Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Weekend in Pictures



A member of the Emirates cabin crew watches plane ground handling personnel attend to the airline's first direct flight from Dubai to Lusaka



The innaugural flight for Emirates Airlines touches down at Kenneth Kaunda international airport



Former Mines and Minerals Development Deputy Minister Boniface Nkhata leaves Woodlands police station after he was arrested and later released on police bond in Lusaka



Fans following the Africa Cup Quarter final match between Zambia and Sudan closely at the Zone Plaza in Lusaka.


Soccer fans go crazy on Lumumba road after Zambia scored the first goal in the match against Sudan



Donchi Kubeba Zambians go wild after the third goal



Fans celebrate on the streets after Zambia's 3-0 victory.






A youth celebrates Zambia’s victory pants down on Commonwealth road in Lusaka.



Mama Zambia; a woman takes to the dance floor at Eastpoint to celebrate Zambia’s victory



Mozegator and the Mimbulu boys performing Chipolopolo songs at Eastpoint in Lusaka.



A Japanese national joins Zambian soccer fans into celebrating the the Chipolopolo win at Smugglers Inn in Lusaka



Some Lusaka residents take to the dance floor at Hollywood night Club after Zambia's victory


An intoxicated woman joins Shimba Boyd on the dance floor during the Go Zambia Go show at Hollywood city nightclub in Lusaka


Some Lusaka residents celebrating Zambia's victory along Lumumba road


  1. Mwanya all these celebrations will be no more after Ghana humbles you this evening kabili clifford is not their. Even zambia wins i cant celebrate for the country is poverty stricken, yellow fever nimbweee, aids niyosanena, so celebrate for what, i wonder if that man is pure japanese? how can someone from the first world celebrate victory for unkown country calld zambia????

  2. @ 11, MULIKISHI, It’s an A330-200 I enjoyed the ride in to Lusaka, True 5 Star Service for ZAMBIANS. NO MORE KQ (KEEP QUITE) KENYA AIRWAYS.

  3. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooooooo!!!!! Unbelievable!!!! 

  4. Nice country, happy people, spoiled by PF Kaponyas at the helm of all confusion. Don’t Kubeba slogan fueling corruption.

  5. Naikosa ba Kenya airways and Ethiopian; twaletukwa fyafula. Chaps, ni direct manje, MAN – LUN, via Dubai; nshili nako!!

  6. If there are rankingz for beer drinking, we should be in a very comfortable pozition. #10 the game iz 90 minutes, even if we were to play Spain.

  7. @19 Chiefs & T H M. Egypt AIR?? Iyoo we blocked them useless, Zero service. Turkish Airline, it was a deal by Bwezani, Nothing to benefit ZAMBIANS. EMIRATES AIRLINES?? Deal by ZAMBIANS IN MIDDLE EAST, they have Employed ZAMBIANS, and will support us bring back ZAMBIA AIRWAYS?? Advertising ZAMBIA in all their flights worldwide?? GOOD FOR US??

  8. iwe chi Lets go. who told you that if you are poverty stricken then you cant put a smile on your face. poverty stricken or not, when something good happens, it is cause enough for celebration

  9. Good stuff, good to see more pictures of members of the public than politicians ba LT like when you first started!!

  10. It is so refreshing to see Zambians celebrate the Zedian way!!!! We have even modified the protest-based act of undressing to celebration! Only pa Zed!!! I congratulate you all guys!!!!! Now go for the big one!

  11. JFK -DXB-LUN…..on a top five airline….now that’s progress!! SAA and BA will suffer alongside Ethiopian and Kenyan Airlines. Competition should surely bring down airfare to and from Zambia, and also improve service on the other airlines who now have to raise the bar to Emirates standards!! Looking forward to going home!

  12. #letsgo you are a sadist when others are happy it pains you truely you need counselling one you kill yourself. watch my words

  13. NO 10 LETSGO

    Waba i.t.o.l.e Mukaputula. If you are not proud to be zambian dont tell us, we are not interested. Your inferiority complex is killing you softly. Han.g your balls on a line, let them get dry, pour some salt and eat em’ for dinner. Zambiaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Zambia nice country even if we are poor people are happy even Japanese and Chinise are happy joining together with local people. This is a sign of peace and maturity in democracy. One Zambia One Nation. All business men and women support our team and send more supporters for the sake of our beloved Zambia. More flag wavers the better it was sad to see only three cats in the stadio, sorry to says three cats.   

  15. Go guyz you do us proud, let the people celebrate, the entire country deserves to celebrate the victory by our only national soccer team….. iyeeeh chipopolo, hiyeee hipolopolol!!!!! Congratulations guyz……

  16. Iam proud to be Zambian.These are my brothers and sisters in jubilation.Sometimes, we need such moments as a nation to rejoice together as one people.Go Zambia…

  17. We are a unique nation. Let us not character assassinate each other you politicians. Iam proud to be a Zambian. Don’t kubeba!!!!!

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