Thursday, March 6, 2025

President Sata moves Chirundu and Itezhi Tezhi districts from Southern Province, UPND reacts


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

President Michael Sata has with immediate re-aligned two districts in Southern Province in a bid to improve service delivery and public administration. In a memorandum to the Acting Secretary to the Cabinet Mr. Evans Chibiliti, President Sata directed that a Government Gazette Notice be issued to move the recently created Chirundu District from Southern Province to Lusaka and Itezhi Tezhi District to Central Province.

The President consequently directed that the Surveyor-General moves in quickly to align the boundaries of the two districts on the the new provinces to which they have been re-located. The re-alignment is part of the President’s robust programme to give practical expression to the decentralisation programme and eventual devolution of power to districts.

“In line with our Government policy guided by the Patriotic Front Manifesto, we consider local government as a central feature of the party’s broader aspiration of a well devolved power structure where decision-making processes are as close as possible to the people,”the President said.

The President takes a view that the Decentralisation Policy will only show results once practical steps are taken to properly position both geographical and administrative systems.

“It is a fact that a district such as Itezhi Tezhi is difficult to administer and pose huge logistical problems to be serviced because it is poorly located from the central adminstration point in Southern Province,”President Sata said.

“For instance, to efficiently access Itezhi Tezhi, people have to pass through Lusaka and Central provinces. It is for this reason that this Government sees an urgent need to discontinue this sad scenario which has denied our people the much needed development for many years now.”

Meanwhile, President Sata has appointed Mr. Evans Chibiliti as Secretary to the Cabinet subject to Parliament’s approval. And the Head of State has promoted Youth and Sports permanent secretary Mr. Teddy Mulonga as the new Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet in-charge of Administration.

And the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) has accused President Michael Sata of attempting to redraw the map of the country in an effort to gain political advantage.

UPND Chairman for elections Ackson Sejani says there is no way President Sata can decide to move Chirundu from Southern Province to Lusaka province without consultation from necessary stakeholders.

Mr. Sejani says the PF government should be careful with their maneuvers stating that if not stopped, they the potential bring about strife in the country.

He told a media briefing in Lusaka this morning that President Sata is only making such decisions to reward chiefs that supported him during elections with paramount Chief positions.

Mr. Sejani says the UPND will use every mean to ensure that the shifting of Chirundu to southern province is not done.

And Siavonga Member of Parliament Kennedy Hamudulu says the people of southern province will not accept any changes in the province.

Mr. Hamudulu says if the government saw it fit to make changes, it would have followed the right procedure of consultation instead of using the back door.

The Patriotic Front (PF) government is alleged to be in the process of moving Chirundu from being part of Southern province to Lusaka province.



  1. With so many problems that Zambians are facing the PF governments sees it fit to diding the country! What sense does this make to a woman who suffers under the burning sun to provide that opne meal a day for her children.This is what i call lack of priorities.

    • Look at it in a broad picture. You will celebrate when you see the result of this – the PF is working on the 2013 national budget that will be based on a decentralised process. Aligning geography is important in delivering services. So do not panic yet.

  2. This is an extremely stressing decision by the government. I thought Choma was made a district to alow Itezhi Tezhi people have a shorter distance. Why is it inaccessible? it is about poor road networks. The decision will promote national strife.

  3. I meant Choma being made a provincial headquarter for Souther Province to allow Itezhi Tezhi people access the administration centre much easily.

  4. A place can belong any were. UPND does not own southern province. the people will remain tongas

    • Now i understand what was meant that a monister is in control of Zambia and being surrounded by maniacks like you. He can have all the powers today but you will never be with him the time he leaves office because his fall will be massive and no one will stand not even his DPP.Dagga is now working in this old man.
      I pitty Kaseba.

    • Just shut up if you have nothing to say. We want to remain part of Southern Province and not for this Mpika man to come and start telling us belong to Central Province. Its not as if the district will suddenly get a lot of money from the government. Nor will many people come to visit because its easier to access Itezhi-tezhi from Central. He won’t even build a road!

  5. all well meaning Zambians, let us see beyond tribe. Let us resist this type of governance. We know the Tonga people are targeted for marginalisation. It happened to the Jews and now to our own brothers who have contributed immensely towards the making up of Zambia. where shall the taking away of the two districts do to us?

    • really this people are being marginalised just like the jews. If its poor access to these districts, then the PF government should start working the road network in the province instead of moving district from this province to that.

    • Guys this is not about tribe – it is about efficiency. Southern Province is not Tonga Land – it is a demarcation of Zambia. Infrastructure development will follow after proper alignment so that correct decisions of distributing road networks, factories can be made properly.

    • how does re aligning the province and districts marginalise Tongas? dont make me laugh, is Tonga synimous with Southern???? which scripture says that Tongas will be of such and such a province

  6. @ 4 spot on. Sata must give a much valid reason for this change. People in itezhi tezhi will be passing through southern province to access the provincial administration in Kabwe. This move is really a f%$% up!

  7. Confussion……..SATA out by say 2016 and some other guy comes in and makes own changes to provincial arrangements can u imagine? Lusaka to go Eastern Province and Chinsali to go to Werstern Province, Solwezi to revert to Northwestern and Livingstone to go to Lusaka while Kabwe goes to Southern….what nonsnese!!!

  8. I told you.
    president of local govt.
    thats why we dont know the real position on street venders the president wants popularity he allows it. the minister in charge says otherwise.

  9. This president should have been Minister of Local Government and Physical Planning!! So much time and effort being spent on expensive trivialities at the expense of real development. Even if such changes are detailed in the PF manifesto, are they a priority? PF must re – focus and deal with “bread and butter” issues which are close to the hearts of the people, lest they loose the plot.

  10. Who is thinking through all these changes…probably no one but Sata himself! Just like he has reversed the zamtel deal others will come and reverse these changes!

  11. At the rate we are going husbands and wives will soon join the reshuffling train! GBM ‘s wife will move to State House, Guy’s wife to Lubinda and Kambwili will have a chinese wife

  12. This is a recipe for disaster, is the president aligning resources or simply tryng to get political advantage?Now that Itezhi tezi and its power station is part of central province does that mean central province will get a larger financial share of the budget in view of the additional district? now that Chirundu and its kafue gorge power station is part of lusaka,does it mean lusaka will now be getting a much larger share of the national budget in view of the new district? Will this inevitably lead to southern province receiving a smaller share of resources now that its a smaller province?

