9ans before they rake death on this our country.
Mr. Kambwili, please visit the Post Newspapers. The workers are suffering too.
No 18
To ran LCC in 1980 with a population of Lusaka less than 1 million is way different to being a president of Zambia in 2012. The being a president is about understanding geopolitical, social and economic situations and how you direct and manage the country. Those are skills you do not need to clean Kabawata and build Avondale. its simply a different ball game and am afraid you MAN does not have any of those skills. Like i said you have your money on a dead horse. he might surprise you, certainly not me.
Grade 7 has temperarily shifted course after US and British Ambassador advised against arbitrallyh and unplanned salary increaments. The world bank started wondering whether the Bank of Zambia is still functioning.
I hear sata is waiting for 2015. He wants to grab all land from Livingston to
Nakonde from White farmers to give to landless blacks. He has already got the blue print from Robert Mugabe. He just want to catch small braitain and the yankees (americans) by surprise. Thats the only thing that will guarantee him re-election. He wont be able to stand on the platform of the economy because it would have collapsed
A minister going around (Kambwili) and barking like a monkey at everybody does not inspire confidence. Nobody is forcing those zambians to work for chinese doctor, if you do not renew his permit all working for him will loose jobs. You cant force private sector to do anything, these are basics everybody should know, my god , govt of monkeys. Next he will be stopping any muzungu on the street and demanding they give money to kaponyas? Is this not Idi amin behaviour? Ha ha ha…
If i had been labour minister I would Have kept my personal shit to myself and asked that chinaman if he needed a zambian passport or residency and offered to cut his taxes, and asked him to bring more chinamen so they employ more people. But i guess an african monkey with balls so big that obstructs its view cant really think outside the box…hmmm something to think about.
So your balls are that big!!!!
Now we really have monkeys as ministers in Zambia. A minister behaving like a bus conductor. Countries like Zambia just need to be colonized again to develop. Monkeys like this minister will take this country nowhere.
The engineer (Australia) is a total *****.The only person with the brains of a monkey is you. I mean here is a guy who actually believe a white man is better, more intelligent than a black man, why else would you think it would be better for the whites to recolonise Africa if not for your warped monkey brain.
@34, The Engineer (Australia).
Instead of a monkey, supposing we where to give Zambia to a Chimpazee like you the engineer, would you take this country anywhere?
Right on the money #35 !!!!
No 35
I left along time ago because i knew these monkeys would come… with no intention of coming back and being rules by them
Hon. Kambwili is right to defend rights of Zambians but i think may be as Zambia we need to be cultural sensetive especially to foreigners. What’s not an insult in our culture may be an insult to other cultures. If we want to accommodate investors we should also learn rights and wrongs in the culture. If the Chinese don’t point fingers when talking we should refrain from doing so at all costs to maintain mutual respect and collective interests.
I dont agree with you it should be the other way round. When these investors come here they must learn our culture and way of life. I f i went to China today i have to learn chinese no one will care about my English. Of course the Minister was wrong to point fingers at someonem especially that he is a foreigner.
We need people like Kambwila to ‘shimaula’ them and then others should come to soothe them! We can not all be diplomatic, we need Kambwili! There should be some mixture of fear and respect!
Caution this, caution that! This man is punch drunk with power…..always cautioning and warning….twanaka naimwe! 2016 couldn’t be any further.
Too late. I personally know a couple of investors, who planned and almost invested $10 million to start with, have pulled out, not because of Mr. Sata, but because of some of his Ministers and their relatives, who are behaving like they have found suddenly found all the powers and they can do anything to any foreigners. Some particular Ministers and their street urchin relatives are using corrupt police officers to blackmail and give up properties owned by the investors and leave the country. Mr. Sata, take note. Not only these investors have gone to other countries in Africa, they will make sure that no further investment come into Zambia, because of a few of your very greedy Ministers and their illiterate relatives. They ate using your name and threatening investors.
Sata cannot be trusted. This President makes sweet pronouncements during day light to please investors and Western Governments, but directs his Ministers to to enforce havoc to some selected Investors under the cover of darkness. The behavior of Kambwili and Wynter Kabimba appears to have the cryptic (hidden) blessings of the President Sata himself. Kambwili’s behaviour is official in the PF structure.
The president is right. Hon. Kambwili should tame his tongue and know what to say. Mr minister should learn to apologise and say I am sorry.
This sounds like another Julius Malema
Kambwili is just another Dora Siliya in making.
I was under the impression that granting and revoking work permits was the responsibility of the Minister of Home Affairs!!! Looks like I was wrong, any Minister can do that.
