Monday, March 10, 2025

Printing of fake notes by MMD has affected Zambian currency-Bob Sichinga


Commerce Minister Robert Sichinga
Commerce Minister Robert Sichinga

Commerce minister Bob Sichinga has maintained that the MMD government printed illegal notes prior to the elections.

Mr. Sichinga says commercial banks have since withdrawn some of the notes from circulation.

But the MMD has refuted the allegations by Mr. Sichinga. MMD deputy secretary Chembe Nyangu earlier said that the MMD was a responsible party which could not make any transactions that had the potential to distort the economy which the party worked so hard to build.

However Mr. Sichinga said that his statement has nothing to do with the distortion of the country’s economy but that the actions by the MMD government to print fake notes is what has affected the Zambian currency.

Last week Mr. Sichinga accused the MMD government of printing fake notes from China which they used to distribute in the villages during campaigns.

Mr Sichinga said that the money was printed in China and was dished out to rural areas to woo voters.

Mr Sichinga went on to say that part of the bogus K3 trillion had initially been intercepted at Nakonde Border Post in Muchinga Province by ‘vigilant’members of the public.

The minister said that it is disappointing to learn how the MMD used the illegal currency to manipulate the people in the rural areas adding that the money was only captured when it entered the banking system.

Mr. Sichinga could however not comment further on the matter saying it was the responsibility of the central bank and ministry of finance to indicate the measures that have been put in place to completely withdraw such money from circulation.

[Source: QFM]


    • But the Hon Minister responsible – one old fooool Chikwanda made a Ministerial Statement in parliament that there was no fake money . . .its only that the tender procedures were flouted . …and Sata’s in-law continues to sing the same song. Which of the two foools should we believe. Why can’t this Sichinga stick to his portfolio and leave money matters to Ministry of Finance and BOZ. Its now bordering on incompetence and its becoming boring!

  1. Somehow to me it makes sense because copper went up to US$12,000.00/t and the currency was getting worse while the economy was sluggishly growing. Mwalitala amumonapo ifyaso? Ba Princess we will make your burried money unusable very soon, just wait. Mukalashibonfya mu toilet as tissue or ukupepelako fwaka, kaponda.

  2. I know politicians can lie, but sometimes i think it is better they do some proper research before they start talking nosense. How can Sichinga be taken seriously when he mixes his story about the MMD government printing extra kwachas with the words fake. If the money is legal tender it can not be fake, the only thing that is wrong is the fact that money supply is increased in the economy resulting in the loss of value of the currency. But to add to this he goes on to say commercial banks have withdrawn the money from circulation, this statement is rediculous, since when did commercial banks in Zambia become the Bank of Zambia, as far as i know only BOZ has the mandate to control money supply in the country not commercial banks. Is he saying the banks colluded with the MMD?

  3. Ha ha PF is failing to run the country by creating so much investor anxiety that the Kwacha is falling and now they want to blame MMD.If you can’t stand the heat get out of the Kitchen.Blaming MMD aint gonna feed us buddy.Get your act together and let Zambian industries rise up and start generating money for the economy.

  4. The statement from the Commerce minister is dangerous and can further injure the economy. Is he sure of what he is saying or its politicking. I respect Bob and we used to go to the same barber shop in Woodlands. He is a fellow accountant and I hope he is speaking from a professional not a political point of view.

  5. Does any body take this guy Sichinga seriously? I have never heard him say anything about the vision for his Ministry. All he is good at is rhetoric.

  6. Somehow I don’t believe this. Why is it that it is not the chief kaponya himself announcing this? Too many hallucinating lies that he has decided to let asebele take over?

  7. Sihcinga IS AN ***** rumor monger let him show us one such note instead of yapping on an anthill like his boss. He is in a very technical ministry and cadre rumor mongering mentality will rate him far below his predecessor MUTATI he was not political but very technical in his approach even the MFEZ is Mutati ‘s brain child which sichinga is failing to propound in the same manner of compitence SHAME

  8. Iwe tekton you dont know that commercial banks can withdraw currency on instruction form the central bank? Ulebomfya skopo mwaiche. How do you think you are going to swap the old kwacha for the new one when it comes?? are you going to line up at BOZ??? the answer is NO you will do so at your commercial banks and through normal trade. Champuka mwaiche

    • MWAICE KABILI ba Mary… Mwaice in the head and in thinking.. Actually.. very ignorant and dull.. who doesnt know that BOZ regulates flow of cash, withdraws old, damaged, counterfeit notes and bring in new notes.. Its done on a daily bais sthrough commercial banks.. so Ba Mary.. @TEKTON mwaice.. talakula

    • Bottom line is that Bob ci kopo. Why doesnt he provide evidence of the nakonde truck? 3trillion is a lot of money ka? more than what is currently in circulation.

