MMD chairperson for Legal Affairs George Kunda has alleged that some senior Patriotic Front (PF) officials want Vice-President Guy Scott to vacate office on grounds that his parents were not Zambians.
But PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba has dismissed Mr Kunda’s claims.
Commenting on Mr Kunda’s allegations, Mr Kabimba said it is absurd for the former Vice-President to allege that there are some senior PF members backing calls for Dr Scott to leave office.
Mr Kunda has maintained that Dr Scott is constitutionally not qualified to hold the office of the Vice-President because of his parentage.
He said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that the MMD has received overwhelming support from some senior PF members who want Dr Scott to relinquish his position.
Mr Kunda said Dr Scott should vacate office so that the people who are qualified can take over the position.
“Our position as MMD is that Dr Scott does not qualify to hold office. We don’t want him to waste our time by taking him to court. He should vacate office as soon as possible before we hammer him with court cases.
“Why has he never been appointed by President Michael Sata to act as President? The reason is very simple. The man does not qualify to hold the office of the Vice-President,” he said.
Mr Kunda said the PF has a lot of qualified people who can take over Dr Scott’s position.
“Why is it that the Minister of Finance Alexander Chikwanda is the one who acts as President in President Sata’s absence, when Dr Scott is in the country? ” Mr Kunda said.
Mr Kunda has also charged that the recent constitution of commissions of inquiry by President Sata is a clear indication that the PF government will soon nationalise all the major former state-owned companies privatised by the former MMD government.
He said the commissions are a waste of tax payers’ money.
Mr Kunda said it is unfortunate that President Sata has continued to appoint commissions of inquiry to probe the sale of some former state-owned companies.
He alleged that all the commissions of inquiry have a predetermined outcome which will affect the country’s investment portfolio.
“Our worry is that there is no continuity in the governance of the country. When the PF came into office, they promised that there will be no disruption in the governance of the country. But now they have introduced the socialist way of governance.
“All these commissions of inquiry are predetermined. We are aware that after Zanaco, the PF government will move to the mines,” Mr Kunda said.
He urged the PF government to come up with clear and deliberate policies to enhance investor confidence.
Mr Kabimba said the PF is one of the best disciplined party in the country and that Dr Scott is still enjoying support from all party members.
“We are a disciplined party and we are all behind the appointment of Dr Scott as Vice-President. He has worked very hard for the party and contributed to bringing it to where it is now. Dr Scott is very loyal to the party and the President and this is the reason why he was appointed Vice-President,” he said.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
They do to piss u off. They are messing with yo head.
take heed kabimba,learn to keep quet.there is a point raised by kunda.scot is vice president so he has to act or else let him step down.
GK how long has guy scott been vice president in the PF. Why are you the only one worried about guy scott? When did George Kunda start worrying about waste of tax payers money? God should do us a favour and take away this piece of shiit. We are tied of him irritating us.
but why is not acting as president wen sata his out? thats the question
Iwe Ka kunda again. What about Banda he was born in Zimbabawe and his perents are from Malawi and you were the justice minister and never made any noise ! It is the perogative of the the sitting presido on who he appoints ! Lawyer atase
Typical example of a disgruntled human being. George Kunda should step aside and shoosh. Guy Scott makes a better vice than George Kunda ever was.
To ensure other tribes are not close. Opinion bo Inonge!
GK ubupuba, Where were Kaunda & Banda’s parents from? This man clearly doesnt know when to stop. He is clearly a frustrated man
Sata has no unwavering commitment to the truth. That means he has no unwavering commitment to loyalty, no unwavering commitment to governance. He is just a big-mouthed clown! That’s why he can so easily let down people who helped him be where he is today like Scot by appoiniting burnt-faced ChiSquander.
Kunda is very right. Guy is not qualified to act as president. Kunda has proved to be the most analytical lawyer politician we have in Zambia. long live
Read article 39 of the laws of zambia, nothing is wrong.
No Sata should answer this one quickly before it gets out of hand. The more this ka kunda makes noise the more its beginning to makes sense to some of us
Whats the fuss about who acts President? GK should find something better to occupy himself with.
Let us not dismus Kunda. There is a huge amount of truth in hs arguement.
I just hope GK is not a racist! For gk it was ok kk, chiluba & banda no his honor Scot. Think again
smells of Racism!!!!
Purely racist!