Zambians NEVER cease to amaze me! Just when the leg is infested with gangrin do bother to seek medical help! When you look at these wild demands for salary increments, they are unsustainable because nothing has been done to improve salaries in a very long time. Your economy has settled in the way that it has based on the reality. Now that you have woken up from you stupid stupors, you will distort your little economy beyond repair, and then start running circles blaming something completely new for the problems. Why can’t we learn to work on little irritations instead of waiting for them to grow monstrously big!!???? What is wrong with our ATTITUDES!!?????????
@ PM. All over the world, you will not obtain a work permit without assurance of work. You have to be cleared by the Ministry/Dept of Labour. I know that people in South Africa cut corners but the normal procedure is for the Dept of labour to clear you first. If the guy came in on a business/investment permit that’s a different story, but this guy has a work permit. So get it right baba.
#10 & 18 does not sound like real MMD Chief Bootlicker. if he then he has really converted to PF Chief Bootlicker
Monk Sq Analysis that’s wisdom. I like what you have said. Appoint MIYANDA to do the soothing.
@ Sarah Chileshe above if you have nothing to say, shut up. Sata is not like that, he is bullish but in a good way. So next time your mind dreams up confusion leave the key board and take a nap honey!
@ MMD bootlicker you and I know that SATA is a driven man, he did wonders for Lusaka; all he needs is young intellectuals and wise workers with older brains to move Zambia forward.
Young intellectuals????? Wise workers???? Then who will drink the beer in the evenings and spend time with football??? You dreaming Mwanawakwitu…
Kambwili akoka fodya… cage him ASAP!
I would like to agree with most of the bloggers here that Mr. Kambwili ought to tone down. Those close to him – tell him that what he is doing is commendable. Companies ought to be visited by high level govt so govt can see what is going on. However, the visits should be dialogical in nature not dictatorial. For instance upon arriving at Sinozam, Mr. Kambwili would have engaged in a conversation with the management – after listening to their side of the story, he then would have given govt position on those matters then agree with mgt on the way forward. He could then through his labour officers follow up in the subsequent quarter to monitor if what they agreed upon has been fulfilled.
I agree with our president and thanks for providing the true leadership Zambia needs.
CHISHIMBA KAMBWILI IS RIGHT GENTLEMEN. Why do we always want to accept mediocrity. If I look at the flags to the posts, they are all foreign. Do you guys earn K1m or less. Let us be serious. If you are economists then you are all FAKE. It is economics paba nzanu. Tiyeni Uko. ————————— Kambwili, tell them to increase or kick them out. They need us too as much as we need them.
Look who’s talking! You are writing from South Africa. What makes you think you are needed in SA??????????
Kick them out? Maybe the South Africans should unleash their xenophobic violence and kick you out so you are taught a damn good lesson. FOOL.
Well said Kambwili. Next time please stand for President and I will vote for you. Does it make sense for an India Security Guard to get USD3000 (K15,000,000) and a Zambian guard doing the same job as his Indian counterpart to get K560,000? does that make sense?
PF should not start behaving like the MMD who closed themselves to the plight of the Zambian worker but listened more from foreigners (the socalled infesters as Sata used to refer to them).
MMD never performed well in any election on the Copperbelt because of this neglect of its people. Our workers are seriously underpaid and Hon Kabwili is right on the spot. At the rate the PF is going (that is if they will not support Kambwili) they will NOT win elections in 2016 on Copperbelt.
Uyu Kambwili wanu ni wa fwaka! He is not ministerial material. Sooner than later he will embarass the president BIG TIME!
@ Donchi Kuwara Zoona: Shut up if you don’t have anything to say. We need people who are bold and can speak for the voiceless. Guys Why This Silly Diplomacy. Go Kamwili Go
## 59 fake zambian, Speaking for the voiceless does not mean speaking before thinking… Kambwili should emulate people like Given Lubinda and Bob Sichinga who who do not suffer from a form of cognitive impairedness.. Most zambian workers are lazy and they can not keep up with the Chinese. We need to work hard not talk hard!
These guys are jockers, this kambwili thinks he is campaigning, can someone put a leash on him, Mr Presdo find him another job, like managing intercity bus terminus perhaps he would be well suited there
KAMBWILI hw much do you pay workers at your scrap metal company plz tell us before u make all investors run away, how do you expect the company to more if they are not making much profit. You promised to come up with minimum wage within 90 days but not` up to now nothing is there. u chaps be serious
Action speaks louder than words. Sata is trying a bit of political rhetoric and damage control but the ball is out of the bag. Investors know that they will be mauled left, right and centre. This is not the right time to invest in Zambia with such lunatics at the helm of government.