    • The total budget then was around 19trillion and if you pump in 3trllion what percentage is that ladies and gentlemen.Even i who is not an economist will tell u that this is about 7% of the total budget and the inflation would have been unmanageable.So this is just one of those hoaxes and it is really terrible to have come from a professional like Bob.

    • Between You and Digga, i think there is very little brains, you correctly state that commercial banks withdraw currency at the behest of the central bank yet you seem to think that my statement that said Sichinga is saying nosense when he says the commercial banks are withdrawing the so called fake money from circulation, the question is at whose behest, if the answer is at central bank’s which it should be then he should not draw commercial banks into this and instead should speak to the central bank governor to establish why the bank is reducing money circulation and if they confirm that its because of extra monies printed then he can make the allegations he has made. The commercial banks i repeat do not control money supply, they only act on central bank directives.

  9. We need a statement from the banks short of which people will not believe this as the trust people had in PF is slowly eroding. Could this not be a blessing in disguise for PF as it might just help meet the unbudgeted for province(s) and districts. Stop crying. I shudder to imagine what PF will do if MMD can sink so low as to print more money! Won’t PF just resort to this method but at twice the scale? Or are they just preemptying their intentions?

  10. If they did it slap them with offences you dimwits! Or are you going to do the same in 2016? Those are very serious allegations which should be dealt with seriously by the State.

    • And the Best performing Dimwits Award goes to Kambwili & BOB…go figure how the rest of pf get the best supporting dimwits awards.

  11. Guys you can do you own research by checking the governors signatures everytime you handle a 50,000 note. We have more than three different type of signatures appearing on 50,000 note. If you re observant and love your country more than your political party. You will see this. #4 Tekton please do not just try to sound too intelligent to others. Commercial banks collect suspicious notes, damaged notes and hands them to the Central Banks who then decides what to do with these notes. How else does the Boz get hold of damaged notes?

    • Read the statement which was releasad by the honourable minister of Finance on the earlier hoax by the president b4 you express your ignorance sir in public.

  12. Yesterday I watched ZNBC TV News at 19.00hrs and there was this reporter alleging that two CBU lecturers had expressed their concerns on the fake money and that it was having a negative impact on the economy. But when the two Dons came on the screen, both said that they did not believe that it was possible that there could be 3 trillion fake money in circulation as prices would have shot through the roof by now. Talk about story twisting! It seems ZNBC is actually worse now than under the “previous” government, when they would simply keep quiet when the story did not favour them.

    • Welcome to the PF banana republic. I voted these dimwits in government. Had i known better, they still will be in opposition. AGONY OF a poverty stricken GRZ worker

  13. This is rely drama, I voted for PF but not for this s.h.i.t. Sata’s famous was due to his confrontational approach when he was serving different ministries. Our hope for us who work for foreign companies has been buried by this Koswe. Kambwili has been sacrificed by an ***** SATA. Stop this guy from abusing presidential powers others we can have a coup. Moving portfolios is not neccessary

  14. This motormouth should control his tongue,Bob is not electable anywhere in Zambia hence his insistance on this ridiculous political story trying to please his master.The Finance minister was taken to task in parliament over this fake story and he clarified that there is no fake currency circulating in Zambia.

  15. Can someone explain Why Chinese don’t pay PAYE tax but they work on Zambian soil? Check ZRA payroll system, Check Huawei, zte and chambishi mine payroll systems at ZRA. Its unfair.

  16. Give us facts Bob…this sounds like hearsay. If some people have problems believing ‘facts’ highlighted in the ZAMTEL and ZRA reports what more with your unsubstantiated utterances. PF should not go the way of MMD which thrived on propaganda.
    For once I disagree with you Mr. Minister!

