Former First Lady THANDIWE BANDA was this morning interrogated by a combined team of investigative officers over the running of the multi billion Kwacha MPUNDU Trust in LUSAKA.
Investigative Team Spokesperson CHARITY CHANDA said the Former First Lady Cooperated and answered to all the queries.
Mrs CHANDA said investigations into the matter are still going on.
The former first lady was accompanied to the Police Force Headquarters in LUSAKA by her lawyers SAKWIBA SIKOTA and PATRICK MVUNGA.
Meanwhile, Former President RUPIAH BANDA has lashed out at the Police and described reports suggesting that his son HENRY is on the run as total lies.
Mr BANDA said the Police have never contacted his son over the investigations they are conducting.
He said reports suggesting that HENRY is hiding in KENYA are false.
Mr BANDA said this when he addressed MMD cadres who had gone to offer solidarity to his wife that they should NOT be worried because the former first Lady and HENRY are innocent.
He said some people are misleading President MICHEAL SATA over the on-going investigations.
Meanwhile, Police have arrested and charged Former Mines Minister MAXWELL MWALE for theft by Public servant.
This is connection with twenty bicycles which were meant for small scale miners.
Mrs CHANDA said Mr MWALE has been released on police bond but will appear in court on Wednesday next week.
And the Investigative Team has summoned former Zambia Air force Commander ANDREW SAKALA.
Lt. Gen. SAKALA is still being interrogated at former Task Force on Corruption Offices in Woodlands.
And the Investigative Team has summoned former Zambia Air force Commander ANDREW SAKALA.
Lt. Gen. SAKALA was by press time still being interrogated at former Task Force on Corruption Offices in Lusaka’s Woodlands area.
But where is he?
Bye bye Thandi!!
hahahaha cage the bitch
If RB is saying his son is innocent, then why not tell him to hand himself just like his wife has done. You only run if you have done something wrong and he has, let him clear his name unlike him hiding in whichever country he is hiding in?
Things are happening in zed…
But this the worst kind of governance. How can we treat the former president who gave up power for the sake of his love for his country like this? Of what benefit is this to the poor zambians and how does it add to job creation for the youths? PF start implementing your manifesto. Leave the RBs alone! Plze!
He didn’t give up power, the people of Zambia gave him power and got it from him… And he’ll have to account for his misdeeds, we can’t go foward without looking backwards, how do we rid this country of corruption and the evils that come with it, if we don’t show precedence, only after people have learnt that indeed the law works and is effective can we move forward with development, coz integrity will be instilled in each one of us that crime does not pay!
He did not give up power for the sake of his love for his country, he actually lost the elections to PF period! We the people voted MMD out of power. Selfish politicians should bring back the money stolen from a poor zambian afterwhich should be punished for their sins.\:d/
rb should be caged. sata was born a liar.
God help us.isnt this same as removing RBs immunity?
This reporter leaves alot to be desired. In short he/she is not qualified . Writing an article like
this? Back to the topic, RB tell your son to come back to zed kaili. Screaming innocent wont help. Remember the guilty are always …………(fill in the blank)
As much as i am against corruption and misuse of public funds, i think this all RB thing and his family could have been handle better. The man(RB) deserves some respect too. especially as a former president who democratically accepted defeat and handed over power to his predecessor without any objection. The sure must be a better way to handle this.
Give an example of a better way than following the rule of law
That is why corruption persists with attitudes like yours. Which other way is there to carry out investigations on suspected misdeeds??? Is there a respectable way???? What did you guys do to Chiluba??? Isn’t it in the quest to uncover misdeeds???
Ba LT check your typing error!Otherwise its a good article……………..may Zambia reduce in corruption matters!
if James is not on the run, why hasn’t he come to police or RB tell us where he is?
Because the police are looking for him through press statements. Â Why don’t they issue a warrant? Â Or is it merely a call-out? Â why should you respond to a call-out delivered to thePFost, you PFool?
Why can’t these former ministers, government officals do like wise and just own up, resign and suffer the consequences of their actions instead of putting themselves thorugh costly investugations and legal fees. Sakwiba the greedy git with no morals and value for human life is the only winner here whilst defending these digusting evil criminals….