CHISHIMBA KAMBWILI IS RIGHT: Gentlemen let us not be disillusioned. There will never be an investor where there is no business. They came to Zambia because they saw something. They have to give back to Zambians and the only way is to pay well. I insist 99% of you here are not paid K1m or less. Why advocate for you colleagues to be subjected to mediocrity. Most companies do not declare true profits, our foreign exchange controls are porous, the list is long. We will never know how much these people make. Let them pay, don’t act as guardian angels here for the Crooked Chinese and Indians business men in Zambia. Ni ba kawalala
Kambwili go go! visit all these private hospitals and clinics. As long as they are operating in zambia, they shud respect zambians and pay them decent wages. kambwili for president! we like and love you youngman! keep it up we have suffered enough.
Chishimba kambwili ali na chizimba cha Mbwili… ma chinese wa yopa ntetemezi yamene ili mu musana wake!
Mr President Sir,please reverse the revocation order of the Doctor’s work Permit.What sense does it make that no sooner than you revoke work permit of a Chinese Doctor,you recruit or accept six Chinese Doctors.Kambwili should have been placed at vendors desk in State House.This guy has no manners when it comes to dealing with people.He should be put away from daily contacts with employers.
Mr. President please leave this man alone Mr Kambwili is the only minister working for the Zambian workers not the former minister of lablour Shamenda. Hi is the only one who has your spirit when you were the minister by then so be proud of this person as he is doing exactly what we the people of Zambia voted for a change. Stop favouring these foreigners if they think he is not fair let them go else where where they will be giving pie nuts to workers and not here.
Mr Kambwili please please keep it up my brother if it means getting fired be fired and we will support you here on the copperbelt who knows you could be the next president to save us in this country as we need laeder of your caliber. Gog Bless and abash these foreigners twachula pafula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I guess some of you are just saying without knowing what exactly happens in these private areas run by the so called investors………..good that Hon Min is checking and trying to correct the nonsense being done by these guys.Go go go go go….. Hon Min good ways of checking and representing your own people, thank you again
COWARD BLOGGERS: Zambian bloggers here are cowards. Remember guys, we are not begging from investors, we are partners. They need us we need them. It has to be fair play. They reap huge profits which are under declared in reduced profits supported by huge foreign supplier invoices and also loans with unreasonable interest rates that in a life time of their stay the company will never finish paying. That’s how they send out money. Open your eyes with this investment thing. Zambia belongs to Zambians, you come here respect us by paying with respect. VIVA MINISTER, VIVA
I have worked for these so called investors and I know exactly what they do. There is nothing you can do, report and they will justify the cost and loans. The authorities have no way of pinning them. In my opinion, our only sulvation is for the to pass on the money to Zambia or F-UCK OFF.
chalo Chesu
think bf you talk
ba kamushi you are a fool are you Zambian i wonder ypu boot lick
@engineer(aussie), you are a coward who is not missed or needed in this part of the world. i would rather be a poor zambianm here than be an economic refugee with no rights of any sort to participate in the governance of a country of my residence. people are ready to do anything stupid in the so called diiaspora just to keep appearances back home. let us govern ourselves and you do the watching as you continue washing plates and keeping vigil in the night as your muzungu bwanas sleep.
Mr. Chizimba Kajamba I like your overzealousness as it shows us that you have learnt from the best! But at your level you don’t need to do the donkey work, leave the rounds to officer, we need you to make policies to protect workers.
@56 True Zambian
Look who’s talking! You are writing from South Africa. What makes you think you are needed in SA??????????
Kick them out? Maybe the South Africans should unleash their xenophobic violence and kick you out so you are taught a damn good lesson. ****.
@ Chalo Chesu: For your information, my house number is 40 Katyetye Rd, Chilenje South, Lusaka. What’s your address. I stopped working because of these abusive investors. I do my own stuff and not like you running away to go and work. The flag doesn’t I leave in SA, you i_diot, its picking the region and IP address from where am. You are the one who has run away from Zambia. AND Don’t F–uckin insult me. I know what the ***** means. You ran away from Zambia that’s why you are oblivious to reality. You have no idea and feeling of what’s obtaining in Zambia.
@ Chalo Chesu: We need to be objective and debate with sense. It’s senseless unpatriotic cowards like who are contributing to the mess in Zambia. Follow my thread and note the point am making. Investors need Zambia and Zambians thats why they came. We can’t be subjected to slavery over our resources. There is no fisherman who will go fishing where he knows there is no catch. What am saying is we can’t be kneeling before an investor all the time and accept neo-colonialism. I say NO NO NO NO. How can that f-oolish Chinese. Think Man, Think.
My understanding of the more money in the pocket concept as relates to Companies, is to increase he capacities of these companies such that if currently employing 500 they move to 800 employees, by this way our brothers and sisters who are not working we will have jobs and more peolple will have the livelyhood that we are some of us we are enjoying though not enough in our context. The idea of increasing salaries for the current few working we will just widen the gap and these we lead to more crimes in the country.