  17. I don’t understand this. Why would money printed by the government of the day be called FAKE? Is it because it was printed in China? And its weird that no one has spotted these new fake bills. In any case, they said they will change our currency and drop 3 zeros in six months, so what is the big issue? 

  18. What is this with PF ministers. Some of them have become ‘former’ rational individuals! Take this Bob for example, the guy used to be reasonable and realistic b4 he became a PF minister. I even thought he would be the voice of reason in PF, alas, I was wrong. He’s now just bwata bwataring without offering logical basis for his assertions!!

  19. Bob Sichinga please spare us this anguish. You were elected on the platform of putting more money in our pockets, and actually made a few noises through Hon Kambwili backing workers’ demands for decent salaries from their employers. But now the very same government has made a complete u-turn and effectively sided with employers by stating that salary increments should be in line with inflation, i.e. 6.4%! Is that your understanding of more money in workers pockets? When you were campaigning didn’t you know that it would fuel inflation? Or perhaps you believe that winning elections by cheating the voters is not the same as the corruption which you claim to be fighting?

  20. This issue ain’t new, when HE MCS first said there was fake money Jack m
    mMwimbu asked for a clarification from Alex Chikwlanda. The speaker gave AC some days to clarify the matter. AC told parliament that all money in circulation was legal tender and the issue was put to rest. Now Schinga had decided to wake dead things. I now understand why Prez Sata warned his ministers on doing and saying things that may alarm investors. Sichinga’s statement is more of an alarmist’s. One would have to go by the earlier statement by Ol’ AC, he is proving to be wise, sober and trustworthy minister.

  21. Yes indeed, what is wrong with this Bob? He has not even suggested that the Liato buried money was evidence of part of the fake K3 trillion notes!

  22. …and all that development? Can we just have development. I’m personally getting a bit bored. Seriously – I was expecting major scandals not these daily allegations.

  23. .
    This does not make any logic. Bob made this claim last week, yet he is failing to respond to two investigate reporters one from the UK Financial Times & US Washington Post who have constantly tried to contact him for more info so that they can expose the Chinese if they are doing this to other nations. As a matter of fact, the US Reporter is a former CIA Agent.

    The Finance Minister needs to come out again, either to back Sichinga or stick by the statement Chikwanda made in parliament.


  24. .
    Fake/counterfeit notes are there even in the western nations printed by crooks/mafias. But for Sichinga to claim that a sitting government printed K3 Trillion fake notes is simply too at odds.

  25. Bob is a let down. Did he seriously do his cost/benefit analysis of making such a statement to the nation? Such people give credence to uneducated politicians who claim education is not important in Zambian politics. Shame!

  26. @ TEKTON / Mary… Tekton MWAICE KABILI ba Mary… Mwaice in the head and in thinking.. Actually.. very ignorant and dull.. who doesnt know that BOZ regulates flow of cash, withdraws old, damaged, counterfeit notes and bring in new notes.. Its done on a daily bais sthrough commercial banks.. so Ba Mary.. @TEKTON mwaice.. talakula

  27. I agree with TEKTON. 3 Trillion Kwacha of fake cash is a lot of money. How come we’ve never heard of any reports that someone was caught or arrested as they tried to deposit money in the bank, or buying stuff from supermarket. I say this because Bob is saying the money was dished out to Villagers, meaning its already in circulation. If its true, how come a commission of inquiry has not been constituted because those are fertile grounds for lifting RB’s immunity

  28. I personally don’t trust Bob, the man changes colours like a Chameleon today he say this tomorrow he say that……….. he’s just a loud mouth character !!!!!!!!!!!

  29. BOB Sichinga, You are an embarrassment to the good people of Muyombe, to all of us who know you and to the Accounting profession. You should know that when K3 trillion of fake currency or 16% of the 2011 budget is released in the economy you would not have found inflation in single digits at 8%. You are a person who is known to have gone to some school and you are supposed to be counselling your President. Instead you have become a conveyor belt for cheap rumours. Stick to your portiflio and leave the Ministry of Finance talk about money. You are a disgrace to politics.

  30. Its really a worrying feature in Zambia that a portfolio like a commerce minister is NOT taken seriously. And you call yourselves to have elected a proper government. Alleging MMD printed fake or more money (whatever because this story mutates by the day) the issue here Mr. Minister what are you doing about it? The Kwacha is free falling and people entertain politicians pointing fingers at each other. It just shows why we Africans will never be taken seriously by other continents. Here is the largest copper producer with a wired talking commerce minister ….

