Monday, March 10, 2025

Nevers warns of disaster if RB’s immunity is lifted


Nevers Mumba (L) with former president Rupiah Banda
FLASHBACK Nevers Mumba (L) with former president Rupiah Banda

MMD presidential hopeful Dr. Nevers Mumba has warned that the lifting of former president Rupiah Banda’s immunity will spell disaster.

Dr. Mumba says calls to lift the former president’s immunity will dent Zambia’s image both locally and internationally.

Dr. Mumba says he will not subscribe to stakeholders calling for the removal of the former president’s immunity.

He has suggested that the provision in the constitution which guarantees presidential immunity be removed so that there are no calls to lift the immunity of former president whenever they leave office.

Dr. Mumba notes that it has now become a trend to call for the lifting of former presidents’ immunity whenever they leave office.

Dr. Mumba has advised President Michael Sata to ensure that he unites the country rather than concentrate on the removal of his predecessor’s immunity.

He says it is clear knowledge that the current government is still a minority government as can be seen from the number of people that voted for the MMD.

And Dr. Mumba has warned that the country is bound to lose a number of investors because of the government’s handling of investors.

He claims some foreign investors have started contemplating taking their investments to other countries.

Dr. Mumba was speaking this morning on Livingstone based ZAMBEZI FM’s Journalist programme monitored by QFM.



  1. what disaster? chiluba more famous than rb had his immunity lifted who is rb to cause disaster? let him clear his name of the numerous allegations levelled against him and in the midst of these serious allegation it is just right that his immunity should be lifted. recently zra board of inquiry recommemded that rb and 13 others be arrested and made to answer some questions but how can that be if the good pastor and others are opposing the lifting of rb’s immunity.

  2. i wish the media could concentrate on following up and updating us on some promised positive projects rather than this nonsense of talk talk talk by unproductive political individuals that so much want to be in the news

  3. I dont like Never’s, he is a spent force, but what he has said makes sense, As the British High Commissioner mentioned last time, there is no real evidence pointing to R.B, on cases of corruption, R.B may be guilty of bad judgement in decision making, but this cannot amount to a criminal offence, if it is, it is addressed by removing such a president from power through elections. In R.Bs time, the economy grew, some may argue that it is because of Mwanawasa’s policies why the economy grew, that is a lie, an economy can severely contract within a month if badly managed. Currently, the economy is hanging on a thread, it will grow, stabilise or contract depending on Sata’s moves, currently the economy has shown signs of contracting bearly about five months of the PF being in government

    • Cowards, are u thinking bfrom your anus? Surely how can the first lady Thandiwe Banda own a complex worth billions of kwcha when som 3 yrs ago she was just oppupil teacher? She owns other property elsewhere and you think that as genuimely gotten? Since it was not genuinely acquired, dont you think abuse of office was at play, and by whjom? RB of course!!!

      You and the British ambassador need to wake up and face reality.

    • Iwe CHI PAUL

      If you mava ****ars had evidence, you would have locked up Thandiwe or RB a long time ago.  You are just speculating.  Thandiwe has no immunity. Provide evidence.  It can’t be DONCHI KUBEBA foever.  One day you have to say as it is.  Where is the evidence?  Who stole what when?  Where are the assets so that they can be forfeited?

    • “Currently, the economy is hanging on a thread, it will grow, stabilise or contract depending on Sata’s moves, currently the economy has shown signs of contracting bearly about five months of the PF being in government.”

      What indicators are you using? I am interested.

  4. I find this outburst from former Republican VP extremely shocking. How on earth can a man of his calibre; a God fearing man and Pastor call lifting Bwezan Lupiya’s immunity, in order to fully investigate what transpired during his tenure as Republican President be disasterous?

    How can he claim lifting immunity cause investors to look elsewhere? What kind of investors are these? This to me clearly shows why Zambia has lagged behind over the years with no economic progress nor notable social developments. It’s these type/calibre of leaders that have made even small countries like Malawi do better. Please ba Nevers, go back to the Pulpit, leave Politics to Politicians and rightly so, to Michael Sata to sort our the mess in Zambia which you and your tandem of thieves left behind, shame

  5. The immunity covers the president against prosecution in the normal performance of his duties to the people and country. It certainly does not cover private criminal activities such as corruption, theft, murder, etc. Therefore, the president can be prosecuted without lifting his immunity because the cases for prosecution are not official duties and are not covered in the constitutional immunity!!! May I invite the so-called lawyers to dispute this point!!!!!