Jail the thug please.
President Sata can appoint anyone to act as president in his absence, so what’s your biggest problem George Kunda? We are all aware that you miss the Vice Presidency. Your time is GONE, period.
Abapushi tabatemwana.
But why is His Excellency not letting Scott act as President whilst he out on duty? GK seems to have a point. In the corporate world, if your MD doesn’t appoint you as deputy whenever he’s out and appoints your Junior, it’s speak volumes about you, and you are better off stepping down. If Scott is eligible to act, then why isn’t he being made to act? Is it that he’s incompetent? I doubt it, I think it’s got to do with him not being eligible.
Please Mr sata put Mr Alexander Chikwanda as your Vice President
What ever the case, there is no need to be fussy bout it
Even in as much as I don’t like Kunda and his self-righteous attitude but the truth is he has a point! The constitution provides that in the event the President passes on, the Vice President will act as president and rule the country for a period of not more than 3 months and in that same period hold elections. The question is how would Dr. Scott be able to do that if he does not qualify to act as president if such fate befell us? If the President died today who would act? Chikwanda or any other person? No, the constitution disqualifies them since they are not the Vice. Dr. Scott’s appointment brings out flaws in our constitution that needs to be dealt with. Is his appointment illegal? I don’t think so but there is something wrong here that needs to be rectified.
George u r right. Why wouldn’t he act in the absence of his boss? i smell a rotten rat.
do you know that the constitution says that when a president dies then the vice president shall act and not finance minister? the minister can only act is the vice is incapable by means of mental or physical deformity. we all know that Scott is neither of the two and in the even sata dies while in office, it means chikwanda cannot act because the constitution says the vice president. the big question is how can he act when he is not qualified to be president? this is what kunda is getting at. it will be a constitution breach. its not praying for the death of a person but its important to look to the future.
You people are so ignorant. Guy Scott is not qualified to stand for the republican presidency but in the absence of the president Scott can ACT. The president can also appoint any member of the cabinet to be acting president in his absence.
Even in as much as I don’t like Kunda and his self-righteous attitude but the truth is he has a point! The constitution provides that in the event the President passes on, the Vice President will act as president and rule the country for a period of not more than 3 months and in that same period hold elections. The question is how would Dr. Scott be able to do that if he does not qualify to act as president if such fate befell us? If the President died today who would act? Chikwanda or any other person? No, the constitution disqualifies them since they are not the Vice. Dr. Scott’s appointment brings out flaws in our constitution that needs to be dealt with. Is his appointment illegal? I don’t think so but there is something wrong here that needs to be rectified.
:-? when RB was appointed VP, Gk was justice minister!!!! why didn’t he advise his boss then LP Mwanawasa (RIP) that he (RB) did not qualify to be VP????????? GK shut yo big mouth u racist!!!!!!!
is it not the same people that petitioned against Banda not to stand as president on grounds that he was Zimbabwean. Call it racism but that guy does not represent Zambians. PF needs to come out clear on Guy’s legality as VP. Why should Chikwanda act as President? beats me. GK you are so right.
If GK is the dullest lawyer in Africa,where can Kabimba be placed? Just curious.
Kabimba says Guy Scot was appointed because he has been very loyal to the Party and the president, and has helped the PF party be where it is now. So he does not argue with George Kundas views on Scots constitutional qualification to be VP. I thought VP must be actying so as to prepare him to act in the event and God forbid that Sata is no more hile in office. Kunda has raised a consititutional issue and it deserves a consitutional response. Sata knows and thats why he lets Chikwanda act. Can Mmembe comment in his editorial comment. He is very quiet on this. Why?
28 John says:Fri Feb 03 at 9:58 amKabimba says Guy Scot was appointed because he has been very loyal to the Party and the president, and has helped the PF party be where it is now. So he does not argue with George Kundas views on Scots constitutional qualification to be VP. I thought VP must be actying so as to prepare him to act in the event and God forbid that Sata is no more while in office. Kunda has raised a consititutional issue and it deserves a consitutional response. Sata knows and thats why he lets Chikwanda act. Can Mmembe comment in his editorial comment. He is very quiet on this. Why?