  31. Ba Bob naimwe, a government cannot print fake/counterfeit money. Period! It can only do what Idi Amain used to do. If some crook, MMD or not did print counterfeit money then please do the responsible thing. Investigate and send them to jail.

    Independent Observer, again walasa. There is counterfeit money in developed countries too because of criminality and not irresponsible governments. By the way ba Bob why are you still on the first page of this, anyway? The Minister responsible Mr. Chikwanda has categorically stated that there are no counterfeit notes in circulation.

  32. Some ministers’just want to be heard that he has said something whether irrelevant or relevant trying to appease us that they are working.People want tangible results such as New schools,roads,hospitals etc.This PF government is the weakest GRZ so far,Its a Talking GRZ.

  33. BO stop this nosense you are talking.Bring some Investors unfortunately non will ever come maybe crooked ones.The current business atmosphere in our country is very,very bad for Investors.PF GRZ is not serious at all.I agree with allerging PFto be in a campaign Mood.

  34. I wwonder…aren’t GRZ mminister ssupposed tto make substantiated comments?? With a K27 ttrillion budget,a sudden K3 trillion iinjection iin the eeconomy wwould push iinflation through tthe roof!! If the money were fake,that wwould have bsen spotted!! K3 trillion iisn’t tok tto go unnoticed,even aafter eexcavation!!


  36. An educated person who has turned himself into a F.O.O.L
    We told you that this so called “Economic Consultant” without any qualification in economics was useless…

    I do not see PF government lasting 2 years. 2016 election will be the biggest walk over in the history of Zambia. That if we do not have a presidential by election this year.

  37. When the vigilant members of the public inercepted a truck in Nakonde as I recall, it was suspected to be carrying ballot papers. But of course they didnt find anything, yu and I know that they could not have packed the contraband like some ordinary sardines. The track had concealed compartments!!!

  38. this Bob Sichinga campaigned vigorously for reintroduction of windfall tax. What changed along the way. I would like to know…please please. 

  39. Guys, these things border on national securty and when Bob, who is supposed to be learned exposes such a scam, we expect him to be fully aware of consequences this will create on our economy in terms of investor confidence. Does BOB imply that the chinese govt assisted RB to print FAKE money?I think we need leaders that should have tactical intelligence in mind because this can create coldwar. That is careless talk. Bushe namifilwa ukuteka that you want pile the blame on someone. Come on guys! We want jobs, more money in the pockets

  40. Pr 12:17  Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness speaks deceitfully.
    Pr 14:5  A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.
    Pr 14:25  A truthful witness saves lives, but one who utters lies is a betrayer.
    Pr 19:5  A false witness will not go unpunished, and a liar will not escape.
    Pr 19:9  A false witness will not go unpunished, and the liar will perish.
    Ex 20:16  You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
    Ex 23:1  You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with the wicked to act as a malicious witness.

  41. Bob Sichinga must have become an imbecile the last 90 days. A. Chikwanda categorically stated in Parliament that there was no fake money printed by anybody in Zambia. Why didn’t Bob take him on at that point? AC is proving to be a voice of reason although there’s still some scepticism on him. These lies and rumors now being spread by ministers seem to suggest they don’t have ideas about how to grow the economy and create jobs and are now trying to deflect attention elsewhere. Be careful Bob, the honeymoon is coming to an end soon.

  42. Ba PF you have continued taking us for fools. Please get to work. And what proof do you have over these allegations. we don’t trust your word anymore. You’ve been jumping around like confused monkeys from the day you assumed office. we are tired of the drama nomba mwe!!!!!!! Chachilamo!

  43. That @Ricky Bobby for the correct spelling. Meant IMBECILE in my post no.45. My point though is that I always had respect for Bob Sichinga in the past when he was in UPND with Mazoka, Wasn’t the architect of an alternative budget to the one issued by the government of the day then? He was a giant of guy then. But roll the tape to 2012, he has lost some brain cells. Is it a case of birds of a feather flocking together? I am really wondering. Repeat, what a RETARD now. Shameful.