  13. all i do is laugh. When sata is tired, we will see him stepping down handing the country to Guy Scott. Imagine so many unnecessary changes. The money, the districts, the provinces eish. Awe mayo, palemoneka kwati bashikulu nabafilwa.

  14. BaSata is crazy indeed. I don’t see how Chirundu which borders with Zimbabwe can be a part of Lusaka Province. As for Itezhi Tezhi, what difference does it make if you’re not going to build roads for the area to be accessible? Develop the area rather than just moving it on paper and think its enough! Damn!!!

  15. I was drawing the map of Zambia with 9 provinces and 73 districts! Now i’m not sure what is! Anybody know how many districts we have now? Soon tribes will be renamed!

  16. It goes without saying that most of these non-stop irrational unilateral decisions by the president will be rescinded by any incoming government. Where is all this leading to, hardly a day passes by without some drama.

  17. What is the shape of this ‘Decentralization’ this buffoon is on about? Please Sata using that same reasoning of yours why dont you give Luapula Province to DRC as Luapulans have to go thru DRC to get to the Copperbelt? Sata; you are just doing this out of spite because that is your nature. You are an evil minded person! Honestly; if you were an intelligent person you would have noticed that Itezhi Tezhi is nearer to Choma than Kabwe. Anywhere ‘thinking’ and ‘reasoning’ are not your forte!

  18. SATA is just vengeful and simply trying the tonga people of Southern province.why target people who did not even vote for you,is it to punish them.You just admire southern for its development.Anyway you can move the whole province to Lusaka.Those people will continue voting the same way.Next president will reverse 99% of your silly decisions.

  19. Ba Sata, nangu ni bu One Man Commando bushe nifi. Is it difficult for you to engage in dialogue and discussions with stakeholders? If your intentions are for the good of the people and Zambia at large why not explain yourself and get the advice from others. Mr. President you are bringing unnecessary tension in the country. Awe boss mwaya sana. All of us have a stake in mother Zambia. Just because we elected you president does not make you a special person. We all can not be presdidents but we can all contribute to the well being of our country. Elyo na mutemwa sana fi ‘with immediate effect’, this is clear a dictatorial attribute. Please change your attitude you are taking Zambians for granted. Iwe Chellah give this to the president to read

  20. nothing wrong with the movements as lusaka province borders zimbabwe near chirundu and just on top of southern province or just at the bottom of central province is itezhi tezhi. so nothing geographical will change as people in central or southern province will not change color or dialect.
    they will remain the same zambias, proud and poor and NOT FREE!

  21. Suddenly our president thinks they are our masters rather than our servants. The absolute mornach is getting out of control.

  22. Everyone who is against the President’s plan to move districts to other provices does not understand what decentralisation means.Chirundu will still be in Chirundu,next to the Zambezi river,Ithezitezhi will also remain where it is.The Tongas will remain tongas with their cows.What will change is adminitration of these districts.Development comes with access to resources and how well the resources are administered.If UPND is popular in Chirundu or Iteshiteshi it will still remain popular there no matter where these districts belong.Access to the administration centre is very important for evryone,including UPND!

    • Very shallow response my friend! your reasoning works against your own argument.If the places are not at all changed by the move then the move is not necessary at all. Mere moving of places without fiscal decentralization means nothing.Decentralization in Zambia will not works for as long as money entirely comes from ministry of finance. Local governments need to be given a share of local income taxes as an automatic source of their revenue. Also local governments need to be given real policy making powers to attract investment opportunities/development to their areas.Decentralization without fiscal decentralization, no matter how much you reorganize geographically is a fallacy! Faithfully yours Zimizi native

  23. Thats why they say if you think knowledge is expensive try ignorance. You can see now decentralization is grossly misunderstood by Sata. Instead of providing the relevant infrastructure for easier accessibility the guy thinks re-demarcation is the answer. How simplistic. 

  24. How about absorbing the whole southern province into Lusaka.

    That way Mr Sata wont have any fiots from the name ‘sothern province’.

    Whil you are at it transfer the whole north-western province to the copperbelt.

  25. Wao! People have screemed foul on this decision. My take on it is that let us give it chance. The PF are in govt for five years. Remember the promised to work through chiefs and local authorities to bring about development. I am sure there are people who have sat down, looked at the development plan and analysed how to distribute it effectively. The 2013 budget will be an interesting one – because it should feed into ensuring that this foundational decisions are supported with resources to change Zambia for good. So I am quite ok with this. Those of you who feel that Southern Province is Tonga land are wrong. Provinces are not tribal demarcations, they are national demarcations to allow for effective management of the country. So sit back, relax and enjoy the PF ride for another five years

  26. Dont worry people. ALL retrogressive PF decisions shall be reversed in 2016 if not sooner once the impeachment gains traction on the ground. Viva people POWER

  27. ##
    Stingy Ndatane
    Given Mutinta writes: ‘To expect well-ordered leadership from Sata than what we have seen so far is like milking blood from a stone’.

    We told you that sata is dictatorial you thought we were joking, now you see? This move can not please even the adant supporters. May be if it was done through consultations.

    My brother those strong view s that you expressed are being felt by so many but they have no voice. Time will tell. I am yet to see what the post will say, especially on lack of consultation cos from the look of things, they believe in democratic principles.

  28. Let him make the changes he wants with s.h.i.t in his a-hole. We will reverse everything when he gets out or he dies…although his death now is taking longer.

  29. I was the only Tonga supporting Sata silently. I have officially withdrawn my support. My people and what we own is threatened.


  31. So? Get rid of all the old geographical maps of Zambia and print new ones? If so, at what cost? Good fiscal management?

  32. What does mean in the grand scheme of things? Get rid of all the old geographical maps of Zambia and print new ones? If so, at what cost?

  33. In South Africa a part of Gauteng called Khutsong was moved to North West and the area became ungoverrnable due to riots by residents who opposed the move because it was going to bring untold hardships. People in Zambia must stand up at times and say NO NO NO!! All these changes are going to have severe advesre impact on the people in the areas affected. We cannot let one mad man embark on unilateral changes without consulting the people and its provincial or district leadership. This absurd to say the least.

