President Michael Sata has expressed deep sorrow and profound grief on the loss of innocent lives arising from victory celebrations after the Chipolopolo boys qualified for the AfCON final last Wednesday.
And former president Dr Kenneth David Kaunda has joined the Zambian delegation that will travel to Gabon to attend the closing ceremony and final of the Africa Cup of Nations, which will take place in Libreville on February 12, 2012.
In his message of condolences, the President said it was truly regrettable that such distressing events occurred at a time when the entire country was engulfed into celebrations following the Zambia National Soccer Team’s victory over Ghana.
“I am devastated to learn that during this joyous period we recorded a total of 32 accidents and out of the 32, four (4) were grave in which seven (7) lives were lost. A number of families have lost their beloved ones and there are no words to capture the magnitude of the calamity that has befallen the surviving family members,” President Sata said.
“Let me encourage those affected that the people of Zambia join them in mourning their loved ones and our hearts go out to the bereaved families. We also remember the injured and all those traumatized by these terrible incidences. We pray that the Almighty God gives them comfort and fortitude.”
President Sata urged the people to celebrate responsibly and hoped that justice would be served in the trial of those arrested and charged for various offences after the accidents.
The Head of State has directed the police and other law enforcement agencies to be alert and ensure that law and order prevails during this period.
And Dr Kaunda has joined the Zambian delegation that will this weekend travel to Libreville, Gabon to attend the final match between Zambia and Ivory Coast.
“Our gallant boys need someone to motivate them and uplift their spirits even higher. Obviously, there can be no better person in Zambia today to perform this role other than our founding father, Dr Kenneth David Kaunda,” President Sata said.
“Its for this reason that as a Government we find it appropriate and befitting that our beloved icon accompanies the Republican Vice-President and several Zambians to this historic occasion.”
Meanwhile, the President has also conveyed his message of condolences to the families of Chipata magistrate Mirriam Nachalwe and Mpulungu Harbour port manager Bowlings Kasonde.
Ms Nachalwe died in Chipata General Hospital on Tuesday night and Mr Kasonde died in the UK whilst on national duty.
Nabeve ba Kaunda has stopped thinking.
what’s your problem with ba Kaunda? leave our great father alone. you got nothing to say, shut it
Atase Ulichipuba sana iwe Mulongoti, KK is the best person to go to Gabon. Mustanina iwe.
Can KK begin to advise the lost PF please. I am loosing patience with the new govt
losing patience bcoz of what? nothing to say?
thats my presido!!!
I was just thinking about our founding father. he deserves to be there. i wish late Chiluba was around to see the boyz lift the cup.its ours this time. Go boyz
let the old enjoy honour of of country not to giving him praise when he dies only. this was suppose to be so from begining long live KK we not your portrait on money
KK 11 – bring the trophy home father of the nation …
Sata is sending KK all over the globe. I hope the old man is happy about this. Is it even advisable for him to be all over the show at his age? Just wondering…
KK is just doing what he wants to do let him enjoy it ala,,! You wish it was HH going ? Never
I personally think Liwewe would have been more appropriate mwe. If he is in good healthy.
Sata doesn’t force KK to do what he asks of him. A request is sent to the First President’s office. They check his diary and advise his availability and willingness. That’s when it come to the public. If KK refuses the request, you will not even hear about it unless it is leaked by the respective staff. And this assignment is quite befitting for KK
Yes KK 11″”” bring it home boys
Comrade KK, what up with you. You have now started loosing your status.
Tossed to go to Angola, diverted to go to China and now dispatched to go and watch football. Why are you not commenting on all this painful things happening in the nation. Please spend time with your lady Mama Betty. She is a sick woman that needs you. Oh’ we forgot Sata has been warned not to frequently fly
mwanvela majelasi ninshi? mulekeni Kaunda mwine ainjoye ma last days yake. Who told you Mama Betty is sick? mwendoshi mwe, ba ma car car
Losing not loosing. Looks like the days of good English have went.
have gone and not have went.