  44. I am speechless!
    The guys are still in the opposition. We have no government in Zambia . No President but a king who rules by decree. No cabinet but commissions of enquiry, no parliament but media talk.
    Lord help us!

  45. Its hard to believe this story especially coming from Sir Bob.I cant trust a word from him.He has spent the last 20 years fighting the Mmd even when they did good in their first term and then now!Arrest the culprits.To me there’s little disparity btwn the Mmd and Pf.They will equally crashland Zambia.The signs are there.They should work and not give flimsy excuses.we are waiting for delivery.what of the 90 days period?Maybe they need 90 years.God save us.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  46. Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine

    Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves

  47. Its becoming shameful to be Zambian with this goverment in place. Few days ago president Sata gaged irresponsible statements from Kambwili, today Bob Sichinga is with his gaga statements of extra, fake currency printed in China by Zambia. This contradicts a ministerial statement denying any fake money in the country, BOZ resiponsible for printing money in Zambia are not aware of fake currency. Who can tell the truth in Zambia?, or there is no govt at all to correctly and reliably inform the nation over these allegations slowly erroding, weakening the confidence of our national currency.

  48. Bob is a nominated MP whose job can be terminated anytime. He is just trying to oil his job noyhing less. Its almost 5months and we are counting. Na ishupa bola ba PF.

  49. just run the economy don’t sabotage it. printing fake money is a crimical offence so why are you not arresting BOZ governor Fundanga.

  50. This minister is very foolish. Fake money even fake dollars are found all over the world just like fake passports. Does it mean GRZ prints fake passports? Show us the fake Kwachas and tell us the Chinese company that printed them and how much was spent in printing them. Show us invoice receipts of the fake money. PF has lost direction and failed to govern and  most ministers are moving like headless chucks. SHAME on Sichinga.

  51. It is BOB again with his lies,this is the F>O>O>L who first made the most crashing lie that the pens at the polling stations were megical.Only FOOLS can take this foolish man seriously.POOR FINISHERS you have really run out of governace ideas it is time you were kicked out of power ba kolwe.

  52. Nonsense as usual even from educated foools. Why did this fool not challenge Chikwanda in Parliament. After the clarification in parliament, this guy who masquarades as a business consultant should look for some other stupid story to tell his retarded kaponyas. This is a no sale bwana. Wake up from your deep sleep. This is not expected from people who have seen the inside of classrooms . . .nga ni sata eeei but imwe ba some of us kakakakayayay


  54. Bob, just get your damn a.r.s.e to work and stop yapping MMD day in and day out. We are about tired of this rhetoric. Please behave like grown-a.r.s.e men.

  55. This is the most useless government ever in Zambia. Its become shameful to be Zambian. Like Banda or not Zambia was better off with him than this grouping of Monkeys

  56. And Dr Kaseba thinks she can woo investors to this circus? One minister says one thing, another says the complete opposite – man of action my!

  57. PLEASE! Do not confuse ILLEGAL with FAKE! If the money was printed illegally, that doesn’t make it fake money! Fake money is an imitation or counterfeit of the real money! Tell us which is which now!

  58. PF: On this one twasebana. Ba Bob, buchilande lande; it does not mean that when you are not in the news papers you are not working; at times Zee is best. Inconsistency and talkative mu PF; atase.

  59. Bwana minister plz heed the plea by the president to stop these wild allegations even citing other countries. If you have evidence I am sure you know the procedure and where to report. Are you too excited or what, get to work!

  60. Bob Sichinga. you’re a foul mouthed, constant liar, i now believe you have faked your havard papers. Each time you open that stinking foul mouth you end up with lies.You fake stop accusing MMD and China.You forget that China amounts to 70% our whole export and what happen if they stop buying our copper? You fool stop your ranting, it’s damaging our economy and friendship with the investors. SATA act on this fellow.

  61. Now that you are in court let us see how you Bob will defend yourself after Bank of zambia and minister of Finance have distanced themselves from your false revelations. K3trillion is too much money which can indeed throw into disarray the econmy. The Kwacha is falling not because of fake money but because it is afraid of Pf leader MCS and his ministers like Bob and Sichinga.They make false wide statements which they fail to substatiate.

  62. elections were in 2011 and we’re in 2012. Surely are we going to enter 2013 with our pf govt still sing about mmd’s alleged sins of omission and commission?

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