    • Go on try it, we have been waiting for a chance to crush you lot, please give us an excuse

  34. Next he should just rename Zambia and move the nation’s capital to Mbala.

    …..Of all the other things to spend money on, it would be about as productive for development as this. 

  35. Sorry bloggers for having same statement/question being repeated 3 times. Have no idea what happened. Didn’t click “publish comment” button three times either.

  36. It is clear that the Pf government has no agenda for Zambia. No wonder the don’t kabeba slogan, now i understand what the pf team didnt want to tell the Zambian people.

  37. It is clear that the Pf government has no agenda for Zambia. No wonder the don’t kabeba slogan, now i understand what the pf team didnt want to tell the Zambian people during compain. Their plans are very destractive & retrogressive.

  38. Mpika Basci School Grade 7 Night Scholars ought to know that Itezhi-Tezhi was part of Namwala District.Only got demarcated due to vastness.Chirundu is historically,culturally part of the Great Gwembe Valley home to the Valley Tonga.Watch out

    • You moron. Southern province is not a bantustan.for tongas. Its part of Zambia and MCS has every right to do what he deems fit for this country. You mada fakas lost and the sooner you come to terms with that fact the better.

  39. Wouldn’t it have been better to deal with real issues that affect the majority of our people as a matter of urgency and then come up with all these district/provincial changes? It is the antagonism that such changes breed which is a problem in itself. I feel there are so many changes that have been made/declared that the “vision” will become very blurred. I am a supporter for change and I hope that the govt will give priority to issues that are meaningful to the suffering majority.


  41. Where are we heading to?why would the people of southern province in chirundu be under the chietainess of chiawa Lusaka under a different tribe?this is anarchy ,mr president reverse this decision it has the potential of breaking people’s hearts…

  42. Decentralisation is a very good thing and if Sata has the nations interest at heart this is a good move.However, the President Sata is not King over Zambia and should learn to consult and win peoples hearts and minds through consultation than lording decisions over their heads.The next president will reverse these moves just like Sata is reversing RB’s decisions.This can’t be good for Zambia.We need proper systems in place.The president has too much power.the Pf government is setting a bad precedence.



  44. eeehhhh next Solwezi is going to the copperbelt so that the people of north western will have nothing to boast about.
    I agree that It goes without saying that most of these non-stop irrational unilateral one man decisions by this president will be rescinded by the NEAREST incoming government.
    eeeehhhh next livingstone and the vic falls has been moved to muchinga . THE MAN IS POSSESSIVE , HE IS REPOSSESSING and POSSESSING EVERYTHING .
    This happens to be what was being experience in ruling.

  45. stop usiing terms we tongas you are zambians like any other when muchinga was created pipo look at with different views but no one saw it as tribal what is wrong with some of you tongas when are going to show us unity. when there is problem look at it as an issue not as tribe

  46. Some consultations will take 50 years to be done. Look at the constitution making process, how long is it taking and how much is it costing. Simple realigning of areas within the country is straight foward. The creation of Province, districts and realigning of areas so that they are served better is for the good of those areas. It will empower local people in a decentralised way. No one ever thought about this at all because most thinking of people is to only maintain the status quo. Change is usually resisted even when what is happening is to serve the people better. Whether you in opposition when you come to rule you will find a better geographical boundaries good for you. The local people will be more empowered. They will be able to make decisions at local level.

  47. ALL of you bloggers against this move are mad,you give no clear reasons,just full of fear,the president has given reasons.I think it makes sense…we need to touch tongas,if they become untouchable they will seceed…

  48. We the inhabitants of Itezhi-tezhi don’t want to belong to Central Province. Please leave our district as it is. Moving the provincial capital to Choma was enough. Any more is just annoying!

  49. HH look at the UK, it is a small country compared to Zambia, but you have over 640 Members of Parliament. What does that tell you? It simply means a small country like UK is subdivided into so many areas just for the purpose of empowering various. Local people know their problems more than you HH in Lusaka. You are claiming chirundu but you don’t even stay there! You don’t even know how they live daily. You only get interested when you go there to campaign. People of chirundu and itezi-tezi know their local problems than you ever support them. Let the be empowered to manage their affairs in a much more localized area. Sata is a practical genious. His vision is far behond the myopic views of so many people. Wait for more suprises that are still good for Zambia.  You will keep yapping.

    • Some people comparing UK to Zambia are nuts. Division in UK is based on population. Look, if you have no proper argument, please shut up.

    • UK is only smaller in physical size. Population of uk is about 13 times that of Zambia. Also UK has a very very big economy and can afford to subdivide its large population. Zambia’s population is very very little and I wonder whether subdividing it helps

  50. Zambia will go up in flames. PF govt will make itself very difficulty to spread in other areas where they are not there. Can PF go and capaign in Chirundu? Blood will spill.

    • Yes my friend SKUNKASTAN blood will spill my friend, we shall live your SKUNKASTAN bodies rotting in the ditches

  51. Very poor approach! This presdo has no clue…Kaunda was right that he’s only fit to be a minister…I would in fact say Lusaka governor or buju! Mere moving of places without fiscal decentralization means nothing.Decentralization in Zed will not work as long as money entirely comes from ministry of finance. Local governments need to be given a share of local income taxes as an automatic source of their revenue.Then its not awards for voting for the gov in power Also local governments need real policy making powers to attract investment opportunities/development to their areas.Decentralization without fiscal decentralization, no matter how much you reorganize geographically is a fallacy! Impiya emaka! Put money in the pockets of the provinces and districts. Faithfully Zimizi native

  52. Does UPND think they own Southern Province???? When we say they want to turn he province into a Bantustan, they refuse violently!!!

  53. Next time it is Mankoya [Kaoma], Lukulu and Solwezi! Creating just a Ward or Constituency one requires the involvement of a Delimitation Commossion. Notwithstanding the constitutional provisions, wouldn’t it be logical to apply the same principle in the creation of Districts and Provinces that are much larger? One never never new that ‘Power is very sweet’, as remarked by our departed second republican President!

  54. #64, some foolish chaps want to hold workshop after workshop over simple matters. some chaps think chirundu will physically move to lusaka and what they dont know is that actually chirundu is closer to lusaka as an admin point than living stone. on itezhi tezhi, its a borderline case as in the current scenario its closer to choma but choma needs to be upgraded and infrastructure befitting the status of provincial hq be done before any one can trek there. so to avoid every thing being part of lusaka, the next equidistant hq is kabwe central province.