  6. Nevers is scared that RB will be thrown into jail just like the other thugs who were ruling Zambia as MMD’s disguised thieves.

  7. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! It`s true this man is not a politician but a fake Pastor.

    Read the mood of Zambians you plank! Lifting the immunity of the man who give you a job after you went down on all fours doesn`t mean he is found guilty. Plum!

  8. This is the same prophet of doom who said he see blood shed if Zambians vote Kaunda out. I just do not trust people that use the name of God to gain wealth and power.

  9. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! It`s true this man is not a politician but a fake Pastor.

    Read the mood of Zambians you plank! Lifting the immunity of the man who gave you a job after you went down on all fours doesn`t mean he is found guilty. Plum!

  10. PF Government should concentrate on meeting their campaign promises not the useless talk about RB`s immunity. The country lost so much tax payers money trying to chase FTJ and in the end it was the Zambian people who lost. People are hurting and PF is busy renaming cities and provinces as if that would bring meals on people`s tables, what kind of political party is this? People want the PF government to create jobs, and investment opportunities not scare away the few investors that we labored so much to bring to Zambia. If the people Government has no agenda for the country, it is never too late to step aside and let progressive Zambians move the country forward. Only unprincipled people would lie their way into leadership positions.

  11. How can lifting of immunity of someone who is facing allegations of plunder spell disaster?….And he wants to run for the MMD presidency surely he should have a stance on corrupt, crooks in public office. I surely won’t be voting for you for defending RB on issues that should worry you as a man of God. If it’s proven beyond reasonable doubt that RB did in fact plunder, this stance you have taken will be your down fall. You want to defend RB so that he can help you ascend to the MMD presidency. Shame on you ba Pastor Mumba cheap political mileage.

  12. What is this cockroach talking about!!! minority government!!!! Its clear that he was not in touch with happenings back home while he was in Canada. this chap is a serious opportunist, who’s ready to embrace corruption and as such should not be entertained. Let us all champion this fight against corruption. Such leaders are the ones taking the country backwards.

  13. Zambian Politicians! Dude if u r planning on becoming president of the MMD or the country(which I highly doubt you’ll be) wouldn’t it be wiser for you not to associate yourself with RB or anything negative concerning the previous government? just concentrate on clearing your name on the Canada issue and stay away from all things RB and Moreover if the Man has a case to answer let him answer! If some investors don’t want Zambia to uphold the rule of law let then go! There is always someone else willing to invest.

  14. If RB is innocent why his son (Henry) on the run?globe trotting. It just shows how rotten the first family was from head to tail. They need to pay us back our hard earned tax money,unless you don’t pay tax it cant hurt you,not working up at 5am till 5pm just to enrich the Banda Family,no way, it hurts.

  15. But why do Zambians think investors are gods? Listen, an investor is a person who brings money into a situation in order to make more money. Let them go, the world is not short of honest investors who will bring their money here and we will be fine. Stop this dramatization of investor confidence blabla – the point is straight forward. IF and ONLY IF, RB has committed a crime worth of being prosecuted can his immunity be lifted. So far there are plausible cases one of the most significant is the nationality of RB’s parents. I am sure Mutembo is just waiting to settle down in his DPP position, he will ask the president of Zambia to request that the immunity of RB be lifted by the pple because he ruled Zambia illegally. How can such a thing bring chaos…Ba Nevers, change your attitude.

  16. ….and infact this sort of talk by former MMD leaders is even annoying many more Zambians that the demand for lifting of the immunity will go up. They should learn to shut their mouths up!

  17. Ba ‘NERVOURS’ mwilatutinya!!!!!!!! What did you say about MMD winning in 1990????? You saw and wrongly prophesied BLOODSHED!!!!!!!! You alarmed us then, not ANYMORE. If you you lick RBs boots, continue doing that quietly. You are no longer a stranger to any Zedians with your perceived threats of “disasters”! You danderhead

  18. It will be a disaster for the nation if thieves are left to plunder with impunity. And this is the fool some people expect to place in the driving seat of MMD and the country?? MMD is lost, not Zambia. Never Mumba can ejaculate all the nonsense he likes, but he will never ever become a leader for honet peace-loving Zambians, only for thieves like himself and MMD.

