Monday, March 10, 2025

ZCTU advises ministers not to issue statements regarding salaries for workers


ZAMBIA Congress of Trade Unions secretary general Roy Mwaba addresses journalists while his deputy Alfred Mudenda listens during a media briefing in Lusaka
ZAMBIA Congress of Trade Unions secretary general Roy Mwaba

The Zambia National Congress of Trade Unions -ZCTU- is urging government ministers NOT to issue statements regarding salaries for workers, before the conclusion of negotiations.

ZCTU Secretary General ROY MWABA, says such statements can affect the bargaining process for conditions of service.

He told ZANIS in an interview today, that the labour movements have the mandate to represent the workers adding that they should be left alone to do their work in the most professional manner.

And Mr. MWABA has urged government to treat all public workers equally.

He says salary increments should be across the board for all public workers.

Mr MWABA also said that remunerations should also be based on qualifications of a worker regardless of the public institution that one works for.



  1. One minister must be tamed and kept under close check, his name is Kambwili. He is a bully and careless talker and this explains why he was quickly removed from the sensitive mistry of foreign affairs.

  2. Mwaba and compromised Hikaumba, Because u have failed to negotiate higher % salary hikes for workers, PF and it’s Ministers like Kambwili have taken over your role. Dont ask me why!!!!!!!Because you are docile and udemand small wage increments.

  3. You mwaba and your team ve become toothless that is why Hon.kabwili has taken over you duties,for example, why should salary negotiation take you three months,this is lack of seriousness or you just want to make more sitting allowances imwe ba mpompwe…..

  4. Please start talking civil society, churches and trade unions mwe. Twasanswa naba kaponya who dont understand due process of the law or governance etc. Maybe a ‘workshop’ for all members of cabinet (and party jobseekers!) on the BASICS is required, no…essential! Kambwili needs a whole year intensive training. It seems everyone had a lot to say and the MOH himself Dr Kasonde had no idea what the hell was going on. He is not used to this level of unprofessionalism is my guess. Dr K must regret accepting to be part of this road show circus from his long career with more serious people in the UN system!

  5. iwe chi mwaba just shut your foul mouth u ve failed to deliver u shd go with RB! u chaps of ru king including hikaumba r a total sham… phwe!

  6. Please start talking civil society, churches and trade unions mwe. Twasanswa naba kaponya who dont understand due process of the law or governance etc. Maybe a ‘workshop’ for all members of cabinet (and party jobseekers!) on the BASICS is required, no…essential! Kambwili needs a whole year intensive training. It seems everyone had a lot to say and the MOH himself Dr Kasonde had no idea what the hell was going on. He is not used to this level of unprofessionalism is my guess, he must regret accepting to be part of this road show circus from his long career with more serious people in the UN system! elo ba Mwaba if you did your job well you wouldnt get the unwelcome directionless ‘helpers’

  7. Roy Mwaba and Hikaumba are danderheads, what achievements can they boost of since they started their rotten ZCTU. We don’t see you efforts you are a toothless union. Let Kambwili speak for the masses coz you have completey failed.Kambwili spoke for the Miners and they were given something decent, not imwe ba swine, go to hell and fight for you relatives.Very soon we will ask His Execellency to send some auditors to all the unions coz you just eat our contributions for nothing.We are tired of tootheless,senseless and useless unions.

  8. mmmmmmmmmmmm…since when were salary increaments equal across board??? y did u not advocate for this in the previous govnt?? y now!!???

  9. You pf kaponyas how come you are always attacking everything siad by people just because you percieve them as not having suppoted you during elections? Who has bewitched you to believe that everyone must support a sinking boat? leave Mwaba and Nevers alone. It is Sata and his team who don’t know how to rule a country hence their causing avoidable mistakes like anouncing fake 100% salary hike for health workers, annexing of Chirundu to Lusaka and Solwezi to copperbelt, Lukulu to N/W and Kaoma to Central.Kambwili has been behaving like a rebel leader threatening investors and everyone he comes accross. is this how ministers must behave? Presiden satan calls Nevers and other men of God as fake-self ordained pastors and he is vindictively fighting everyone who is opposed to his way of ruling.

  10. Where have the unions been when salaries were frozen?  Slave wages  are the  standard measure of the past govt of MMD in the last 20 years. The minister should talk about salaries because most union officials are corrupt, they don’t care about the welfare of the workers. If a worker dies at work because of the negligence of the company, I don’t think it is right for the responsible company to set  the settlement, life is not worth K50 million. You have to take into consideration the lost income in future due to the family, not only the victim. Chiluba deliberately destroyed the union so that no one can use it as a ladder as he did, what we have now are just stooges. The unions knows Liato’s buried fortune because the also got the envelopes. 

  11. cowards.why didn t you tell Kambwili thre and then.did have to wait for SATA to issue a statement and even come back ,for you to issue your useless statement.we know ,you just fattening your pockets there,but we will need proper audit of your books as that you go where other thiefs are going.

  12. Iam well qualified teacher with BSC and iam considered less important to a certificate holder environmental health technitians who spent most the time drinking Kachasu in villages. At end they beat me in terms salary after teaching the same chaps. Any logic? 100% for teachers unavoidable.

  13. fellow civil servants no one is getting 100% salary.kambwili was just hallucinating.our union leaders where with rb no doubt but the advise above should taken serious.

  14. #17teacher dont swear at them that earn more than you notwithstanding accademic qualification. How much one earn has little to with school. Make a plan man. Dont  curse at darkness. Light a candle instead.

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