  55. Next fanny decision along the way is re-introduction of KK’s portrait on legal tendor,the Kwacha.The same people who removed it are advocating to it again.MCS having been right hand of FTJ and supported by M’membe,removed the portrait saying it was un-Christian.Perhaps such decisions will put more money in pockets

  56. This is how Saddam Hussain used to rearrange his country so that people from his tribe could get the benefits. Power got to his head so much that he stopped thinking and killed the Kurds with chemical gas in 1990

    Idi Amin went for people that did not support him. Mugabe, its the same story.

    Does the government have money to re-write all the landscape in Geography Books for the schools.

    Sata has lost it. Its becoming scary day after day.

  57. It’s a good move from a geographical and administrative point. Problem with our friends from the South (not trying to offend anyone), their tribal inclination always ranks first over national development & hence their fear in this instance, that they’re losing a grip over their land.

    Southern Province is part of Zambia & the ruling govt have the mandate to manage the country in the best way possible beyond tribal/party politics.

  58. #71 Chitalu,
    Yes there are hundreds of MP’s in the United Kingdom but don’t forget it has a population of over 60 million compared to Zambia’s 12 0r 13 million.

  59. Good move Mr President, Lets show them the tongas that we are the ones in power. Ba Kachema abatonga you will cry until you stop breathing you *****s.

  60. I thought this suggestion was there a few weeks ago and no one reacted. What is the purpose of having Chirundu belong to Southern Province whose HQ was first Livingstone – now Choma? When you can access in less than an hour from Lusaka? Guys think. Don’t just condemn. People will always remain the same and the languages will remain the same. What changes is the accessibility to administrative organs!

  61. Sata knows that he will not get quadruple votes in 2016 from Copperbelt & Lusaka provinces, ’cause he has failed to find job creation programs for the youths.

    So he has to look at areas where he can get votes such as all these unfounded decisions of moving districts around. This is a campaign program for 2016.

  62. Nomba Ninishi ???
    Ndati Twalelandili Tepano tuli
    What are you all gonna do about it hey??? F*#¥ko l say !
    Talk is cheap, the ruler has spoken, all you haters can now Shut UP
    Love it when a plan gets together ,,, 
    HH and his Tribalist can huff and puff till they ran out of air , it’s DONE

  63. To some educated SKUNKS,, this what is meant by elimination process,, the SKUNKASTAN strongehold of greed and power hunger is being eliminated slowly

  64. If not for the idea, give serious reason if you to be taken serious with your comments. Otherwise, Ssshhhh! Good decision Mr President!!

  65. :o:(:(( okay now,this is becoming a big organization of the southern province does not make sense at all.the reasons given are not concert at all.

  66. Only F.O.O.LS WOULD CONDEMN THIS. What the President has done will help ITEZHI TEZHI people to have better service delivery and brings in Efficiency. ZAMBIANS LEARN TO SEE A BIGGER PICTURE that will benefit citizens in these District. LET US blog solutions than being part of the PROBLEM. PRESIDENT WOULD NOT MAKE THESE DECISIONS ALONE. He has CONSULTED.

  67. This is the impact of Pa Fwaka (mind-altering brand of cigar). President Sata and his advisors must be told that the *re-aligned two districts in Southern Province in a bid to improve service delivery and public administration* is a very costly measure. The best way to improve service delivery to all sectors of Zambia can only be realized by developing a network of roads and rail systems to link all districts, especially in Luapula, Northwestern and Western provinces. KK’s UNIP post-independence Govt developed tarred roads to link all Provincial Headquarters. PF must bury their pride to build on foundations laid by MMD to develop good road and rail systems leading to all districts. Mr. Sata must STOP playing games to appease his candres. The PF’s challenge is to create jobs for youths.

  68. On point Mr. President. I wish you would consider redrawing the boundaries in Luapula as well. In Samfya, there is a school which is administered from Mansa, and yet it is less than 3 miles from Samfya District. Imagine the resources being WASTED when officials travel to Samfya from Mansa to get to Mansa, which is in Samfya. People, you must understand that some of our boundaries don’t make sense and the president is right. However, I would like to see that such decisions are made in the democratic manner. Maybe having a committee to look in these boundaries is an excellent way forward.

    • @ Senior Citizen
      You have changed your tune welcome to reality Sir
      Glad to see you have gotten off your high horse and spat out the sour grapes
      HE MCS cares for mother Zambia and is doing right by it

  69. The PF will always go overboard. They will over promise over plan over demarcate over react and I hope over deliver


  71. am so ashamed at the level of ignorance by most zambians,it does nt mean that if chirundu is moved to lusaka province then the pipo wil fall under chief chiawa NO! U wil stil b under yo chief en u wil stil b tonga,u can stil vote for ur upnd mp.wat sata wants is t bring the districts closer to the district administrations centres! This not about tribe o chief for heavensake!

  72. The argument does not make sense. Is he saying that all districts that are very far from provincial headquarters should forget about development? This kind of thinking is worrying and can only take place in banana republics such as Zambia.

  73. How does this put food on my table? How does this help my relative deliver in a hospital not on the road? Sata thinks rearranging something is progress. If your house is messy and you move things around guess what it is still messy. He has no bigger picture!

  74. This is total madness as the best thing to do now is to priotise important things first.Does this govt have a plan or kula lotafye every day and talk? Kwena to be honest iam disappointed with the president i voted for thinking he can develop this nation by dealing wit poverty which is now increasing every day. I regret my vote.

  75. Change is a process,4sm1 2bring abt change 2 a big place lyk a country so many places hav 2b touchd.e.g in a hme, u might want 2stat wit th gardn boy,thn th maid o conect th sitn room n th dining rum,th whole point is 2change smthn u nid 2hav a plan n if u dnt go accordn 2tht plan no 1 wil c th lets wait n c whr o ths wil lead us 2,n withn th changes smtyms pipo mek mistakes whch any1 cn mek. Lets liv room 4 correction. Th man is only tryn 2display hs plan whch he thnks wil lead 2developmnt. N lets wait n see wht th results wil b lyk.