That is what HH is talking about. Because players are forced to sing Dont Kubeba so that blood of innocent Zambians can be sacrifiesed. $2million is not worth a single zambian life whether in chama, kaoma, mazabuka or lusaka. This bafoon dictator wants milage too much
the sorrows of not getting the presidence will kill HH. No one is forced to sing the song. it is just the song of the day. I am sure even kids at HH house sing it. Even cows in southern province sing donchi kubeba. I understand his bitterness now tribalising anything.
KK is the father of our nation and nobody will replace him.He is our library,our mentor,our guide and our motivator.His presence in Gabon will surely motivate the chipolopolo players even more.Those who are against his going to Gabon have no sense of shame!!VIVA KK,VIVA CHIPOLOPOLO!!
I will court mashall warrant officer class 1 for being so partsan and unprfessional immediately he lands at Lusaka International airport. We defend the country and swear allegency to the Zambian constitution when we are commissioned. I am deeply saddened by his irresponsible actions of dancing to a party slogan. By the powers vested in me, I have hence forth decommissioned him with immediate effect. I appeal for calm in the nation while I decide on what to do with all other civilian players guilt of the same. I gather that their are crocodile farms in chirundu district which has been annexed by dictator sata forcebly without consulting the Gwembe valley tongas who lost relatives and pasture when the colonialists built a dam without geological consideration. I plan to feed all the players
KK 11. Viva
VIVA KK we stil love you and may our good Lord bless our team,victory is on our side in Jesus name Amen and God almighty we recive the Africa CUP Amen
Let us commit the players in Gods bossom. They must do it for our sake.God be with us in the name of Jesus, Amen!
I am thinking the supporters for the other team are also praying to god to win. This is one puzzle that even god is not ripe enough to be fair. See how ridiculous this whole praying for your team thing can be? Utter nonsense!
Let KK enjoy the ride and motivate the team.niching imwe mulekeni Sata ateke,hmmm he worked in KKs Govt and he knows why he respects the icon so much.
Viva Sata! Viva KK! Viva Chipolopolo! May God Of Heavens listen to our cry this once. Jehovah, be our God even to see us win this trophy! The world has looked down so much on us but you look high of us. Show the world our God and Father.
May God be with us… Viva chipolopolo…
This story is from the Herald Newspaper in Zimbabwe, is it true? PROSTITUTES in Lusaka’s Kanyama, John Laing, Chawama and Kalingalinga compounds on Wednesday night offered themselves free of charge to every Jim and Jack as part of their celebration after Zambia beat Ghana to advance into the final of the Africa Cup of Nations. A check by The Independent Post (TIP) at nightclubs such as Kanyama’s Kanchembele and Chine Chikayeba found long queues of men waiting to have sex with a limited number of prostitutes. A single prostitute served nearly 11 men and there were more than 200 men wanting to celebrate Zambia’s first qualification into the final since 1994 in style.
Did Kaunda fund the PF and Sata’s campaigns? Why chikwela so? Why can’t the President himself travel there? Kaunda is an old man he should not be taken advantage of just because he can’t refuse. It’s not cool. What would happen if Kaunda’s plane crashed? Sata would be the one to accuse. He should relent on the old man. It’s not fair.
God for KK to go. Let him ejoy the honor we bestow on him while he’s alive.
Those objecting, saying he should be with the wife are missing the point. Isn’t the man with his wife all the time? Even people who care for the sick need a break. KK is a football man, he will enjoy watching the game. Good for his health.
Correction: Good for KK to go.
Why sponsor him wen he nd his children can afford 2 pay. If he was serious abt goin 2 watch the game he could hav gone on his own. It seems hez now sata’s representative.
Celebrate wisely . How does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but loose his soul
Here we are talking about football again? Hello?
I am sorry about the lost lives but I am equally disgusted that we are not talking about things that matter
Why not talk about education, why stimulate Mr Kaunda from his rolling lazy chair in his lounge?
Leave the man alone! Why is the vice president going to a bizarre mickey mouse tournament that is not even making headlines here in Glasgow
What is wrong with you people! I am pulling my hair, It is so upsetting. A tear dropped off my eye I just find it absolutely incredible that people can this be naive and be connived at putting a terrible sport and forget the bottom line problems that have engulfed Zambia
Like I have always advocated less educated people don’t what we see
Mushota the Oxy moron at it as usual! Psycho biyatch!!
Mushota is man iwe. Infact he is gay!
