Monday, March 10, 2025

Man believed to have forced girls to have sex with his dog arrested


A European man, believed to have been forcing girls to have sex with his dog, has been arrested.The man has been on police wanted list since October last year but cannot be identified for now because there have been threats on his life since the story broke out.

Last year, irate Kalulushi residents ran riot and demanded the man’s arrest after a 16-year-old girl narrated her ordeal during a public meeting at the Kalulushi Mine Club.The man evaded the wrath of the residents and relocated to an unknown destination before his capture.

In an interview in Kalulushi on Monday, Copperbelt commissioner of police Mary Tembo confirmed the arrest. “We arrested the man in Ndola and he will be appearing in court in the first week of February,” Ms Tembo said.

She said police in Ndola have taken over the investigations from their Kalulushi counterparts. In October residents stormed the man’s residence, shattered windows, looted household goods and partially set the house ablaze.

The residents also thronged Kalulushi police station and accused the officers of corruption and allegedly intimidating key witnesses.

The residents engaged police in skirmishes and demanded the arrest of the suspect, who had fled his home. Police fired tear gas canisters to disperse the crowd, but the residents later regrouped and blocked roads with logs and stones.

The girl narrated how the man allegedly drugged her and forced her to have sex with his dog for over 45 minutes. “I was at home cleaning plates when my friend asked me to escort her to see her boyfriend of European origin. When we arrived at his place, my friend introduced me to him and I was offered a drink, which I took. A few minutes later, I started dozing and when I woke up, I found a dog having sex with me,” the girl said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She accused police of allegedly tampering with evidence and that her life was in danger because some police officers allegedly issued death threats against her and her mother.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


    • white pipo? are we being rasist. that fool needs to be locked up… why give all whites the blame… I thought zambians where differant…

  1. shame. let those police officer threaterning her be arrested and charged for there conduct. How did man escape the cell. Dr. Malama please look into what your officers in Kalulushi did. They have to be deciplined in a smiller way Clifford Mulenga is.

  2. What is a European man? Someone from Spain, Turkey, Norway, Italy etc. Ballotelli is a European man so is Thierry Henry so is Jermain Defoe. So does European man help us understand the criminal here?

    • What’s your problem? Specificity? Did you want them to say a white guy? There! I said it! The perpetrator was apparently white. British, Scottish Irish, it does not make a difference, he was in a white skin.

  3. He maybe a doctor try to do some scientific tests that would be beneficial to us zambians . Why do we Zambians like concluding too quickly if that is the case the guy is innocent and the girl should be given money maybe 20 million atleast such accusations are not good for Zambia I doubt her guys 

  4. This is inhuman. This is a disregard for zambians. This white man should be judged and let the law take its cause. The just stand of the court on this crime will send a message to other affluent in society who find pleasure in abusing the weak especially the young girls. This man does not deserve to be in zambia.

  5. white pipo? a gay dog with great appetite for white men… please this white man is sick.. he should be locked up!! that poor girl… my hurt goes out to her!!!!
    I was born in zambia.. I have always felt a zambian. but can I help it am white? why do you hurt me with words like this….. we are all gods children or not? why be a racist…

  6. it is very sad to read such a story, this so called european man does not deserve to live with human being. Because his has shown to be an animal him self bringing girls for his friend the dog.this man should be sent straight to prison with his acomprise. We demand justice over this matter.

  7. @Peter. People know that this man is white but they know that not all white people are ill-hearted. do you know that our vice president is white? don’t you think that people have it in my that our vice president is white? Much as you might cry foul of racism here, people are just concerned that foreigners are bringing in such acts of bestiality. believe you me, even if it were a Chinese, Indian, Arab or Black African, the approach will be the same. The truth of the matter is that this man took advantage of the girls’ poverty to do such an evil act. This should not be tolerated regardless of your race, at least here in our country Zambian.

  8. Guys this is so sad. But there is no need to be racist. This man 
    Did not do this because his white. He did it because he is a sick and 
    Twisted individual. 