LONDON (Reuters) – Energy Secretary Chris Huhne said on Friday he was resigning after being told he would face criminal charges over allegations that his wife took the blame for a speeding offence that he had committed.In a short statement to reporters he said the decision to charge him was “deeply regrettable” and insisted he was innocent.He added: “To avoid any distraction to either my official duties or my trial defence I am st
dull Rb and your stupiiiid wife we will nab you Ba kolwe imwe !
The last bit of my previous post should read,
Chris Huhne said in light of this he is stepping down and resigning as Enerhy and climate change minister.
no one sees anything wrong with the current political landscape in the country?
rb was only in president for 3 years, but pf is trying to and make people believe that rb  is the only one responsible for the nations current situation.
let sata lead by example and set up commissions and audit every government office that  he was in charge of  in the past and release the results to the media and lets see if he will come up squeeky clean
So Ici Chi RB thinks he is above the law, Chimbwi. Let your son talk for himself. This between Henry and the Police. Let him come out and tell us he is not on the run. I voted for Sata, but I wont wait to attack him if starts to misbehave the way RB did. Simple
Imagine Mwales sister failed to pay her house maid the wages which she was actually receiving from her employers as part of her condition of service. You can tell that such behaviour is inborn
RB is going MAD. he has NOW turned to be Henry’s Spokesman. If Henry is not afraid, why is he on the RUN Elyo Ka Thandi kakopo. She just refused everything and said nibashikulu ba RB ebene ba ndalama. ine shifishibepo eeeiiiiiii.
You are a munungu, iwe matuzi!
Kanshi Ba Thandiwe balikwata ama ngobe. Wat a pose with her grand father!!!!
I hope this family is clean mwe. This is the right thing to do. You are a suspect agree to appear before law enforcement agents – if you are innocent your life will even have twice the value it has today – if you are not you go to prison or you pay the fine as the courts may decide. This country should be ruled by laws and not by sheer will of individuals.Â
BA PF – watchout – you should also ensure you are clean through and through. Make the right decision and DO NOT STEAL otherwise this will happen to you as well.
Despite hi theiving and foolishness, RB is actually a charming man to the ladies. I mean how many Zambian men actually walk hand-in-hand with their wives.
Janet c, in every race it is common at that age to be cuddly!
#14 Deja Vu, Spot on, if Henry Banda is not on the run why hasn’t he reported to the police and is his father the spokesman?
Rupiah Banda is wrong to claim that the president is being misled by some people. The misdeeds of RB and his MMD are well known by all including Banda himself, ‘We never knowingly abused state funds’.
Why cant Henry speak for himself?…surely he is old enough to do instead of hiding behind his bally!!!
i will come i m very innocent kekekkkekekek laughing out loud……..please henry surrender
Good afternoon
#7 Is there a better way of handling the case than letting it play out in court? Everything else would only erase the confidence that people have in the judiciary. The important sign being sent is that past governments (and the current one) will one day have to account for their stewardship over the nation.
Excellent piece of advice!
They plundered in three years. Imagine the destruction they were going to inflict on the country if they had been given five more years. What a bunch of shameless thieves.
I argue Henry never to come to zambia as he would not get a fair justice. The PF IG has already labelled him a a criminal just like that. What is it that Henry did that is criminal?
How old is Henry, I thought he was older than Tandiwe? Why cant he came and speak for himself than the father doing it for him. Former president, Henry is an adult and can speak for himself, if you allowed your wife to appear before the law enforcement wings why cant your son do the same?
I fell pit for a primary school teacher mrs banda:((
Why is RB not saying where Henry is?if his at home he wud’ve said I’ve left him at home , but his hiding where Henry is.
the PF govt are really after the former president and his family.This is pure persecution.RB was in power for only 3 years and Zambia has been in shambles for almost half a century.why cast the blame on him when he did so well for zambia.all we have from the PF police are allegations.Martin Malama I expected more from you.
thats good mama zambia of the people.