  19. RBs issues are not just corruption, but also a pending case of adultery which must be tried in court. how is the husband whose family was broken feeling? he too wants justice.immunity has just to be lifted for RB to prove his innocence.

  20. This fake pastor was stealing with RB. If we percive RB guilty of corruption he should be investigated. Why are you scared mumba. This man is very dull and MMD should vote for him to lead them, the only problem with him leading MMD is PF and the country would not have a viable opposition lead party but one that can rented. Before you start protecting RB , clear your self first . As one blogger above said, he cant even read the mood of the electorate that is how thick he is. Mumba you have houseboy mentality.

  21. When are we Zambians going to talk about developmental issues? I am not surprised that PF has no agenda for the country. If you are inadequately prepared and  are given power and money what do you think you can do? I am not saying PF is made up of ‘kaponyas’ but people who had no idea they would be where they are today. Now get back to reality and move the country forward. In Zambia, we like putting the blame on the past and fail to take responsibility. If you seek political office and you are granted, you can not be telling people that you have failed to lead them because of the past leaders who plundered the economy. As i said, if you have been overwhelmed by the demands of the office, they are so many capable people who can handle the pressure and stir the country forward.

  22. This plum is really clever. He knows he has to do is become MMD president and then defect to PF like he has done before.

    Boot Fimo Fimo where are you?

  23. This plum is really clever. He knows all he has to do is become MMD president and then defect to PF like he has done before.

    Boot Fimo Fimo where are you?

  24. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR (Tdr.) or WIZARD DOCTOR (Wdr.) or GHOST DOCTOR (Gdr.) Never Mumba, is a MAD CHAP. Wdr. Nevers Mumba has to concentrate to build up his Defence over Criminal Charges is FACING. Gdr. Nevers Mumba is a MAD Chap, who is this BIG HUNGRY FACE CALLED BA BANDA, BANDA is a Thief of Dirty Thugs, We have to remove his immunity as quick as possible, and has to enter the lines of Zambia Prisons, . Tdr. Mumba and the DOG called Banda are now future Prisoners. The time for them has come. Wdr. Mumba is a CRAZY CHAP, who is he to talk about this immunity of this hungry man Banda, both of them will meet in Prison. Tdr. Mumba has never been to University apart from being at NOTECH.

  25. If RB is clean why should lifting of his immunity be an issue? Nevers should also think and reflect on why RB’s son Henry is running from one country to the other like a monkey from one branch to the other if the Rupiah admin. was clean?

  26. Ba Mumba nabo baleke ukutubepa. There will be no disaster. in fact this presidential immunity should no appear in our new constitution. No former president should be immune to prosecution for things like theft, misuse of public resources and crime. that immunity does not exisit in developed countries and that is why you never read about theft and other crimes in those countries. Recently Forner French president jack Chirac was in trouble with the law, In Israel , aformer president has been jailed. Burlesconi of Italy has many issues with the law. the bottom line is that President te Lesa iyooooooo! Muntufye ngaifwe bonse. If I shouldn’t steal pancito, he also shouldn’t steal- period.

  27. Men Nevers Mumba is right.If RB’s immunity is lifted then most of the people including himself would be found wanting on issues we the the commoners can’t see with our naked eyes.He is right he would be in choas himself and his political career would in doomed to condamination.Mulekeni RB umwine ai kiline.Mufuleni ijaketi lya imuniti so the bullets of law can be tested on him.He is still innocent intill proven otherwise

  28. Himself Mumba is a disaster to himself, hungary for money pastor, go back to preach the Auditors General Report is waiting for you.

  29. Kwena ku Zambia kwalibefipuba. Nevers has the audacity to say that? Anyway, he is Nevers what do you expect? The only one who got nine F at Hilcrest Sec School and all he could do was to get a fake pastoral job.

  30. Tdr. Nevers Mumba is a Mad Chap ……., he has no rights to talk about IMMUNITY OF DOG BANDA, …. This fake doctor has to concentrate over building his defence, BANDA too. Viva PF ….and LONG LIVE SATA, beat the DRUMS for this Thugs to dance the Tune.