    • There you go again, defending the indefensible. Bestiality is not a black/brown practice. Africans look upon that as an abomination. If it is commonly practice in white culture, it is part of white culture.

  9. Is it in the same Kalulushi or is it Luanshya where we were treated to chuku chuku 70 pin, and touch touch 20 pin?? Remember under age girls used by the Chinese??? Is there some correlation between the depressed economic status of these twons and the likelihood of girls falling prey to these monsters???

  10. I blame the Girl 16 years old freely going to weird homes and accepting drinks but still thats horrible being drugged and waking to chi scobby all up in your business and where was the ka friend when all this was going down awe sure pa zed!!!@@???

  11. @Segula GiGo, how can you blame the girl she was escorting her friend, what’s wrong with you people can’t you reason any more.  
    These sick chaps have a habit of putting all this ghastly stuff on camera and putting on line just to show their sick racist pals in South Africa and Europe what black girls can do for a dollar, yet the b@stard drugged her. ZP should have a dedicated wing just to target this particular type of crime as this has been happening for a long time. 

  12. 16 years old and unafraid of going to mens homes. what is our society coming to. what drink was it beer i suppose. when parents tell you to stay away from certain things, they are simply protecting you from such. Lesson to other girls.

  13. Arrest the girl’s friend. She is a betrayer. And might have lured others in the past. The raped girls should seek medical help to remove the dogs waste matters. That white man should face death sentence > Efi nififine these are the ones spreading diseases in our society. Turnishing the girl’s life into hell. kill, kill. kill him

  14. You have to read between the lines. the statement from the girl reads “the dog had sex for 45 minutes with her” The question is, how did she accurately count the time when she was atually under drugs and sleeping? I smell a rat here.

  15. thiz galz u neva no wat they are up 2…first it was vibrators..then dog^:)^..who knows wat tha next thing wil b..pigs?i dnt know:o

  16. I remember we debated this story last year, just before RB and his corrupt MMD lost elections.The gvt was very much aware about this and we all complained that the Police where protecting this criminal by saying that no one has come up with evidence against the offender. Now we are being told the girl is accusing the police of intimidating her. Yes even last year when this happened most bloggers here said the police where not acting proffessionary and we all suspected they had been corrupted. The MMD gvt by then did nothing, no effort from the gvt to have this man prosecuted. Thank God the vigilant Ndola police. We await results.

  17. Why Am I not surprised! When you allow your country to be run aground by foreigners, when the long arm of the law seemingly too short to bring a foreigner to justice, when your police are corrupt, when it appears to a foreigner that he or she can get away with forced bestiality, murder or worse, when your women, the majority of them, dream of bedding a white fella, when most Zambians suffer from a great deal of inferiority complex around whites, when there’s a lack of a national awareness/dialogue identifying and discussing issues around the abuse of zambian girls by foreigners, when it is a known fact that the majority of foregn visitors to Zambia are Sex Tourists – capitalizing on the lax legal systems

    • You have hit the nail on the head brother but the question still remains what is the way forward to avert such happenings in the future?

  18. continuation:
    when there’s a lack of education in our primary and secondary schools in educating our youths about what it is to be black and Zambian – instilling pride and vigour into them, when the leaders of this country are nothing more than sellouts. Do we know of how many young girls are abused in this way or gangbanged by a group of white men or paedophiles travelling in Zambia abusing underage girls and boys, or poverty stricken parents who collude with their white perpetrators for to allow abuse of their wards for a meagre financial reward. Many a time in Europe I will see the way black women and men jostle over one another to stoop to a degrading level because they want to have a white friend or lover that they can show to their friends and family –

  19. continuation: How degrading can it be for a race of people to loathe their own skin so much. It is just unbelievable. What happened to that poor little girl is evidence of a wider problem. Failings in our society to address ills that denigrates us as peoples/race. These issues are so serious that our leaders fail to recognise it. For a white foreigner to have leave the shores of his own country and travel thousands of miles to perpetuate such heinous crime speaks volume of the state of affairs in Zambia. This despicable crime is not unique to Ndola, it is countrywide! Wake Up people, Wake up Zambians and let us start addressing issues of these nature in a very public way, by so doing we can stop the rot of exploitation that is taking place in Zambia.