Let the president answer the question raised and let him appoint willy Nsanda or Masebo as his Vice president. it high time we had a female V.p
ukulwala kapokota bambi namano yaya ku ma tall lay. what is your problem we mbushi we
The red lipped snake is on the move again,e xcept that that this time it’s vermon is not poisonous
Zambians wake up! its like u are still drunk with ‘dont kubeba’. The question is why is Scott not acting as vice president when Sata is out? U are just exposing your dullness by insulting Kunda. Kunda has asked a question lets answer it!
GK has always been a time worster. Dont be personnal my felow blogger. GK is a nuisance
I agree with #12 Kelvin the mroe noise Kunda makes the more its beginning to make sense.Can the president please tell us WHY Guy Scott doesnt act.On the hand didn’t you guys vote for the Donchi Kubeba government? So its within their policy to Not tell us anything….
Scott, Lubinda & Sichinga are the tink-tanks of PF. Scott should be the one to act as president when Sata is out because his office carrys the machinary and the mighty of the presidency.
Sata appointed Scott has his “deputy”. Is Sata telling the nation that he does not trust his deputy. It shows NO respect to Scott when he gets skipped or sidelined by his boss.
Whether he qualifies legally or not, that is another debate. This truelly has raised eyes in the PF Camp and Kabimba knows this very well.
Sata show respect to your deputy and let him act on your behalf when your are out of the country. Besides, he has more wisdom than these other socialist buffoons misleading Sata.
Ciwamina galu kuluma mbuzi!!!!
GK, the dullest lawyer on earth.
Surely I agree, how does Guy Scot feel. Why is Chikwanda acting
GK get a life.whether Scott is Veep or does not qualify.i think your are a wrong person to contribute and even influence i have less respect 4 u and so do others.start rearing chickens,goats,try gardening KEEP AWAy from politicz.
I have never heard a Dull man like this Kunda, the constitution tells you that the President has the powers to appoint who to run the country in his absence. Its not Automatically that the vp should take over. Stop dreaming about power now my boy. You will never , never come back to power again. Stop confusing the nation, you are the same person who withdral to sue GS. Are you mad??????
George Kunda i wonder what type of lawyer you are.Today you say this mailo wa chinja.Commission of inquiry a waste of taxpayers money.Be serious george.Your own failed useless making process NCC how much did you spend and for how long.What about your trip to London to investigate chiluba and the KashiwaBulaya saga.we had enough of your lies that is why we retiredyou last year.Please be in terracess watch the game play you had your time its time for Pabwatooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.doyou want to ask you to refund the money you wasted for NCC wait as long as wrongs were commited even even ten billion inqiries will be there to correct the mess.
What Kunda is trying to do is appeal to the very, very large section of Zambians who do not take time to research his assertions. Most will start believing his lies because they do not even know what the constitution looks like. That is the dilemma of Zambia as a nation. We read story books very eloquently but when it comes to proof-reading such simple matters as constitutional provisions we rather speculate, gossip and insult!
#43 you have gotten it. People tend to comment on matters they do not even fully understand. research guys before you contribute…..so damn.
Acting or not acting ,thats our problem as a party in Governance.Your time Kunda wiull come ,or sorry has passed.
PF Gov and cadres take Gk’s concerns at yo own peril. Honestly country men and women, th curent occupant of Vee Pee office has been technically declared redundant period. Scott is jst getin pay without work at our expence, wat a degree of insubordination. If i were Scott i would resign than facing th world in humiliation. Jst watch th space, Kunda will be vindicatd. Chweela!
I think there are too many Grade 7s at LT, not a single day passes by without some silly grammar and spelling mistakes. Just look at this story’s headline. What an embarrassment!
Chikwanada can only act when the president and his vise are sick, out or any other factor. When I was in Zed last week I checked on it. GK thanks for bring ing it out. Kick the fools out.
Kunda, you can answer your own question since you seem to know. Otherwise some of us are not interested in the topics you are trying to bring forth because if you were patriotic enough you could have demonstrated it when you were in govt. What we saw instead was the embracing of corruption by you and some of your colleagues and wastefullness of Zambia’s meagre resources. The people of Zambia kicked you out because you did not care; why are you talking now? Is it that you are more wise now? TUSHENI YAMA!!!!!!!!!!
I heard this man speak on the radio when l was home in January 2012. God forbbid, how many times were we embarrassed when he spoke at foreign functions? He speaks poorly. Please just use bemba. By now even a KAPONYA knows why our VP can not act as President but this FONGKONG lawyer keeps bringing up the same topic. Please can someone advise him to just keep quite and get some rest.