  76. I am from the east and am still mad about Muchinga. Move northern province to drc and we shall as Zambians all be happy. NO TO PUTTING KK on our money. NO NO NO.

  77. People stop identifying yourselves by artificial constructions such as borders. You are human that’s what is important. Whether Mpika is in Eastern or Muchinga u are Bisa. Whether itezhi tezhi is in central or southern u are still Tonga. Sata nawe siya kujubajuba ma polovinsi everytime you wake up. Some of us are not that dynamic as to accept change every two weeks. Every 2 decades is more like it.

  78. It’s done huff and puff till you ran out of gas, it won,t change nothing
    Baskunka where have your insults taken you nomba
    We love our kaponyas and grade 7 , 
    The kolwes have put you in your place ka? Mwanya baskunka pako *******¥%#
    Tepano tuli

  79. This country is really at a cross always this is what you get when you vote in buffoons.brainless decisions made to appease and grow tribal hegemony and with a clear cut agenda to marginalize and oppress section of Zambia.

  80. Let us sit down and think through this change than just to talk. Be quick to listen and slow to speak. Some of us are trying to complehend and see where the development will come in. Given this year to end, we will evaluate the change on the basis of perfomance not on the changes of places or bulidings, but on the common man living under a $2 per day causing the western to scrable for Zambia thinking that there are no brains who can help its people to survive.

    When people speak, let us learn to listen and try to understand their point of view and analyse it intently.

  81. changes are always painful especially changing mind set even chirundi is under under lusaka but in reality nothing has changed is only to politican is point to talk about

  82. Any opposition political party that will campaign based on reversing all this madness will have a field day in 2016 or likely sooner.

  83. Ma rubbish if i move my bed to the sitting room then its development in our house? We need to hear that another stadium is being built to prepare zambia to host AFCON , not ifi tuleumfwa ati shinga na nani what what ..VIVA siulapwa

  84. What can you expect from people like HH who enjoys all the blessings of the city of Lusaka. HH is just interested in getting a vote. Whether Chirundu belongs to Lusaka Province or not, people in Chirundu will still vote HH if he has a better plan than Sata. HH let the remote areas have quick access to administation. HH want people to take 2/3 days to travel from Chirundu to Livingstone to get a passport or do any provincial business. It is better to decentralise. HH should go and live in Chirundu so that he can experience frustrations which people in Chirund etc. have lived with for a long time. HH stop yapping think of the people in remote

  85. This man must be stopped please! Doesn’t he have better things to do? Why does he enjoy controversies as though he were a saddist?

  86. @LusakaTimes, can you please take down the comments of a one blogger who is spreading anti-Tonga hate?  It’s disgusting and vile, and I don’t want people to think that he is representative of Bembas or even Zambians.  I hate that I am even acknowledging his comments, but the website needs to remove such comments, they have no place in polite discourse and are inflammatory, meant to distract people from the real issue at hand.

  87. What is up to this man. First Kafue was grabbed from Southern now it is Chirundu and Itezyitezyi.

    This will not work.

  88. @ 117
    The shoe on the other side hurts ka ?
    But you are very comfortable with Tongas calling bembas kolwes, kaponyas etc ???
    Even insulting our president sounds good to you
    But getting back at the little poor Tongas is annoying you ka ?
    You stop tell your tribal Tongas to stop insulting bembas then l will not tell the truth about you lot 
    Or go to Tonga WD were Tongas insulting bembas is allowed, bembas responding are blocked

  89. its cardinal that Zambians learn to vote. Vote for people on ground that you are convinced that they can perform. This Gov’t be worse than the Chiluba regime. Pray for God’s intervention.
    Zambia is on fast track to disintegretion. those that really have heart for our country men and women from all our unique and beautiful tribes i call upon you to save your children and great grand children from a painful fulture. Father God of Abraham, God of love, unity and peace save our land. we pray that your will be done in our country as it is in heaven. Amen

  90. I think it is time we started “occupy protests” Sata needs to tell us what his vision is. We voted for food, jobs, eduction and health. Playing around with maps is very ridiculous when people are dying everyday due to poverty. 

  91. The president is too powerful. Whats going to stop the next president saying that he only wanted two provinces in Zambia or reversing what Sata is doing????? Parliament should be more involved in such matters 

  92. I think, lets for once see big things happening. These are petty things where the president keeps changing maps. We want policies, jobs, socio-economic advancement that will make us be appreciated as Zambians. I think ba sata chilemoneka tamwishibe fyakuchita. 90 days is long gone and we know it is short time for your claims you were making but then do not confuse us by those unnecessary changes, just get on straight into putting more money into peoples pockets. That is what pipo want! Nika political gimmck kashani? Mwalafumapo namwebo

  93. we are watching on terraces. PF don’t just make these changes we need Masuku Secondary to Have electricity. fund the wiring of the school than to change towns, provinces and airports.

  94. De 19:14  You must not move your neighbor’s boundary marker, set up by former generations, on the property that will be allotted to you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess.
    De 27:17  “Cursed be anyone who moves a neighbor’s boundary marker.” All the people shall say, “Amen!”

  95. i think sata is a genius. from the comments i have read i think the man thinks ahead of most zambians. apart from easing administrative bottlenecks it will bring people together imagine itezi itezi people will have to work with people from serenje. The effect will be that parties that wanted to divide zambians on tribe or regional grounds will have to face other zambians in provincial forums from different areas with different mindsets. genius! 

  96. i think sata is a genius. from the comments i have read i think the man thinks ahead of most zambians. apart from easing administrative bottlenecks it will bring people together imagine itezi itezi people will have to work with people from serenje. The effect will be that parties that wanted to divide zambians on tribe or regional grounds will have to face other zambians in provincial forums from different areas with different mindsets. genius! 

  97. Hmmm…. U cn evn fail to laugh… Gentlemen thse geographical places r NOT mobile… It doesnt mean that pipo will start shifting, they will stl be in the same place…hhahhahahahahahahaa, zambians we r dull…iye!!!!

  98. Kafue Province is to be declared shortly.

    Well done PF for moving boldly on these issues. This is the change the people of Zambia voted for.

    Empowering people through local administration is the cornerstone of a healthy and mature democracy.

    Viva Democracy, Viva Kafue Province and Viva Zambia!