Lets get on with real issues job creation for the youth who voted for you Mr Sata
@Sr Lucey of Chilonga Parish, fighting corruption is part of the pf manifesto.
when are we going to develop with all this kind of witch hunting going on..?we need to change the govt and policies..
GOOD…This is the only way to make BUF.FON RB talk, he has been mute for far too long!!
Sakwiba Sikota must be a rich man from representing all the “fallen” MMD Conmen/women!
Calling people thieves will not bring food on our tables, bamambala imwee !!!!!. We need good salaries and medicines in the clinics.
When investigations are on-going the world doesn’t come to a standstill….
Cage the plunderers, these were just paupers in Chipata a few years back, they need to explain where they got the billions whilst majority of zambians are walloping in poverty. These MMD
Nyamasoya and his family went too far, no amount of rantings will save them, they should all be caged, this will teach a lesson to the would be plunderers. That Sakwiba Sikota is just a hyena, he won’t win a single case, the faster they dump him the better.
Governments are voted out because people do not like their policies. To turn electrol victory into a licence for arresting former ministers without first establishing the charges, does not auger well for our democracy. We should ask ourselves why it is that people only become corrupt after leaving their offices of power. Why can they not be arrested when in power? An honest answer to this question will explain why there is ‘corruption’ and what looks like INTIMIDATION in the absence of clear policies.
Innocent until proved guilty.
Hands up all those that have ever seen a prisoner say I am guilty!
bakolwe imwe
leave rb alone lets concetrate on developmental issues. sata do what you promised and stop waisting our time. Remember 2016 is coming and you will be out.
The Government is doing this because they know that Zambians love disgracing their leaders. They did it to Kaunda, they did it to Chiluba, they were going to do it to Mwanawasa and will do it to Michael Sata. When the people of Zambia finally grow up and get tired of this circus, then the Government will never dare to do what they are doing now because the people will not tolerate it. So this is not a matter for the government. IT IS WHO WE ARE. IT IS HOW CHEAP WE ARE. WE LOVE SENSATION, THAT IS WHY THE POST IS SO POPULAR, THEY KNOW THEIR MARKET. WE ALWAYS LOOK FOR SOME ONE TO BLAME AND THE POST GIVES US A CULPRIT. WE DISGRACE THE CULPRIT AND ARE HAPPY. WE NEVER WAIT FOR COURTS TO ESTABLISH THE TRUTH.
He said some people are misleading President MICHEAL SATA over the on-going investigations.
Has there ever been a Zambian President who is well led?
with the way the police is been to abuse political oppornets , i would also be on the run. all they want to do is embarrass… why should he stick around
This govt is a disgrace.You are setting a bad precedence and whats this business of the police always running to the media,perhaps Police headquaters should be moved to Mass Media complex.But #49 Ntekunya Nkupele has said it well. Zambians like disgracing their leaders.75% of the poverty we experience has been brought on by ourselves.You think getting the $1million Thandiwe got from a Nigerian bank as a loan will take you out of your misery?Leave our Former President and family alone.Henry Banda stay put wherever you are unless Malama sends you an airticket and stops giving warrants through the media.
From time in memory so much has been said and done about corruption and abuse of public funds. am yet to see justice prevail
Please R.B, do not just say it is not true, but tell the police where your son is. Otherwise we shall assume the man has something to hide, as long as he does not show his face to the Zambian people.
There is nothing wrong questioning the first diva. Remember the widow to the late Yasser Arafat is wanted for abuse of power in Palestine. What about Emelda Marcos and her children, do not trivialize PF when it is doing the right thing. A miracle in Zambia where twins in their teens are billionaires when we tax payers who have toiled for 30 years in service are less worth what those goons are. Mpundu Trust is it a national beneficiary fund, come guys pa Zed lets wake up. LOL
Kani tundila kakolwe!