Same old story. Kunda has nothing better to do.
The biggest problem Sata has is that once Scott gets to act the all world will support him and by lunch time Guy would be President. It is like giving chance to Lione Mess at the edge of the box when the game is 0-0. Here you Messi kick the ball. Guy would have massive support from zambians and the world. Kumupela pambale cabe. Sata has seen it that way.
# 50, PF Sapota, you have hit the nail on the head. This guy is very boring. God bless you, dear, for making my day.
Let us see the sense in what George Kunda is saying instead of just insulting. Why is Guy Scott not acting, ba mudala ba Sata? If according to the law, he is incapable to act as president, how come you have appointed him as Veep? Just answer this bit. Chapwa!
A vice president is second in command.Let Guy Scot act as president when Sata is out of the country.Otherwise transfer him to another position
# 52 you are ill- informed and any reasonable person may find it difficult where to begin from pumping sense in you. You are the type some scholars refer to as “DATA FREE” individuals.
pipo will believe later what GK is trying to say….for me i can see a point in GK….iam pf…whatever pipo will say abt GK…it will not change..infact GK is in help of GS but can’t understand the reason….open up ur eyes and see the light
I always laugh at fools who always support something without reasoning. Where on earth cant a vice president act as president, only in a fools paradise. This is no sense!!!!!
No medicines in hospitals, poverty all around, & this piece of shit is worried about who’s acting Presido. Someone please give GK a rope to hang, he’s very frustrated.
Well the minute he does act the blogs will be bitter with inferiority complexes and chips on shoulder. Check out how some up here behaved when he was appointed to start with. Israel you made my day. Love it when folks up here laugh things off. Got enough of my own problems without worrying what PF or any other party get up to. Zed is still running with or without them :) Take it to court GK. That should be entertaining. Besides watch the negativity kick in when GS acts. Colonialism they will cry. Waste of energy.
Ka kunda,thats a good question,why doesnt sata appoint Guy Scot to act as President when he is away???
But at the end of the day Kunda is still a clown.
I think GK has a point here, let us take his concerns seriously to avoid embarassment in the future. THE QUESTION IS SIMPLE WHY IS SCOT NOT ACTING AS PRESIDO WHEN SATA IS OUT? DOES HE QUALIFY OR NOT? THATS WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW PERIOD!!
awe mwe lekeni scot eka
viva Goerge Kunda
Why can’t he act in the absence of the President? Its suprising to see the Minister of Finance act as President when the Vice President is in the country.Whats the structure of the PF govt like? Is the VP number 2 to the President? or is he at the level of the MOF,MOD?PLEASE TELL US.
As much as I hate to hear this from kunda, I’m one of those who would like to know why GS can’t act as VP?
Guy Scott has been sidelined.
**==**==**==**==**==ok nangula ba george chipuba apapena bofweni. take note.
The issue will not just disappear in the thin air. GK publicly, exciting to Mr Sata was labeled most dull lawyer in Africa. I wish to contend that Mr Sata and PF govt over VP Guy Scott will eventually be embarrassed dogly. PF govt is being racist to Dr Guy Scott by denying him to act as republican president in the absence of Mr Sata. Any other reason advanced so far is a wash up. How can you deny a Zambian his rights to serve his country in what ever position he qualifies? If not, then he is not fit for some reason(GK cites one), other than that PF is a racist party and will not allow Dr Guy Scott to act as president on account of his colour as white.
simple question, why is he not acting as president? kunda is 100% right.
Ba Kunda with due respect, you are not a politician, there men and women of integrity such as brian Chituwo from whom the nation can learn, don’t cheat yourself that you are going to replace the position of Michael sata when he an opposition leader . My dear, you are very far from that find something to do other than lying about the vice president because you have more nonsense to attend to in your past wicked regime, leave Guy Scott alone
Suge, you have made my day, ifipuba fimo, he can still do better as a bar attendant, some one who can even represent sata if the latter kills a fly.
GK stayed long enough to appreciate his VP………….so let our new VP Guy Scot enjoy his tenure of office
whos is this demagogue george kunda? tiyenei uko mambala
MMD under Kunda did not take the constitution making seriously. As it is now Sata as President can appoint any one to act in his place since there is no law that stops a president from doing so. Thanks to the eediotic lawyers in MMD, just call them plunderers
can someone tell us why scott never acts as president…good question for all zambians to ask and MCS to answer….
the pf cadres dont even have time to listen to advise..so dull to think..atase..Kunda way to go!!