  99. Watch this space, Sata will spark a civil war in Zambia! The provincial capital was unilaterally moved from Livingstone to Choma, a Zairian who insulted Tongas was installed as their minister and now two hydro rich districts are removed from the province, unilaterally. This is recipe for war, Tongas are a free people and they exercised their birth right of choice by voting for UPND and this SataNyoko has no right to punish them, no! I urge all able and progressive minded Tongas to fight this buffon like the bulls that they are.

  100. Itezhi Tezhi is much closer to Choma, Whats wrong with this Old Man, unfortunately we do not have any better person to take over from him Malabishi

  101. Chika*la “Tongas are SKUNKS hence SKUNKASTAN” We real Bembas dont behave like you. You are just a wanna-be Bemba, chikala. We dont want your representation. We are special people as everyone want to be like us, including you chika*la.

  102. Now i understand why someone ended up been minister without photifolio (minister of nothing).Ftj knew him very well.

  103. in economic geography, locations may be linked to district for administrative benefits that may spur growth and development. administration centers have different budgets and aid qualifying criteria

    hence the cry in SA of certain towns when they are delinked from Johannesburg or Gauteng.

  104. I can’t believe that in 21st Century Zambia people still refer to themselves as a tribe!!!You people need to move on to national status i.e Zambians.Imagine if the football team decided to support only one so called ethnic group!Do you think they would have scored any goals?
    Sometimes I wonder how Great Britain became great and/or how the Germans managed to control so many nations.
    You people are losing sleep over a change of adminstration!!!

  105. I remember when Gladys Kristafor as Permanent Secretary for Southern Province visited Kafue Gorge and expressed pride/happiness of the province being rich in such infrastructure.Not knowing that some people were envious.Today this action has exposed people’s ill intentions and envy of the people of SP.I wonder how many people are hurt by this pronouncement.This PF government should grow up,a country is not a Kantemba you can shift any time you wake up with a hangover from Kachasu

  106. I don’t quite see what everyone is getting worked up about. Let me simplify.

    We tried the reasonable (in the form of MMD) and that didn’t work.
    If progress is what you want, the unreasonable man is who you should put your money on. I say lets give this apparent madness time to manifest itself. If a mistake has been made, they can always U-turn.

    It is now time to try the unreasonable (apparently). When the good results of this move become apparent, I wonder how many loud mouths from here will have the decency to say they misread Sata and now agree with him?????

    As for UPND, they are not worth the comment and attention as they are always firing blanks.

  107. I have been using my Zambian maps for my GIS projects for school. My projects are just getting old by the day. first it was on provincial level, then my 72 district maps were redundant, then now??? oooh I am going to stop this Zambian project for this class. Before the end of the semester the country will have 100 districts and * provinces


  109. Good move. Please change the provinces to States so they change the way they think and the way they do things then change the name from Zambia to something that doesn’t begin with the last letter of the alphabet it might change our position in many things, I think we are last in many things including in the name. Look at Zaire, they changed from Zaire to DRC now things are happening for them. I don’t trust this name Zambia, something about it that producers loser mindset in people. Just a thought. Look at Zimbabwe, they are last on the listings of nations and guess what, they are now last in almost everything, we will be next if are not careful.

  110. # 88. Mr Sata may say and do what he likes but has betrayed the confidence of people that put him in that position. He was not voted to begin to disect the country to fit his wishful thinking other than the much needed development to Zambia and uplift living standards of the majority. That agenda so far is missing and people are disappointed. Most of the changes he has done are without consent of Zambians, not even within PF circles. Sata is simply issueing orders for people to obey without questioning. That is how dictatators operate. Zambia has been ruled by other people before Mr Sata and his PF and will be ruled by others in time to come. Therefore, all changes made without consultation and following due procedures will be reversed when him and PF will be no more.

  111. People always resist change they like as you are , vision is a great thing the bible says without vision people perish why dont we try what the president is planing i for one dont see any problem at all besids we should allow this man to work

  112. Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine

    Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves

  113. Indeed, if Michael Sata is serious with all these unreasonable alterations, then he should not spare his face. Let him relocate his asshole to his face; there’s not much difference, after all, from his stinking mouth. We are tired of these circuses.

  114. Sata should alson relocate his asshole to his mouth. It will fit just as good as his stinking mouth. Why should anyone still respect Sata. Whose dynasty is he trying to build? Why these circuses? What is wrong wirh Sata? Why do they let him smoke weed?

  115. I remember that not too long after the creation of Muchinga province, Chama was moved from Eastern province and transferred to the new province.I don’t recall any militant opposition to the decision by Easterners. In fact, the decision was heartily welcomed by a cross-section of the Zamnbian society. I recall that even the outspoken and diehard MMD Copperbelt Publicity and Information Chairman, Yotham Mtayachalo, a native of Chama, applauded the decision. The reasons for moving Chirundu and Itezhitezhi are the same as that given for moving Chama to Muchinga. What has changed now?

  116. You shall not move your neighbour’s ancient boundary. Sata is a lawless man who thrives on drama and comedy to survive. Zambians must just wake up and begin to resist this visionless leader who believes is genious when actually very dull. May the living God deliver us from the wims of this dragon repitile called Sata(n). Zambia is now more divided and sooner or later other tribes will begin to beat up Bembas believing that what sata is doing is a Bemba scheme to bembalise all else. For your information Sata is a Subulu from Tanzania and not Bemba. Chitulika village is a slam compound and not a personal village by any family. kaunda was frrom Malawi, Chiluba from Congo, Banda from Zimbambwe or Malawi and only Mwanawasa was Zambian.

  117. next… eeehhhh I have moved your battocks from your back to your front with immmediate effect while your eyes go into your trouser.

  118. Let me narrow it down. Introduce the federal system where each province should decentralize n run its economy. Southern is a threat to this strategy since there is so much resource which run the country such as power plants (Itezhi tezhi n Kariba), Nickel mine, tourism, sugar faming. Unfortunately, in the politician`s eyes, southern is one… of the opposition strongholds. The federal system will be a disadvantage if such power is in the hands of the opposition. So…….

