Friday, March 28, 2025

President Sata urged to probe all privatized firms


President Sata
President Sata

President Sata has been challenged to probe all privatized firms in the country. President Sata recently instituted a commission of inquiry to probe the sale of Zanaco.

Political analyst, Sunday Chanda says the president should depart from selective approach of probing the privatized companies. He has also challenged President Sata to publicize the findings of the commission of Inquiry in to the sale of Finance Bank.

Mr. Chanda claims that the path taken by the PF led government is similar to Zimbabwe’s nationalization program. He has expressed fears saying the trend if let to go on will be costly and plunge the national economy into chaos.



  1. Sata you have run out of ideas. Give a country direction and not history . Vote for Chipimo and not sata, kambwili and GBM

    • ” Sata you have run out of ideas. Give a country direction and not history . Vote for Chipimo and not sata, kambwili and GBM ”

      Why, so that Elias Chipimo can make a deal with the mining companies?

      This is much bigger than any political party, or any one individual.

      We need a collective attack on the very policies of the World Bank and IMF, organized through the AU and SADC, so that no individual country can be retaliated against, like Zimbabwe was retaliated against.

      This is a war over who is going to benefit from our resources – our children and grandchildren, or Anil Agarwal, the Rothschild family, and other wannabe Cecil Rhodes’s (who by the way was financed by Rothschild Bank, and became Founding Chairman of De Beers in 1888).

      Google: de beers history rothschild

  2. Yes, even liquidated ones. Most of us have not been availed reports on liquidated entities, most of which we suspect (mainly as a result of a lack of information) were liquidated based on vendetta or political fixing…

    Now that COI reports are being made public, lets make all proceedings of public and parastatal entities past and present public – whether in privatisation processes, or liquidation.

  3. Probe all violent chaps including those involed in the 2001 Chawama violence. Include also those who ferried millions of kwacha in trunks to MMD convention. Also those who dump forex at foreign international airports. One day wina azakalila like Rupiah Banda is crying today.

  4. Probing all privatised companies may just expose the president one way or the other, coz he was at the helm of MMD as Minister without Portfolio at the height of privatisation.

  5. Why should you probe companies that were privatised over ten years ago….? and most were properly done. you only probe the ones you think were fraudulently done like zamtel……ba chanda, ba political analyst…? i like your charism though esp on muvi tv. but you are in a wrong camp young man and the earlier you realise that the better for you. you will be singing those songs for MMD, a ticket you stood for in kanchibiya till you sink with it coz it is sinking actually. so open your eyes young man. you got so much potential.

  6. A government that is so obsessed with the faults of others is a problem, this government is spending too much time on the past, there is so much poverty in the country and every day all we hear about is what the previous government did. Cannot they focus on more than one issue, Zambia needs development and that is the issue that should be number one. Why does the justice system have to operate at the behest of the government, can the system not operate on its own. If the government can not see anything wrong with this fixation on the past they should start opening their eyes and develop the country, has any of them seen UNZA of let, a national university whose buildings are a disgrace, when was the sewerage system in Lusaka updated, Come on BaSata get to work and stop this charade.

  7. To avoid suspicion Mr. Sata should be selective in dealing with corruption. We know that he (SATA) cannot set up an inquiry to probe himself those cases involving him should be left to the next head of state. Surely we need to know what happened at Finance Bank, the commission of inquiry is needed and results made to the public. The decrees by Sata are not enough we have laws in the country. We want to know how the Finance Bank conducted its affairs in relation to the Zambian laws. It is immaterial at this stage whether or not finance Bank corruptly financed Sata.

  8. it does not make sense practically probe can be done only in those which has public interest and recently intangled in political issues. where is the money to probe every company and embassy when you criticise be fair to your thinking not to say because it is another person doing it we never develop with such thinking.

  9. Ba Shimaini, I think you are correct to say that Sunday Chanda has so much potential and I may add that he is part of the new breed of young politicians, if he does not mess himself up. He is definately more intelligent and relevant than Gregory Chifire. This is one youngman who has taken on the MMD leadership on the question of the Convention and challenged the leadership to show the party members where the money was. I think one attribute I like about him is that he has remained in the MMD (possibly to prove consistency) when it’s fashionable for all to run to the PF. Chanda would be useful in parties like NAREP because that is his generation. On the point raised, I agree that the President should move away from his selective approach and allow for the due process of law.

  10. That the report on Finance Bank was not made public raises suspicion. Mathani is not a stranger to shaddy deals dating back to the Carrington maize scam. Did Zambia get their money back? Should this not be investigated?

  11. Looking back all the time is a waste of Gods time and money. The moneys recovered is never declared for all to see.ends up in their pockets. Just encourage sata to look forward and liberate some people he has always been referring to as poor since UNIP days.

  12. Zambians need their money back to develop our nation , that is why zambia is lugging behind ,people intrusted to manage peoples affairs have been stealing from them, we need to clean up the mess if we can go forward

  13. We want developmental action and not more inquiries gobblering up the much promised money in our pockets. Probing all privatised firms may sound a good effort but it is surely a waste of time and a drain on our meagre resources, you may even find some of the culprits dead i.e Chiluba & Mwanawasa and then what? Do we get a sangoma to find out for us what happened? We should learn to let go some of these things- you win some you lose some and such is life.

    • 17 Musimbi Mubotu,

      ” Probing all privatised firms may sound a good effort but it is surely a waste of time and a drain on our meagre resources… ”

      Why do you think those resources are ‘meagre’? Time to invent new lies.

  14. When we voted for Sata we voted to “Move forward”. The average person does not understand how shares work and so saying Zambians should have gotten shares is meaningless. What I and other Zambians need is to have enough food on my table for my children. We wasted our votes on this guy. Absolute no vision. 

  15. ” … the path taken by the PF led government is similar to Zimbabwe’s nationalization program. ”

    ” … the trend if let to go on will be costly and plunge the national economy into chaos. ”

    Did mr. Sunday Chanda perhaps benefit in some way from the crooked MMD’s profitisation process?

    I would really like to see them try to punish Zambia for following the rule of law, and exposing the daylight robbery of African resources by transnational corporations.

    And they will not be able to keep their names out of the newspapers if they try. Or limit their exposure to Zambia, because these are just different corporations with the same ownership, when it comes down to it.

    NM Rothschild & Sons did the privatisation of ZCCM. (Google: zccm rothschild)

  16. Besides the Anti-Corruption has a folder on Sata saying he abused government money as local govt minister. This is public knowledge that the majority of people know but have decided to forgive and give him another chance. Should we advocate for more investigations on that case, even though we already know he was found guilty. Who ever is advising him needs to focus on the important things that he promised every Zambian in those 90 days. We as the people that voted him in need to make Sata know that at the end of the day we are the ones in charge, what we need are schools, hospitals being built.

  17. GBM`s daughter has been sent into foreign mission. Namibia to be pricise. On what basis? Purely nepotism. She left last week. Can Sata reverse it please

  18. @handsome Bungwe was Dora or RB involved in the alleged sending of GBM’s daughter into foreign service? if not then it does not qualify as nepotism under the new definitions

  19. The point #21 is making is that at the same time Sata is busy condemning people for their actions in privatization, people like GBM daughter is appointed to go work at the embassy. What qualifications does she have? People that have proper qualifications to do the job do not get the job and then when things fail or look like something was not done right we wonder why and waste resources on commissions etc.  

  20. Please probe the operations of Zambia Workmans Compensation Fund as a matter of urgency. You have a large leak going on there!

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