Even the PF Attorney General no longer has an answer to this question, I think that he has seen his enior’s (GK’s) point and realised what a mess he has entangled himself in.
Well, if Guy Scott qualifies to be Vice President but not to be President, then there are moral issues here aside from possible legal issues. May explain why Guy Scott does not act.
This man Kunda is indeed stupid and has lost his mind……did Kunda or anybody else question why he was occupying two positions (VP and Legal Affairs Min) in govt when there are numerous qualified people than himself. Kunda knows all too well that if Guy Scott remains VP, there is every possibility that all plunderers including Kunda will be nailed. No tribalism and no nonsense!!! Kunda is very scared so are all MMD fags. Please Mr. Presido….do not listen to these knuckleheads like Kunda who have no heart for the rest of poor Zambians. And by the way, this is not even important at all…..who cares about who is acting President anyways??? I don’t think people really care about that. People are concerned about jobs, health, education, food etc the list goes on….! Wakakwa iwe Kunda.
#50 and 53 I do not agree with you. I am not MMD but I listened to the same conversation on qfm where a woman called and used the word “nonsense”. the guy did lay down facts and was no challenge at all to PF cadres. Everyone that called and contributed to the motion actually applauded GK. The president has NO powers to appoint anyone he feels to run the country bwana. according to the Zambian constitution he is third in rank to lead the nation in the absence of the president and his vise.
Bushe ma guys mwe ma bloggers…why do you waste time debating this issue. Does it matter who is control when the Pres. is away , I don’t think so. Most of the time people do not even notice whether there is a Pres or not….makes no difference. What can make a difference is if all of us can pull together in national interest to rid our nation of corrupt, inept, cantankerous, selfish people like Kunda and his buddies. Get a life Kunda or you will be thrown in jail very soon. Mutembo please act on this stupid in-congruent lawyer…..who thinks is above the law and can talk trash all he wants. Please Nchito…do your your job and nail these mother F’s….!
What a waste of time. No wonder there was no progress in MMD. What is the issue here? If there is a “constitutional crisis” as Kunda suggests why did back off his legal threats? Mvunga please advise these chaps. There are more important issues to resolve. How come he is not commenting to in defense of Magande? After all Mugande was in cabinet and as advisor and minister at the time of the Zanaco sale he was equally responsibly? Or another case of professional negligence. Kunda do’nt throw stones if you live in a glass house. You said you were going to court on the issue then you back tracked. Here we go again. When are you going to ensure the issue on your constituency are pushed? I pity the people you represent.
You people, all George is saying is that He (Kunda) is the right person to be vice president. He is not worried about parentage at all. Please ask George to just talk to MCS; he may be considered. He is applying the ‘dont kubeba’ stance.
#85 that was answered this Kunda chap said he would take the issue to court. Then he reversed NOW he has brought it up again. What is wrong with him? He can’t make his mind up? Is that the calibre of leaders we need as MP’s? He is not being decisive. Let him not waste our time with legal direction if he does not have the confidence to follow through. He was given a window of four years to serve his constituency and all he is doing is making noise. Push development in your constituency. Parliament will be opened soon, you can still raise this issue there instead of making noise through the press. We want issue to push development not noise.
You need to be sober to understand the concerns of GK , and i think GK is right and has a point but only sensible can people grasp it otherwise if you are in ignorance, you can even argue out of total ignorance that the president can appoint anyone, but the ladder is not like that, why keeping a vice president who can not act as president, to all sane Zambians i think this is a crisis.
Kunda is just a racist! A Zambian Vice president is just chosen from MP’s , we don’t vote for him to be a VP. Kunda is a lawyer, he should understand that the Zambian constitution does not allow a running mate to the Presidential candidates during general elections. This seat must be very sweet, GK is still traumatised he can’t accept that he is the opposition and can’t be a VP any more or ever!!
Kicks of a dying horse.Who really cares where the vip’s parents are from.Ask his constituence,had a land slide victory.Let got to hell with wasting money on legal fees.On the other hand it wouldn’t be wrong to send anti corruption to investigate where he got the money he wants to splash on court cases like this.It is called audit trail!