  31. As usual empty headed PF cadres or Kaponyas grabbing the smoke and leaving the fire, thinking they got the fire from this news item. What you are missing is the fact what the Dr is saying is the trend being set, you might as well remove the immunity from the constitution.

  32. RB is nothing compared to FTJ. What disaster is this man talking about? Man of God is suppose to predict success and not disaster. God punishes such people in his own way… out Nevers…your words breed disaster for yourself.

  33. Let’s just remove Presidential immunity from the Constitution altogether. It serves no purpose but to shield criminals! Only the guilt are afraid.

  34. Nevers is a political prostitute. He is saying this not out of conviction, but to get RB’s support in the fight for the MMD presidency.
    I wish he would just disappear permanently in the wilderness to seek god.

  35. The immunity should be stripped of anyone as soon they leave plot 1,, why does he need the imunity if he is as innocent as he claims ala sha

  36. Why did RBish remove that clause in the first place? doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out why? He’s a plain THIEF.

  37. It appears SATA’s government is focussed on fighting fellow politicians than building the nation.

    Anytime they try to do something it is full of mistakes:
    1) First was, to suspend exports for 14 days – where on earth?
    2) Second was to encourage workers to go on strikes countrywide – where on earth?
    3) Then it was the issue of Gold – went Zee!!!
    4) Finance Bank – disregarded all court proceedings concerning the bank and geve it back to Mahtan dictetorially.
    5) The ‘fake’ Kwacha story – emmmhh!!
    6) The Zamtel takeover – (probably good idea but) Extremely poorly done, dictatorially.
    7)The constitutional commision – single-handedly picked.
    8) The healthy workers salary increase ‘thoughts’ confused.
    9)And many more…. is this how we have chosen to run the nation????

  38. Dr Mumba, Please await your fate, Your day in court is soon. Don’t worry about RB unless you were in the scams together. JUst withdraw some money for Sakwiba’s Fees.

  39. I think our great leader should just forget about about these MMD losers. They’re taking too much of his time……

  40. Discussion of lifting immunity takes up too much time we could use productively. Therefore, REMOVE IT ONCE AND FOR ALL from the constitution NOW while we are still remaking our constitution.

  41. Even the Catholics have realised their mistake in the current political scenario of the country.
    Now they are not willing to be identified with the man they helped win the October elections in the name of SATA because they have clearly seen dishonesty and a lack of sincerity in governance.
    They have begun to disclaim their support and association to the wrongs they have observed.
    If you read the 19 point letter from the catholic bishops you will see this twist in the turn of events.
    It is not possible for SATA to buy the catholics because they are not known to be for sale.

  42. So much emotional talks here with little or NO analyisis at all.
    If we agree that the posts here on this thread represent the average Zambian, then that may explain why we have a government such as the PF-governement which does not display any organisation at all. Anyone says and does whatever he wishes. One says we are getting rid of street vending next week, another says we were voted in power to allow the street vendors so they can have more money in their pockets.
    One says health workers salaries have been increased by 100% and they are free to get car loans, another says I was just thinking about it.
    very difficult to see where they are coming from, where they are and where they are going, if at all they are moving.

  43. I strongly feel that Mr Mumba should just leave politics to politicians.i feel he can still regain his lost glory at the pulpit than this yapping hes been doing for the past few weeks

  44. I think Nevers Mumba is not thinking straight. From experience when you dare people who have the power, they will go ahead and do what you are daring to do just to spite you. As a politician, Nevers Mumba shouldn’t jeopardise RB’s life to gain useless political milage. Let the big man retire in peace and not to be used as a campaign tool.
    Disaster? what disaster? Chilkuba was a more giant political figure rB cannot reach, but he was
    tried in the courts of law. Don’t be scared of standing in court, but be scared of being found guilt.
    I can foresee a potential MMD loser in Nevers. So far he has not inspired since he came back from Canada. Shame on our once vibrant preacher man, now a political masquerade.

  45. Let the immunity close be effected while the president is in office and removed once he/she leaves office,so that he/she is not distracted to perform the duties of the presidency.