No kid gloves here. Banda should be caged with his thieving empire children
Even Sata will be hounded and disgraced when he leaves office with his wife they are laughing now but we are all watching and we remember Mr Sata being in mmd for 10 years!
zambia will never go anywhere with atitude, i’m not on any party’s side here no! i’m a zambian living
in mozambique and i have seen how our friend are developing to higher life, the reason is that they focus on walking together to help their country,but zambia is busy looking for mistakes in their on people, foolishness foolishness. shame on you zambian leaders. court issues in zambia will never end,we even lost our wise men all because of the stupid,leader who think there helping when there just putting our country in untrusting mode.serious how you do you expect me to trust my own country’s leaders. let this note be read by those stupid leaders. i’m not afraid of them. my name is here! Mike Mulenga Tambatamba. concernd zambian
When we told you RB Chiluba is a thief you said no he is a “dum good presido “, Sata arrest the I.diot. Hope cobra is learning a lesson. This is the best time to live out side zed and read the daily drama online else you vomit.
So heartbreaking, that Thandiwe has suffered heaviness & old age of RB, now the police adds more burden, please that destitute alone. Its sad to be Zambian.
The results of getting married to old crooks.
#55 Madea. It is you who is a digrace and you are not even a Zambian. How do you explain the wealth these people have aquired barely in three years? Madea, this is your money if you dont know. If you participeted in the looting of this country just Zeep up your stinking mouth.
This goes to show that RB’s immunity has effectively been removed, going the manner IG Malama and his Police are behaving. The tenets of courtesy to the former Head of State have evaporated in the minds of cadre mentality displayed by sectors of Security Units. Restraint as regulated by professional ethics is lacking in the mind of IG Malama. Secrets leaked from State House reveal that Malama is working on Sata’s instructions to frustrate Peter Daka and Mwale in Msanzala and Malambo constituencies respectively. Hence Police unusual investigation on the two MMD leaders. The politically overzealous IG Malama must be profetically advised that his profession will last with Sata’s short-lived life-span. Pepani Mama Thandiwe Banda. Catholic Bishops are praying for God’s intervention.
let her face the law.from a teacher to abillionear and from a farm to a trionear within 3 month.
taking these MMD looeters to court is wasting govt resources. we know they stole and burried some of the loot on their farms. Just lock them up with no food or water and feed their carcases to hyenas at Mundawanga assuming the hyenas are still there..
Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine
Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves
Where is herny?
RB will come out clean, he is areal democrat
#70, you have been pasting the same thing for many days now. Why don’t you write a letter to the investigative wings instead? If you have information, do not be a coward my friend.
First of all, I want to believe that we people are expecting a lot from PF govt and time is not with us. So if PF want to blindfold people into unnecessary ‘inquiries and warn & caution thing’ , I think we are not interested. What we want are urgent remedial measures and policies that are going to push the country forward and deter those that would want to steal in future. You don’t cry over spilt milk! In all these past presidents, there has always been abuse and you Mr. sata there is abuse as evidenced in some appointments you have allowed like that of Mwamba and others. What goes round, comes round! So be careful of these issues lest you become the victim of the same issues. Just make a good constitution, good legal frmework and excellent policies that will make your legacy
I think we lack professionalism in zambia. I find it very hard to believe that our police have failed to arrest Henry.For the IG to start announcing such on the media goes to show how innefficient or how unprofessional our IG is. Word of advice, Quietly and proffessionally make the neccessary interpole connections and bring back the chap. We dont want you to turn into a politician by making unnecessary public appearances just to announce a small thing. Hell , we want to hear police reforms and how best you are gonna make a diffrence in your tenure of office. You are not diffrent from Kabonde. We don’t want to be let by stooges. We need brains man! Waste your time for now in policy making sfo we can have a better police service
# 49, you are right and I don’t understand why we are this brainless. This will keep on happenning as long as we dont devise a detailed legal and clear policy frame work for everyone to follow during their tenure of office. Personally even these cases that they are persuing on the former first family should just be negotiated and closed, I mean if you don’t have clear policies what can you do? I know I have never liked MMD policies but then we gave/given the president to much power that thy start abusing knowingly and unknowingly. So Mr. President, let us work hard on rules and policies.Remember the Merzarf saga? We all make mistakes especially where rules are not clear