  20. continuation: The interesting thing in Zambia is Zambia on the surface appears to be run by elected Zambians but beneath that exterior is the truth behind the people who run and control Zambia. Zambia is run by foreigners who have embedded themselves with powerful Zambian politicians. Whilst they feed our Zambian leaders crumbs, they take out a sizeable chunk from our economy. look around and tell me all the big corporate organisations i.e Banking, Telecoms etc are controlled by foreigners. You will be hard pressed to find a blue chip company owned by a true Zambian.

  21. Get a dog to f)uc.k this guy in the a”ss for 1 hour so that he feel the humiliation if any and video tape it and show it to the public.

  22. THIS MAN  deserves a mukobeko treatment… Next time we’ll end up with something worse than HIV from canine-STIs. The officers in Kalulushi should be investigated and wrong doers including the friend to the young girl must be punished. I just hope we don’t have these crimes going on silently around us in return for money to the abused girls. 

  23. Its bad what the man did but we need to displin our women. They sleep with dogs at 16 then traffic drugs at 25. A 16 yr old should expose herself to this nan, she should have been doibg home work. The man should be deported immeduateky

  24. I have lived in England for 12 years now and it is clear that any st,upid behavior as a foreigner it’s straight in prison. But in Zambia we worship foreigners mostly whites actualy even west Africans come to do dirt practices in Zambia. You need to travel and briefly live out side Zambia to know how desperate things are out there. I don’t doubt it that the young girl was threatened by police who received few bank notes from that white man. We just live like on an individual farm. The white man knows he can do as he pleases while me I try so hard not to cross the law not even over speeding you face the law. Shame

  25. The appropriate charge sheet must include attempted murder with a lethal weapon, kidnapping, inducing poisonous drug on a minor, child molestation and rape. Proper medical examinations must be taken on the little girl before ZP can finally charge the man. If the dog is HIV positive, that too must be included on the charge sheet. This case should send a strong message to would be offenders. The guy should be looking at a minimum of 90 years or life in prison. Stop using the race factor, i would rather this guy is named because of the gravity of the offense. 

  26. It is the taboo of this nature that encourage people to do this. A dog cannot have sex with woman. We hear of man having sex with sheep and goats, but for a dog to penetrate a girl;s private parts is an almost impossibility. If this act happened and she was penetrated by this dog, how did the dog loosen or disengage itself for her? I do not believe this story. Also, was a medical performed her? If the story is true, then the police should name this man – white or black otherwise the story is rubbish

  27. #6 and #8 pliz give sympathy were its due, this girl knew what was going to happen when her friend took her to that european man and she willingly accepted so that she can get lots of money,become instant millionaire. these girls of nawadays are full of warped brains all they think of is lavishy life style. She is just a gold digger.

  28. The world has become global. It is not “white” people doing this; it is PEOPLE doing this. Lets refrain from sinking into denial when we get shocked like this. There are so many weird things happening under our watch and all we can think of is whether it is a white man or not! Shallow thinking bunda bwama graduate mumisebo! Akwa!

  29. Police will never stop corruption in fact they are the ones responsible for tanishing the emerge of this country. This man escaped from the cells and now they are threatening the life of this girl and Dr. Malama is just wacting. It is like Malama is another just talking machine because road blocks and corruption are still going on on the roads.


  31. @ Boo, since your flag shows you are in UK just google bestalitiy or (zootube) as see for yourself…dogs, horses ,donkeys in action with humans, the story is true and its not the first or last time its will happening in Zed. Its happening all over the country people just dont talk about it openly..

  32. How did she know it was 45 minutes if the drink had made her uncinsciousness,? She is being economical with the truth.Why was she quik to take the drink before the owner of the same boyfriend tasted? At 16 boy friend? for what , i m tempted to think shw was not paid the agreed fee and decided to spill the beans. Hunger forced the poor girl… sory..

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