  46. Nevas RB was yo savior u were finished. So dont cheat. Chiluba’s immunity was lifted bcoz of suspected plunder of pulic resources. the US$48M London judgement, US$20M arms deal, US$7M Carlington maize deal and many more. If RB is suspected to have plundered he must defend himself. Y warm of disaster just prepare for yo ZMK500M case. As for investers we are not interested in fraudsters they can hang its our country and our God given resources which we can exploit for the benefit of all, not fake FDI.

  47. Fine! I love your analysis. It is intelligent and to the point. Unfortunately Zambians are easily used and cant read between the lines.

  48. Cleaness is next to Godliness.The God which I and Nevers worship is a clean God.iF NEVERS is not supporting the issue of lifting the immunity for RB who needs to clear his name then he is equally as dirty as RB.What the disaster let RB clear his name.Look at the sale of Zamtel,by his friend Dora Siliya.All this showing alot disparities in RB

  49. Let the President address parliament and give a prima facie case for the lifting of nyama soyas immunity….otherise we r just bwetukaling!

  50. FALSE PROPHETS LIKE NEVERS  should not mislead the Nation anymore, let alone his blind followers. How does get the nerves to SUPPORT CORRUPTION in broad day light? You call this HYPOCRITE a Pastor?

  51. FALSE PROPHETS LIKE NEVERS  should not mislead the Nation anymore, let alone his blind followers. How does get the nerves to SUPPORT CORRUPTION in broad day light? You call this HYPOCRITE a Pastor? JUST REPENT for choosing the money than the PASTORAL WORK! LESA TABEPWA! NIMWE ba POLEPOLE!

  52. Lusaka, Feb 25, 2003 (The Post/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX)

    LIFTING Chiluba’s immunity is God’s answer for justice, National Citizens Coalition (NCC) president Pastor Nevers Mumba has said.
    In his address to the nation yesterday, Pastor Mumba said the Supreme Court’s ruling should be respected as anyone who interfered with justice was an enemy of God.

    “This is the reason for all Zambians to be brave and do what is right for the future generations. The Church has prayed for years for justice and healing,” Pastor Mumba said.

    “This is part of God’s answering prayers.”

    Pastor Mumba said Chiluba could not have done what he was alleged to have done single handedly and that all who supported him should be subjected to the same treatment….


    • RB is in his own shit and only himself can save himself from that deep shit. It doesnt matter how much chaps like you lulu or Nevers raise your voices. Truth is the old chap is dirty and he has to wash his linen. At talking about time wasters, you may think people are wasting time blogging but it makes sense, a lot of sense actually! And if you think you are doing something better than others, you are in for it iwe ka some-of-us. Ifyo fine umona abanobe nabo efyo bakumona!!

  54. #39 Fine! “7)The constitutional commision – single-handedly picked”. When it is done by the ‘previous’ government the PF call it single sourcing and it attracts a COI, crucification by the task force, the Post and the ‘almighty’ (in small letters). The Post has even employed a Pastor to find verses from the Holy Bible to justify their stupid editorials which now sound like they are written by lunatics or people on a high.

  55. (3) A person who has held, but no longer holds, the office of President shall not be charged with a criminal offence or be amenable to the criminal jurisdiction of any court, in respect of any act done or omitted to be done by him in his personal capacity while he held office of President, unless the National Assembly has, by resolution, determined that such proceedings would not be contrary to the interests of the State.

  56. In short nevers is saying stealing by head of state is ok. Come on nevers, we choose our leaders so let them be responsible for their actions, lift RB immunity is a welcome move, he need to clear his name to the public

  57. The only problem with Never Mumba is he talks a bit too much , more or less like talk first then think later. Too much talking makes you end up talking rubbish. Why not keeping quite and work in silence but still lethal? Understand the ball game after being away for a while. Do not underate others too much. They say still water is deeper and running water is shallower; and An empty tin makes a lot of noise. We know you can be what you want to be but you can not be every thing at all times. Lets wait and see.

  58. People lets be clear please, all presidents must be acountable, it will disaster if they are not. Go ahead, remove immunity and investgate, this immunity thing is just stupid, what if somebody kills people while in office? At most the immunity should end automatically once youre out of power.
    I totally disagree with nervers.