Who are you calling “Mr” , this creature thingy is probably a frustrated white chap who used to work in the mines in the 60s now sells items at Glasgow market. IT doesn’t know nothing about Zambia.
I am not opposed to KK going but if you remember the 80s – Zambia lost each time he watched them live and Liwewe used to joke about this.
Liwewe should have gone
…Denis, I mea
I think they have done well so far and you people are just adding pressure on the poor ;ads … whats with all these people wanting to have a say i hope the coach keeps the players in the right mind for the game and not the many people that have found reason to travel…
Too much of everything is bad lets thank God for the Blessings and we shall do it we have come this far putting faith in God and why should we at the last hurdle put faith in another man…
We Started with our Lord and saviour let us finish with him
# 16, SAIMBWENDE……ulichipuba saana. be straight in your thinking wenkonko iwe!!! Inga naunfwa amafii kuya mukunya not ukulatontonkanya inga imbwa!!!
If the man (Kaunda) wants to travel at the behest of the president, (Sata) by all means let him go. It’s good for his health too. Let’s look after our elderly senior citizens. The quickest way to kick the bucket after retirement is to stay idle. The man, KK, after all, is super Ken.
Across the world, Zambia is synonymous with two people–Kenneth Kaunda and Kalusha Bwalya. Whenever you say you’re from Zambia, people will either scream Kalusha Bwalya or Kenneth Kaunda. They represent the past glory of this country. They are better known than the Victoria Falls. I wish we could all emulate these two individuals.
I agree with you my man.I am deep in the desert of sudan but these two names are very well known here.People like us because of what the two did in their past.god bless them Lo!
Deep throat, you are very right. People do associate Zambia with KK and Kalusha, so it is befitting that KK joins the delegation of supporters. Bring back the cup KK and dispell the rmour that you make the team lose everytime you watch Zambia play!!!
ahhh @ Sofien “Bring back the cup KK and dispell the rmour that you make the team lose everytime you watch Zambia play!!!”
seriously that is news to me now…
read #21 comment, that is what i was referring to!
ok thnx
I want to know what happened to the Gabon crush
It´s the ILL Mannerd Step Child MUSHOTA again!Inspired by her young age,small sized in her mind.
A show,pretense,or display.Behaviour that is assumed rather than natural,artificiality.A particular habit,as of speech or dress,adopted to give a false impression.
Affectation is planted into a person through some kind of deficit or traumatic experience that makes them feel the need to be proven with their actions or abilities (Rape,Molestation,Incest,Abandonment,Neglect,etc.).These things when they happen to a person,the person feels a need to pretend that they are o.k. and to show others that they are o.k,so rather than deal with the problem they put on a false identity!
AFFECTATION is what homosexuals like Mushota thrive on and you can trust me with my life on that
Mushota,after sniffing your mom´s knickers you like to keep it real on LT….REAL DAMN!
Mushota:´´Zambia this,Zambia that´´
Know what?Zambia won’t hold your hand anymore,Zambia won’t give you any money you obnoxious paranoid cunt!
Get off Zambia´s D.ick, cunnilingus pleaser,I brought the flutes this time from my graveyard and Zambia´s got her mojo back so behave!
Let’s get the proceedings proceeding on sunday evening, let’s do this thing,let’s do it right this time, Zambia!
Bowlings Kasonde, is that suppose to be a ‘chipata name’?
Unleash the flutes on this Mushota cunt.It had to take Makaveli to come back from the dead to deal with Mushota commensurately.
Mushota wanted war then it’s war it´s gonna be,until you are on one knee like Ivory Coast on Sunday, you wanted war then it’s war it´s gonna be,cunt….
Let’s get the proceedings proceeding on sunday evening, let’s do this thing,let’s do it right this time, Zambia!
Gimme me some more,Makaveli…..