    • Are you as stu=pid as I think you are? Northwestern has more undiscovered potential. These changes are administrative conveniences and have nothing to do with any personal interests. If you are a plunderer and a thief, please don’t pait every one with the same brush you wiped your arse with

    • So plan one is make Choma Headquarters then take l/stone to western(put a smile on the Lozi people n temporarily forget the barotse issue),plan two, play it innocent…divide mazabuka by introducing chikakata district to blind fold da unsuspecting Tongas then draw a map thru Munali hills n Abidon nickel mine is gone. Make Chirundu a district before annexing it to the mighty lsk. Soon the once energy basket will just remain with only cattle n sugar. …[SIC]Watchdog…….. Visionary, only illiterates resort to insults because they fail to express themselves! i don’t think you are one such

    • You arse#hole.. and the Energy plants were built by who using what ?? Copper proceeds from the Belt.. mined and produced by by who… ALL ZAMBIANS…!!!! All zambians built the sugar plantatation .. Bottom line is NO TRIBE Owns any of the plants or resources youve mentioned.. I cant believe we are discussing tribe in this day and age.. Those resouces belong to ALL ZAMBIANS.. nobody is thinking about the rubbish that you are.. Resources came from everywhere to build what we have.. Luapula has 1000MW potential for Hydro power.. .. be careful.

    • Zambia has become too tribal. People, be objective and remember my statement was a quote though some of you may not have noticed. Too busy name calling…. i wont respond. Chirundu is better administered from Lusaka and not Choma, same goes for Itezhi tezhi which is closer to Central province than Choma . My worry is how far is this going to go…. i hear Solwezi is moving to Copperbelt. any comments?

  119. The problem is not the vision, but articulating the vision. Best way is sometimes to let the results speak for themselves. Ridicule, insults and martydom are occupational hazard in the vision industry.
    History has also shown that the fewer disciples a vision has, the more progressive it is. I do not think Sata needs numbers on this one anyway. Common sense is uncommon.

  120. All peace loving Zambians, it is a done deal let those upset by this move cut down some trees and make some massive  bonfire because they will need the smoke to help them make tears after they ran out of tears
    Every inch of Zambia is GRZ property regardless what tribe or chief lives there 
    Please read the Zambian lands act 2002.

  121. So according t o Sejani, the President must first announce that he iz consulting so and so over subject this and that?

  122. @ Tikwiza Tikwiza 

    All those in southern province belong to the Zambian govt and cannot be left in the hands of a selfish and tribalist people who see everything in tribe and me, me , me and my fellow tribesmen
    GRZ property has to protected for the likes of you. If it means displacing your whole tribe out of SP so be it
    You have shown us you don,t care about other tribes so why should we care about you, your tribe lives in SP but SP belongs to every Zambian and we shall move a lot of other tribes there to stop your greed, this is not about politics but for the good of our nation

    • You are the danderhead ***** that I have ever heard of. Am sure you are a bastard, if not, the man you call your father is not your biological father. ***** tribal supremacist you are!

  123. @ “Thinking Aloud” you have just expressed your Ignorance. People of Ithezi Tethezi or ITT as they call it pass through Mumbwa (which is in Central Province), Lusaka and Kafue ( In Lusaka Province ) and get into Southern through Mazabuka. We have been there my dear and I was just wondering how hard it was for people to access there administrative capital through such cumbersome route to just have someone to stamp a stupid document.

    • @Misozi, you are the one that is ignorant. Namwala and ITT are walking distances away, only separated by the Kafue River. If you have been there, you used one route and not tried the other route. You say you have been there, but some of us have lived there. Do you see the difference dimwit?

  124. Can someone explain Why Chinese don’t pay PAYE tax but they work on Zambian soil? Check ZRA payroll system, Check Huawei, zte and chambishi mine payroll systems at ZRA. Its unfair.

  125. This is rely drama, I voted for PF but not for this s.h.i.t. Sata’s famous was due to his confrontational approach when he was serving different ministries. Our hope for us who work for foreign companies has been buried by this Koswe. Kambwili has been sacrificed by an ***** SATA. Stop this guy from abusing presidential powers others we can have a coup. Moving portfolios is not neccessary

  126. @Tikwiza 160….. and the Energy plants were built by who using what ?? Copper proceeds from the Belt.. mined and produced by by who… ALL ZAMBIANS…!!!! All zambians built the sugar plantatation, again from COpper proceeds .. Bottom line is NO TRIBE Owns any of the plants or resources youve mentioned.. I cant believe we are discussing tribe in this day and age.. Those resouces belong to ALL ZAMBIANS.. nobody is thinking the rubbish way that you are.. Resources came from everywhere to build what we have.. Luapula has 1000MW potential for Hydro power.., Manganese.. Copper. Oil under Lake Mweru Wantipa … Western, Copperbelt and Northern Province produces all the TImber and Hard wood critical to building and maintaining the plants in the first place.. Eastern, Central all the GRAIN.

  127. When rule of the jungle becomes imminent it becomes chaotic in ruling people up hazard decisions,mediocrity,autocratic and lack of conscience…this Will lead to people fighting brothers up in arms with brothers..yesterday I read the Post total rubbish of putting kaunda’s on our money KK ruled this nation with an iron finger just like Sata is doing…this we can not accept..even the remover of zeros on our currency is just a ploy to blind Zambians in order to facilitate KK’s portrat !todays editorial is one of those comments lined up by the Post and Sata to support their selfish agendas…is this what we voted for ?i don’t seem to see the direction that PF is taking..Zambians stand up?

  128. Zambians let us put thes people like Tikwiza Tikwiza and all with his sort of mentality in their place.
    So the govt has done this what is he and all ranting about going to do about ???
    Nothing whatsoever it’s all talk to promote their tribal greed,, They really thought these things were for Tongas only, whilst financied by Zambian copper,,?? This is some cheap thinking by those who call themselves educated

    • You *****, is it not on southerners’ land that you fools spent the copper money on? Uproot it and take it somewhere else if that’s what you want. Remove the Kariba and we will buid ours there. And where will you build yours, on which Zambezi river? Think like an adult, not a mole.

    I read through blogs with a lot of wonder. You may not know it but you have a mental problem. Your language is of an individual who was born in an uncivilised culture. Hate the Tongas as much as you can but know that they have every right to understand motivations of government and question them; more so that we are in a democracy where consultation takes precedence.

  130. these decisions that are made after an orgasm will not help us..whoever advises the pf president is wrong..we shall get them after the by election soon..TB Joshua alitweba kale..!