  59. Who is Nevers Mumba but a false Prophet He loves money more than God He speaks for himself not for God.Men of God are not politicing but serving the Church.Zambians please do not believe this cheap bastard.Which investor is talking about?His stomach!

  60. Nevers Mumba is a stupid priest..On the one hand he is busy preaching about ”thou shall not steal” and on the other hand is protecting and sleeping with thieves. This ***** should just shut up

  61. investors leaving because a corrupt ex-president has his immunity lifted? why does this man think he is a leading authority on investor behaviour?

  62. Nevers oh Nevers its time you quit politics you are not meant to a be a politician remember you call and go back to God.

  63. ba guy ba chamwenso (nefas) you said zambia shall be saved one day and thank GOD we are now saved from the bunch of thieves ba pabwato abash fake pastors ,crooks and thieves.

  64. Is there not any morals left in the clergyman? Pastors in Zambia should rise up against such characters as once-upon-a time MAN OF GOD Pastor Nevers Mumba. Its them that are denting the image of all Pastors. He himself is dirty with corruption allegations and yet he is busy calling for people not to talk about lifting the immunity of his foemer boss. Political leaders, especially in Africa, hide behind their immunity against prosecution and oppress the same people that gave them the powers to serve them. Hence the need to SCRUTINIZE, SCRUTINZE and bring to book all the dirty chaps like the Fallen Pastor and his balls, oh sorry, boss.

  65. I never missed Zambia Shall be saved in the 90’s .But Mudala you are worse than Juda Iscariot .God will punish you for misleading me and dumping me,just like other followers.If you steal and we say,lets forget ,thats a bad precedent.The next leaders will stael too.Sink this your void head .

  66. If Sata left Office today, we will investigate him for the corrupt manner in which Rajan Mahtan has been given back Finance Bank, Single sourcing of Appollo to renovate Statehouse among many other things that shall be brought to fore immediately he leaves state house

  67. RB is a thief from the time of Namboard when he was MD,he run the Company to the ground,he son is on the run from Police,lift RB immunity and you will see how much Tax money he rip-off the Zambia People.

  68. Nevers is a ten tongued wolf in sheep’s clothing, Nevers you are a finished shameless politician. RB’s immunity has to be lifted to give him an opportunity to defend himself instead of labeling him as a thief. Just what are Nevers’ motives? Sounds like he is afraid of something. Just go back to your Victory Ministries where they do not task people who steal mutulo. As common Zambians want accountability and justice, so back off, go and bark somewhere else.

  69. So Nevers you mean to tell us that Presidents should abuse their office and should just go scot free? This is desperation or ninjala, just swallow your pride, humble yourself and ask for God’s forgiveness and get back to the pulpit. You are such a big joke, not even your fellow born agains believe you anymore what a Judas and chameleon- shame!

  70. Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine

    Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves

  71. The job of the president is to propel the country forward. If the president REALLY wants to fight corruption, he should change the laws to make it harder for any one man, minister, mp, ambassador, etc to misuse public funds. All ministries should be headed by a board of directors with a limited term of office. All ministries, departments and agencies should state their plans and achieve them and be held accountable.
    Such is progress. Constantly, endlessly, aimlessly perusing the past is an exercise in futility.
    Keep in mind that while all this drama is interesting and makes for good reading, it will in no way shape or form improve your life.
    Translation: It will not put more money in your pockets.
    Simple as that.

  72. RB did his part and deserves respect. today we’ve stopped thinking as Zambians and every time sata says something its gospel truth. its like a being ruled by f00ls and no f001 is there to control the other

  73. #s 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,16,etc 81 & 83 good support for PF all of you mubwato, Nevers is nervous the serpent, a prophet of doom. What about in other countries outside Africa where leaders are penalized for abuse of power has there been disater, but ba Nevers you’re a disaster yourself. Let me remind you, you could have brought disaster that time you chaired a press conference in the absent of the late Levy and made stupid remarks on DRC. Do you want to continue like this, ba guy you will be worse than sunami sh****t

  74. Zambia is always trying to prosecute their leaders ,one thing Zambians forget a president
    Is your image and reference, the world looks at leaders first before people, how do you
    Expect Chinese to respect us , we look like fools ,and these actions backfire eventually the one in prison is remembered when the ruling one becomes worser

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