Monday, March 10, 2025

Opposition should remain vigilante- Magande.


File:Former Minister of Finance & National Planning N'gandu Magande

National Movement for Progress president Ngandu Magande has urged the opposition in the country to constantly remind the PF Government of the promises it made to the Zambian people during the campaigns.

Mr. Magande says the Patriotic Front made a number of promises to the Zambian people while in opposition which they should be reminded to fulfill.

Mr. Magande said to QFM radio that he is of the view that the PF should deliver on the promises it made to the people of Zambia.

He says any government in power should remain answerable to the people of Zambia because they are the ones who put it in power.

And Mr. Magande says he has no problem with any person who appointed to serve in the Patriotic Front Government.

He says any person who is duly qualified to hold a particular position in government has a right to work for the people of Zambia.

Mr Magande says the only issue that the government should address to is to appoint credible people to serve in government.



  1. Mr Magande says the only issue that the government should address to is to appoint credible people to serve in government.

  2. Okay, now that the ZANACO issue is slowly pointing a finger of corruption at Magande, he has realised his role as an opposition leader – being critical to Gvt and holding it accountable. Earlier he said happy with all their pronouncements, giving an impression he was looking for a job. Now that he maybe required to answer tough questions, he is diverting attention. You are watching all of you.

  3. From the terraces, I have noted that this Magande chap lacks morality. From the time the new Gvt came into power, he has always supported their policies. Something that made me doubt him coz certain things he said were right were certainly not. Now that the noose is round his neck, he changes position. Let the man be judged by his character. Magande is surely a fluke. Shame!!

  4. His number is up and he knows it,, we have some chaps willing and ready to service this man boma ni boma ka ,, do not play with boma

  5. LT really? Are you saying the oppostion should do unlawful things? A vigilante is any person who takes the law into their hands without recourse to lawful procedures. On the other hand a person who is vigilant is one who is keenly watchful.Please check your chisungu before you post it.

  6. this is a rotten govt..nothing has happened so far ..its like we still waiting for Mwanawasa to come back form France..all the insulting pf cadres are *****s..why involve Tongas in this rot?


  8. When i pointed out that this guy was dull, i was called names? I was told he was the best Finance Minister… how come he is un-employed? All good former finance ministers in Africa, either go to the world bank, African Development bank etc. This guy is in Kafue talking rubbish.

    The problem in Zambia is we like praising empty tins. hence you have ended up with another empty tin in state house

  9. Magande thought he was smart when he started supporting pf against mmd. Now that fate has caught up with him that is when he realizes that the opposition must be united. Well let us give him a benefit of a doubt and see how he features. No sensible politician or ordinary person, but evil minded, can trust Pf the way they are running the affairs of zambia. A united opposition and vigilance by the citizenary to resist evil schemes and ill treatment, vindictiveness, witch hunting and hatred by Sata/pf led by Fred membe should be the right thing to do. At the moment only George Kinda and Musokotwane and the online news are been doing that. The Catholics also have rendered their voice to keep Sata in check otherwise many NGOs fell out soon when pf paid them for their support in past campaigns.

  10. LT. Dont give this fool space on your good site. This fool must go to Mmembe to reverse the support he has been giving the PF. When people were condemning the Pf, this ***** hired himself to membe to nail RB’s team. Now the Zanaco debacle has worken him up. This guy is a traitor. He sold Mazoka to Mwanawasa for silver. Go to Hell Magande with your PF. Face Idi Amin alone

  11. Am pretty sure you meant,’Opposition should remain vigilant and not vigilante’ The meaning totally changes and you end up conveying a different meaning inadvertently .

  12. This is the man that Membe wanted to be president instead of RB!  He is the same person that wanted Siliya to use public funds to pay off the debts of Membe’s and Nchito’s private company and RB’s refusal to do so led to the Post switching allegiance from MMD to PF. The man like Membe has no principles whatsoever and only won his Chilanga seat through the machinations of Doreen Mwanawasa. Now the noose is around his neck and he finally  remembers in his self-centred manner the opposition? Why is his ‘friend’ Membe not defending him in the Pfost?

  13. Am lost here. You are saying all along he’s been supporting the new government and now that there’s queries headed his way, he has decided to step up his role as opposition? Assuming that is true, wouldn’t he be better off kissing butt? You are not making sense, man.

  14. Just dissolve your ka party and rejoin UPND. You will never make it no matter how much yapping. It is not a question of vigilance but a strong united opposistion.

  15. Magande believes in self-delusion. Zambian politics is not about being smart and nicetalk. That ended with FTJ. Zambian politics is about relating with and to the common man in KWA—Dan`s new song. Free advise to Magande is to dissolve his katemba party and join forces with progressive parties such as ADD, NAREP or UPND. aNYWAY, TIIME WILL TELL

  16. Mr. Magande is one of the level headed, credible and sober politicians that we have around. He addresses issues objectively and not framed by his own position as an opposition leader, he is right the PF needs to be reminded of their promises!!!

  17. Po,

    Magande is a principled and credible politician who can not join a sinking Bantustan Titanic!!!! He still haS A CONTRIBUTION TO MAKE TO HIS COUNTRY!!

  18. Magande we told you that these people you aligning with will not support, they will abandon you at your point need,now you see.You better off fighting alone than be used by people deep down hate you to your death.Us we so the behaviour of these people along time ago.

  19. I totally agree with Mr Magande that PF should deliver what they promised. People of Zambia cannot be taken for granted for them to back track on their promises.

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