  131. I see something being played on this. The first question I would ask is why did he not move some parts of Lusaka to chirundu than vice versa? secondly why did he opt to move Itehi tehi to kabwe not some part of central province to southern Province? Does it mean that the administrative offices can not be in Namwala or Monze? why did he not put the administrative office in siavonga to accommodate the people of chirundu than joining it with Lusaka? It is good as zambians to be critical when analysing such issues affecting our affairs and social life. The president need to explain clearly on this and explain as well how he came to this decisio. This decision affects us and did he consult or convince people of this decision.?

  132. shame shame on u insulting got no manners insulting tongas ,bembaz whatever shame got nothing to comment shut up

    Tobias Cools

  133. All these changes are a worst of time . They will be reversed again by another presido. They r not being done in good faith. Dont even touch solwezi to be part of copperbelt. Sata is a fo.o.l and big illit.erate. Taking the country backwards and can cause anarchy in the country..

  134. @ Ruth 176
    Who cares about your rantings and tribalist mentality, you like to call us kolwes, kaponyas etc yet you cry when you are called by your true nature smelly Skunks,, we can be rude too
    This move is done deal and what are you gonna do about it? It is all govt property and the govt can do what it sees fit for the good of the country,, and trust me this is for the good of the country NOT just one selfish tribe with only 3% of the vote,, 
    The Zambian voters support this move 100% and trust me they is more coming, cry you shall
    How do you consult people like HH whose main ambition is to rebuke everything the govt says or does

  135. These changes are developmental,i cant wait for the president to do the same for Kalulushi and delink Chambeshi on the C/Belt.Problem with UPND is that they are so jealousy and hateful,this massive hate is clouding their logic thinking,all they think about is tribe.Zambia is one,provinces and districts are for administrative convinience only,nobody will be displaced to anywhere.PF is just following thier campaign promise of decentralising the system,bringing administration and governance closer to the people.This is unreversable,which area would like to come and lose its district status,already UPND are decampaigning themselves because they can’t think.Wynter Kabimba should just have admitted to that misquote were he was supposed to have said Tongas use tribe to think,right he was

  136. BaLusaka Times you are enouraging anarchy and treason in the nation by allowing people like Field Marshal and Tongas are SKUNKS to blog such nonsense on your forum. You will justify Sata interfering with internet publications.Please censor these contributors. Media is not meant for such blatant inciting of violence and insulting of fellow tribes

  137. @Tongas are SKUNKS has experienced so much racism in CANADA and that is why he is taking it so hard on the Tongas. My dear brother, I am bemba too and I dont like it when we are called kaponyas; but why should i be upset if I know that I am not one? you language may suggest that this affects you so much and that your heart is full of hate for these people. You will end up having a heart-attack for nothing. Brother, these are just politics and at the end of the day we all go out and enjoy our beers with all the tongas and other Zambians. so cool bro cool PF is in power.

  138. Reading through responses from most bloggers from the diaspora,its very clear you are out of touch with reality.Most of you don’t know what’s on the ground.President Sata means well for Zambia and he has the support of most us Zambians at home.Southern province is not synonymous with Tongas.Relocation of Districts is not all about taking Kariba Dam or Itezhi Tezhi dam from Tongas,after all these dams were built using tax payers money paid by all Zambians and not just Tongas.

  139. Sometimes I wish M’membe and his staff at the Post read what they write aloud and just listen to themselves. Would this alignment be tolerated in the USA? Could Obama start a single handed exercise to realign the USA, create new states, and move others? I don’t think so. Why not tell us the truth, instead on holding on to straw arguments. Truth be told, Post is the agent of the New World Order, with Sata as a puppet to do their bidding. The strategy is simple – rid the world of boundaries in time for the one world government in which the majority of us will be mere slaves. 

  140. Dismantle provinces and districts, create others and abolish others, cause enough confusion for people to react and give reason for a dictatorship. The move, even my 19 year old son has spotted it, is directed at the dissenting provinces. Barotseland Agreement which they supported gives cognisant to a bantustan within independent Zambia.

  141. This is not development and does not in anyway make anything efficient. So from Itezi-tezi, I’ll have to go to Choma, pass Maz and Kafue, Lusaka just to get to Kabwe.
    C’mon Mr. President, you can’t just wake up and decide to change my country like this … only dictators do what comes to mind, however sensible they may be.
    Sit and listen to people, consult with chiefs, do the job we elected you to do. Develop the country. Creating districts and renaming a few places will not put food on the table.

    I tire of this incompetence. Does Zambia have any hope of developing? Not at the rate we’re going. 

  142. #171,Don’t dispaly tour ignorance on this blog.If Southern province or any other province were to become independent,so will be all the resources.Go back to history and see what happened to the former USSR and Yugoslavia.Each state inherited it’s infrastructure.If Luapula is that rich then go ahead and develop it.Why are you threatened by the Tongas.Leave them alone and stop being petty.

  143. All of you supporting the relocation of districts,please tell me how a president can single handedly name airports,appoint the cabinet ,move ministries around and now redraw the map of Zambia.Chavuma distict is one of the furthest,does it mean it has to be handed to DRC or Angola? Please fellow Zambians when such matters arise ,we should forget party afilliations,put aside opur emotions and seriously point out such flaws.The Zambian Presidency has just got a lot of power.This is dangerous for someone with a dictator mentality.PLEASE ZAMBIANS SPEAK OUT1

  144. The nation and people of southern province and northern-western province should not worry. These changes Sata is doing are easier to reverse than the Zamtel seal. 2016 is near and a real government will be in place and all this will be reversed. Easy. We cant allow stealing from one people to another by a government.

  145. Zambians Problem I have is we are always ready to disagree every little thing that is done in the country. I visited Zambia last year and am impressed to what I saw, roads restructure even in compounds, someone is working.
    What has realigning cities got to do with the country moving forward, you all worry and talk about petty stuff. I believe a road is being constructed between chongwe and Chirundu area, you will see development based on my research I see alot of game reserves and lodges in these areas. Chirundu is the largest entry point of 16 – 17 %. yes you will definatly see a change inthis area.
    you are all taking about going through one point to another, will the road’s change? really sometimes I wonder if we have common sense or we just want to whin about every decision made.

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