Number 7 Tobo’mutwe mwaiche ili chinangwa…who told you at old age you can’t travel? That’s why u chaps die early because of stereotype mentality and village attitude. There is no age restricted to travel. I wonder how much you understand life and living …
Were are our pastors we many of them let’s pray 2gether we bring this cup y didn’t government organise prayers at cathedral we pray 2moro can sam1 plz quickl put this in place can sam1 tke up my idea 2thy president
@Ricky Bobby this is also from the herald of Zimbabwe – Friday, February 10, 2012 at 10:35 AMDid you know that the majority of prostitutes in Zambia are actually Zimbabwean women? It is said that most of them are actually married in Zimbabwe and they tell thir husbands that they have come for business here. Actually they are the cheapest and most of them stay in brothels / guest houses or rent cheap accomodation in high density aresa like Chawama. I urge you to do an on the spot check at Bulaway, Katete in Chwama and see for yourself that all the harlots at these and maby places are from Zimbabwe
Imwe ba Mushota stop insulting us here…if u are more educated that us, then what are u doing in glasgow instead of being here to show us your education…while we are holding the nation you run away…..so dont complain, just tell those europeans your educated wisdom so that they stop rushing to africa for survival in their dying economies, with educated people like you..wake up, things have changedyou too will come running back to zambia, in the day that place of yours goes into banckrupcy….wait and see….you will wish you were zambian…ndipo tizaku sekani…..at least we will hear about your name and prove your education,if only you can use your education to change your europe.. not on the internet…
#41 New Zzmbian, you are so darn right!!! Glasgow is a tish town which attracts low lifes like Mushota. No wander she ended up there because she cannot survive in zed. Mushota ni galu yamene ilibe muchila
VIVA KK Travel well and let the boys bring the cup, Even if we loose the boys have played very well. But we will win
Mushota is a typical villager who never thought she would see UK or whatever european place she is squatting. Now with a bit of exposure she exposes her ignorance daily. Mushota go and place in the snow now be a good girl….unless of course you are actually in dodgy place like a brothel in Lusaka??????
The KK 11 revolution! Thank you Mr. President and thank you His Excellence the President Dr. David Kenneth Kaunda the legendary African leader!
Can someone through IT trace amanimos ayashibulwa pansaka? What is his real name! For sure I know it is not from Luapula but from …! Please help us maybe I must put a price tag!
Let’s get the proceedings proceeding on sunday evening, let’s do this thing,let’s do it right this time, Zambia!
Yes Dr K D Kaunda,
Represent Zambia on Sunday. Stand alongside The Vice President and sing Tiyende Pamodzi together with our team. It will fill our hearts and theirs with pride and inspiration. God Bless KK.
KK The only one.
Mushota technology mwaiche yalisela. No one is untraceable. next time ukadabwa people will be telling u all this to your face not pa LT. that is a friendly advice. You make LT interesting but donchi overtype ama comments waumfwa. Akachalo kanono ASK THEM IWEEEEEEE. In the mean time GOAOOOOOL CHIPOLOPOOOOO GOALLLLLL ZAMBIA.
Oooooh How I miss RB on this one.He could have been the first on the plane with the whole clan behind him.
Never mind mushota she just wokeup from her shock she collapsed when we won Eq-G and Ghana cos i remember she commented that we cant win shame on you mushota.chizakukola tikali kuwina mwee.
Sata should send RB intead of KK. He really did support the team when he was President. I believe that would have been good for our nation.
Mushota, enjoy your coward escapade in Glascow. But never think we people living in Zambia today are un educated. you seem to be out of touch with reality here in Zambia. If you would see the Joy experienced by poor people in miss and John leing compound after any Chipolopolo win, you would be ashamed of everything you say about zambian soccer. you are a coward who is trying to escape from who you realy are. Enjoy your stay in Glascore, and never comment about our issues. Life is more than enjoying riches in Europe, but about happiness. Our poor people are probably happier today than your rich Glascore fellows today. Chipolopolo. Shame on you.
#20 Mushota, ico ninkwishiba no muti ndekulanga… litembusha lyapa chulu no mushila webange. Its a pit you are being troubled by the dead. Please keep your pregnancy of this year, 3 distraction in a row is saddening. Those would have been footballers, lord have mercy on the woman.
On this one, I strongly agree with Pres. Sata. KK as the founding father is the best person to motivate. Even though people revolted KK’s dictatorship so they said. He has achieved a lot and this can be attested by the baby boomer that have come out KK’s era.i.e. The late Pres. Levy, Anderson Mazoka etc So big man, you will always be a motivation. on that note, GO INSPIRE THE YOUNG MEN AND BRING BACK OUR PROSPERITY.
KK is the Mandela of Zambia. True statesman! I would have loved KK to be accompanied by KK-11 Soccer fun number ONE – Dennis Liwewe. How else can the soccer fraternity honor Dennis except to have a live commentary off the coast of Libreville. Go Zambia Go!!!!!!
Let it be known that the greatest man and child to have physically walked on African soil is Jesus Christ; thus it says in the Bible ” Out of Egypt I called my son.” Zambia greatest president to Date is Levy Mwanawasa, he bridged the working with opposition gap. SATA has a chance to be the other great Zambian President. Dr. Kaunda is one the the great founding presidents period, but Zambia was won by valiant men and women most shed their blood that today I can type this message. Praise be to our Lod God Jehovah.
As it says in Isaiah 40 vs 28
Do you not know? Have you not beard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
Zambians let’s trust in the Lord once more and see the whole nation saved like Nineveh.
Chipolopolo 22 and elephants 22 as you kick off, trust in the Lord with all your hearts and he shall renew your strength. Play as Chicks so as it is in Isaiah 40 vs 31 you shall mount up with wings as eagles. The lord created both Zambian and Ivorian, Sunday we meet on the field as David did with his elder brothers when he was but a sherperd. Ivory coast as the older more astute brothers while Zambia as a little ifikumba va mbele wearing David. Trust in the Lord and be crowned kings of Africa, erasing the memories of Libreville; but always giving glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.
How foolish we all are. We are so happy with this soccer victory. But we so much overdo it that some people even die while celebrating it.
This new government has succeeded in keeping us, a bunch of fools, as fools forever…
We will watch the finals on Monday morning in Australia. Go Zambia Go!!!! Uno mukulo twalawina.
If football is a uniting factor, why didn’t the president send RB that ardent soccer lover? For heavens sake KK is frail.RB loves soccer whether president or not. It is because the powers that be are petty and at the back of their minds, they think of nothing but caging and humiliating RB.
Note To The Editor: Very provocative and misleading title.
I’m not a fun of RB but the man deserves to go and see his boys play the final. I salute the energy and passion he shows in our national side. KK is an old man and should be left to retire peacefully and at his own pace.
@mushota…mafi yobe!!!!!!
politics! it can be a bitc.h
KKs presence is well come. SATA is not a sports man and he can just contribute to the loss. KK 11 perished in Gabon, KK shud be there. Am not PF kaponya, the Dont Kubeba song is NOT PF. It means alot. At AFCON it means dont tell the BIGGER TEAMS that we are taking the TROPHY to ZAMBIA. The song suits any occassion or event.
Easterners at it again, statistics at KATETE st Francis hospital in eastern province of zambia have recorded an amazing male born babies with pre-named or Given names during 2012 AFCON CUP as follows
1. Mweene Phiri2.Stopilla Mbewe3. Joseph Musonda Lungu4.Himoonde Nyirenda5. Sunzu Soko (S S)6. Kalaba Ndlovu7. Chamanga Nyirenda8. Isaac Chansa Tembo9. Mbesuma Nyirongo10. Mayuka Mkandawire11. Katongo Tembo
Last but not the listHerve Renard Daka
Naiwe #56 wakamba zoona mudala… Dennis Liwewe should come back for this match…
All you advocating for RB to go, there is no one stopping he can go with his stolen money. Definately not at tax payers money. Do you think zambians are mugs? RB is a free man if he wants to no no one will stop him after he can even go with his criminal children for all I care.
An assessment of this PF President reveals that he is a good star in acts of pretence, as he has the talent of shedding CROCODILE TEARS. Just remember how he pretended to mourn Mwanawasa to an extent of hiring a plane to follow his remains to provincial capitals. When his tricks were scorned at by Mrs. Mwanawasa, Sata’s own natural attributes were best expressed when he lambasted the Late Levy in death as a ploy for having sent him for treatment to South Africa. A man endowed with a rocky heart that lacks a feeling of forgiveness and kindness cannot be taken seriously by any aggreaved family. The football team perished in Gabon through greed that reigned in the Chiluba regime in which Sata was a prominent Minister.